How to convert PDF in CJK characters to flash file?
Question😀 Dear sir;
I am like your product PDF to Flash Converter, find it can not correctly convert the PDF which is CJK character, please give some guide, thank you.
Solution:After testing many times, we find that our software PDF to Flash Converter can convert PDF to Flash easily and correctly. Maybe there are some wrong operations. In the following part, I will show me my experience about converting PDF with CJK to flash. First, let us take a random PDF file with CJK for example and check it from the following snapshot.
Second, download PDF to Flash Converter from its official website. If you feel that before run the conversion, you need to know more about it, please visit its homepage.
Third, when you download it, it is not hard to find that it is a zip file. You need to unzip it and call its exe file from MS Dos Windows like other command line software. Check its readme.txt file careful and input the parameters according to your needs.
pdftoflash.exe" -swfopt "-s zoom=400" -enablepv2r -pv2rxres 400 -pv2ryres 400 cjkt2.pdf c.swf"
Here I will explain why do I use the parameter like this.
-swfopt "-s zoom” is an order to set resolution to SWF file as 400.
-enablepv2r enables to merge vector graphics into background.
-pv2rxres & pv2ryres allow you to set the X&Y resolution for background.
Now let us check the converted flash file from PDF by the following snapshot. Compare from the source PDF file and converted flash file, I can tell that the conversion effect is good.
1.When I do the conversion by this software, do I need to install Adobe?
_This software is a stand-alone product, it can convert PDF files to Flash files (SWF files) without Adobe Acrobat,Adobe Reader or any other third part products installed.
2.Do this converter support all the version of PDF file?
_Yes, its support PDF from PDF 1.2 to PDF 1.6.
3. Can I call it from C#, ASP, PHP, etc. web program languages?
_Yes, you can use it together with other program languages. If you want to check examples, please visit this webpage.
Here I will call an end for the conversion from PDF to Flash . If you need to know more about file format conversion, please visit VeryDOC website.