
Why html2any.exe crash with IE9?

Q: We've purchased HTML2Any under license code: XXXXXXXXXXXX.

System environment: windows server 2008 R2 standard, SP1, 64Bit -

We are experiencing with an exception that 'VeryDoc HTML Print command line has stopped working - Fault module name: mlang.dll'   the  command :
HTML2ANY.exe -marginleft 75 -marginright 75 -margintop 75 -marginbottom 75 -collate 0 -copies 1 -orient 1 -hfflag on -header " " -footer " " -hidecmd -$ XXXXXXXXXXXX "c:\temp\user.html" Please advise.


A:I made a test,It works normally.
My OS: windows server 2008 64bit
VeryDOC HTMLPrint to Any Converter: https://www.verydoc.com/htmlprint-to-any.html
Download link: https://www.verydoc.com/htmlprint2any_cmd.zip

You are able to add output file name.
For example: -printtopdf "C:\verydoc\htmlprint2any_cmd\out.pdf"
Please try again. html2any.exe –printtopdf  out.pdf -marginleft 75 -marginright 75 -margintop 75 -marginbottom 75 -collate 0 -copies 1 -orient 1 -hfflag on -header " " -footer " " -hidecmd -$ XXXXXXXXXXXX "user1InvoiceResult111668.html"


Q: Hello,We are not trying to use HTML2Any to crate a pdf file but to print an html to a printer.
Using the following command to print a file to the default printer, windows reporting the following error:'VeryDoc HTML Print command line has stopped working - Fault module name: mlang.dll'
HTML2ANY.exe -marginleft 75 -marginright 75 -margintop 75 -marginbottom 75 -collate 0 -copies 1 -orient 1 -hfflag on -header " " -footer " " -hidecmd -$ XXXXXXXXXXXX "user1InvoiceResult111668.html"
We are not interested in converting html to pdf, just to print html file.Please advise how the mlang error can be solved.


A: Hi,Please do the following steps to test this matter.
1.Please open file user1InvoiceResult11166.html by IE browser.
2.Use hotkey "Ctrl + p" to open the print menu.
3.After setting options and choose a real printer, you can click button "Print" to make the printing.
Please inform us further developing about your test.If the problem still exists.Could you please send me the file witch you used for testing.then I can have a check where the problem lies in.


Q: As you can see one of the files is an html file and the other is a simple text file with limited data in it.I have executed the html2any.exe from command line as per below information.The Server Details are as follows:
Operating System:Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Service Pack 1 x64 Bit
Citrix Version - Xenapp 6.5
FILE 1 - smcdonaldInvoiceResult111672.html
HTML2ANY.exe -marginleft 75 -marginright 75 -margintop 75 -marginbottom 75 -collate 0 -copies 1 -printer "Ricoh Aficio MP C3000 PCL6 (redirected 8)" -orient 1 -hfflag on -header " " -footer " " -hidewindow -hidecmd -$ xxxxxxxxxxx "c:\temp \smcdonaldInvoiceResult111672.html"
(Embedded image moved to file: pic14688.gif)
FILE 2 - c:\temp\test.txt
HTML2ANY.exe -marginleft 75 -marginright 75 -margintop 75 -marginbottom 75 -collate 0 -copies 1 -printer "Ricoh Aficio MP C3000 PCL6 (redirected 8)" -orient 1 -hfflag on -header " " -footer " " -hidewindow -hidecmd -$ xxxxxxxxxxx "c:\temp\test.txt"


A:Thanks for your message, this problem is caused by the IE which installed in your system, we suggest you may uninstall current version of IE and reinstall a different version of IE to try again, the different version of IE will work better for you.
If you still can't get it work, you can renew the gold support from following page,
after you renewed the gold support, please send to us your Order ID of Gold Support, you may also create a remote desktop account on your test machine, we will arrange our engineer to login your test machine and work on this problem for you asap, gold support will greatly expedite your support request.
We suggest you may share your PC or Server by Team Viewer, Team Viewer can be downloaded from following website,
after you installed Team Viewer, please email to us your Team Viewer's ID and Password, please also arrange your test machine running at 24 hours, after we logged into your test machine and solved the problem, we will send an email to you, then you can close the Team Viewer application.

