DWG to Vector Converter

AutoCAD (DWG & DXF) to any

     AutoCAD tools strengthen designers the power to shape  the world by design aggregation and documentation, connecting and streamlining design and documentation workflows.  AutoCAD converters will give you the power to spread your design in all kinds of formats.  AutoCAD to PDF conversion will simplify printing job, AutoCAD to image conversion will fasten delivering of design. If we can convert AutoCAD to vector, I guess we can gain tremendous advantages when importing them into our publishing system. As to how to make each conversion come through, here I will introduce some  powerful tools for you.

 AutoCAD DWG and DXF to PDF Converter

  This software can help you convert CAD file to PDF file directly without installing AutoCAD and Adobe.  This software is a command line version. As to its features, please check in the followings.

  • Convert several  or single DWG and DXF to one PDF or create an individual PDF file for each DWG and DXF file selected.
  • Run in all the Windows system both of 32-bit and 64-bit.
  • You can add title, keywords, subjects, author or other information for the converted PDF files.
  • Also you can insert CAD file to the existed PDF file. No matter at the first page or the last page, it is up to you.
  • By this software, you can control width&height, color style or others for PDF file.

This software is free downloading and free trail. xdfedcvcv

DWG to Vector Converter

This software also can help you convert AutoCAD DWG and DXF files to PDF but it focuses on convert AutoCAD files to scalable vector graphics formats, such as PDF, EMF, WMF, SVG, Postscript (PS), EPS, SWF (Flash), XPS, HPGL, PCL etc. Look at its functions from the following list.

  • Allow you to set a folder for SHX fonts.
  • Allow you to set width&height, resolution, paper size for the output file.
  • Set the width&color for the lines in CAD files.
  • Make output file from each view, one output file per view.
  • Support DXF or DWG files from R12, R13, R14, 2000 and 2004, etc. formats.
  • Run in all the Windows system both of 32-bit and 64-bit.

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DWG to Image Converter

  Differ with DWG to Vector Converter, DWG to Image Converter focuses on converting CAD files to raster images like BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF formats. If you have these two software, I guess, you can convert CAD to all kinds of image files. Look at its functions from the following list.

  • Input formats: all the versions of CAD files.
  • Output formats:BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF.
  • Run in all the Windows system both of 32-bit and 64-bit and do not depend on AutoCAD or other applications.
  • Support all versions of DXF or DWG files from R12, R13, R14, 2000 and 2004, etc.
  • Set background color into output image files.
  • Create output file for each view, one output file per view.
  • Set DPI Resolution, Width, Height for output file and line color&width in the output images.
  • Set a folder for SHX fonts.

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We will continue to release a series of articles about  AutoCAD to any  products and usages, please pay attention to VeryDOC knowledge base.  

PDF to DWG Converter

Convert PDF to AutoCAD and rotate AutoCAD

How to convert PDF to AutoCAD and rotate AutoCAD is not a tough issue since VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter has been designed. And this article aims to tell you exact steps to easily fulfill them one time!

First of all, let you introduce this dreaming command line application – VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter here. VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter allows Windows users to produce AutoCAD files of DWG and DXF formats from PDF files. Besides, VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter is able to set properties of AutoCAD files etc.. For practical use of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, please feel free to try VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter.

Ready to use VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter to convert PDF file to AutoCAD file and rotate autocad file? Please follow me in the following paragraphs.

Step1. Understand usage of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter

pdf2dwg.exe [options] <pdf> [<dwg/dxf>]

(note: pdf2dwg.exe helps you call “pdf2dwg.exe” program, [options] – indicates you need to type parameter for editing options of AutoCAD, <pdf> – stands for source PDF file, [<dwg/dxf>] – represents you need to input path of objective DWG or DXF file)

Step2. Input Command Line in Command Prompt

You could refer to one of the following examples to type Command Line:

D:\pdf2dwg\pdf2dwg.exe –rotate 270 D:\pdf2dwg\test3.pdf D:\pdf2dwg\test4.dwg

D:\pdf2dwg\pdf2dwg.exe –rotate 45 D:\pdf2dwg\test3.pdf D:\pdf2dwg\test5.dxf

(note: -rotate <int>: rotate the output document between 0 and 360)

At last, one click on enter helps you convert PDF file to AutoCAD file with Command Line in Command Prompt.

For more parameters of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, you can easily and conveniently know them in readme.txt in downloaded package. Thank you for reading this article about how to convert PDF file to AutoCAD file and rotate autocad file.

