PostScript to Text Converter

An easy way to convert PS to text quickly and maintain original layout of PS through command line

Do you want to know an easy way to convert PS to text quickly and maintain original layout of PS through command line only? This articles would like to describe how to realize it in Windows systems.

Postscript to Text Converter is main tool helping us accomplish goal here. Postscript to Text Converter is a command line utility that helps you convert PS to text with various properties in Windows systems. You can freely experience Postscript to Text Converter through here. And for more information of Postscript to Text Converter, please go here.

If you want to use Postscript to Text Converter to convert PS to text and maintain original layout of PS freely, after you download Postscript to Text Converter, please do the followings:

Step 1. Type command line in your command prompt

Please click Windows + R > type cmd in edit box > click OK, so your command prompt could be opened quickly on your screen.

  • Usage of Postscript to Text Converter

ps2txt.exe [options] <PS> <TXT>

  • Input command line as shown to you in the screen snapshot

Example command prompt containing typed command line

Fig. Example command prompt containing command line

Step 2. Click enter in command prompt after you type correct command line like Fig shows to you, then Postscript to Text Converter will help you generate text files with original layout accurately and fast into destination folder.

If you would like to know more function of Postscript to Text Converter with related operations, please go to VeryDOC Knowledge Base. To get support on doubts about this easy way to convert PS to text quickly and maintain original layout with command line, please leave your comments here or contact our support team.

PostScript to Text Converter

A convenient way to convert specified pages PS to text in batches with command line

This article aims to tell you how to convert specified pages PS to text in batches with command line tool – Postscript to Text Converter.

You could try free Postscript to Text Converter here, and also if you want to know general information about Postscript to Text Converter, you can get some from the following description here. Postscript to Text Converter is a command line application that allows you to convert PS to text and convert EPS to text singly or in batches through command line. To know more about Postscript to Text Converter, please go to homepage of Postscript to Text Converter.

Here is that convenient way to convert specified pages PS to text in batches with command line:

1. Open a notepad file in your computer > save it as .bat file

2. Refer to the usage of Postscript to Text Converter and related command line to type your own command line in created BAT file:


ps2txt.exe [options] <PS> <Text>


e:\ps2txt\ps2txt.exe –firstpage 2 –lastpage 4 c:\ d:\output1.txt
e:\ps2txt\ps2txt.exe –firstpage 3 –lastpage 3 c:\ d:\output2.txt

Related parameters:

-firstpage <int>: first page to print, from 1 to max page
-lastpage <int>: last page to print, from 1 to max page

Example snapshot for filled BAT file with command line:

Example snapshot for filled BAT file with command line

3. After you close saved BAT file containing all command line, please double click on its shortcut so that Postscript to Text Converter will help you convert PS to text in batches through command line in specified pages of PS file.

This is the end to convert PS to text in batches in specified pages of PS files through command line. To know other application of Postscript to Text Converter, you can go to our knowledge base.

PostScript to Text Converter

Convert specified page range PS to TXT in batches with command line

If you need to convert specified page range PS to TXT with command line in batches, maybe it is beneficial for you to read this article here.

What do we use to accomplish this mission?

Postscript to Text Converter is a command line utility that helps Windows users extract text from PostScript and EPS files singly or in batches. Postscript to Text Converter allows you to convert PS to TXT and EPS to TXT flexibly through command line. Also this powerful application can help you assign popular properties to TXT files singly or in batches. More information about PS to TXT Converter could be known at official website of Postscript to Text Converter.

How do we do to convert specified page range PS to TXT through command line in batches?

