How could I produce hundreds of epub files from PDF files?
Some users want to know whether PDF to ePub Converter can help us convert hundreds of PDF to epub files one time through that simple and easy-to-use GUI interface in Windows systems, and this article can tell you the exact answer that you want to know through an example here!
First, supposed there is no installation of PDF to ePub Converter in your computer, please download free trial version of PDF to ePub Converter right now, if you want to follow steps below to prove answer by yourself!
Only three steps needed here can get you a perfect answer for your confusion, which only can waste maybe just 3 mins here!
1. Add hundreds of PDF files first of course!
Drag and drop those PDF files from a folder into GUI processing form directly, or click Add PDF Files – choose PDF files one time – click open
2. Select flexible option accordingly
If your PDF files are scanned PDF files , it is better for you to click radio each page as an image to epub; if you just want several continual pages of PDF files converted to epub files later, please click radio Select Range – input page numbers in edit boxes From and To etc.. All supported functions of PDF to ePub Converter can be found through its GUI interface easily and directly!
3. Generate hundreds of epub files one time
Click on Convert - select one folder as destination folder – click ok, then produced epub files could be added into this set folder in batches after process from PDF to epub.
Here are the example epub files after this experimental production for your questions here:
Now you have known PDF to ePub Converter really can help you process hundreds of PDF to epub files one time and within several mins or even just a few seconds accordingly!
However, sometimes, what we want to extract is not content of PDF files, but it is only proper of webpage files in batches, then HTML to ePub Converter can be of big use here, which helps you produce epub files from any kinds of HTM files and HTML files of webpage files formats professionally. And what HTML to ePub Converteris distinct with PDF to ePub Converter, is that, it allows users to edit epub information and hardcover directly, besides different supported format. I hope HTML to ePub Converter can be of help sometimes in your work life!
At last, please feel free to contact us through, if you have any concerns on this articles or software.