Some guys want to know general differences between HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to Flash Converter, and this article will provide you a short comparison, which you may need sometime.
HTML to ePub Converter is a tool that helps Windows users convert HTML to epub and HTM to epub basically, which is GUI tool.
You can download HTML to ePub Converter right now, if you would like!
- Here are top features of HTML to ePub Converter below:
Both 32bits and 64bits Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 systems
Input: HTML format (.htm; .html)
Output: standard ePub format (.epub)
Convert HTML to epub, HTM to epub in batches
Customize epub information of EPUB files, e.g., name, author, cover etc..
Convert HTML to epub format eBooks which can be suitable and display on various popular portable devices, e.g., Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, Sony Reader and Ctaindia's eGriver Ebook Reader etc..
Retain all original elements in HTML files after conversion.
Various languages supported: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, etc..
More information of HTML to ePub Converter can be found on homepage of HTML to ePub Converter.
PDF to Flash Converter is a tool that allows Windows users to convert PDF to flash – PDF to SWF through command line.
Free PDF to Flash Converter can be yours here, so please do not feel embarrassed to get this powerful tool right now!
- Hot features of PDF to Flash Converter are as follows:
Various Windows systems -- 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003/vista/7 Operating Systems
Multiple languages allowed, e.g., English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Danish,
Dutch, Japanese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Thai, etc..
Allow developers to access the converter via any program or script languages, e.g., Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc..
Enable users to zoom in or zoom out the converted Flash files to any size within the application or web browser without degradation
Enable users to use command line to process tasks in batches with wildcard “*”, e.g., *.pdf, *.swf etc..
All versions of PDF files from PDF 1.1 to PDF 1.8 with or without user and owner passwords.
Convert embed fonts to Polylines (outlines) into suitable vector Flash formats
Transparent background SWF files allowed
Burst multi-page PDF file to single page SWF files
Set JPG quality and background resolution etc..
More knowledge on PDF to Flash Converter, welcome to visit homepage of PDF to Flash Converter.
If you think the comparison above is not enough for you, maybe you can keep concentrating our articles, which are about illustration about HTML to epub, HTM to epub, PDF to flash, singly or in batches through GUI interface and command line on Windows platforms, based on VeryDOC Knowledge Base.
For any concerns about HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to Flash Converter, or other questions, please feel free to let us know via