We suggest you may install IE9 to try again.
If you are using IE8, you may by the solution on following web page to solve the MLANG.dll issue,


A:We performed the fix suggested by the URL and now we still get the error but it is in a different dll. The following is the error message.

error message


A:We have created a new version for you, if you need the newest version, please contact us as soon as possible. After you downloaded it, you can run following command line to convert your HTML file to PDF file,
html2any.exe -printtopdf2 D:\temp\out.pdf http://www.verypdf.com
-printtopdf2 is a new option to convert HTML file to PDF file with new method, if you encounter any problem with above command line, please feel free to let us know.


Q: Please see results of last run using the file you supplied.Application still crash.It appears to rely on the PStoPDF.exe which exists but thinks there is NO rights. I did this as Administrator.We urgently need to resolve this issue as it hold our business.
Please advise


A:The latest version of html2any.exe with htmltopdf.dll doesn't use ps2pdf.exe at all, just for checking, can you run following command line in CMD window by administrator privilege correctly?
html2any.exe -printtopdf2 D:\temp\out.pdf http://www.verypdf.com
If you still have same problem, please feel free to send to me the debug log file, I will check your log file and come back to you asap.


Q: The command was executed from the administrator cmd line as asked and the error remains. I had to change your command line as there is NO -printtopdf2 switch. I could only find a -printtopdf switch. I did this command in an administrator cmd window as administrator
html2any.exe -printtopdf c:\temp\out.pdf http://www.verypdf.com and the errors occurred still. I have attached the debug log and also the two error messages.
Can i also note that we were not provided with htmltopdf.dll in the delivery. So if it needs this then it won't work with the files we were provided.

error message


A:NO, NO,Please use -printtopdf2 parameter, but not the -printtopdf, the correct command line is,
html2any.exe -printtopdf2 c:\temp\out.pdf http://www.verypdf.com
Please notice the difference between -printtopdf2 and -printtopdf.
Sorry for the make the confusion between -printtopdf2 and -printtopdf two options to you.
Can you work fine with -printtopdf2 parameter?


Q:NO. The executable you provided DOES NOT accept the -pdftoprint2 option. I do notice the difference and have noticed the difference. It does NOT accept that option. See screenshot. When executing your command line it returns the proper usage for the exe.

error message


A:Please download latest version from following URL, this version is support -printtopdf2 parameter,(if you need the latest version, please contact us as soon as possible. If you still can't get it work, please feel free contact me via chat or Skype, I will assist you online asap.


Q:Dear Xue,Sorry but this is not acceptable: "You are not hearing what I am saying".
You are working with Steve, who is IT Professional and there is a way to post comments.
I would like to set conf call between you and Steve in order to work together via Team Viewer and put an end for this saga.
We must have this issue resolved as soon as possible. My feeling is that we are not progressing at all.
Please let me know your contact details and time preferred and we will try to set a call.


A:Hi Xue,
I am in +10 Melbourne.
I have tested the executable provided by the link and this download did include the correct files. The print to PDF works fine with no error. The printing to a physical printer still fails with the same errors however.
I will call you on Skype tomorrow to discuss.


Q:Please turn off DEP for "html2any.exe" application to try again, please refer to following steps about how to turn off DEP in your system,
1. Click "Start"
2. Select "Control Panel"
3. Select "System"
4. Click the "Advanced" tab
5. In the "Performance" region select "Settings"
6. Click the "Data Execute" tab in the dialog box that opens
7. Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except for those I select"
8. Click "Add"
9. The open dialog box will open. Browse and select "html2any.exe" application in your computer,
10. Click "Open"
11. Click "Apply"
12. Click "Ok"
13. Reboot
OK, you can run "html2any.exe" without any problem now, please to try.


DOC to Any Converter

How to do batch conversion with VeryPDF command line software?

In order to help VeryPDF software users to do batch conversion by command line  more easily, I  put an article here. This way is apt for nearly all the command line software of VeryPDF.

