PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to HPGL and Scale Size

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a Windows based application designed for developers and servers. VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter can be called by any programming languages: C#, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, .NET, Visual Basic, etc.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter supports conversion from PDF to HPGL, PDF to EMF, PDF to Postscript (PS), PDF to WMF, PDF to SVG, PDF to EPS or PDF to other vector image formats. If you want to give it a try, please click here to download.

The following is the basic usage of this application:

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

To scale size, you may need to use the following options:

  • -scale <int> : specify the factor by which the printed output is to be scaled, The apparent page size is scaled from the physical page size by a factor of scale/100.
  • -scalex <int> : X axis scale factors, default is 100
    • 100 : do not scale PDF page
    • 0 : scale the width of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size
    • -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height
  • -scaley <int> : Y axis scale factors, default is 100
    • 100 : do not scale PDF page
    • 0 : scale the height of PDF page to fit the printer's paper size
    • -1 : keep the minimum constant scaling in both paper width and height

Some examples are as follows:

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –scale 40 E:\in.pdf D:\out.hpgl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –scalex 0 –scaley 0 E:\in.pdf D:\out.hpgl
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –scale 200 E:\*.pdf D:\*.hpgl

In the first example, C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe stands for the executable file. –scale 40 means to scale the page size by 40%. E:\in.pdf represents the input PDF file and D:\out.hpgl refers to the output HPGL file. The second example can scale the page size to fit for the printer’s paper size. The last example is for batch conversion.

Please type a command line according to your own requirement. After that, please press Enter.

PDF to Vector Converter

Make PDF to XPS and Set Color Mode

To save ink, some of you may want to convert a color PDF into XPS in black and white. VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a professional tool which can help you easily and quickly make PDF to XPS and set color mode via a single command line.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is designed for servers and developers. But if you are a single personal user, you can also try the free version. Want to try it? Click PDF to Vector Converter to download the tool. After decompress the ZIP file, you can do as follows:

1. Open a command prompt window

According to different operating systems, different ways may be required to open a command prompt window. For example, if under Windows XP, you can do as follows:

  • Click Start in the left down corner on your screen.
  • On the menu that appears, select Run. Then the Run dialog box pops up.
  • Type cmd or CMD in the edit box in this dialog box and press Enter. The command prompt window appears and you can proceed to the next step.

2. View the basic usage and options

The basic usage of the executable file is as follows:

Usage: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

The option that can help you set color mode is -color <int>. Two parameter values are provided: 1 stands for monochrome and 2 presents color. If you want to other options such as option for compression, and option for resolution, you can type the directory of the executable file and file name in the command prompt window and press Enter, e.g., C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe

3. Type a command line and press Enter

Please type a command line based on the usage illustrated above. The following are two examples which may be helpful. The first example can convert one PDF to XPS and the result XPS is black and white. The second one is for batch conversion and the result XPS files maintain the original color.

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –color 1 D:\origional.pdf E:\target.xps
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –color 2 D:\*.pdf E:\*.xps

Please press Enter after type a command line. Then, you can check out the result files.

I hope VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter can help you solve your problems. In case you want to buy it, and take a look at the price list, please visit the webpage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter.

PDF to Flash Converter, PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to Flash and Set Resolution

Using flashes to present PDF files is funny and cool. If you want to do that, you can use a document converter to convert your PDF to the flash file format SWF. I recommend you to use VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, which also allows you to set resolution, making sure that you can get flashes with high quality.

The following part aims to explain how to convert PDF to flashes and set resolution with the help of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter. Before start, please click here to download the tool, decompress the ZIP file and then you can do as follow:

1. Open a command prompt interface

If you are a Windows XP user, you can use the most commonly used method as follows to open a command prompt interface: open the Start menu, >click Run on the menu to open the Run dialog box. > In the Run dialog box, please type cmd in the edit box, and click OK.

