A good application to convert PDF to RTF
When you want to convert the document of pdf to rtf file which is easy to be opened and edited, you can take the application VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter as the helper. It is required that MS Office is installed on your computer and after you convert pdf to word, you will be able to save pdf to rtf in MS Office.
PDF to Word Converter is a good application which has the ability to convert pdf to rtf, doc, docx and retain the original layout at the same time. It supports to convert specified pages of pdf document to the target file and also able to remove images or graphics from the source pdf document to reduce the size for target file.
You can click here to download PDF to Word Converter and then follow the setup wizard to install the program on your computer. If you want to see how to use it to convert pdf to rtf, please read the following contents.
Firstly, please open PDF to Word Converter through start menu or by double clicking the application icon. When you see the main interface of the program which is shown in Figure 1, please add PDF document into it by dragging and dropping the file into the application.
Figure 1
Secondly, in the popup Preferences window in which you can set up the converter parameters, please set the parameters that you need. Please see the window in Figure 2. If you want to know all the option functions in Preferences window, please read the user guide of PDF to Word Converter.
Figure 2
Thirdly, please click OK button if you finish setting parameters. In popup Save as window which is for saving target file will come out and you can set the output directory, name for the target file and choose the target file format as .doc format.
Lastly, open the created doc file in MS Office program and then save it as rtf file format. Please see how to save doc to rtf in Figure 3. In the opened MS Office program, please click File—Save as to open the window Save as and then you can choose the output location in Save in dropdown list, input the name in File name edit box and choose the target format as RTF in Save as Type dropdown list.
Figure 3
So these are all steps to convert pdf to rtf and you can enter the homepage of PDF to Word Converter to get more information about this product. You can leave your words here or contact our support team if you have any questions.