PDF to EPUB Converter

If I want to produce epub files, should I choose PDF to ePub Converter or HTML to ePub Converter?

PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter can both help you produce epub files.

However, generally, PDF to ePub Converter converts PDF to epub basically, to try PDF to ePub Converter, please click at here; HTML to ePub Converter converts HTML to epub basically, to try HTML to ePub Converter, please click on here. You can learn more about PDF to ePub Converter from here, and know more about HTML to ePub Converter at here.

The following screen snapshots are about the interfaces of PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter:

Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

  • PDF to ePub Converter allows Windows users to set page range for PDF to epub conversion in batches and lets users convert scanned, normal, user password protected PDF to epub easily;
  • HTML to ePub Converter can help you customize epub name, author, ISBN, publisher, date, series, cover, comments etc. professionally.

Besides, HTML to ePub Converter also supports converting HTM to epub in batches. So if you want to produce epub files from PDF, just choose PDF to ePub Converter; to generate epub files from HTML or HTM, please choose HTML to ePub Converter definitely.

By now, if you want to know more of our products, or similar tools like what were mentioned above, please go to product list of VeryDOC. Please contact us for any questions through support@verydoc.com.

DOC to Any Converter

Doc2Any Print Driver Installation issue on Windows 7

We are using the Doc2Any component in one of our applications. We are making a call to convert a report to PDF through the a pinvoke method within your library using the following declaration: __declspec(dllexport) int WINAPI DocToAnyRunCmd(const char *lpszCmdLine);

On the first call to the API, Doc2Any attempts to create a PostScript printer for the purpose of converting the document to PDF. During the creation of the printer, Doc2Any causing the following Windows Error: "Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000705). Windows cannot locate a suitable printer driver. Contact your administrator for help locating and installing a suitable driver." The error occurs on more than one machine. In fact, second Windows 7 machine we attempted a report conversion causing the installation of 2 PostScript printers. For some reason the second printer was bound to the LPT1 port.

It is urgent we resolve this issue as soon as possible since the release of the software depends on this component. We have purchased a license.


Doc2Any Print Driver Installation issue on Windows 7

Attached is the Windows Error Message:
Binary Versions used within the application.
DOC to Any Converter Command Line Version:
VeryPDF Advanced PDF Tools Version:
cimage.dll Version: 


We suggest you may use Administrator privilege to run PDF to Vector SDK to try again, the Administrator privilege will work better for you.



We are running as an administrator with UAC disable. After the error occurs, the printer does appear and seems to work on some machines but not others. 

What printers need to be present in order for the Doc2Any to work correct? 


We are look for following drivers on Windows system, if your system has one of following drivers, our pdf2vec.exe will work properly,
"HP Color LaserJet 4550 PS", //good on WinXP, support zero margin, paper size
"HP Color LaserJet 2800 Series PS", //good on Win 7
"MS Publisher Color Printer", //good on Vista
"HP Color LaserJet 8500 PS",
"HP Color LaserJet 8550-PS",
"Gestetner MP 8000 PS",



If the "MS Publisher Color Printer" is used for Vista Machines, why does Doc2Any use this driver on Windows 7? Shouldn't Doc2Any be using the "HP Color LaserJet 2800 Series PS" driver instead? This seems like an issue within your software.

It there a way of manual installing this driver? How does Doc2Any determine which printer driver to use? We need to get this issue resolved ASAP!! 


Thanks for your message, you can manual install a Postscript Printer Driver based on "HP Color LaserJet 2800 Series PS" first, and rename it to "VeryPDF Postscript Writer", when you run doc2any.exe to convert DOC file to PDF file again, doc2any.exe will use your installed Postscript Printer Driver automatically.


DOC to Any Converter

Cannot test Doc2Any on .NET

We are testing Doc2Any on our server, however, we keep getting the same error, either running on our server in .NET or in a PC thru VB:

"The system cannot find the file specified"

This is the code we are using on our server ASPX:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(EXEFile & " " & DOCFile & " " & PDFFile)

- EXEFile = "C:\doc2any\doc2any.exe"
- DOCFile = "C:\myDir\mySubDir\myDoc.rtf"
- PDFFile = "C:\myDir\mySubDir\myDoc.pdf"
Are we lacking something here?
Thanks very much for any light you might give us here!


Please arrange MS Word DCOM run from an interactive user account, please refer to following web page,


"Your COM Name" should equal to "Microsoft Office Word 97 – 2003 Document" in your system, please give enough permission to "Microsoft Office Word 97 – 2003 Document" DCOM in your system to try again.

You can also refer to following web pages for more information,


If you still can't get it work, you may create a remote desktop account on your test machine, we will arrange our engineer to login your test machine and work on this problem for you asap.

We suggest you may share your PC or Server by TeamViewer, TeamViewer can be downloaded from following website,


after you installed TeamViewer, please email to us your TeamViewer's ID and Password, please also arrange your test machine running at 24 hours, after we logged into your test machine and solved the problem, we will send an email to you, then you can close the TeamViewer application.