First, you need to download free trial version of Postscript to Text Converter here and install it, then get familiar with usage of Postscript to Text Converter

ps2txt.exe [options] <PS Files> <TXT Files>

  • ps2txt.exe – entire path of “ps2txt.exe” needed to be typed during real conversions essentially
  • [options] – stands for parameters for setting options of TXT files
  • <PS Files> – represents entire path of source PS or EPS files
  • <TXT Files> – represents entire path of objective TXT files

Second, please create a BAT file and type command line in it one by one for conversions in batches later, the following steps can show you more details about this

        • Create a blank notepad file
        • Save this notepad file in *.bat format file in your computer
        • Input command line one by one in this created BAT file like what are in the following snapshot

BAT example for you to refer to convert PS to TXT in batches with command line

Fig. BAT example for you to refer to convert PS to TXT in batches with command line

-firstpage <int>: set first page to print, from 1 to max page
-lastpage <int>: set last page to print, from 1 to max page

        • Save this filled BAT file containing command line as many as you want

Finally, after you close this filled BAT file in your computer, please double click this shortcut of created BAT file so that Postscript to Text Converter can help you produce TXT files in batches through conversions of PS to TXT in batches.

For other kinds of conversions besides converting PS to TXT in batches with command line, please go to our knowledge base; for more concerns about this article which is based on converting specified page range PS to TXT in batches with command line, please leave your comment here or just directly contact our support team at once.

PostScript to Text Converter

How to convert specified page range PS to TXT with command line?

This article aims to tell you how to convert specified page range PS to TXT through PS to Text Converter with command line in Windows systems.

Please allow me to introduce main tool here – PS to Text Converter. PS to Text Converter helps you convert PS to TXT singly or in batches through command line on Windows platforms. PS to Text Converter helps you edit TXT properties during conversions of PS to TXT, e.g., page range of PS to TXT singly or in batches. To get trial version of PS to Text Converter, please click here. To know more information of PS to Text Converter, please go to homepage of PS to Text Converter.

To convert specified page range PS to TXT with command line, please read the followings:

First, you need to know the usage of PS to Text Converter: ps2txt.exe [options]<PS> <TXT>

  • ps2txt.exe : stands for entire path of ps2txt.exe
  • [options] : stands for parameters for editing TXT properties
  • <PS> : stands for PS path
  • <TXT> :  stands for TXT path

Second, you need to know related parameter for specified page range

-firstpage <int>: first page to process, from 1 to max page

-lastpage <int>: last page to process, from 1 to max page

(note: only continual pages can be page range)

Third, please refer to the following example to convert PS to TXT through command line

d:\ps2txt\ps2txt.exe –firstpage 2 –lastpage 4 e:\ f:\output1.txt

At the end of this article, if you have questions on how to convert specified page range PS to TXT with command line or PS to Text Converter, please drop your comments here or contact support team. To know how to convert specified page range PS to TXT in batches with command line, please go to VeryDOC Knowledge Base.

PostScript to Text Converter

Discard original page layout from PS to TXT in batches through command line

This article would like to tell you a convenient method to discard original page layout from PS to TXT in batches through command line in Windows systems.

PS to Text Converter, which is our processing tool here, is a command line application that lets you convert PS to TXT singly or in batches with command line. If you never try this dreaming tool, you can click at here for free download of PS to Text Converter here. And more information of PS to text Converter can be obtained at official website of PS to Text Converter.

To use PS to Text Converter to discard original page layout during processes from PS to TXT in batches, please do the followings:

1. Please get familiar with usage of PS to Text Converter:

ps2txt.exe [options] <PS> <TXT>

  • ps2txt.exe: means entire path of ps2txt.exe
  • [options]: means parameters for setting properties of TXT
  • <PS>: means path of PS file
  • <TXT>: means path of TXT file

2. Please create blank BAT file:

  • Open a blank notepad file
  • Save this notepad file as .bat file

3. Type command line as many as you want to process in created BAT file:

You can refer to the following snapshot to accomplish this work:

BAT file for you to discard original page layout during conversions of PS to TXT with command line in batches

Fig. BAT file for you to discard original page layout during conversions of PS to TXT with command line in batches

-nolayout: help you discard original page layout.

4. Save what you type in created BAT file and close this BAT file, then double click its shortcut so that you can get TXT files with original layout discarded in batches.

For other types of conversions from PS to TXT in batches through command line, please go to VeryDOC Knowledge Base. For any questions on this article, which is to show you how to discard original page layout from PS to TXT in batches, please leave your comments here or contact support team of VeryDOC.