PDF Printer

How to edit PDF information with PDF Printer?

When you create PDF document with some kind of application, maybe you need to edit the PDF information with this application. The program to be introduced in this article is a powerful application which is able to create PDF document from any kinds of printable document and it is also able to set parameters for the target file like PDF information.

The name of the program is VeryDOC PDF Printer which acts as a virtual printer on your computer and you just need to download it and setup it by following the setup wizard. When you use it, please print the document that you want to print to PDF document to PDF Printer and set parameters for the printer as follows:

We can take a Word document as the source file example. Please open the document and then click File-Print or use shortcut key Ctrl+ P to open the Print window and set PDF Printer as your printer in Printer dropdown list. Please click Printer Properties then and you will see the window which contains several tabs like the one shown in Figure 1. Please click Doc info tab.

How to edit PDF information with PDF Printer?

                                                    Figure 1

In this tab, you can choose the PDF format version from PDF 1.3 to PDF 1.5 and you can also set the PDF information like Title, Subject, Author, etc. After that, please click OK button to save the parameters and close the window. When you return back to the Print window, please click Print button to start to create PDF document.

In addition, you can also use the other way to set the parameters for the printer. Please click Start—Printers and Faxes to open the window and find PDF Printer, right click it and click Printing Performance in popup floating item. When the window for setting printer parameters, you can do the work as shown above.

So with the help of PDF Printer, it becomes easy to set PDF information. If you are interested in PDF Printer or want to purchase the program, please enter its homepage to get more detailed information about it.

PDF to EPUB Converter

Can PDF files be converted to multiple epub files rather than combined one?

PDF to ePub Converter could help you convert PDF to epub one by one, other than combining PDF files into one epub file on Windows platforms. This article aims to prove this conclusion to you with real example below.

To use PDF to ePub Converter right now, whose targeting epub files can display in various portable devices, e.g., iTouch, iPhone, iPad etc., it is better for you to download free trial version of PDF to ePub Converter right now, if you do not own PDF to ePub Converter here. Next, you can know how PDF to ePub Converter is effective and efficient to work well from PDF to epub – multiple epub files one time!

After GUI interface of PDF to ePub Converter is opened, please add PDF files: click Add PDF Files – select PDF files – click open.

Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

To make text and image of PDF converted to epub together, please click radio Text and images to epub; if you added scanned PDF files or you would like to consider added PDF files as image PDF files to be converted later, please click radio Each page as an image to epub.

Of course, there are other options on GUI interface of PDF to ePub Converter you can select, e.g., specified page range of PDF files for conversion, or user password inputting for encrypted PDF files etc., it is optional and flexible for you to do those operation or not through GUI interface.

After all prepared work is done, it’s time to click on Convert – select targeting folder – click ok (if conversion is batch processing), then epub files could be produced one by one accordingly, rather than combined into single epub file.

epub file of example PDF 1 from PDF to epub

epub file of example PDF 2 from PDF to epub

After the answer you want to know through processes from PDF to epub – multiple epub files, here is another software whose name is HTML to ePub Converter, which could help you convert HTML to epub and HTM to epub flawlessly and variously. If you want to know more information about HTML to ePub Converter, please click on here.

At last, for more doubts about this article, welcome to drop your comments here, or email us to support@verydoc.com.

PDF Printer

How to compress PDF file when creating PDF?

When you create a PDF document, do you want the size of the created PDF to be small so that it is more convenient to save, transfer, store, etc.? If so, the product of VeryDOC—PDF Printer will help you compress PDF to resolve this kind of problem. PDF Printer is a powerful product which is able to print any printable document to PDF file in a short time and it is also an easy-to-use application based on Windows system.

To use PDF Printer, please click here to download it and then install it on your computer. There are two versions of PDF Printer—32-bit and 64-bit. You can choose any one of them according to your needs. In fact, PDF Printer acts as a virtual printer and the setup wizard to remind you whether to set this printer as your default printer. If you need to create PDF document usually, you are recommended to set it as the default printer.

When the installation is over, you will see the printer locate in Printers and Faxes folder. Please find the printer and right click it, click the option Printing Preferences in the floating item to set parameters for the printer. Please see Figure 1.  When you can see the popup window, please click Compression tab and then you will see the tab like the one shown in Figure 2.

set PDF Printer parameters

            Figure 1

compress PDF

                                                      Figure 2

In this tab, there are three group boxes in which you can compress image or compress text for created PDF document. PDF printer supplies several kinds of compressing methods for you to compress PDF like JPEG Medium, CCITT Group 4, ZIP, etc. After you set parameters, please click OK button. When you create PDF document, you just need to right click the document and click Print option in the popup floating item to create and compress PDF automatically.

