PDF to Flash Converter

Difference between PDF to Flash Converter and HTML to ePub Converter

Differences between PDF to Flash Converter and HTML to ePub Converter can be revealed in this article, have you been ready?

Of course, if you do not know these two software, it is a pleasure for me to introduce them to you. PDF to Flash Converter converts PDF to SWF with command line; HTML to ePub Converter converts HTML to epub singly or in batches with GUI interface. It is also my honor if you try free PDF to Flash Converter and free HTML to ePub Converter at here, Want to know differences between PDF to Flash Converter and HTML to ePub Converter in rough? Then, please focus on the followings right now:

  • Unlike transfer paths

Usage of PDF to Flash Converter:

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF File> <SWF File>

GUI interface of HTML to ePub Converter

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

  • Unlike source formats and export formats

For PDF to Flash Converter, .pdf is its only supported source format, including all kinds of normal or scanned PDF files with open and owner passwords; .swf is only supported outpout format. Moreover, SWF compression mode, background resolution, JPG quality, transparent SWF etc. could be edited flexibly.

For HTML to ePub Converter, both .html and .htm can be input format; .epub is export file extension. With HTML to ePub Converter, epub information, e.g., name, author, ISBN, publisher, or cover etc., can be customized easily and directly.

  • Unlike focus applies

Through process of PDF to SWF with command line, from PDF to Flash Converter, SWF files can be used in flash movies, or some kinds of display on screen or web browsers etc.. Also SWF files could be customized in various properties, e.g., page range, encrypt passwords,

After conversion from HTML to epub, which works in HTML to ePub Converter, epub files can display on portable players etc., e.g., Sony and Samsung players, iPod, iPad, iTouch etc..

  • Unlike prices

$79 – $1200 can be enough for purchasing PDF to Flash Converter in difference licenses and different support methods.

$19.95 - $1200 can brings you a HTML to ePub Converter of difference licenses and different support methods back.

Here is the end of this article. And if you try PDF to Flash Converter and HTML to ePub Converter through the entrance above, I hope you enjoy the processes from PDF to SWF with command line and HTML to epub with GUI interface. So any questions of yours could be responded quickly through support@verydoc.com.

PDF to Flash Converter

Difference between PDF to Flash Converter and PDF to ePub Converter

This article will tell you differences between PDF to Flash Converter and PDF to ePub Converter if you want to know them urgently.

You could click here for more information of PDF to Flash Converter and click here for more knowledge of PDF to ePub Converter. Want to convert PDF to SWF with command line right now? Then, please get free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter; want to convert PDF to epub right now? Please do not be shy to click here.

Overall differences:

  • Different transfer media

PDF to Flash Converter helps users convert PDF to SWF with command line;

PDF to ePub Converter helps users convert PDF to epub with GUI interface.

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>

usage of PDF to Flash Converter

Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

GUI interface of PDF to ePub Converter

  • Different output formats

 .swf is only supported output format of PDF to Flash Converter;

.epub is only supported export format of PDF to ePub Converter.

  • Different applies

SWF files produced from PDF to Flash Converter could be applied in flash movies production, displaying some products with specified frame rate etc., which makes it easier than overview of PDF files traditionally etc..

epub files generated from PDF to ePub Converter could be readable in ipad, itouch etc. various portable players, which makes our life more modern and colorful etc..

  • Different prices

Within different license and support range:

PDF to Flash Converter only cost you $79 - $1200

PDF to ePub Converter only cost you $24.95 - $1200

When there is a need for you to try or purchase PDF to Flash Converter and PDF to ePub Converter, the illustration above could give you a sign to choose one of them or both of them in some extent. Anyway, the final selection is due to your requirements. And for more concerns about conversion from PDF to SWF, PDF to epub, singly or in batches with GUI or command line, welcome to contact us via support@verydoc.com.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to compress flash with flash 6 zlib during process from PDF to SWF?

PDF to Flash Converter could help you compress flash with flash 6 zlib during process from PDF to SWF via command line.

PDF to Flash Converter is a command line tool for Windows users to convert various PDF to SWF with different properties. Right now, free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter could be yours without any fee. However, this version could make SWF page have watermark. To remove watermark, please choose full version of PDF to Flash Converter.

The following pictures are about generated SWF pages compressed with flash 5 zlib from process of PDF to flash with command line. If you want to compress flash with flash 6 zlib in conversion from PDF to flash, the following perfect answer could be shown:

How to compress flash with flash 6 zlib during process from PDF to SWF?

How to compress flash with flash 6 zlib during process from PDF to SWF?

How to compress flash with flash 6 zlib during process from PDF to SWF?

How to compress flash with flash 6 zlib during process from PDF to SWF?

1. Usage of PDF to Flash Converter:

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files> <flash Files>

2. Helpful example you may need to refer to:

pdftoflash.exe –swfopt “-z” c:\input1.pdf d:\output1.swf<enter>


-swfopt “-z”: Use Flash 6 (MX) zlib compression

Besides compression, PDF to Flash Converter could help users adjust frame rate, set page range etc., if you are interested them, please feel free to go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter. Also it is convenient for you to click on VeryDOC Knowledge Base to know more articles about PDF to Flash Converter and even different software on VeryDOC.com.

At last, please allow me to announce a new online software which will be issued later: Online Flip Book Maker, this online tool could help you make flip book from PDF or HTML online within a few seconds generally. So if you are interested in it and want Online Flip Book Maker have more useful functions, welcome to let us know them through support@verydoc.com.

PDF to Flash Converter

How can we convert encrypted PDF to SWF with command line?

For those encrypted PDF with user password and owner password, PDF to Flash Converter could help you convert those PDF to SWF with command line.

To try PDF to Flash Converter, please click here. To purchase PDF to Flash Converter, please click here. Here is the screen snapshot of example SWF below:

page of SWF example previewed on web browser

page of SWF example previewed on web browser

Want to make pictures like above shown in a flash file from PDF file? Want to convert PDF to SWF with command line based on encrypted PDF on your computer? Then, please continue to read this article.

First, you need to know the usage of PDF to Flash Converter, which is as follow:

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files> <SWF Files>

Second, to accomplish processes based on encrypted PDF, you need the following parameter:

  -pv2ropw <string>: parameter for inputting owner password (for encrypted files)
-pv2rupw <string>: parameter for inputting user password (for encrypted files)

At last, the relative example could help you understand more about process from PDF to SWF, based on encrypted PDF:

example to convert encrypted PDF to SWF with command line

This is the end of this article about how can we convert PDF to SWF with command line from encrypted PDF. To make SWF file more vivid, maybe you could use PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter.

PDF to Flash Converter

How can we adjust frame rate from PDF to SWF?

This article can provide you a method to adjust frame rate in flash file through process from PDF to SWF on computers of Windows systems.

Have you ever been trapped in how to adjust SWF frame rate without professional flash maker? Well, if that, I guess PDF to Flash Converter could save you a lot, which is a command line tool that is engaged in helping Windows users convert normal, scanned or encrypted PDF to SWF with various properties easily. By the way, free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter leads to red watermark in each page of SWF, and for removing it for good, I recommend you to purchase full version of PDF to Flash Converter.

However, by now, how could we use PDF to Flash Converter to adjust SWF frame rate? The following could offer you sufficient information:

1. Usage of PDF to Flash Converter

pdftoflash.exe [options] <in.pdf> <out.swf>

2. Parameter for adjusting frame rate

-swfrate <int>: Edit flash frame rate, e.g., –swfrate 72

3. Several examples of process from PDF to SWF with command line

pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 72 f:\in1.pdf c:\out1.swf <enter>

pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 36 g:\in2.pdf e:\out2.swf <enter>

pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 24 e:\in3.pdf d:\out3.swf <enter>

Of course, besides the integers in examples, other integers could be used as SWF frame rate due to your need. Want to edit multiple properties of SWF, please go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter right now.

Furthermore, to convert PDF to SWF and PDF to HTML flip book with various patterns one time, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter could be your best choice. To produce epub from PDF or HTML, PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter are really worth your try!