How to edit PDF information with PDF Printer?
When you create PDF document with some kind of application, maybe you need to edit the PDF information with this application. The program to be introduced in this article is a powerful application which is able to create PDF document from any kinds of printable document and it is also able to set parameters for the target file like PDF information.
The name of the program is VeryDOC PDF Printer which acts as a virtual printer on your computer and you just need to download it and setup it by following the setup wizard. When you use it, please print the document that you want to print to PDF document to PDF Printer and set parameters for the printer as follows:
We can take a Word document as the source file example. Please open the document and then click File-Print or use shortcut key Ctrl+ P to open the Print window and set PDF Printer as your printer in Printer dropdown list. Please click Printer Properties then and you will see the window which contains several tabs like the one shown in Figure 1. Please click Doc info tab.
Figure 1
In this tab, you can choose the PDF format version from PDF 1.3 to PDF 1.5 and you can also set the PDF information like Title, Subject, Author, etc. After that, please click OK button to save the parameters and close the window. When you return back to the Print window, please click Print button to start to create PDF document.
In addition, you can also use the other way to set the parameters for the printer. Please click Start—Printers and Faxes to open the window and find PDF Printer, right click it and click Printing Performance in popup floating item. When the window for setting printer parameters, you can do the work as shown above.
So with the help of PDF Printer, it becomes easy to set PDF information. If you are interested in PDF Printer or want to purchase the program, please enter its homepage to get more detailed information about it.