You can also open the document you want to print at first and then use the shortcut key Ctrl+ P to open the printer window and choose PDF Printer as current printer. Then click Printer Properties to open the window like the one shown in Figure 2 and do the same work illustrated above.

With these two kinds of ways, you can easily compress PDF file to a smaller size. If you want to know all information about PDF Printer, please click here to enter the product homepage. If you have any questions, please contact the our support team.

PDF Printer

Introduction about VeryDOC PDF Printer

When you want to create PDF document from different kinds files, which kind of application you will use? If there is an application which has the ability to convert any printable document to PDF file, would you like to use it? If this application is an easy-to-use and an inexpensive one, maybe the answer is YES.

The application which is able to create PDF document is the product of VeryDOC – PDF Printer which has the ability to convert any printable document to PDF file in a flash. This application has different kinds of functions and features like ones shown below.

  1. Set page parameters for created PDF document. When you print PDF document with PDF Printer, you can set the page size, page margin, page orientation, etc. You can also set graphic resolution and scale percentage for created PDF document.
  2. Compress the created PDF document by image and text. PDF Printer supports to compress color, grayscale, monochrome image with different kinds of compressing methods. It can also compress the text and graphics in created PDF document to reduce the file size.
  3. You can use PDF Printer to edit document information for created PDF file such as title, author, keywords, etc. to describe some basic information for the file.
  4. This program supports to make batch conversion. You just need to set all parameters for the printer before the conversion and then choose all printable documents together, choose PDF Printer as current printer and set the target location for created files. There are also several kinds of ways to locate each PDF file. You can select the option for viewing target file after the creation.
  5. If you want all people to read your created PDF document on any computer, you need to embed fonts that used in PDF document in the conversion in advance. There are many kinds of PDF fonts which can be embedded in PDF Printer.
  6. To protect the created PDF document from being freely opened, copied, modified, printed, etc., you can set the security for the file with user and owner password. Some permissions are also supported by the application.
  7. You can choose to email the target PDF file through SMTP protocol after the conversion with PDF Printer. You just need to input your address, some people’s address that you want to send the email to, the SMTP server, your authentication name and password.
  8. When you finish to print PDF document, you can also launch some other application instantly with the help of PDF Printer. For example, if you create PDF document from a Word document and then you want to convert the created PDF to image file, so you can set to launch PDF to Image Converter in PDF Printer and of course, PDF to Image Converter will be opened as long as the conversion for printing PDF is over.

So if you are interested in this powerful program, you can enter the homepage of VeryDOC PDF Printer and then you can read the user guide of it.

HTML to EPUB Converter

How to set epub hard cover?

If you do not have professional epub maker in your computer, and supposed you want to produce epub files based on content of HTML files, HTML to ePub Converter is your perfect solution, which allows you convert HTML to epub in batches on Windows platforms!

HTML to ePub Converter is a simple and convenient way for Windows users to convert HTML to epub in batches, which also allow you to convert HTM to epub in batches. You can try HTML to ePub Converter right now, then if you have interest in setting epub hard cover here, maybe it is convenient for you to follow steps below:

1. Launch HTML to ePub Converter in your computer.

2. Add HTML or HTM files through drag and drop function or click Add HTM Files – select HTM or HTML files – click Open.

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

3. Move your mouse on edit box of Cover of GUI interface, then click button aside – select one image – click open, then epub hard cover is complete to select locally.

How to set epub hard cover?


(note: here we randomly select JPG image of Porsche as epub hard cover with no offense for Porsche)

4. Click Convert – select one folder as targeting folder of epub files – click OK, then later, your epub files from several added HTM or HTML files could be produced into targeting folder directly.

(note: if you convert HTML to epub or HTM to epub in batches, targeting epub files can not be combined into single epub file automatically)

Here are screen snapshots of epub file produced from HTML and HTM files:

snapshots of epub file from HTML to epub

snapshots of epub file from HTML to epub

snapshots of epub file from HTML to epub

Is it very easy and simple for you to operate this conversion through HTML to ePub Converter? Yes, it is! HTML to ePub Converter can so easily help you convert HTM to epub and HTML to epub in batches and edit epub hard cover for each one in batches, and of course, you do not need to worry about automatic combination of epub files, for HTML to ePub Converter can release epub files one by one after conversion is complete.

Here, there is another simple GUI tool recommended to you, which is PDF to ePub Converter. PDF to ePub Converter allows you to produce epub files from encrypted PDF, normal and scanned PDF files professionally, which also enable you to edit specified PDF page range for proper conversions directly. For more information of PDF to ePub Converter, welcome to click on here. For any trouble you met in conversion from HTML to epub, please do not hesitate to let us know it through support@verydoc.com.