PDF to Flash Converter

How to convert PDF in CJK characters to flash file?

Question😀 Dear sir;
I am like your product PDF to Flash Converter, find it can not correctly convert the PDF which is CJK character, please give some guide, thank you.


Solution:After testing many times, we find that our software PDF to Flash Converter can convert PDF to Flash easily and correctly. Maybe there are some wrong operations. In the following part, I will show me my experience about converting PDF with CJK to flash. First, let us take a random PDF file with CJK for example and check it from the following snapshot.

sample of PDF to flash

Second, download PDF to Flash Converter from its official website. If you feel that before run the conversion, you need to know more about it, please visit its homepage.

Third, when you download it, it is not hard to find that it is a zip file. You need to unzip it and call its exe file from MS Dos Windows like other command line software. Check its readme.txt file careful and input the parameters according to your needs.

pdftoflash.exe" -swfopt "-s zoom=400" -enablepv2r -pv2rxres 400 -pv2ryres 400 cjkt2.pdf  c.swf"

Here I will explain why do I use the parameter like this.

-swfopt "-s zoom” is an order to set resolution to SWF file as 400.

-enablepv2r enables to merge vector graphics into background.

-pv2rxres & pv2ryres allow you to set the X&Y resolution for background.

Now let us check the converted flash file from PDF by the following snapshot. Compare from the source PDF file and converted flash file, I can tell that the conversion effect is good.

converted flash from PDF


1.When I do the conversion by this software, do I need to install Adobe?

_This software is a stand-alone product, it can convert PDF files to Flash files (SWF files) without Adobe Acrobat,Adobe Reader or any other third part products installed.

2.Do this converter support all the version of PDF file?

_Yes, its support PDF from PDF 1.2 to PDF 1.6.

3. Can I call it from C#, ASP, PHP, etc. web program languages?

_Yes, you can use it together with other program languages. If you want to check examples, please visit this webpage.

Here I will call an end for the conversion from PDF to Flash . If you need to know more about file format conversion, please visit VeryDOC website.

PDF to Vector Converter

A way to convert Italian PDF to flash through command line

This article can help you convert Italian PDF to flash singly and flawlessly through command line.

Our main tool is VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, which helps you convert PDF to vector files singly or in batches through commands line and supported parameters. These vector files contain SWF, XPS, PS, EPS, EMF, WMF, SVG formats files etc. variously. To know more of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter and part of supported parameters, please go to homepage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter.

Then, please read the followings to convert Italian PDF file to flash file flawlessly or other languages PDF file to flash files through command lines:

1. Download VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter

You need to download free VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter here, then unzip content of zip file into your computer, then PDF to Vector Converter is yours.

2. Open command prompt

Click Start > select Run > type cmd > click ok, or click hotkey Windows + R > type cmd.exe and click OK

3. Input command lines

In opened commands prompt, please refer to usage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter to type command lines singly:

  • Usage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter

pdf2vec.exe [options] <PDF> <vector>

  • Example snapshot for you to refer to in order to smoothly input your own command lines in commands prompt

Command prompt containing command line and parameter

Fig. Command lines and parameter used for convert PDF file to flash file

(note: -swfopt <string>: set SWF options, -t : Insert a stop() command in each page. The resulting SWF file needs to be played manually by yourself)

Example Italian SWF

Fig. Example Italian SWF

Does free trial version of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter satisfy you in converting PDF files to flash files through command lines in commands prompt? If you meet some questions during your conversions here, please do not hesitate to tell us through our support.

PDF to Vector Converter

How to convert German PDF to SWF accurately in batches?

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter allows Windows command line users to convert German PDF to SWF accurately in batches.

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter is a command line application that lets you convert various languages PDF files to vector files, e.g., SWF, XPS, PS, EPS, SVG, EMF, WMF etc. singly or in batches through command line. Also, VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter helps you edit objective properties during conversions flexibly and professionally. For more information about VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, you could enter official website of PDF to Vector Converter. Of course, you can try PDF to Vector Converter here.

First, if you need to batch-process PDF files, you may need to do the followings:

1. Create a BAT file in your computer, you could refer to steps below:

Open blank notepad file in your computer > change to save this notepad file as “.bat” file, then it is successful to create a BAT file in your computer!