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do echo "%F" "%~nF.pdf"
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do echo "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do echo "%F" "C:\test\%~nF.xls"
for /d %F in (d:\temp\*.*) do echo "%F"
for /r D:\test %F in (*.pcl) do "C:\test.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"
for /r D:\test %F in (*.zip) do echo "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

  • You can use following one command line to do batch conversion at one time easily.

Take  Doc to any converter for example.

#1: Convert all DOC files to PDF files in D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.doc) do "C:\VeryPDF\doc2any.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

#2: Convert all DOC files to PDF files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion),

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.doc) do "C:\VeryPDF\doc2any.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

  • You can do samething in .bat file, but you need use "%%" to instead of "%" in .bat file.

Take Advance PDF tool for example.

for %%F in ("D:\temp\*.pdf") do "C:\VeryPDF\pdftools.exe" "%%F" "%%~nF.pdf"

for %%F in ("%CD%\*.pdf") do echo "%%F" "%%~nF.pdf"

#1: Process all PDF files in D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do pdfrename.exe -find "invoice" "%F"

#2: Process all PDF files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion),

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do pdfrename.exe -find "invoice" "%F"

in .bat file, you need use "%%" to instead of "%" in .bat file, because "%" is a keyword in .bat file,

for /r %CD% %%F in (*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt) do "C:\Program Files\docPrint Pro v5.0\doc2pdf.exe" -i "%%F" -o "%%F-%%02d.jpg" -r 43x50 -g 1-2 -E 0 -s killoffice=1

for /r %CD% %%F in (*.doc;*.xls;*.ppt;*.docx;*.xlsx;*.pptx) do "C:\doc2any\doc2any.exe" "%%F"  "%%F-out.pdf"

for %%F in (%cd%\*.htm) do html2pdf.exe "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf" "paperType=6,Overwrite=yes, margin_top=20,margin_bottom=10, margin_right=1,margin_left=10"

You can also use .bat file to monitor a folder, when a document is coming, this .bat file will call EXE application to convert this document to PDF or other formats automatically,
for %%F in (C:\test\*.tif) do (
E:\image2pdf_cmd3.50\img2pdf.exe -o "D:\temp\%%~nF.pdf" "%%F"
move "%%F" "%%F.bak"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto retry
for %%F in (C:\test\*.doc) do (
E:\doc2any\doc2any.exe "%%F" "D:\out\%%~nF.pdf"
move "%%F" "%%F.bak"
ping -n 5 > nul
goto retry
for %%F in (C:\VeryPDF\*.pdf) do (
pdf2img.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXX -mono -r 300 -multipage "%%F" "%%F.tif"
del "%%F")

If you have any question about the software or file format conversion, you are welcome to contact us by the ways supported on this website. Or you can search the best software on VeryPDF Software company official website.

DOC to Any Converter

Two ways to convert Excel Sheet to PDF files.

In this article, I will talk about two ways to convert Excel Sheets to single PDF file.  Those ways can help you convert the  specific sheet or sheets to single PDF file or multipage PDF files.

Method 1.Use DOC to Any Converter.

  • Download DOC to Any Converter to your PC, here is the free downloading link for you, https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip. When you download it to your PC, all you need to do is unzipping this file and open MS Dos Window.
  • Please read the readme.text file carefully then run the conversion according to the usage.

Usage: DOC2Any [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]

Example: doc2any.exe C:\in.xls C:\out.pdf

Add parameters: doc2any.exe -ownerpwd 123 -keylen 2 -encryption 3900 C:\in.doc C:\out.pdf

  • During the conversion, you can set owner password or open password for the converted PDF file or set some limitations. At first, I thought the parameter “–pagerang :Set page range for conversion, eg: 1,2-4,6” will be helpful for the conversion from Excel Sheet to PDF. If it works, I just need to specify the page range which I needed or just one page, it will save a lot time and energy. After times and times trying, I find that I am wrong. DOC to Any Converter does not support the selected sheet  choosing.  I feel a little frustrated then after consulting, I find another software can help me finish this task.

Method 2.Use Document Converter.

