PostScript to Text Converter

Discard original page layout from PS to text through command line

How to discard original page layout from PS to text with command line? This article would like to tell you the exact answer here, so if you are interested, please do not go away.

In this article, PS to Text Converter is our main tool, which is a command line application for Windows users to convert PS to text singly or in batches through command line. In addition, PS to Text Converter enables you to discard original page layout of PS file during related conversions. So if you want to freely try PS to Text Converter, please click at here.

How to discard original page layout from PS to text with command line immediately?

  • Usage of PS to Text Converter

ps2txt.exe [options] <PS> <TXT>

ps2txt.exe stands for path of ps2txt.exe;

[options] stands for optional parameters for editing properties of text during conversions from PS to text;

<PS> stands for original path of PS file;

<TXT> stands for objective path of produced TXT file.

  • Open command prompt that is environment of command line

Click Windows + R > type CMD > click OK

  • Refer to the following examples to type command line in command prompt

d:\ps2txt\ps2txt.exe –nolayout c:\ e:\output1.txt

-nolayout: do not maintain original physical layout.

After you know how to discard original page layout from PS to text through command line singly, if you want to know how to discard original page layout from PS to text through command line in batches, please go to VeryDOC Knowledge Base. More doubts on PS to Text Converter, please drop your comments here or contact our support team.

PostScript to Text Converter

Convert PS to text with command line in batches

Do you want to use command line to convert PS to text in batches quickly and accurately? Then, it is convenient for you to not go away and read this article.

First, allow me to introduce our command line tool here – PS to Text Converter, which is a professional utility that lets Windows users convert PS to TXT singly or in batches through command line. Besides, PS to Text Converter also enable you to edit specified page range during conversions from PS to text. Here it is my pleasure to offer you a convenience of trying free PS to Text Converter by yourself. Also if you want to know more information about how to purchase PS to Text Converter online, please go to transaction page.

After you install PS to Text Converter in your computer, you can continue to read this article to learn how to convert PS to TXT through command line in batches.

First, you need to know usage of PS to Text Converter:

ps2txt.exe [options] <PS> <TXT>

Second, you need to create a BAT file in your computer with the following way:

Open a blank notepad file > save this notepad file as .bat file, then in the blank BAT file, please according to usage of PS to text Converter, type path of “ps2txt.exe” > related parameters (optional options) > source path of PS file > objective path of TXT file, still confused, please see the following example of command line:

D:\ps2txt\ps2txt.exe F:\in\ E:\out\example.txt

Third, if you understand the command line example above, please input command line in created BAT file as many as you want to use to convert PS to text in batches later like what the following picture shows to you:

Example BAT file containing command line of converting PS to TXT in batches

Fig. Example BAT file containing command line of converting PS to TXT in batches

At last, please save this BAT file containing command line in your computer again,  > double click shortcut of this saved BAT file directly, then conversions from PS to text – PS to TXT in batches could be accomplished quickly.

More information about PS to Text Converter can be found at homepage of PS to Text Converter. And more doubts on converting PS to text with command line in batches, please contact support team or leave your comments here.

PowerPoint Converter

How to call PPT to SWF converter from ASP.NET code?


I decided to try your PPT to SWF converter. I downloaded the Trial and tried it on my PC. When I call the command from my .Net application it asks me if I want to buy the full version. The conversion of PPT worked here.
Then I tried it on a server, where it froze on executing the command. It didn't show the question popup. I think the reason for freezing is not showing the popup, so I cannot click anything and it cannot continue. Am I right and is there an option to try it on my server? I want to try it, before buy.

Thanks for your support.

According to your situation, you need to call Net application in the administrator accounts. Or please run this software by administrator rights. Please have a try, if you still can not make it work, please contact us as soon as possible.

Best wishes for you,

The application is uploaded on IIS site and is accessed from remote computer. Which should start as admin?
Please by following steps to try again,

1. Please download EXEShell COM Library from following URL,

Please refer to following page about EXEShell COM Library,

2. Please use following code to call pptconv.exe from PHP or ASP code,

ASP code,
Set comEXEShell = Server.CreateObject("")
comEXEShell.RunCommandLine "Administrator", "123456", "C:\pptconv.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ""C:\in.ppt"" ""C:\out.swf"""
Set comEXEShell = Nothing

PHP code,

$PdfCreator =new COM("") or die("Cannot start PdfCreator");
$PdfCreator->RunCommandLine("Administrator", "123456", "C:\pptconv.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf");
$PdfCreator = null;

Please set correct username and password to RunCommandLine() function, then you can launch the conversion from this special user account.

You may encounter Error 1314 in some Windows systems when you launch the conversion, please by following steps to solve the 1314 Error,

ERROR 1314:
1314 A required privilege is not held by the client. ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD

To resolve this issue:
1. Click Start, click Run, type "secpol.msc", and then press ENTER.
2. Double-click "Local Policies".
3. Double-click "User Rights Assignment".
4. Double-click "Replace a process level token".
5. Click "Add", and then double-click the "Everyone" group
6. Click "OK".
7. You may have to logout or even reboot to have this change take effect.

Please refer to following two screenshots to understand above steps,

Please look at following page for the details about ERROR 1314,

3. OK, you should no problem to call pptconv.exe from ASP or PHP code now.

Please notice, you need change "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" to correct License Key which sent to you by swreg.

However, if you still have same problem, please create a remote desktop account on your test machine, email to us the IP address, user name and password of this remote desktop account, we will login your test machine and assist you to solve this problem asap.


1. First of all, I wrote above, that I am trying with Trial license.

2. However, we already bought a "1 Server License", but if I put it on our Developer server, can I use it on Production server, later, or should buy another one? I guess not, so I wanted to use trial license for Dev server.

3. "2. Please use following code to call pptconv.exe from PHP or ASP code" - Sorry, but I am using ASP.NET, C#. Can you send me a sample for it, because I tried to make it, but is not so easy and should waste more time, which I haven't?

Thanks for your message, please refer to following web page about how to call pptconv.exe from C# code,

Ok, I tried the samples.

First is just like this I used and for which the problem existed.

Second returns me an error that cannot find the specified path, but all paths are existing. I mean path to "pptconv.exe", to source .ppt file and also I tried to create the .swf file, which I think is not needed, but it returned the same in both cases. I only couldn't understand what is "/runpath:". I search for the command, but couldn't find it. I guessed that is the path to "lsrunas.exe", or a temp folder, but in both cases it returned the same error, even if this folder existed, too. I tried to remove it, but it says that is required.

Third and fourth, looks almost the same. I tried with "cmdasuser.exe", but it returns an error, that user or pass is not correct, but I am logged in with these credentials.

At the end I tried to add the key in my command, which worked on my PC.
"C:\pptconv.exe -$ **************************** C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf"

It looks like that fixed the problem, but another appeared. I am seeing an inscription in converted slides in SWFs:

"The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory..."

When I am executing the command from CMD, it converts correctly and everything is there, but when execute the same from the code, the inscription appears.

Here is the code I am using:

Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = Server.MapPath(@"ppt2flash\pptconv.exe");
string strArguments = "-$ *********************** ";
strArguments += sourceCopy + " " + endSwfFile;
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @strArguments;

Can you tell me what is the reason for the error?

Thanks for your help,
I suggest you may use "Example #2" on following web page to try again,

Example #2: Use Free docPrint Service to run pptconv.exe from current active user account,

Please download and install docPrint Service from following URL,

docPrint Service can be used to run a Command Line from current active user account or a special user account,
this tool is useful to overcome permission restrictions in SYSTEM and Non-Interactive user accounts.

Please by following steps to use docPrint Service,

1. Download and unzip it to a folder,
2. Run docPrint_Service.exe application, you will see an icon appear in tray area,
3. You can run following command lines to test it first, "docPrint_client.exe" will deliver the Command Line to
docPrint_Service.exe application, docPrint_Service.exe application will execute the Command Line from active
user account automatically,

docPrint_client.exe nowait "C:\VeryDOC\pptconv.exe" C:\test.ppt C:\out.swf
docPrint_client.exe wait "C:\VeryDOC\pptconv.exe" C:\test.ppt C:\out.swf

4. You can call "docPrint_client.exe" from your code, please refer to a simple C# code at below,

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Data.Sql;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;

public partial class _runpptexe : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
FileStream fs;
TextWriter txt;
Process proc = new Process();

proc.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\\ppttest\\VeryDOC\\docPrint\\docPrint_client.exe";
string strArguments = "";
strArguments += "wait C:\\ppttest\\VeryDOC\\pptconv.exe -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX C:\\ppttest\\test.ppt C:\\ppttest\\test.swf";
fs = new FileStream("C:\\pptcheck.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
txt = new StreamWriter(fs);

Response.Write(" ");

proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @strArguments;
Response.Write("File has been successfully converted.<br>");

Please look at following page for the details of Free docPrint Service,

I have another solution to you, you may arrange C# or ASP.NET code run from administrator user account to instead of default SYSTEM user account, the following code will work fine for you too,

Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = Server.MapPath(@"ppt2flash\pptconv.exe");
string strArguments = "-$ ********************** ";
strArguments += sourceCopy + " " + endSwfFile;
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @strArguments;


How I wrote above, we already bought the product. I also wrote that have a license key and used it.
Yesterday tried with your last suggestion from the code and it worked, but then changed the "in" and "out" directories, which were hard coded for the test and the error with image appeared again:

"The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory..."

I thought that the problem is in permissions and started to reverting the changes to reach a working code, but conversion suddenly stopped working. I tried a lot of things, even run the command from CMD and it returned the following error:

"Time:Thu Jul 19 08:21:38 2012

SendURLListToServer(), Can't link to

RunCmd(), Error

Return code = 0"

What it means? How can I fix that to can finally set the conversion, because it took too long time?

Yes, but it was stopped, when I wrote you for the error. Then started it manually and yesterday it was stopped, too. So it will not work, before I start it manually. It isn't an option, I should start docPrintService.exe from the code, before starting conversion, but I should wait it to load. Unfortunately, when I start the process, it doesn't return a result when is started. I tried with "process.WaitForExit();" and "process.WaitForInputIdle();", but it didn't pass through both of them. That is why I asked you, if you have something ready, because I already waste a lots of time with this.

No, restarting isn't solution, too. What about if somebody tries to convert just in that time? I should be sure, that it is running before starting conversion.

I have a bad feeling that you didn't read carefully what I am writing. You suggested me the solution with "EXEShell COM Library" in the beginning and I asked you how to make it in ASP.NET, then you suggested another solutions for .NET.
You also asked me for remote desktop and I wrote you that it isn't possible.
Now you write me the same things
Also, if I start the docPrint_Service.exe from the code, its icon doesn't appear in tray area and it doesn't convert. I am starting it by the same admin account
No, no, you can't start docPrint_Service.exe from your ASP.NET code, because ASP.NET is run from SYSTEM user account, if you start the docPrint_Service.exe from ASP.NET code, docPrint_Service.exe will be run from SYSTEM user account too, docPrint_Service.exe will lost the administrator privilege.

You need run docPrint_Service.exe from administrator user account or an interactive user account who own the administrator privilege, then you will see an icon appear in tray area.

also, "EXEShell COM Library" can be called from .NET code without any problem.

Finally I think I fixed the problems. I used the following sample:

but after conversion, instead of the images, there were errors:

"The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted…"

Then I made the follow:

and everything looked working.
Thanks for your great information, your experience will helpful for our other customers, thank you.


PostScript to Text Converter

Postscript to Text Converter – Convert PS to text through command line professionally

Postscript to Text Converter is a professional command line tool that helps Windows users convert PS to text singly or in batches professionally and quickly. And this article would like to tell you what exactly Postscript to Text Converter is.

What is Postscript to Text Converter?

Postscript to Text Converter is a command line application for Windows users to extract text from Postscript and EPS files optionally. Postscript to Text Converter outputs an ASCII rendering, too. To try Postscript to Text Converter right now, please click at here.

Why should we need Postscript to Text Converter?

  • Standalone application. No third party software is needed
  • Allow developers to run conversions in any programming or scripting languages, e.g., Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc.
  • Support English, Danish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Thai, etc. multiple languages
  • Convert PS to text and EPS to text singly or in batches via command line
  • Produced text files could be compatible with suitable software in Windows, Unix, Mac OS X systems
  • Original layout of PS or EPS files could be retained optionally
  • Convert specified page range of PS to text or EPS to text singly or in batches
  • Various versions of Postscript to Text Converter for different users needs, e.g., command line for server, command line for developer, SDK for server, SDK for developer

To know supported parameters on Postscript to Text Converter, please go to homepage of Postscript to Text Converter. To get more exact operations to convert PS to text or EPS to text singly or in batches through command line or SDK version, please keep concentrating our VeryDOC Knowledge Base. For more concerns about Postscript to Text Converter and related articles, please contact our support team right away.

Screen Recorder

ShareShot-the best free screenshot tool

We can not deny that image puts problems more vivid than words.  Visually screenshot can tell you the rough idea of the problem. When you meet some problems you can not settle during using our software, if you put it in the ticket by words, we need some times to image the matter then reproduce it and solve it. However, if you snapshot the problem to us, once we see it, maybe we can feel how to settle it.  Based on this need, we made a totally free screenshot tool for you guys to use. It is ShareShot. In the following part, I will show you how to use it.

First download ShareShot

  • Click this link to install it to your PC, .
  • Just follow the installation reminder then you can install it to your PC. If you are worried whether this software is clear or not, you can test it on some websites.
  • Once you install it successfully, there will be one icon which looks like a pencil on the desktop. Double click it then you will see that this little icon shows itself on the left corner of the screen.

Set options for  ShareShot

  • For better use this software and making perfect screenshots, there are some special options for you to use.
  1. save image locally or upload it to website directly
  2. edit screenshot in image editor directly
  3. send it to printer directly
  4. set printing options
  5. set image quality for better viewing or less size
  6. hot key setting for your habit

Now let us check more from this following snapshot. When you finish the setting, please click OK to make the screenshot.

option menu for shareshot

Make the screenshot

  • Press Print on the keyboard to take the screenshot.
  • In this operation, I will edit then image in the image editor.

edit image in the image editor

  • When snapshot the image in the image editor, you can draw circles or rectangles to mark the problem area.
  • Add some text to describe the problem.
  • Some times, it will be very hard to upload the images to the ticket system, now you can share it directly on the website. Just click share  button.
  • When you click it, shareshot will upload this screenshot to website. Then you will get a link, like this one: .
  • All you need to do is to give this link to the software developer then I guess they will get what do you mean.


Is this software really totally free?-yes, and there is no limit about the using times.

Can I use this software on Mac or Linux?-No, this software software can not be used on Mac or Linux. But the link it produces can be opened at anywhere. No matter on Pad or Mac or others.

This software was developed by VeryDOC. During using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible by the ways supported on this website.