
PDF to PNG Converter on Mac OS X

“One week ago, I had received a lot of scanned PDF documents from my friends. I needed to convert the scanned PDF documents to PNG on Mac OS X computer so I could upload it to a PayPal account to resolve a limited access problem. How to convert pdf to png with clear and crisp quality on Mac OS X? I have tried several online PDF converters many times, but failed. Any idea?” – Jessica

Got the same problem with Jessica? Yes, if you search the Internet, you could find many free or online PDF to PNG converters. But you may find that many of them cannot produce clear quality PNG. It is difficult to find a useful PDF tool to convert PDF to high quality PNG.Don’t worry, guy. Follow me to get the right PDF to PNG converter to convert pdf to png with good output quality.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a widely used and universally recognized file format, which is ideal for sharing, distributing or printing an image. But PDF documents are read only and some older web browsers do not support the PDF format. And PDF documents are not friendly for devices with small screenand storage. Its format and big size make it difficult to open and view PDF documents on small screen devices.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a common image file format, which is widely used often used for web graphics. Screenshots saved on Mac computer are usually in the format of PNG. You can use Paint Shop Pro, Roxio Creator, The Logo Creator, Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer and Apple Preview or Safari, etc to open the PNG image.

To get high quality PNG images, you have to choose a right PDF tool which can not only convert PDF to PNG, but also keep the PNG images in high pixel. Here I recommend one you can try: PDF to Image Converter for Mac.

PDF to Image Converter for Macis a Mac OS X oriented PDF converter which can convert PDF to PNG, PDF to JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA and PPM. The PDF to Image Converter for Mac is extremely quick in rendering PDF documents into clear PNG image to host on web sites, reducing file size for sending via email or storing.

convert pdf to png

In 3 steps, you will make it!

  • Download PDF to Image Converter for Mac and then click the setup file to install it.
  • Drag and drop PDF files.
  • Click the Convert button to convert PDF to PNG images.

If you want to know more about it and how to convert pdf to png on Mac OS X with PDF to Image Converter for Mac, you can leave your comments below or contact the support team of VeryDOC.

PDF Margin Crop

Crop blank margin of PDF file in batches

Maybe you have multiple PDF files which contain big size blank margin. When you print these documents, you may need to use A4 paper which is really a waste of paper and money. But if you crop blank margin in batches, these PDF documents will be able to be printed by B5 paper. So why not? The command line application introduced in this article will help you do this kind of work.

The name of the application is VeryDOC PDF Margin Crop and you can download it via clicking here. By double clicking the installer you will be able to follow the installation wizard to install it on your computer and then click Start—All Programs—VeryDOC PDF Margin Crop v2.0—PDF Margin Crop Command Line to run the command line application.

You will see the usage of the command line application at once. Please see it in Figure 1. To crop blank margin of PDF files, you will need to use the option –margin. PDF Margin Crop allows you to crop blank margin to the page left, top, right or bottom according to your needs. This command line also supports wildcard *, so you can choose to crop pdf margin in batches.

usage of PDF Margin Crop Command Line

                                                                    Figure 1

There are several examples for your reference.

pdfmc.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

pdfmc.exe –margin 0x10x0x10pt –specklesize 10 C:\in.pdf D:\out.pdf

pdfmc.exe –margin 10x10x10x10mm C:\in\*.pdf D:\out\*.pdf

The first command line example is to crop blank margin of PDF file automatically without setting any parameters.

The second command line example is to set PDF margin to 0x10x0x10 point.

The third command line example is to crop PDF margin in batches and set all PDF margin as 10x10x10x10mm.

After inputting the command line, please hit Enter button to run the process.

There is a successfully run command line to crop blank margin for PDF files in batches shown in Figure 2.

crop blank margin of PDF files in batches

                                                                   Figure 2

If you are interested in VeryDOC PDF Margin Crop and want to purchase it, please enter the homepage of it. If you have any ideas or options about this product, please contact the support team of VeryDOC.


PDF to PS Converter for Mac-Convert PDF to PostScript on Mac

PDF to Any Converter is a professional PDF to PS converter which can help you convert PDF to PostScript without any Adobe software freely and quickly. PostScript is a page description language that can accurately preserve page layouts and display effects of documents on any output devices in any operating system. This article will show you why choose PDF to Any Converter to convert PDF to PostScript and some easy steps to convert PDF to PostScript on Mac OS X.

Well, first of all, let’s have a look why choose PDF to Any Converter to convert PDF to PostScript.

  • Firstly, it can convert PDF to PostScript on Mac OS X with high-speed. PDF to Any Converter can help you convert PDF documents to PostScript (PS) files in very short time.
  • Secondly, it convert encrypted PDF to PostScript on Mac OS X. PDF to Any Converter is able to convert password protected PDF files to PostScript.
  • Lastly, it supports to batch convert PDF to PostScript on Mac OS X. PDF to Any Converter supports batch conversion that converts multiple PDF documents into PostScript files at one time.

Then, let’s see how to use PDF to Any Converterto convert PDF to PostScript on Mac OS X.