PDF to DWG Converter

Convert text of PDF to AutoCAD containing polygon

In this article, I would like to show you how to convert text of PDF to AutoCAD file that contains polygon through VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter.

VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter is a professional command line tool that allows you to convert PDF file to AutoCAD file on Windows platforms, including producing DWG files and DXF files etc.. Here are steps to convert text of PDF file to AutoCAD file containing polygon below:

1. Download VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter

Download package of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, then extract content to your computer so that trial version of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter could work in your computer later.

2. Open Command Prompt

Command Prompt is working environment of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, and you can do the followings to open it:

Click windows + r > type cmd.exe in pop edit box > click ok

3. Input Command Line

To start to convert text of PDF file to AutoCAD file containing polygon with Command Line, you need to type paths of program “pdf2dwg.exe”, source PDF path and objective path of AutoCAD file with related parameter. To know more details, you could see the following snapshot of conversion:

Convert PDF file to AutoCAD file containing polygon

Fig. Convert PDF file to AutoCAD file containing polygon


-drawtext 1: draw text as polygons, convert all text to polygon

To get conversion started as shown in snapshot above, you need to click enter in Command Prompt after typing correct paths and parameter there. Then VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter could help you convert text of PDF file to polygons of AutoCAD file.

Besides int value 1 in that parameter, you could also type 2 or 3 in order to get different results:

  • -drawtext 2: convert only non standard characters to polygon
  • -drawtext 3: convert text as ASCII text contents in CAD file

By now, it is the end of converting text of PDF file to AutoCAD file containing polygon based on text to polygon with Command Line. Thank you for your reading.

PDF to DWG Converter

Extract specific page from PDF to AutoCAD

This article would like to show you how to extract specific page from PDF to AutoCAD through command line with VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter.

VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter is a good Command Line application that helps Windows users convert PDF files to AutoCAD files variously with popular properties, e.g., setting specific page for conversion etc.. For more information about VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, it is convenient for you to go to homepage of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter.

Want to know how to extract specific page from PDF file to AutoCAD file? Please continue to read this article.

Step1. Open Command Prompt

To open running environment of Command Line – Command Prompt, you need to click start > select run at start menu > type cmd.exe and click ok in pop dialog box.

Step2. Type Command Line in Command Prompt to convert PDF file to AutoCAD file

Usage of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter:

pdf2dwg [options] <pdf-file> [<out-file>]

Command Line examples for you to refer to:

Extract specific page from PDF file to AutoCAD file

Fig. Extract specific page from PDF file to AutoCAD file

(Note: -page <int>: the parameter to help you extract a specific page (0 means all pages))

Here is the end of the illustration about extracting specific page from PDF file to AutoCAD file with Command Line. Here, you could get trial version of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter to experience VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter at here.

PDF to DWG Converter

How to convert PDF to AutoCAD with specified scale?

There is a convenient way to convert PDF to AutoCAD with specified scale through VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter via command line, this article would like to show you more details about this method.

VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter is an useful and practical Command Line tool that helps users convert PDF file to AutoCAD file singly or in batches. And as software name shows to you, VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter helps you convert PDF to DWG  and PDF to DXF variously. More information about VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter can be obtained from homepage of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter.

To use VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter to convert PDF file to AutoCAD file with specified scale, please continue to read the followings:

Step1. Understand usage of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter

pdf2dwg.exe [options] <pdf> [<dwg/dxf>]

You may need to know:

  • pdf2dwg.exe : tells you that it is essential to type full path of “pdf2dwg.exe” to call program itself
  • [options] : tells you that you can type parameters for optional options editing of DXF or DWG
  • <pdf> : tells you that you need to input entire path of PDF file that needs to be processed
  • [<dwg/dxf>] : tells you that you should type objective path of DXF or DWG

Step2. Run cmd.exe

Click hotkey Windows + R > type CMD and click OK in dialog box, then running environment of Command Line is automatically opened on your screen.

Step3. Input Command Line

In running environment – Command Prompt, you could refer to the following snapshot to type Command Line of yours, then click enter there so that VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter provides you with AutoCAD file of DWG or DXF:

Convert PDF file to AutoCAD file with specified scale

Fig. Convert PDF file to AutoCAD file with specified scale


-xscale <fp>: Scale by a factor in x-direction
-yscale <fp>: Scale by a factor in y-direction

After the whole description about using VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter to convert PDF file to AutoCAD file of specified scale with Command Line, may be you want to try this software, so I would like to provide you with trial version of VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, then you can experience VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter freely!

For concerns on this article or VeryDOC PDF to DWG Converter, please leave your comments here. Thank you for your support.