PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert user password protected PDF to SWF files with separate user password in batches?

This article aims to tell you how to convert user password protected PDF to SWF files with separate user password in batches through PDF to Flash Converter, which is a professional command line to help you produce SWF files from PDF files in Windows systems.

Want to free download PDF to Flash Converter here? Then, just do it at once! As I mentioned before, PDF to Flash Converter is a powerful command line tool, so there are multiple parameters which assists PDF to Flash Converter to accomplish lots of operation on Windows platforms, and do you want to know those parameters right now? Then, please enter here to know more.

The following paragraphs will tell you exactly about how to convert user password protected PDF to SWF files with separate user password in batches:

  • Please refer to the usage of PDF to Flash Converter and examples to type command line in created BAT file in your computer


pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>

Related Parameter:

-pv2rupw <string> : for typing user password of PDF file (for encrypted files)


   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 888999 d:\source\in1.pdf f:\out1.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe -pv2rupw 234233 c:\original\in2.pdf d:\target\out.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 343sde f:\original\in3.pdf e:\out3.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 33e33s g:\original\in4.pdf d:\out4.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 123321 e:\original\in5.pdf c:\out5.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 768768 d:\original\in6.pdf f:\out6.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 765867 c:\original\in7.pdf e:\out7.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw exggec g:\original\in8.pdf h:\out8.swf
   D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –pv2rupw 09mjku f:\original\in9.pdf g:\out9.swf

  • Please open command prompt window and process tasks in batches

Please open command prompt in your computer and type path of “pdftoflash.exe” in it, then click space there > drag and drop that created and saved BAT file into command prompt > click enter there. For more information, the following picture could be of help:

BAT file screen snapshot

example command prompt window for converting PDF to SWF with separate user password in batches

After a while, PDF to Flash Converter can help you generate lots of SWF files based on different user password protected PDF files in batches.

Here is the screen snapshot of generated SWF file below:

How to convert user password protected PDF to SWF files with separate user password in batches?

For more doubts on this article, which is about how to convert user password protected PDF to SWF files with separate user password in batches, please drop your comment here. If you want to create vivid SWF file of flip book from PDF file with user password in batches, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter could help you with that smoothly and with more fun! Thank you for your support here.

PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert PDF to SWF files with separate frame rates in batches?

Still trapped in how to convert PDF to SWF files with separate frame rate in batches? This article will show you how to convert PDF to SWF files with separate frame rate in batches through PDF to Flash Converter.

PDF to Flash Converter is the best command line tool to help you produce flash files singly or in batches with so many kinds of properties as you wish. And you can obtain free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter right now by one click at here. Want to know the exact method to convert PDF to SWF files in batches based on separate frame rates? Then, please follow me in the following paragraphs.

First, please understand the usage of PDF to Flash Converter:

pdftoflash.exe [options] <PDF Files>

Second, please know the related parameter for setting frame rates:

-swfrate <int>: set Flash frame rate

Third, please create a blank BAT file in your computer and refer to the following examples to type your own command line in it:

D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 36 D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test2.pdf D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test_as3.swf
D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 24 D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test3.pdf D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test_burst2.swf
D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 48 D:\test4.pdf D:\test_vector2raster.swf
D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 72 D:\test2.pdf D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test_as3.swf
D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 96 D:\ab\test4.pdf "D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test_as4.swf"
D:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 12 "D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test34.pdf" "D:\pdftoflash_cmd\test_burst4.swf"

At last, please save your command line in created BAT file > close BAT file > double click its icon in your computer, so PDF to Flash Converter will provide you with different frame rates SWF files after conversions of PDF to SWF.

Here are screen snapshots of SWF files with different frame rates:

SWF with separate frame rate

SWF with separate frame rate

For more parameters, please go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter to know more. As most users know, our company has been engaged in bringing perfect software to honorable customers, so if you want to produce epub files from PDF files, please check more information at homepage of PDF to ePub Converter. Thank you for reading this article about how to convert PDF to SWF files with separate frame rates in batches through PDF to Flash Converter.

PDF to Word Converter

How to convert specified pages of PDF to Word document?

When you use PDF to Word Converter to convert pdf to word document, do you want to convert some specified pages of pdf document to word file? If so, do you know how to do? Don’t worry, this article aims at showing you how to do this kind of work.

PDF to Word Converter can be used as command line application this article will introduce the command line method to you.

You need to download PDF to Word Converter via clicking here and install it on your computer. In the installation folder, you will see an executable file pdf2word.exe which is the called program in the command line conversion.

