Convert PS to TGA
TGA format file is a kind of raster image which is often used to store texture files referenced by 3D video games. If you want to convert the file of PS to TGA image, maybe the command line application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter will be a good helper to you because it is a specially designed application for converting PS or EPS format file to different kinds of images.
As a command line application, Postscript to Image Converter can fulfill the conversion within three steps and you can call it in MS-DOS command prompt window when using it. The following contents will act as a teacher in order to show you how to convert PS to TGA. You just need to do the following three steps.
Before knowing how the application works, you need to download the tool at first. Please click the following link to download the evaluation version which is free of charge: This ZIP file must be unzipped to some location of your computer and when you get the extracted package, you can see there is an executable file named as ps2img.exe. It is the called program in the conversion from Postscript to TGA.
There are three steps in total.
The first step: open MS-DOS interface
At first, please open MS-DOS interface in which you can input the command line of the conversion. Click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then please click “OK” button. You can also use the shortcut key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.
The second step: input the command line
The command line for converting PS to TGA is consisted of called program which is the executable file ps2img.exe, source file which is the input PS format file and the target file which is the output TGA format image. You can refer to the following command line example to write your command line:
ps2img –i C:\ –o D:\output.tga
In the command line, you need to use the paths of each file when you call them. Please don’t forget the options “-i” and “-o” before the source file and target file.
The last step: run the conversion
You can press “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PS to TGA at last. Several seconds, you will get the target file in the specified location.
Actually, you can buy different kinds of licenses of Postscript to Image Converter according to your needs. For example, if you want to run it on a server, you will need to use the server license. If you want to embed or redistribute the application to your developed software, the developer license will do you a favor. To buy any one of the licenses, please get into the homepage of VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter: