Replace text and string in PDF file by PDF Parser & Modify SDK from C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET
PDF Parser & Modify SDK for .NET can be downloaded and purchased from following web page,
You can use following VB.NET code to replace text contents in PDF page, you can port this VB.NET code to C# code easily.
The entire example is included in this download package,
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal lpPDFFile As String, ByVal lpOutFile As String, ByVal lpOptions As String) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDKFromMemory Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByRef lpPDFData As Byte, ByVal nDataLen As Integer, ByVal lpOutFile As String, ByVal lpOptions As String) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetHandle Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal lpPDFFile As String, ByVal lpOptions As String) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetCount Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetImageLength Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetImageData Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByRef lpData As Byte, ByVal nBufLen As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetTextInfoLength Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetTextInfoData Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer, ByVal nIndex As Integer, ByRef lpData As Byte, ByVal nBufLen As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_Free Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetPageCount Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal lpPDFFile As String) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK_GetAllPagesCount Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDFParserData As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_OpenFile Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal lpInPDFFile As String, ByVal lpOutPDFFile As String) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_CloseFile Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDF As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal hPDF As Integer, ByVal nPage As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal lpOldText As String, ByVal lpNewText As String) As Integer
Private Declare Sub VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_SetCode Lib "pdfparsersdk2.dll" (ByVal lpCode As String)
Public Function Byte2Image(ByVal ByteArr() As Byte) As Image
Dim NewImage As Image = Nothing
Dim ImageStream As MemoryStream
If ByteArr.GetUpperBound(0) > 0 Then
ImageStream = New MemoryStream(ByteArr)
NewImage = Image.FromStream(ImageStream)
NewImage = Nothing
End If
Catch ex As Exception
NewImage = Nothing
End Try
Byte2Image = NewImage
End Function
Public Function Image2Byte(ByRef NewImage As Image) As Byte()
Dim ImageStream As MemoryStream
Dim ByteArr() As Byte = Nothing
ReDim ByteArr(0)
If NewImage IsNot Nothing Then
ImageStream = New MemoryStream
NewImage.Save(ImageStream, ImageFormat.Png)
ReDim ByteArr(CInt(ImageStream.Length - 1))
ImageStream.Position = 0
ImageStream.Read(ByteArr, 0, CInt(ImageStream.Length))
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Image2Byte = ByteArr
End Function
Private Sub LoadPDFFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadPDFFile.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Please Select a File"
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Application.StartupPath()
End Sub
Private Sub OpenFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles OpenFileDialog1.FileOk
Dim strm As System.IO.Stream
strm = OpenFileDialog1.OpenFile()
PDFFileName.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString()
If Not (strm Is Nothing) Then
'insert code to read the file data
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ParserPDFFile()
Dim nRet As Integer
Dim strOptions As String
Dim strInPDFFile As String
Dim strOutFile As String
Dim strLogMsg As String
Dim nDPI As Integer = 300
'Render PDF pages to PNG image files first
strInPDFFile = PDFFileName.Text
strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\out.png"
strOptions = "-r 72 -html -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
nRet = VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK(strInPDFFile, strOutFile, strOptions)
strLogMsg = strInPDFFile & vbCrLf & strOutFile & vbCrLf & strOptions & vbCrLf & "nRet = " & Str(nRet)
Dim strOutHTMLFile As String = Application.StartupPath() & "\out_pg_0001.htm"
Dim Reader As StreamReader = File.OpenText(strOutHTMLFile)
Dim strFileText As String = Reader.ReadToEnd()
HTMLContents.Text = strFileText
WebBrowser1.Url = New Uri(Path.Combine("file://", strOutHTMLFile))
End Sub
Private Sub DEMO_ReplaceTextInPDFDirectly_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DEMO_ReplaceTextInPDFDirectly.Click
Dim nRet As Integer
Dim strOptions As String
Dim strInPDFFile As String
Dim strOutFile As String
Dim strLogMsg As String
Dim nDPI As Integer = 300
'Render PDF pages to PNG image files first
strInPDFFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\F_COC.pdf"
strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\out.png"
strOptions = "-r " & CStr(nDPI) & " -html -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
nRet = VeryPDF_PDFParserSDK(strInPDFFile, strOutFile, strOptions)
strLogMsg = strInPDFFile & vbCrLf & strOutFile & vbCrLf & strOptions & vbCrLf & "nRet = " & Str(nRet)
'default DPI is 72DPI in PDF file, so you need calculate position by 72DPI,
'you can read the text contents and position from output HTML file
Dim x, y, w, h, hPDF, bRet, nPage As Integer
Dim strOldText, strNewText As String
VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_SetCode("Your License Key for ModifyPDF SDK")
strOutFile = Application.StartupPath() & "\modified.pdf"
hPDF = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_OpenFile(strInPDFFile, strOutFile)
'Replace horizontal text contents
nPage = 1
x = 452 * 72.0 / nDPI
y = 809 * 72.0 / nDPI
w = 150 * 72.0 / nDPI
h = 35 * 72.0 / nDPI
strOldText = "Voucher"
strNewText = "VeryPDF1"
bRet = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, w, h, strOldText, strNewText)
'Replace vertical text contents
nPage = 1
x = 191 * 72.0 / nDPI
y = 199 * 72.0 / nDPI
w = 70 * 72.0 / nDPI
h = 559 * 72.0 / nDPI
strOldText = "PV91039100375"
strNewText = "VeryPDF12"
bRet = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, w, h, strOldText, strNewText)
MsgBox("Process completed." & vbCrLf & "VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText() return: " & CStr(bRet))
End Sub
Private Sub Replace_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Replace.Click
'default DPI is 72DPI in PDF file, so you need calculate position by 72DPI,
'you can read the text contents and position from output HTML file
Dim x, y, w, h, hPDF, bRet, nPage As Integer
Dim strOldText, strNewText As String
VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_SetCode("Your License Key for ModifyPDF SDK")
Dim strInPDFFile As String = PDFFileName.Text
If strInPDFFile = "" Then
MsgBox("Please select a PDF file first")
End If
Dim strOutFile As String = Application.StartupPath() & "\modified.pdf"
Dim nDPI As Integer = 72
If LeftBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please input a correct 'Left' value for text which you want to replace")
End If
If TopBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please input a correct 'Top' value for text which you want to replace")
End If
If WidthBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please input a correct 'Width' value for text which you want to replace")
End If
If HeightBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please input a correct 'Height' value for text which you want to replace")
End If
Dim left As Integer = CInt(LeftBox.Text)
Dim top As Integer = CInt(TopBox.Text)
Dim width As Integer = CInt(WidthBox.Text)
Dim height As Integer = CInt(HeightBox.Text)
Dim oldText As String = OldTextBox.Text
If oldText = "" Then
MsgBox("Please input a correct 'Old Text' value for text which you want to replace")
End If
Dim newText As String = NewTextBox.Text
If newText = "" Then
MsgBox("Please input a correct 'New Text' value for text which you want to replace")
End If
hPDF = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_OpenFile(strInPDFFile, strOutFile)
'Replace horizontal text contents
nPage = 1
x = left * 72.0 / nDPI
y = top * 72.0 / nDPI
w = width * 72.0 / nDPI
h = height * 72.0 / nDPI
strOldText = oldText
strNewText = newText
bRet = VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText(hPDF, nPage, x, y, w, h, strOldText, strNewText)
MsgBox("Replace Text in PDF file completed." & vbCrLf & "VeryPDF_ModifyPDF_ModifyText() return: " & CStr(bRet))
End Sub
End Class