2. Get familiar with usage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter

pdf2vec.exe [options] <PDF> <Vector>

3. Refer to the following picture to type your own command line in created BAT file

BAT example containing dozens of command line

Fig. BAT example containing dozens of command line


  • -pv2rxres <int>: set X resolution for background, default is 150 DPI
  • -pv2ryres <int>: set Y resolution for background, default is 150 DPI

4. Start to convert PDF file to SWF file with VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter

After finishing correct typing in BAT file, please save your command line and close BAT file. And to make VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter processes tasks in batches, please double click shortcut of created BAT file in your computer, then your SWF files can be produced in batches through command line accurately with specified background DPI.

German PDF file:

German PDF file

Objective SWF file:

Objective SWF file

For more articles about VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter and converting PDF to SWF files with free trial version of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, please go to visit VeryDOC Knowledge Base. For more supported parameters on VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, please go to homepage of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter.

PostScript to PDF Converter

How to convert PS to PDF?

In this article, I will show you two ways for converting postscript to PDF.  One way is converting ps to PDF by virtual printing and the other is by ps to PDF converted command line.

First, allow me say one word or two about two software which plays great role in the converting job. One is Document Converter which can convert all the printable file to PDF or image file. This software have two virtual printer drivers, one GUI version which also can be called in the MS Dos Windows. The second one is Postscript to PDF Converter  which can be used to convert PS and EPS files to PDF files, it doesn't depend on Windows Printer Driver technology and any other products.

Second, let us check how to use this software from the following video.


If after checking, you still do not how to use those two software, you are welcome to contact us at any time. Both of those software were developed by VeryPDF software company.

Now let us compare the differences of the two ways.

Free downloading links:

Price list.

  • Document Printer v5.0:$399.00 server version
  • Postscript to PDF Converter Command Line Server License:USD$295

When you need to do printing together with conversion, document converter will be better for you. But when you need to convert eps, ps to PDF files, ps2pdf.exe will help you a lot.  Meanwhile, it you are not familiar with Ms Dos operation, you can use document converter  GUI version, but up to now there is no GUI version of ps2PDF converter on our website. During the free trail, you can know more about them. After trying, you can choose a better one for you according to your needs.

PDF to Vector Converter

How to convert specified pages PDF to vector through command line in batches variously?

To convert specified pages PDF to vector through command line in batches quickly and accurately, maybe PDF to Vector Converter could help you flawlessly finish this kind of conversions.

PDF to Vector Converter is a cool command line utility that allows command line users to convert PDF files to vector files in batches variously one time, e.g., PDF to SVG, PDF to HPGL etc. through command line in Windows systems. Besides, PDF to Vector Converter could provide you with SDK developer version, too. For free trial of PDF to Vector Converter here, please click at here.

How to convert specified pages PDF file to vector file in batches variously?

1. Create a blank BAT file in your computer

You could do the followings to get a new BAT file in your computer:

  • open a blank notepad file
  • save this notepad file in “.bat” file like the following snap short shows to you:

blank BAT file

Fig. blank BAT file

2. Input command line as many as you could in blank BAT file one by one

To type them more accurately, you could refer to the following picture:

BAT file containing command line for conversions in batches

Fig. BAT file containing command line for conversions in batches


  • How to convert specified pages PDF to vector through command line in batches variously?  -- paths of “pdf2vec.exe” used for calling it in command prompt
  • How to convert specified pages PDF to vector through command line in batches variously? -- parameters for editing first page in specified pages of PDF file
  • How to convert specified pages PDF to vector through command line in batches variously? -- parameters for setting last page in specified pages of PDF file
  • How to convert specified pages PDF to vector through command line in batches variously? -- paths of source PDF files for adding PDF and paths of objective SVG files and HPGL files for storing SVG and HPGL

3. Please start to convert specified pages PDF files to vector files – PDF file to SVG, PDF file to HPGL files in batches variously through command line

You need to save command lines located in BAT file, then close this BAT file and double click shortcut of BAT file so that PDF to Vector Converter will help you fulfill all conversions in batches within a few seconds only! And of course, after command line conversions, you can get vector files of various formats one time, if you do the operations like mentioned above.

Still feel confused on this article, which is about a method to convert specified pages PDF file to vector file in batches variously through command line? Then, please do not hesitate to leave your comments here or just contact our support team instantly, I believe you could get a perfect solution or answer as you wish! If you want to know other practical functions of PDF to Vector Converter, please go to VeryDOC Knowledge Base. Thank you for your support here.