When you want to use this command line program, please see its usage at first. You can input the file path of pdf2word.exe into MS-DOS interface, hit Space button on the keyboard, input –h or –? command line, hit Enter button on the keyboard to open the command line usage window like the one shown in Figure 1.

command line usage

Figure 1

So if you want to convert the specified pages of pdf to word file, you can write your command line the following one:

pdf2word –f 2 –l 5 –i C:\input.pdf –o C:\output.doc

In this command line,

pdf2word stands for the called program and when you write the command line, please use its path.

–f 2 is to set the first page of converted pdf document as 2.

–l 5 is to set the last converted pdf page as 5.

–i C:\input.pdf is the path of input pdf document.

–o C:\output.doc is the path of output pdf document.

In addition, you can also use this command line application to realize other function like setting target file zoom percentage.

pdf2word –z 50 –q –i C:\input.pdf –o C:\output.doc

In this command line example, the option –z 50 and –q is to set target file zoom ratio as 50 % and run the conversion without GUI window.

If you finish inputting the command line, please hit Enter button to run the conversion from pdf to word.

The homepage of PDF to Word Converter.

The support team of VeryDOC.

PDF to Word Converter

Convert PDF to Word by command line

VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter is not only a powerful GUI application which has a smart and small user interface, it can also be used as a command line application. If you want to see how to convert pdf to word by command line, please read this article and the contents below will be some useful information for those who likes to use command line application.

PDF to Word Converter has the ability to convert pdf to word (doc or docx) or rtf document with some easy operations and it can also convert the specified pages of pdf file to word document by setting some special parameters. If you want to use this application, please click here to download it.

After installing PDF to Word Converter on your computer, please open the installation folder and the executable file pdf2word.exe will be the called program of the command line conversion.

Firstly you need to open MS-DOS interface to input the command line into it. If you don’t know how to write the right command line, please input the path of pdf2word.exe and type the command –h, hit Enter button on the keyboard to see the command line usage. The popup usage window likes the one in Figure 1.

command line uages

Figure 1

Then by following the command line usage, you can write your own command line in MS-DOS interface. For example, there is a successfully run command line for converting pdf to word shown in Figure 2.

convert pdf to word by command line

Figure 2

The command line is

"C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDF2Word v3.0\pdf2word.exe" -i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\pdf\she.pdf" -o C:\she.doc

  • "C:\Program Files\VeryPDF PDF2Word v3.0\pdf2word.exe" is the path of pdf2word.exe.
  • -i "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\demo\pdf\she.pdf" is the path of source file.
  • -o C:\she.doc is the path of target file.

When you finish inputting the command line, you need to hit Enter button to run the conversion from pdf to word. When the conversion is over, a small window will popup to remind you that the conversion is successful and then the target word file will be displayed on the screen automatically.

More information about PDF to Word Converter is on the homepage of the product. Thanks for your reading.

PDF to Word Converter

Convert PDF to Word in batches

The program VeryDOC PDF to Word Converter allows users to make batch conversion with some easy operations in the smart application interface. There is no need any other third-party program installed if you want to convert pdf to word in batches only. This article aims at showing you how to convert pdf to word with this program.

If you don’t know what is PDF to Word Converter, please download it via clicking here and then install it on your computer by double clicking the installer of program. If necessary, you can created a desktop icon for the application so that you can conveniently use it.

Please open PDF to Word Converter at first and then you need to add PDF document into the program. There are several ways for your reference:

  1. Click File—Open to open file picker window and choose all PDF documents that you want to convert.
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ F to open the file picker window and choose PDF documents.
  3. Directly drag all PDF documents and then drop them into PDF to Word Converter.

You will will the window for setting parameters for the target file on your screen with the name Preferences in which you can choose to retain original layout, specified the converted pdf pages, remove images or graphics from PDF files, etc. Please see the window in Figure 1.

set parameters for converting pdf to word

Figure 1

After clicking on OK button in the window, the window named as Browse for folder will appear on your screen and you just need to choose an output location for the target files in this window and click OK button to run the conversion from pdf to word. Please see this window in Figure 2.

save target files

Figure 2

Then you can find the target file in specified location of your computer. Of course, you can also convert the files of pdf to docx, pdf to rtf in batches with the help of PDF to Word Converter.

For learning more information about the product PDF to Word Converter, please click here to enter its homepage. If you have any questions about the application or our website, please contact the support team of VeryDOC.