PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to PCL

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is designed for servers and developers. It can be used to convert PDF to PCL, PS, EPS, SWF, EMF, SVG, and other vector image formats. This tool is a command line application, and it can be easily called from ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, C, C++ and any other programming or decrypting languages. The article shows you how to use a command line to convert PDF to PCL.

1. Open a command prompt window

Assuming you are under Windows Vista or 7, please open a command prompt window as follows: click Start, > type cmd in the search box area on the Start menu, > press Enter. The command prompt window appears and you can proceed to the next step.

2. Type a command line and press Enter

Type a command line based on the basic usage of PDF to Vector Converter. The basic usage, some options and examples are as follows:

Usage   : pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>


  • -firstpage <int> : first page to print, from 1 to max page
  • -lastpage <int> : last page to print, from 1 to max page
  • -pagerange <string> : set page range, e.g., 2,100-200,250-300
  • -duplex <int> : select duplex or double-sided printing for printer
  • capable of duplex printing,
    • 1 : simplex
    • 2 : horizontal
    • 3 : vertical
  • -enablepv2r : enable merge vector graphics into background
  • -pv2rxres <int> : set Y resolution for background, default is 150 DPI
  • -pv2ryres <int> : set Y resolution for background, default is 150 DPI
  • -pv2rmergetext <int> : merge text into background picture
  • -pv2rvaa <string> : enable or disable vector anti-aliasing, yes/no, default is 'yes'
  • -pv2riaa <string> : enable or disable image anti-aliasing, yes/no, default is 'no'
  • -pv2rnolinks : disable hyperlinks during conversion
  • -scale <int> : specify the factor by which the printed output is
  • -scalex <int> : X axis scale factors, default is 100
    • 100 : do not scale PDF page
    • 0 : scale the width of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size
    • -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height
  • -scaley <int> : Y axis scale factors, default is 100
    • 100 : do not scale PDF page
    • 0 : scale the height of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size
    • -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height
  • -deltopmargin : move print area to top if printer paper not same as PDF paper
  • -printermargins : reduce to printer margins when printing


  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe E:\in.pdf D:\out.pcl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -firstpage 3 –lastpage 22 E:\in.pdf D:\out.pcl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -pagerange 3-22 E:\in.pdf D:\out.pcl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -duplex 2 E:\in.pdf E:\out.pcl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -pv2rxres 100 E:\in.pdf D:\out.pcl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -scale 0 D:\in.pdf D:\out.pcl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –deltopmargin E:\in.pdf D:\out.pcl

Please type a command line in the command prompt window and then press Enter. The computer will quickly complete the conversion progress. If you want to learn how to call this application from web program languages, please go to visit https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector-shell.html.

PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to HPGL

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter can help you convert PDF to HPGL with high quality. HPGL is short for HP Graphics Language, which is a vector image format used for sending information to plotter printers. This tool is a professional application designed for servers and developers. It can be accessed via any programming or scripting languages, such as C/C++, C#, Delphi, ASP, PHP, Visual Basic, etc.

When convert PDF to Vector, you can also set page range, change draw order, adjust output quality to save ink, set background color, set resolution, delete invisible graphics, use Windows fonts instead of embedded fonts, etc. The following shows how to convert a page range of PDF into a HPGL file via command line.

First, let’s open a command prompt window. Assuming you are a Windows XP user, please open the Start menu by clicking Start, > click Run, > enter cmd, > press Enter. Then the command prompt window appears on the desktop.

Second, to view the basic usage of the executable file named pdf2vec, please type the directory of the executable file like C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe, and press Enter. Then the description, basic usage as below, and options of the application and some examples will be displayed in the window.

  • Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

Third, please type a command line according to the basic usage and then press Enter. To set page range, you are going to use the option: -pagerange <string>. The following are some examples for the parameter value after the option parameter: 2, 100-200, 250-300. To convert a page range, some pages, or a page into a HPGL file of a PDF file, please type a command line as the examples below:

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -pagerange "6,7" D:\input.pdf D:\export.hpgl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -pagerange "10-17" D:\input.pdf E:\export.hpgl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -pagerange "6" D:\input.pdf E:\export.hpgl

This is how you can use VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter to convert PDF to HPGL. Thanks for reading. If you want to learn how to call PDF to Vector Converter  from C#, ASP, etc. web program languages, please visit: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector-shell.html.

PostScript to Image Converter

Convert EPS to PSD

With the help of the application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter, you can perfectly and quickly fulfill the conversion from EPS to PSD within three steps. This application is a powerful one which can be accessed by any scripting or programming languages such as Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc.

You can also call Postscript to Image Converter from command line, COM or Dynamic Link Library (DLL). This application is specially designed for converting EPS or PS format file to a variety of image formats. If you want to convert EPS to PSD format file, please download the application at first.

You can click the following link: www.verydoc.com/ps2img.zip to download the application. From the link you can see that the application is a ZIP file and there is no need any installation steps. Just unzip the file to some location of your computer and then the executable file ps2img.exe which is the called program in the conversion is available at once.

The first step—Open MS-DOS interface

For inputting the command line, you need to open MS-DOS interface at first. Please click “Start”—“Run” or use the shortcut key “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box in which you can input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button.

The second step—Input the command line

The command line you need to input into MS-DOS interface is the one like the following template which you need to refer to when you write your command line:

ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]

For you better understand the command line, you need to see the following examples:

ps2img –i C:\*.eps –o C:\*.pdf

ps2img –i C:\file-in.eps –o C:\file-out.psd

ps2img –r 500x300 –i C:\file-in.eps –o C:\file-out.psd

The first example is to convert EPS to PSD format file in batch. The wildcard character “*” plays an important role in the batch conversion.

The left two examples is to convert one EPS to PSD. The second one is to convert EPS to PSD only without setting any parameters for the target file.

The last one is to set the resolution for the the target file as 500x300 DPI.

There are some other options that you can use in the command line as follows:

-r 200x300: Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 200x300 DPI

-f [first Page] : First page to convert

-l [last Page]  : Last page to convert

-b [bit count]  : Set bit count in generated image files

In the command line, you need to use the path of each file that you used. If you don’t want to input a long path into MS-DOS interface, you can directly drag and drop the file you use into the interface.

The last step—Run the conversion

At last, please hit “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion, which is the simplest step in the conversion from EPS to PSD.

If you want to purchase Postscript to Image Converter, please enter its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/ps-to-image.html.

PostScript to Image Converter

Convert EPS to PNM

You can easily realize the conversion from EPS to PNM via using the application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter. If you want to see how to do it, please read the following contents carefully. The application Postscript to Image Converter is specially designed for converting EPS or PS format file to image files of different formats. In the conversion process, you can also set different parameters for the target file with related commands.

Actually, Postscript to Image Converter is an application which is server and developer oriented. In the homepage of the application https://www.verydoc.com/ps-to-image.html there are four kinds of licenses about the application. When you need to buy the application, you can visit the webpage and buy any one you need.

Postscript to Image Converter can be opened in any programming or scripting languages such as Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. It can also run in the command line, COM and DLL, in which the conversions can be made consecutively or simultaneously.

You can download the free trial version for the application at www.verydoc.com/ps2img.zip and extract it to your computer. The executable file ps2img.exe in the extracted package will play the role as the called program in the conversion from EPS to PNM.

Firstly, please open MS-DOS interface to input the command line in it. Click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. Then you will be able to input the command line in the popup MS-DOS interface.

Secondly, input the command line. Before that, you need to know the command line template for of the application:

ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]

Then please see the command line examples below:

ps2img –i C:\123.eps –o C:\456.pnm

This example is for converting EPS to PNM only without setting any extra parameters for the target file.

ps2img –r 678x590 –b 4 –i C:\123.eps –o C:\456.pnm

If you want to change the resolution or the bit count for the target file, you can use the options “-r” and “-b”. You can input –r AAA which means to set the horizontal and vertical resolution of the target file as AAA or –r AAAxBBB which means to set the horizontal and vertical resolution as AAA and BBB. Postscript to Image Converter supports to create 1, 4, 8, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit format.

ps2img –f 3 –l 5 –i C:\123.eps –o C:\456.pnm

In this example, the options “-f” and “-l” are to specify the first and last page number to be converted in the conversion from EPS to PNM, which means to set the page range for the conversion.

ps2img –i D:\*.eps –o D:\*.pnm

You can also use Postscript to Image Converter to make batch conversion like this example shows. This application supports the wildcard character in batch conversion.

Please remember that you need to use the paths of the files that are called in the command line.

At last, please hit “Enter” button to run the conversion from EPS to PNM and you need to wait for several seconds until you get the target file in specified location.

PostScript to Image Converter

Convert EPS to PDF

For the purpose of converting eps to pdf, you can use the application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter as your assistant because it can convert eps or ps format file to a dozens of image formats by inputting several easy commands. In the conversion process, Postscript to Image Converter can render text, line, arc, ellipse, Bezier, color, image, form and any other elements from PS and EPS files to image formats quickly, which can give you a high quality and efficiency conversion result.

This application is able to be called from any scripting or programming languages such as .NET, Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, C#, PHP, ASP, etc. Postscript to Image Converter can be used in COM, DLL, command line, with which the file conversions can be done consecutively or simultaneously.

You can download the free evaluation version of the application at www.verydoc.com/ps2img.zip and unzip it to your computer. Then the executable file ps2img.exe will be runnable at once and it is the called program in the conversion from eps to pdf. There are four licenses of the application designed for adding in consideration of meeting the requirements of different users. If you want to buy the application, you need to visit its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/ps-to-image.html.

If you have not used Postscript to Image Converter before and don’t know how to use it, there is need to open MS-DOS command prompt window and directly drag the executable file ps2img.exe into it to view all the usages of the commands. Or you can access into the homepage of the application to see “Command Line Options”.

To open MS-DOS command prompt window, you can click “Start”—“Run” or press “Window”+ “R” on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then please click “OK” button.

The usage of the command line is like the following sample:

ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]

If you want to convert eps to pdf or setting several parameters for the target file, you can refer to the following command line examples:

ps2img –i D:aa.eps –o D:\bb.pdf

This command line is only for converting eps to pdf without setting parameters. In the command line, if you want to call any file, you need to use its full path. The path and the name of the target file is the one you need to specify yourself.

ps2img –f 4 –l 6 C:\aa.eps C:\bb.pdf

If the input eps format file is a multipage one and you want to convert several pages of eps to pdf document. So you need to use the options “-f” which means the first page to convert and “-l” which means the last page to convert in the command line.

ps2img -i C:\*.eps -o C:\*.pdf

Postscript to Image Converter also supports to make batch conversion, you just need to use the wildcard character “*” to convert multiple eps files to multiple pdf document in batch like in this conversion.

Al last, please press “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from eps to pdf.