Convert EPS to PCL
There is a command line application of VeryDOC named as Postscript to Image Converter which can help you convert EPS to PCL format document. This application can be used in command line, COM or DLL. It can be accessed into via any programming or scripting languages such as C/C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc.
This application allows you to convert EPS and PS format file to different kinds of image formats such as GIF, PNG, BMP, EMF, WMF, PCX, TGA, PCL, etc with high quality and efficiency. With different commands which are offered by Postscript to Image Converter, you are also able to set different parameters for the target file.
This article will show you how to convert EPS to PCL document in a command line and you need to download the application tool at first. Please click the following link to download the application: and you just need to unzip the file to your computer disk to use the application.
At the beginning of the conversion, you need to open MS-DOS interface. You can click “Start”—“Run” or press “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then click “OK” button.
If you don’t know how to write your command line, you can directly drag the executable file ps2img.exe in the extracted package of Postscript to Image Converter to MS-DOS interface and then all the options and examples of the application will appear. Or you can change the current directory of MS-DOS command prompt window to the directory of the application by inputting the command “cd” and then input “-?” and hit “Enter” button for aiming the same purpose.
Please input the command line then. You need to refer to the following command line template to write your own one:
ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]
There are several command line examples for you to better understand the template above:
ps2img –i C:\input.eps –o C:\output.pcl
This command line is to convert EPS to PCL only without setting any parameters for the target file. You can see there is no extra options in the command line besides the called program, source file and target file.
ps2img –f 2 –l 4 C:\input.eps –o C:\output.pcl
This command line is to customize the page range for the input EPS format file and convert these pages to PCL document. The options “-f” and “-l” are to set the first page number and last page number.
ps2img –r 900 –b 24 –i C:\input.eps –o C:\output.pcl
This command line is to set the resolution and bit count for the target file as 900 DPI(In horizontal and vertical directions) and 24-bit. The options “-r” and “-b” is to set the resolution and the bit count for the target file.
To run the conversion from EPS to PCL, you need to press “Enter” button on the keyboard and please wait for several seconds until the conversion to the end.
If you need to buy the Postscript to Image Converter for using all functions of it without any limitations, please enters its homepage at There are four different kinds of licenses for your choices.