PDF to PostScript

  • Download and install it for free.
  • Choose PDF to PostScript.
  • Drag PDF files to the process queue.
  • Choose Output Folder for the converted PostScriptfiles.
  • Click Start to convert the PDF files to PostScript.

Before converting PDF to PostScript, you can click Settingto set the page size and resolution for the converted PostScript files and other parameters.

After the conversion, you can click Browse to open the Output Folderto view the converted PostScript files.

Just as its name implies, it can also convert PDF to other formats. If you want to know the other conversion, you can visit the hompage of PDF to Any Converter for Mac. If you still have confusions about how to convert PDF to PostScript on Mac OS X with PDF to Any Converter you can you can leave your problems below or contact the support team of VeryDOC.

PDF Margin Crop

How to cut PDF margin and remove PDF speckles?

Maybe there are some pdf margins and speckles in one pdf document like the one shown in Figure 1, would you like to cut the margin and remove pdf speckles? If so, the application VeryDOC PDF Margin Crop which has GUI and command line version will do you a great favor.

document with pdf margins and pdf speckles

                                                                      Figure 1

Please click here to download PDF Margin Crop and install it on your computer by following the setup wizard which pops up after you double click the installer. In the following contents, you will see how to cut pdf margin and remove pdf speckles with GUI and command line way.

GUI method:

Please open the application by double clicking its icon and then click Add File (s) button to add pdf file from the opened file picker window. The application support batch conversion so you can add multiple pdf documents into it. Then please click Setting button to open the window for setting parameters. Please see it in Figure 2.

cut pdf margin and remove pdf speckle by GUI application

                                                     Figure 2

In Retain minimum margin edit box, you can input the margin size that you want to retain according to the examples given above. Then please input the value in Remove speckles which size less than edit box such as 20 and then the application will remove pdf speckles which are less than 20 pixels. Then please click OK button and Click Convert PDFs button in main interface of PDF Margin Crop.

Command Line method:

You can find the command line program in installation folder of PDF Margin Crop. Run it and input the command line according to the following usage:

How to cut PDF margin and remove PDF speckles?

There is an example for you to cut pdf margin and remove pdf speckle.

pdfmc –margin 10x10x10x10pt –specklesize 20 C:\input\*.pdf C:\output\*.pdf

In the command line,

  • pdfmc is to call the called program. Please input its path in the command line.
  • –margin 10x10x10x10pt is to set pdf margin as 10x10x10x10 point to left, top, right, bottom.
  • –specklesize 20 is to remove pdf speckles which are less than 20.
  • C:\input\*.pdf  is the path of source file. This application supports batch conversion with wildcard.
  • C:\output\*.pdf is the path of target file.

Then please hit Enter button to run the working process.

Please see the pdf document which is cut margin and removed speckles in Figure 3.


pdf which is cut margins and removed speckles

                                                                         Figure 3

If you have any other questions, please contact our support team.


PDF Scissors-make nice PDF e-book

crop PDFWanna crop PDF document and make nice PDF e-book for iPad? PDF Crop for iPad will be a convenient tool for you to crop PDF files.

If you use your iPad to read PDF, you may frequently be annoyed by big margins, especially when PDF readers on your iPad don’t feature fine-grained zooming or smooth scrolling. To hide the margins in order to maximize the reading area and enjoy better reading experience, why not try this useful PDF scissor-PDF Crop for iPad to crop PDF files?

PDF Crop for iPad is a professional and convenient tool to crop PDF files. With its user-friendly interface, PDF Crop for iPad is able to remove excess margins of PDF pages and select the page range based on the crop box easily. It can crop PDF files professionally to contribute to your PDF reading experience on small screen devices such as iPad, iPhone, and other portable media devices with smaller screens.

What can PDF Crop for iPad do?

  • Crop PDF for iPad, iPhone,Android, etc.

PDF Crop for iPad is able to crop PDF files for a lot of small screen devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android, and other portable media devices with smaller screens.

  • Remove white margins from PDF

From the perspective of dimension, PDF files are very big, which cause some inconvenience when they are read on some portable devices with smaller screens. PDF Crop for iPad can crop PDF files and remove the white margins of each page so that it is more convenient to read PDF files on iPad, iPhone, Android and other portable media devices with smaller screens. In other words, it can shrink PDF margin automatically.

  • Adjust the size of PDF pages to fit the screen of iPad, iPhone, Android phones

With the help of PDF Crop for iPad, you can adjust the page size of the PDF files to fit the screen of your iPad, iPhone, and Android phones. It also supports to adjust the crop box with different tool buttons.

  • Set the cropped page range

PDF Crop for iPad provides you with three different cropped page range options- all pages, the even pages and the odd pages. You can choose one of them according to your need.

  • Batch crop PDF files

PDF Crop for iPad can crop batch crop PDF files down to their finished size.

Besides the above, PDF Crop for iPad can do more than what has been said above. To know more about the software itself or how to crop PDF files for iPad with PDF Crop for iPad, please enter its homepage and you can also leave your messages below or contact the support team of VeryDOC