PDF to Word Converter

A good application to convert PDF to RTF

When you want to convert the document of pdf to rtf file which is easy to be opened and edited, you can take the application VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter as the helper. It is required that MS Office is installed on your computer and after you convert pdf to word, you will be able to save pdf to rtf in MS Office.

PDF to Word Converter is a good application which has the ability to convert pdf to rtf, doc, docx and retain the original layout at the same time. It supports to convert specified pages of pdf document to the target file and also able to remove images or graphics from the source pdf document to reduce the size for target file.

You can click here to download PDF to Word Converter and then follow the setup wizard to install the program on your computer. If you want to see how to use it to convert pdf to rtf, please read the following contents.

Firstly, please open PDF to Word Converter through start menu or by double clicking the application icon. When you see the main interface of the program which is shown in Figure 1, please add PDF document into it by dragging and dropping the file into the application.

interface of PDF to Word Converter

Figure 1

Secondly, in the popup Preferences window in which you can set up the converter parameters, please set the parameters that you need. Please see the window in Figure 2. If you want to know all the option functions in Preferences  window, please read the user guide of PDF to Word Converter.

set parameters when convert pdf to rtf

Figure 2

Thirdly, please click OK button if you finish setting parameters. In popup Save as window which is for saving target file will come out and you can set the output directory, name for the target file and choose the target file format as .doc format.

Lastly, open the created doc file in MS Office program and then save it as rtf file format. Please see how to save doc to rtf in Figure 3. In the opened MS Office program, please click File—Save as to open the window Save as and then you can choose the output location in Save in dropdown list, input the name in File name edit box and choose the target format as RTF in Save as Type dropdown list.

save doc to rtf

Figure 3

So these are all steps to convert pdf to rtf and you can enter the homepage of PDF to Word Converter to get more information about this product. You can leave your words here or contact our support team if you have any questions.

PDF to Word Converter

How to convert PDF to DOCX with PDF to Word Converter?

You can convert the document of pdf to docx easily with the help of the program VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter. This article aims at showing you how to use the program PDF to Word Converter to make conversion. MS Office is required on your computer if you want to convert pdf to docx.

There are five steps in this article for you to make the conversion shown in the following contents and you just need to follow them one by one until you successfully make the conversion.

1. Download and install PDF to Word Converter

Please click here to download the application and then double click the installer to install it on your computer.

2. Open the program and add PDF file

Please double click the application icon to open PDF to Word Converter and then find out the PDF document that you want to convert. Drag and drop it into the application.

interface of PDF to Word Converter

3. Set parameters for target file

If you successfully drag and drop source PDF into PDF to Word Converter, the Preferences window  in which you can set parameters for target file will pop up automatically and you need to set different parameters in it. The detailed function of each option are shown in the user guide of PDF to Word Converter.

4. Save target file

In the popup Save as window, you can set the output directory, name for target file and click Save button for starting to convert pdf to word.

How to convert PDF to DOCX with PDF to Word Converter?

5. Save doc as docx

Open the created doc format file in MS Office program and than click File—Save as to save doc as docx format if you need to convert pdf to docx.

How to convert PDF to DOCX with PDF to Word Converter?

When you click here, you can enter the homepage of PDF to Word Converter to see its detailed function and features. Also, if you need to purchase this application, you can enter the homepage of it.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert PDF to SWF in batches quickly?

In this article, I would like to illustrate how to convert PDF to SWF in batches quickly through PDF to Flash Converter command line on Windows platforms.

PDF to Flash Converter, the best solution to convert PDF to SWF with various properties in Windows platforms or multiple program languages, e.g., .net, .java, .asp etc.. For free trial on PDF to Flash Converter here, welcome to click at here. Then, if you would like to continue to read this article, you will know the method to convert PDF to SWF in batches through command line in the following paragraphs.

First, you need to know the usage of PDF to Flash Converter:

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>

Then, you may ask “what could we convert PDF to SWF in batches via command line on earth here?” Then, please do not hesitate to read the followings!

1. Create a new bat file in your computer

  • You can create a word file in your computer first, then you can change the file extension “.doc” to “.bat” directly, then your bat file can be created successfully. 

2. Write down all command lines that you want to process according to usage

  • Open your created bat file in your computer.
  • Then, according to usage of PDF to Flash Converter, please write all of your command line in opened bat file like the ones in picture below:

example bat file for you refer to of command line

(note: you can know more parameters appeared in picture above from here)

3. Convert PDF to SWF in batches quickly

Two ways to produce SWF files in batches:

  • You can open command prompt window > type path of “pdftoflash.exe” in command prompt > drag and drop this edited bat file into prompt window > click enter there.
  • Or just save your bat file after editing there directly > close your bat file > double click on icon of edited bat file.

Then, after you follow the ways above separately, conversions from PDF to SWF in batches can be accomplished through command line quickly in your computer. Here is a screen snapshot of SWF file below:

SWF example produced through command line

To produce vivid SWF files through command line, please go to view PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter through here, where you can not find information of PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter, but also can experience lively flip book file optionally.

PDF to Word Converter

Convert PDF to Word with a smart application

If you want to convert PDF to Word document with easy method, maybe you can have a try of the product of VeryDOCPDF to Word Converter which has the ability to convert PDF document to Word (DOC, DOCX) and RTF file in a short time with some mouse clicks.

PDF to Word Converter can be used to retain the original document layout when create a new Word document with six kinds of reconstruction modes. To use this smart application, you need to click here to download the tool at first.  Then double the installer and follow the setup wizard to install the program on your computer.

To open PDF to Word Converter, you can double click its application icon or open it through the Start menu. Then opened application interface is shown like the one in Figure 1. Then you can control the program like the steps illustrated below.

interface of PDF to Word Converter

Figure 1

1. Add PDF file

There are several ways to add PDF document into PDF to Word Converter. The first way is to click File—Open menu to open file picker window and choose the file that you need. The second way is to use the shortcut key Ctrl+ F to open the file picker window. The third way is to directly drag and drop PDF document to be converted into the program.

2. Set parameters for the converter

Please click File—Preferences to open the Preferences window in which you can set different parameters for the converter. Please see the window which contains several tabs in Figure 2. In Reconstruction Mode tab, you can choose any one of the method to retain original layouts for creating Word document. In General tab, you can set page range for the converted PDF file. In Language tab, you can choose the language as Auto or English. In Graphics tab, you can choose to remove images or graphic from original PDF document.

set parameters for PDF to Word Converter

Figure 2

3. Save target file

If you have successfully added PDF file and set parameters, when you click OK button in Preferences window, the window for saving target file will popup itself, in which you can specify the output location and input the new name for target file.

When you enter the homepage of PDF to Word Converter you will see more detailed introduction about it. If you have any questions about PDF to Word Converter or have any good ideas to us, welcome to leave your messages.

PDF to EPUB Converter, PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert user password protected PDF to SWF?

Some people are trapped in how to convert user password protected PDF to SWF in Windows systems, which is an average question mentioned usually. This article aims to show you how to use PDF to Flash Converter to solve this problem. 

Please download PDF to Flash Converter right now for later application by yourself. Then, you can use command line to convert user password protected PDF to SWF with the following description below.

1. Open command prompt window.

Click Windows + R – input cmd – click OK

2. Input command line and relative parameter to convert user password protected PDF to SWF in command prompt window.

Usage of PDF to Flash Converter:

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>

Relative parameter:

-pv2rupw <string> – for typing user password (for encrypted files)

Command Line example for you to refer to:

pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 233223 d:\source\input1.pdf C:\output\out1.swf

3. Produced SWF file is in snapshot below:

SWF produced from user password protected PDF

How to convert user password protected PDF to SWF?

Besides user password protected PDF file can be processed to SWF file smoothly, PDF to Flash Converter can help you edit more properties of SWF files than you can ever imagine through command line. PDF to Flash Converter can just only convert PDF to SWF of static form. To produce dynamic SWF files through PDF, you can choose PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter. For your doubts on PDF to Flash Converter, please drop your comments here, have a nice day!