This software can convert all the printable file to image file or PDF file. So converting Excel Sheet to PDF is a piece of cake for it. In this article, I will also use its command line version to finish the conversion from Excel Sheet to PDF.

  • Download it to your PC and let it run, then you will find an icon on the desktop. It is the GUI version shortcut. As we use the command line version to convert Excel Sheet to PDF, we just need to know its file path and call it from MS Dos Windows.
  • Check the usage of the this software by input the full file path and press Enter on the keyboard.

Usage: doc2pdf [options] <-i Document Files> [-o Output]

Example: doc2pdf -i C:\input.xls -o C:\output.pdf

Add parameters:doc2pdf  -g “pagerange”-i C:\*.xls -o C:\*.pdf

There are more parameters listed in the usage, you can check them one by one according to your needs. It can give you more than you can image. By this way, I can convert some specific sheet in the Excel to PDF file. Even if Excel has more than 5000 sheets, I can extract one or two in them to be converted. Please check a random example in the following snapshot.

xls to pdf

This is the end of the conversion from Excel Sheet to PDF and specify some sheet from a workbook to single PDF file. Both of those two software are developed by VeryPDF software company, if you need to know more software about file format conversion, please check more on its homage. If you have any question about this conversion or other file format conversion, you are welcome to contact us by the ways supported on this website.

DOC to Any Converter

How to call doc2any.exe from java?

In this article, I will take converting xls to swf for example to show you how to call doc2any from java. This way is also helpful for converting all the printable file to PDF, image or others when you need to do the conversion together with other application like java, c# or others. The full name of doc2any is VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter which was developed by VeryPDF software company. If you would like to have a free trial, you can download it to your PC, here is the link for you,https://www.verydoc.com/images/download2.gif. If you need to know more about it, you can visit its official homepage.

Filename: FileConversion.java
Source Code:

import java.io.*;

public class FileConversion
    public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
        Runtime runTime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        Process process = runTime.exec("\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\admin\\My Documents\\Downloads\\doc2any_cmd\\doc2any_cmd\\doc2any.exe\" \"-useprinter\" \"-useoffice\" \"1\" \"C:\\example.xls\" \"C:\\pavan.swf\"");
        BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
        String line=null;
        while((line=input.readLine()) != null)
    catch(Exception exc)


>javac FileConversion.java
>java   FileConversion

If you need to know more about this conversion or other file formats conversion,  you can contact us by the ways supported on this website.

PDF to Vector Converter

Convert PDF to SVG and Remove Clipping

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a good tool that can help you convert PDF to SVG and remove clippings. This application can be called by any programming language like C/C++, C#, PHP, ASP, Delphi, .NET, and Visual Basic. It can not only help you convert PDF to ASV, but also convert PDF to HPGL, EMF, PCL, PS, WMF, etc.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a stand-alone application. If you want to have a try, please click here to download VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter. The basic usage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is as below:

pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>

The option that can be used to remove clippings is –svgnoclip, which requires no value. The following is a good example:

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -svgnoclip D:\input.pdf C:\output.svg

  • C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe stands for the executable file, which is named pdf2vec and is placed in the installation folder pdf2vec_cmd named on disk C. The directory might be different according to the place where you store the installation folder.
  • -svgnoclip is the option that can be used to remove clippings from the result SVG image files.
  • D:\input.pdf refers to the input file which is placed in the root folder on disk D.
  • C:\output.svg stands for the output. If the original PDF file has multiple pages, you will get multiple SVG files. And the output file named would be outpt001, output002, output003, output004, etc.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter also supports batch conversion and wildcard. You can use this tool to convert various PDF files into SVG image files in a batch effectively and accurately. For example, you can type a command line like the following one, which can convert all the PDF files in the root folder on disk D to SVG and export the result files into the root folder on disk E.

C:\pdf2vec_cmd\pdf2vec.exe -svgnoclip D:\*.pdf E:\*.svg

Is this article clear? Do you know how to use this tool to convert PDF to SVG and remove clippings? In case you want to buy it, please check the price list at the webpage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter.