Convert PS to PDF
When you use the command line application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter to convert ps to pdf format file, you can set different parameters for the target file. For example, if you want to convert a multipage PS format file to PDF document, you can set the page range that you convert. There are only three steps for the conversion. You just need to open the conversion platform, input the command line and run the conversion.
The command line application Postscript to Image Converter is specially designed for converting PS or EPS format file to different kinds of image formats such as BMP, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, etc. It renders text, line, arc, ellipse, Bezier, color, image, form and any other elements from PS and EPS files to image formats quickly.
To use Postscript to Image Converter, you are recommended to use the trial version free of charge. Please download it at This is a ZIP file needs to be unzipped to the location on your computer. From the extracted package, you can see an executable file named as ps2img.exe which is the called program in the conversion from Postscript to PDF. It is runnable instantly.
Then please see the following contents for converting ps to pdf. The first step is to open the conversion platform—MS-DOS interface where you can input the command line.
Please click “Start” to open “Run” dialog box at first. In “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box, you need to input “cmd” and then click “OK” button. In addition, to open “Run” dialog box, you can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” on your keyboard.
The command line to be inputted in the opened MS-DOS interface contains three necessary parts: called program, source file and target file. If you want to set some other parameters, you can add commands in the command line. For example, we want to convert several pages of the input PS file to PDF document, please see the following command line example:
ps2img –f 2 –l 8 –i C:\ -o C:\B.pdf
In the command line,
(1) ps2img stands for the called program which is the executable file ps2img.exe that we mentioned above. Please use its full path when calling it in MS-DOS interface.
(2) –f 2 is to specify the first converted page as “2”.
(3) –l 8 is to specify the last converted page as “8”.
(4) –i with C:\ stands for the path of source file.
(5) –o with C:\B.pdf stands for the path of target file.
At last, please hit “Enter” button on your keyboard to run the conversion from ps to pdf and the conversion will be completed after several seconds.
After you evaluate the application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter, you may be interested in it. If you want to buy the application, please visit its homepage: where gives you several licenses and more special information of the application.