2. Type a command line and press Enter

In the command prompt interface that appears on your desktop, you need to type a command line according to the basic usage as below:

pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

The option for resolution setting is –swfimagezoom <int>. Four parameter values are available:

  • 0: same as original PDF file
  • 1: adjust resolution to 1x, quality is the worst and file size is small
  • 2: adjust resolution to 2x, quality is better than 1
  • 4: adjust resolution to 4x, quality is better than 2

For example, if you want to convert your PDF to a flash with the best quality, you can type a command line as the following one:

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –swfimagezoom 4 D:\input.pdf E:\output.swf

If you want to convert multiple PDF to flashes with small size, you can type a command line as the following one:

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –swfimagezoom 1 D:\*.pdf E:\*.swf

Please type a command line depending on the real circumstances on your computer. Just remember to press Enter after typing your command line. I hope VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is useful.

  • If you just want to find a free version, you can use VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter to solve your problem.
  • If you want to buy it for servers or developers, please visit the webpage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter to view the price list first.
  • If you are an end user, and want to buy it, you can try another application named VeryDOC PDF to Flash Converter.
PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to SWF and Use Compression

Some of you may need to generate small size SWF files when convert PDF to SWF. This article shows how to convert PDF to SWF and use compression. The tool you are going to need is called VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, which is a professional application which can convert PDF to various vector image formats.

You can download this tool by clicking VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter. Place the ZIP file on wherever you like, say, disk C, and then decompress the ZIP file and do as follows:

1. Open a command prompt window

According to different Windows operating systems, different ways are required to open a command prompt window. For instance, if you are under Windows XP, you should click Start, > click Run, > type cmd in the Run dialog box, > and click OK in the Run dialog box. The command prompt window pops out, and you can proceed to the next step.

2. Type a command line and press Enter

You need to type a command line depending on the following syntax:

pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

The option that can help you generate compressed SWF files is -swfopt “-z”. To view other options, you can type the directory and name of the executable file named pdf2vec in the command prompt window and press Enter.

The following are two examples that can convert PDF to SWF:

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -swfopt “-z” D:\input.pdf E:\output.swf
  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -swfopt “-z” D:\*.pdf E:\*.swf

The first example can convert a single PDF to SWF. The second one can convert multiple PDF to SWF in a batch. In the first example, C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe stands for the executable file. -swfopt “-z” is the option for create compressed SWF. D:\input.pdf stands for the input file and E:\output.swf represents the output file. In the second example, the wildcard * is used to represents multiple files.

Please type a command line according to your own computer and requirements. Don’t forget to press Enter after that. Then you can go to check the result. If you find VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is easy to use and want to buy it, please visit: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector.html.

PDF to Vector Converter

Convert specified pages of PDF to PS

PS is a vector image file format. If you want to convert specified pages of PDF to PS, you are going to need a converter which supports conversion from PDF to PS, and page range setting. VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is such a professional tool which can help you quickly solve your problem.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is designed for servers and developers. It can be called from any programming or scripting languages including ASP, C#, C/C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP, .NET, etc. You can also use it to convert specified pages of PDF to PS via command line.

Firstly, you need to open a command prompt window. If you are a Windows XP user, for instance, you can do as follows: open the Start menu, > click Run, > type cmd in the edit box in the Run dialog box, > and press Enter. The command prompt window pops up on the desktop and you can proceed to the next step.

Secondly, you should type a command line on the basis of the usage of PDF to Vector Converter, and then press Enter. The basic usage is as follows:

pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

Various options are provided. They can be used to set page range, scale pages, set output quality, remove margins, delete hyperlinks, set fonts, merge input files into one, etc. The options that you can use to specify pages for printing are -firstpage, specifying the first page for a page range, and -lastpage, spescifying the last page for a page range.

For example, the following command line can be used to convert a page range from page 10 to page 20 of a PDF file into PS.

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe –firstpage 10 –lastpage 20 E:\source.pdf D:\export.ps

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe—the executable file

-firstpage 10—the first page of the specified pages is page 10.

-lastpage 20—the last page number is 20.

E:\source.pdf—the input file is a PDF file and it is in the root folder on disk E.

D:\export.ps—the output file format is PS, and the export folder is the root folder of disk D.

Do you know how to use PDF to Vector Converter to convert specified pages of PDF to PS now? If you want to learn more about how to call the application from programming languages such as C/C++/C#, please visit www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-vector-shell.html .