PDF to Word Converter

Introduction to VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter

The new product of VeryDOCPDF to Word Converter is a powerful application which is able to convert PDF document DOC, DOCX, RTF document with some easy operations. The smart and small user interface allows you to master and control the program in a short time.

PDF to Word Converter is a Windows system based program and you can run it on   Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/2008. It supports both 32 and 64-bit Windows system. You can download the program via clicking this link.

When you download PDF to Word Converter to your computer, please double click the installer to open the setup wizard, by following which you can easily fulfill the installation work.

PDF to Word Converter has the ability to retain the original layouts of the source file in the conversion. When you want to add file (s) into the program, it supports drag and drop operations. Additionally, the batch conversion function enables you to work with high quality and efficiency.

PDF to Word Converter is able to convert PDF in different kinds of languages like English, French, German, Italian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, etc.

If you want to remove the graphics or images from the original PDF document when you convert PDF to DOC, PDF to Word Converter can help you remove the images or graphics (including line, arc, rectangle, etc.) to resize the size of target file.

If the input PDF document is an owner password protected file which is not allowed to be copied, modified, printed, etc., don’t worry, PDF to Word Converter is able to convert this kind of file to Word document smoothly.

If you are looking for such a kind of program to be your working tool, you can see some more information about the program on its homepage.

There are two snapshots below about PDF to Word Converter. You can have a look at them to help you get acquaintance to the program. If you have any questions about VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter, please contact our support team or you can leave your words here.

Interface of PDF to Word Converter Preferences window

PDF Printer

How to create PDF by command line?

The program VeryDOC PDF Printer Pro has the ability to create PDF document by command line. PDF Printer Pro not only contains all features of PDF Printer, it also supports to create PDF by GUI software and command line. Additionally, this program can act as an API for Windows applications in Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, etc.

In this article, you will see how to create PDF document by command line. At first, you need to download PDF Printer Pro here and then install it on your computer. To make the conversion by command line, you need to open MS-DOS interface.

Please click Start—Run to open Run dialog box and input cmd in Open combo box. Then click OK button. When MS-DOS interface appear on the screen, you are able to input the command line.

The called program of the command line is the executable file BatchtoPDF.exe in installation folder of PDF Printer Pro. There is a command line usage for you to write the command line. Please see the following one:

BatchToPDF <input file> <output.pdf>

According to this usage, there is an detailed example to create PDF document.

BatchPDF.exe C:\demo\test.doc D:\test.pdf

In the command line,

BatchPDF.exe stands for the called program.

C:\demo\test.doc is the path of source file.

D:\test.pdf is the path of target file.

You can also not define the target file path and the target file will be automatically saved in the same folder with BatchtoPDF.exe. The following snapshot is a successfully run command line for creating PDF.

create PDF via command line

                                                          Figure 1

At last, please tag Enter button on the keyboard to create PDF document.

You can get more information about PDF Printer Pro by clicking here. You can also purchase the application on the homepage of PDF Printer Pro. If you have any good ideas or options about VeryDOC or the product in this article, welcome to leave your words here or contact our support team.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert owner password protected PDF to SWF smoothly?

Some users want a command line tool to convert owner password protected PDF to SWF smoothly and flawlessly, then what I recommend to use is PDF to Flash Converter, which is a professional utility to help Windows users and developers to convert all kinds of PDF to SWF with popular properties easily and quickly!

For your convenience of processing this experiment quickly, it is optional for you to download free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter here. Do you want to know how PDF to Flash Converter work in this? Then please continue to follow me in this article.

In command prompt window in Windows systems, you can refer to the following usage and example to try to convert owner password protected PDF file to SWF directly:


pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>


pdftoflash.exe –pv2ropw 668822 d:\in2.pdf f:\out2.swf

(note: –pv2ropw 668822 – tell program what owner password of PDF is 668822 for quick and smooth conversion later)

Then, within a few seconds, PDF to Flash Converter can offer you flawless SWF file from owner password protected PDF file through command line.

Below is the example of produced SWF through command line based on owner password protected PDF file:

SWF example from owner password protected PDF file through command line

To know more conversions from PDF to SWF in various SWF properties settings, please keep viewing our knowledge base or go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter for more details conveniently. Thank you for reading this article about how to convert owner password protected PDF to SWF smoothly.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to make SWF play in web browser manually?

Some people want to control SWF playing ratio manually in web browsers( with plug-in of Adobe Flash Players), not automatically, thus, I can recommend you a multi-functional software named PDF to Flash Converter, which is a command line utility that helps Windows users convert PDF to SWF and edit SWF attributes optionally and flexibly.

Want to get a free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter here? Then, you can click on here! And want to know how to realize manual SWF playing control right now? Then, just keep reading this article, please.

Like what we usually mention before, to process tasks through command line in Windows systems, first, it is essential for you to open command prompt window here: click Windows + R – type cmd – click ok.

Then, in command prompt window, you can refer to the following command line to convert PDF to SWF and make SWF play manually:

D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe -swfopt "-t" D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test.pdf D:\pdftoflash_cmd\ab.swf

(note: -swfopt "-t": help you add a “stop” command after each page of PDF file so that users can manipulate SWF play rate directly)

Is that very simple to operate? Yes, it is. No matter you are a beginner or developer or IT employer, it is always easy and quick to convert PDF to SWF and make SWF play in web browser manually as you want! To know more parameters, which could be used for other setting on SWF files, please enter here. Then, if you want to try produced SWF like this, you can put it into web browser, and you will find out it really works as you wish through one click on right button of mouse – select play again and again etc.! And here is my SWF file as an production of my illustration for you here:

SWF file in manual SWF playing rate

To play SWF file automatically with regulated rate, you can cancel this setting with parameter “-swfopt “-t”” directly and change another parameter.

Any questions of yours on converting PDF to SWF through command line and play SWF manually in Web browser, can be answered through support@verydoc.com or just comments dropped here. To overview other products here, please go to product page of VeryDOC.

PDF Printer

How to create PDF in GUI application?

When you use PDF Printer to create PDF document, there is no user interface because the application is a virtual printer. The pro version of PDF Printer—PDF Printer Pro bundles a GUI application which is free of charge inside and it can help you convert any printable document to PDF file intuitively.

VeryDOC PDF Printer Pro is more functional than PDF Printer because it contains all features of PDF Printer, it also supports GUI and command line conversion. The pro version can be called from Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi, etc. programming languages as an API. In this article, you will see the way to create PDF with the bundled freeware GUI software.

At first, please click here to download PDF Printer Pro and then install it on your computer. To launch the GUI application, you can open the installation folder of PDF Printer Pro and then double click the executable file BatchtoPDF v1.2. Then you will see the small user interface of the GUI software on your screen like the one in Figure 1.

create PDF in GUI

                                                 Figure 1

To add document to be created to PDF file, you can click Menu—Open Files or click Open button to open the the file picker window in which you can choose the document that you need. Or you can directly drag the file and drop it into this program because it supports drag and drop operations.

After you add the file, the window for saving target file will automatically pop up and you can specify the output location, name for the target file in this window. Then please click Save button to start to create PDF file.

If you want to browse the target PDF file, you can open the specified location on your computer. So it’s the end of creating PDF with GUI software. Do you have any questions about the steps or the program? If so, you can leave your words here and our support team will give you a satisfied answer.