PDF to Flash Converter

How can we extract pages from PDF to flash?

This article saves you on how to extract pages from thousand pages PDF to flash in different aspects.

Before illustration, I need to introduce a tool named PDF to Flash Converter Command Line. PDF to Flash Converter helps you convert PDF to SWF singly or in batches. More information could be found at homepage of PDF to Flash Converter, in addition, to try PDF to Flash Converter Command Line, please click on trial version of PDF to Flash Converter; to purchase PDF to Flash Converter Command Line, please click on full version of PDF to Flash Converter.

Here is the method to extract pages from PDF to flash with command line:

  • Usage of PDF to Flash Converter Command Line

pdftoflash.exe [options] <input.pdf> <output.swf><enter>

  • Requisite parameters

To extract pages in continual page numbers, you can use:

-firstpage <int>: Set smaller page number as the beginning of conversion

-lastpage <int>: Set larger page number as the end of conversion

To extract pages in discrete page numbers, you could choose:

-pagerange <string>: Edit discontinuous page range, e.g., 2,100-200,250-300

  • Helpful examples

D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe -pagerange 1,2-5 "D:\multi-page PDF\example11.PDF" "D:\multi-page PDF\example.swf"

D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe -firstpage 1 –lastpage 4 "D:\multi-page PDF\example11.PDF" "D:\multi-page PDF\example2.swf"

Here are screen snapshots of generated SWF file below, I hope you enjoy them:

  • After you preview this generated SWF on web browser, you also could adjust SWF with right button of mouse

generated SWF previewed on web browser with "-pagerange"

  • Different SWF pages

SWF page from PDF to SWF

SWF page from PDF to SWF

In the end, I hope you could get illustration better and enjoy this article. And for your doubts about this article, or about PDF to Flash Converter, it is our pleasure if you could concentrate on VeryDOC Knowledge Base and VeryPDF Knowledge Base, write us emails through support@verydoc.com or leave your comments here.

HTML to EPUB Converter

Should we choose PDF to ePub Converter or HTML to ePub Converter if producing epub?

Well, this is not an hard question. Generally, as you can tell from the names of PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter, the former helps you convert PDF to epub, and the latter helps you convert HTML to epub. So according to different usage of theirs, you can choose one of them or both of them dependently:

(note: if you want to convert HTML to PDF and then convert PDF to epub, in case you just own PDF to ePub Converter, I think you can experience Document Printer (docPrint) or Document Converter (docPrint Pro))

  • To convert open-password encrypted PDF to epub, to convert normal or scanned PDF to epub, to convert specified pages PDF to epub, it is best for you to choose PDF to ePub Converter with no doubt.

(besides, PDF to ePub Converter contains the following merits – run in both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows systems, no need third-party PDF editor or reader, support various languages, preserve original text, images or layout as default, convert PDF to epub in batches one time etc.)

  • To preserve original text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout from HTML to epub singly or in batches, to customize epub information, e.g., name, author, ISBN, publisher, date, classified tab, cover by selecting an local image, or comment, it is your best choice to use HTML to ePub Converter

(besides, HTML to ePub Converter have following merits - run in both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows systems, multiple language support, convert HTM to epub etc.)

At the end of this article, in one word, no matter you use PDF to ePub Converter or HTML to ePub Converter, both of their generated epub files could display smoothly and qualifiedly on portable devices, e.g., Sony player, Samsung player, ipod, ipad, iphone, itouch etc..

For more information of PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter, please click on entrance 1 and click on entrance 2 if you would like.

However, if you want to make your e-book more vivid from PDF, maybe PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter can match your need. And you can try PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter right now.

For any questions on should we choose PDF to ePub Converter or HTML to ePub Converter, please leave your comments here or contact us through support@verydoc.com.

PDF to EPUB Converter

What is general same points and difference between PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter?

This article aims to show you general same points and difference between PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter.

If there is need, please click here 1 and here 2 in order to download PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter accordingly.

Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

Same Point:

1. Application with GUI interface

2. Same targeting format - .epub

3. Process source files to targeting files singly or in batches – convert PDF to epub for PDF to ePub Converter, convert HTML to epub or HTM to epub with HTML to ePub Converter

4. Support targeting file – epub preview

5. Similar prices – PDF to ePub Converter costs you $24.95~1200; HTML to ePub Converter costs you $19.95~1200

6. All epub files could be shown on portable devices, such as ipad, iphone, sony player etc. any supported ebook reader..

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1. Different source format – .pdf for PDF to ePub Converter; .htm or .html for HTML to ePub Converter

2. Different objective properties – PDF to ePub Converter helps you edit specified page range, retain original page layout and process encrypted PDF with open password conveniently etc.; HTML to ePub Converter helps you customize epub information, e.g., name, author etc., preserve all original elements of HTML or HTM files in epub, e.g., text, graphics, images, hyperlinks and layout etc., and browse an image as cover of epub file flexibly etc..

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

To know more about PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter, it is easy and simple for you to visit official website of PDF to ePub Converter and official website of HTML to ePub Converter.

Besides these two applications, maybe PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter can also suit for your flavor, which is a tool for users to produce flip book with animation, colorful layout and patterns etc., which could be published on the website or some blogs accordingly.

For any concerns about these two software, please let us know through support@verydoc.com

PDF to EPUB Converter

How to convert PDF to ePub file?

What if you want to read your PDF file in ePub format your portable devices? VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter could totally help you with quick conversion from PDF to epub than you can ever imagine! This article is about how to convert average PDF to epub or scanned PDF to epub in different aspects of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter.


Please click here if you need to try VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter (note: trial version could only help you convert first two pages of PDF); please click here if you need to buy it online.


System requirement: Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 (32bit and 64bit), and no requirement on any third-party PDF reader or editor;

Compatible portable devices: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Sony Reader, etc.


Here is the GUI interface of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter below:

Interface of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter

  • If you want to convert to convert PDF to epub basically, you could:

Click Add PDF File(s) > select PDF files in pop dialog box > click Open. Or drag and drop PDF files into processing form directly. Then, please click Convert on GUI interface > select destination folder > ePub files could be added into targeting folder directly and automatically.

  • If you need to convert normal or scanned PDF to epub in batches, please

Add dozens of PDF files in batches directly at the beginning of processes. Then, once processes are started, all added PDF files could be converted to epub files one by one.

  • If you want to preview epub file after process, please:

Click radio View after convert, before you click Convert.

  • If you want to convert exact texts and images of PDF to epub, you could:

On GUI interface of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter, you should click Text and images to epub radio, then follow steps above so that the final epub files could be made out quickly and accurately.

  • If you need to consider each page of PDF as images converted to epub files, you need:

On GUI interface of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter, please click radio Each Page as an Image to ePub in Output Options, during the entire process from PDF to epub.

  • If you just need several continual pages of PDF to be converted to ePub, please:

On GUI interface of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter, you should click radio Select Range > input page numbers separately in edit boxes of From and To, in conversion from PDF to epub, then single or dozens of PDF could be processed into epub separately in that page range.

  • If your PDF file contain open password, it is easy and simple for you without this PDF file opened:

On GUI interface of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter, you could easily type open password in edit box PDF Password, during the process from PDF to epub with VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter.


To know more of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter, please go to homepage of VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter. As you can see, VeryDOC PDF to ePub Converter could help you convert PDF to epub and scanned PDF to epub files singly or in batches basically with no colorful patterns, thus, VeryPDF PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter has been designed in order to suit for various users with various requirement on epub files, and for more information of VeryPDF PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter, please go to official webpage of VeryPDF PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter.

Screen Recorder

Make Videos By VeryDOC Video Screen Capture

In this article, I will show you how to make video tutorial by software Screen Recorder. By this way, you can do video Screen Capture and then show your tutorial in the video form.

  • Download software Screen Recorder free.
  • When you download it successfully, there will be an icon 1  on the desktop. Double click it then you can enter its interface.
  • Check its interface in the following snapshot.

interface of Screen Recorder

  • First, you can set the Screen Capture area by clicking option Region. You can set the fixed area in advance, full screen or draw a area to be captured.
  • Second, let us check its options one by one. Click Option on the interface.

video options

  • In video option, you can set the video quality, key frames. Those options can be set automatically or you can set them according to your needs.
  • In the Cursor option, you can choose the ways to show the cursor when you do the Screen Capture. Hide the cursor, show cursor in animated ways or highlight cursor. And you can also choose the type of the cursor, circle, ellipse or others. 

Cursor options 

  • More convenient for you that you can customize the short key according to your needs.

short keys setting  

  • By this software, during making the video, you can add annotation and detail instruction about video tutorial.

effect of adding instruction

I have a question, maybe you wanna to ask that “ What about the output file format, is that AVI or others?”. The answer is that AVI, SWF, ASF, FLV,MOV,MP4(MPEG-4 Part 14), MPEG(Moving Pictures Experts Group) are all supported by this software. So you can choose any one of them for the different users and different situations.

Screen Capture software has too many functions and I can not list them all here. When you install to your PC, you can develop them little by little.

If you are software developer, it can help you make video tutorial for introducing your newly developed software. If you are a training school teacher, it can help you make Screen Capture movies about your lessons. If you are a blogger, it can help you show your new tricks in the format of video. In a word, no matter what your profession is, it can help you make your work and study more interesting. Now maybe you can not help wondering, this smart app must be very expensive. But the fact is that it only charges $19.95.

This software was developed by VeryDOC  software company.  If you need to know more software about file format conversion or Screen Capture, you can visit its homage. Or you can contact us by the ways supported on this website.