Thanks very much for your answer!

However, the basic problem was not of permissions since we really need to
run it without office, so we are using the "-useoffice 0" parameter.

The real problem is that the "...process.start(" .NET instruccion must use
2 parameters, in which the firts is the Path & Name of the exe file to run,
and the second parameter is for any arguments needed in the command line.
Therefore, the real use for doc2any in .NET should be:

System.diagnostics.process.start("C:\doc2any\doc2any.exe", "-useoffice 0
C:\MyDir\MyDoc.rtf C:\MyDir\MyDoc.pdf")

Hope this help future clients!

Thanks very much!

Thanks for your great information, we will include this information into our Knowledge Base, this article will useful for our other customers, thank you again.


PDF to EPUB Converter

What can help us make PDF files and HTML files display as e-books on portable devices?

PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter can help you make e-books, which can ba suitable on portable devices, e.g., ipod, iphone, ipad etc., from PDF files and HTML files separately!

PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter are both GUI converting tools on Windows platforms, which are all worth your try, thus, you can click on PDF to epub link and HTML to epub link separately for trying free PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter.

Both PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter can help you produce e-books on Windows platforms. Besides different basic conversions from PDF to epub, HTML to epub, and similar GUI interface, there are differences between PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter. To know more, please read the followings:

Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

Fig 1. Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

Fig 2. Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

Here are the interfaces of PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter above. Generally and basically, we can infer from interfaces that:


  1. PDF to ePub Converter allows users to convert text and images in PDF to epub in batches or considers each page of PDF as image/scanned PDF to epub.
  2. PDF to ePub Converter supports setting specified page range for conversions.
  3. PDF to ePub Converter supports converting user password protected PDF to epub directly and professionally.
  4. HTML to ePub Converter lets users convert HTML to epub, HTM to epub in batches.
  5. HTML to ePub Converter helps users edit name, author, ISBN, publisher, date, series, comments of e-book files (epub files).
  6. HTML to ePub Converter supports selecting image in your computer to be as cover of produced epub file.

Anyway, PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter are very easy to handle in your computer. Of course, if you want to know more articles on PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter, it is simple for you to log on their homepages through what were mentioned above, or just take a look at our knowledge base often!

In the end, thank you for reading this article, which is mainly about illustration of merits of processes of PDF to epub, HTML to epub through PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter.

HTML to EPUB Converter

Comparison of HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to Flash Converter

Some guys want to know general differences between HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to Flash Converter, and this article will provide you a short comparison, which you may need sometime.

HTML to ePub Converter is a tool that helps Windows users convert HTML to epub and HTM to epub basically, which is GUI tool.

You can download HTML to ePub Converter right now, if you would like!

  • Here are top features of HTML to ePub Converter below:

Both 32bits and 64bits Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 systems

Input: HTML format (.htm; .html)

Output: standard ePub format (.epub)

Convert HTML to epub, HTM to epub in batches

Customize epub information of EPUB files, e.g., name, author, cover etc..

Convert HTML to epub format eBooks which can be suitable and display on various popular portable devices, e.g., Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, Sony Reader and Ctaindia's eGriver Ebook Reader etc..

Retain all original elements in HTML files after conversion.

Various languages supported: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, etc..

More information of HTML to ePub Converter can be found on homepage of HTML to ePub Converter.


PDF to Flash Converter is a tool that allows Windows users to convert PDF to flash – PDF to SWF through command line.

Free PDF to Flash Converter can be yours here, so please do not feel embarrassed to get this powerful tool right now!

  • Hot features of PDF to Flash Converter are as follows:

Various Windows systems -- 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/vista/7 Operating Systems

Multiple languages allowed, e.g.,  English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Danish,
Dutch, Japanese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Thai, etc..

Allow developers to access the converter via any program or script languages, e.g., Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc..

Enable users to zoom in or zoom out the converted Flash files to any size within the application or web browser without degradation

Enable users to use command line to process tasks in batches with wildcard “*”, e.g.,  *.pdf, *.swf etc..

All versions of PDF files from PDF 1.1 to PDF 1.8 with or without user and owner passwords.

Convert embed fonts to Polylines (outlines) into suitable vector Flash formats

Transparent background SWF files allowed

Burst multi-page PDF file to single page SWF files

Set JPG quality and background resolution etc..

More knowledge on PDF to Flash Converter, welcome to visit homepage of PDF to Flash Converter.


If you think the comparison above is not enough for you, maybe you can keep concentrating our articles, which are about illustration about HTML to epub, HTM to epub, PDF to flash, singly or in batches through GUI interface and command line on Windows platforms, based on VeryDOC Knowledge Base.

For any concerns about HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to Flash Converter, or other questions, please feel free to let us know via support@verydoc.com.