PDF to EPUB Converter

Can scanned PDF be converted to epub file?

PDF to ePub Converter allows you to convert both scanned PDF and normal PDF to epub in Windows systems.

PDF to ePub Converter can also be used to convert encrypted PDF to epub file – open password protected PDF to epub. It is convenient for you to click on here to try PDF to ePub Converter here, if you need it.

Then, I will show you how scanned PDF can be converted into epub file through PDF to ePub Converter:

1. Open PDF to ePub Converter – click on Add PDF Files – select scanned PDF files – click open, then scanned PDF files can be added into this conversion.

2. Select radio Each page as an image to epub on GUI interface of PDF to ePub Converter so that PDF to ePub Converter can receive your command on processing scanned PDF files.


Interface of PDF to ePub Converter

To set specified PDF pages for conversion, you can click relative radio and edit page numbers in edit boxes From and To. For user password protected PDF file, please type open password in specific edit box on GUI interface PDF Password.

3. Please click on Convert , then after targeting folder setting is complete, PDF to ePub Converter can offer you multiple epub file with perfect quality from original scanned PDF files one time!

Here are epub examples produced from scanned PDF files:

epub from scanned PDF

epub from scanned PDF

For your doubt on this article, which is about process of scanned PDF files to epub files, please feel free to leave your comments here, or just email us to support@verydoc.com.

Besides PDF to ePub Converter, which helps you produce epub files suitable for popular devices, if you want to produce flip book with various properties, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter will help you more with different pattern and styles etc., which not only allow you to convert normal and scanned PDF files to SWF and HTML, JS file, but let you process encrypted PDF files professionally. Anyway, thank you for reading this article and have a nice day!

PDF Printer

How to secure PDF document with PDF Printer?

To protect the created PDF document, do you want to secure PDF with some kind of application which has this function? If you don’t want others to open PDF document, you can set an open password. If you don’t want others to freely print, copy, modify your PDF document, you can set an change password and some permissions. The application you are recommended to use is named as VeryDOC PDF Printer.

There are several steps that you can follow to secure PDF document when you create it.

1. Download PDF Printer

Please click here to download PDF Printer to your computer and then you need to double click the installer to activate the setup wizard. Follow the wizard to fulfill the installation and then you will be able to use PDF Printer.

2. Open document and choose printer

For example, you want to convert a Word document to PDF file. Please open the Word document and then click File—Print or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ P to open the Print window. Then choose PDFcamp Printer as current printer in Printer dropdown list.

3. Set parameters for PDF Printer

Please click PDF Properties in Print window to open the printer window and click Security tab. You will see the tab like the one shown in Figure 1. On the right, there are three options that you can choose and you can check any one according to your needs. On the left, you can input the open password, change password in corresponding edit boxes. In Permissions group box, you can set the permissions for the created PDF document. In Encryption Level group box, you can choose 40 or 128-bit encryption level. Then please click OK button.

secure PDF

                                                    Figure 1

4. Create PDF

You will see Print window again and please click Print button to open Save as dialog box in which you can set the output location, input the new name for the created PDF document. Then click Save button to create PDF document.

To secure PDF document, please do as illustrated above. There are more useful features and functions about PDF Printer, if you are interested in it, please visit the homepage of PDF Printer. You can contact us if you have any questions about the software.

PDF Printer

Create PDF in batches with PDF Printer

VeryDOC PDF Printer is able to create PDF documents in batches. As a virtual printer, it supports to convert any printable documents like MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), HTML, OpenOffice, PDF, DWG, JPG, BMP, TIFF, TGA, PNG, etc. to PDF file which can be read on almost any computer and safer than other kind of file formats.

Before using PDF Printer, you need to download it to your computer by clicking here (There are two versions of PDF Printer—32-bit and 64-bit). Then follow the setup wizard to install it and you can choose to set it as the default printer.

