How to convert PS(PostScript) to image with specific image color depth(bit-count)?
VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter could be used to convert PS to image and set specific image color with command line on Windows platforms.
VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter is a professional application that allows you to convert PS file to image files and EPS files to image files flexibly and variously. Also as an example, the following paragraphs can show you how to convert PS file to image file with specific image color depth (bit-count) with trial version of VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter.
Step1. Open Command Prompt
You need to do:
Click Windows + R in your computer, which is a hotkey to open Run dialog box. Then, please type cmd.exe > click OK.
Step2. Type commands in Command Prompt
To help you quickly accomplish your own conversion from PS file to image file with commands, here are examples of commands for you to refer to:
D:\ps2img\ps2img.exe -b 4 -i C:\input\ -o C:\output\example1.png
D:\ps2img\ps2img.exe -b 8 -g -i C:\input\ -o C:\output\example1.jpg
(note: to set image color depth (bit-count) naturally, please refer to first example; to produce grayscale image, please refer to second example)
- -b [bit-count]: Set bit-count for generated image files
- -g: allow you to produce 8-bit grayscale image file in case you set bit-count as 8 (-b 8)
- -i: specify input file
- -o: specify output file
- ….exe: path of “ps2img.exe”
- ….ps: path of source PS file
- ….png/jpg: path of objective image file of PNG or JPG
Please do not forget one essential step: click enter after correct commands are typed in Command Prompt, then VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter will help you produce targeting image file with specific image color depth (bit-count).
Here is the example snapshot about produced image of grayscale JPEG:
Fig. Produced image of JPEG after conversion from PS file to image file
Here is the end about steps to convert PS file to image file with specific image color depth (bit-count) with VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter, and is it successful to experience VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter to convert PS file to image file and set image color depth (bit-count) with commands lines by yourself?