To create PDF in batches you need to set the parameters for PDF Printer at first like the steps shown below:

  1. Click Start—Printers and Faxes to open the window in which you need to right click PDF Printer and choose Printing Performance option in the popup floating item.
  2. When you see the printer window which contains several tabs, please click Save as tab and you will see the tab like the one shown in Figure 1.
  3. Please check the option Batch output and input the output location for the batch created PDF documents in the beside edit box or you can click the button Create PDF in batches with PDF Printer to browse for an output directory.
  4. Choose a way for saving output files. There are four options for your choice: Rename if file exists, Overwrite if file exists, Insert before first page if file exist, Append to last page if file exist.
  5. If you want to view the target file as long as the conversion is over, please check the option View after creation.
  6. Click OK button.

create PDF in batches

                                                     Figure 1

After the printer settings, please choose all the printable documents that you need to convert and right click them to choose Print option in the popup floating item. Then the created PDF documents will be automatically saved in the specified location that you have set.

So those are all operations to create PDF in batches with PDF Printer. To know more information about this powerful application, please click here to enter the homepage of the product.

HTML to EPUB Converter

A way to produce epub files with elaborate information

In this article, I will show you how to produce epub files with elaborate information from PDF file through HTML to ePub Converter.

HTML to ePub Converter is the right solution for Windows users to convert HTM to epub and HTML to epub singly or in batches. What the distinct aspect compared with PDF to ePub Converter, is that, HTML to ePub Converter allows you to set epub cover and elaborate information flexibly, e.g., date, ISBN, name, categories, comments etc., besides different source formats. So right now, to experience HTML to ePub Converter here, please click here. To purchase full version of HTML to ePub Converter, please click here. And next, the following paragraphs will tell you exact way to produce epub files with elaborate information through HTML to ePub Converter.

1. Launch HTML to ePub Converter and add source HTM files in batches through drag and drop them into processing table directly, or you can do this job with this way: click Add HTM Files > select HTM files and click open in pop dialog box.

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

2. You can edit name, author, ISBN, Publisher, date, comments of epub files one by one accordingly with GUI interface of HTML to ePub Converter. Also it is easy for you to select a local image as cover of epub files.

3. After all basic work is finished, please click on Convert > choose targeting folder > click save.

Then, HTML to ePub Converter helps you generate epub files with elaborate information easily! Here is an example epub file with elaborate information below:

epub file from HTML to epub through HTML to ePub Converter

It seemed like the illustration about how to produce epub files with elaborate information via process from HTM to epub has been absorbed by your brain, right? So here I strongly recommend you a software that allows you convert PDF to epub properly and variously in multiple aspects – PDF to ePub Converter. I hope you like both HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to ePub Converter, for they all could help you produce flexible epub files compatible with various portable devices!

HTML to EPUB Converter

How to add date and comments from HTML to epub?

This article can tell you a method to add date and add comments from HTML to epub through HTML to ePub Converter.

HTML to ePub Converter can be used to professionally and quickly convert HTML to epub and HTM to epub singly or in batches. And you do not need to worry about quality of epub files based on HTML data and embedded styles, for HTML to ePub Converter could help you retain all original data of HTM and HTML files automatically. You can try HTML to ePub Converter right now and buy HTML to ePub Converter later.

Here is the method to add date and add comments from HTML to epub through GUI interface of HTML to ePub Converter below:

Interface of HTML to ePub Converter

1. Add HTML files:

drag and drop HTML files into processing form directly.

2. Add date and add comments:

move your mouse into relative edit boxes – edit date and comments like ones in GUI interface above. However, usually, program itself can bring you default date if your computer system date and time is correct.

3. Click on Convert – choose your objective folder, then after a while, HTML to ePub Converter can produce epub files with added date and comments quickly!

epub file produced from HTML to epub

epub file 2 produced from HTML to epub


By now, it is clear that you have already known the method to add comments and date from HTML to epub and HTM to epub through HTML to ePub Converter. However, here is a question: what if we want to convert PDF to epub? Yes, it is the point! But do not worry, for our company has designed a software named PDF to ePub Converter, and it can help you with that as you want anytime and conveniently! Also those produced epub files through PDF to ePub Converter have a great compatibility for popular devices, e. g., iTouch, iPad, iPhone etc..  Think about it, how wonderful if you have two software – HTML to ePub Converter and PDF to ePub Converter, and how convenient for you to make all content of webpage or PDF files display in portable devices in smaller sizes and in e-book forms!

Anyway, supposed you met some questions during your own conversion or on unknown fields about software, please do not hesitate to contact us through support@verydoc.com right now!