Image to XPS Converter

How to convert image (JPG,TIF,GIF and BMP) to XPS?

VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter supports converting image to XPS file, e.g., JPG to XPS, TIF to XPS, GIF to XPS, BMP to XPS etc.. on Windows platforms.

In current software market, VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter is absolutely an amazing software which helps Windows users convert various formats of image file to XPS file with fast speed and high quality than you expect. With ruled commands of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, multiple operations can be fulfilled in producing XPS files and edit XPS files in Windows systems. To let you freely experience VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, here is download entrance below:

Download VeryDOC Image to PDF Converter for conversion from image to XPS

After you finish extracting content from downloaded Zip file to your computer, you can use your own VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image(JPG, TIF, GIF and BMP etc.) to XPS with command line.

Step1. In your computer, you need to click hotkey Windows + R in order to open Run dialog box, then, please type cmd.exe and click ok in this dialog box so that running environment of commands in Windows systems – Command Prompt window, can be opened directly.

Step2. Convert image(JPG, TIF, GIF, BMP etc.) to XPS with commands through VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter

In opened Command Prompt window, you need to type commands as shown in following commands example:

D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe C:\input1.tif D:\output1.xps

(note: ….exe is path of “img2xps.exe” used to run VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, ….tif is path of added image TIF, which is typed for adding this image file, ….xps is path of objective XPS file, which is typed to save XPS file after conversion from image file to XPS file later)

In the end, one click on enter helps you launch VeryDOC Image to PDF Converter to convert image file to XPS file with commands directly, then objective XPS file appears in targeting folder automatically.

At last, thank you for reading this article, and it is our pleasure if you freely try VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter here.

XPS to PDF and Image Converter

How to convert XPS to PDF and optimize PDF?

VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter converts XPS to PDF and optimize PDF file with command line in Windows systems. In the following paragraphs, I will show you details to use this software to convert XPS file to PDF file and optimize created PDF file.

Please firstly download package of VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter here, and then extract downloaded content to your computer, so VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter can be used later. Then, you can follow steps below to convert XPS file to PDF file and optimize created PDF file directly with downloaded VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter.

1. Run Command Prompt window

For we need to use commands to process this mission in Command Prompt, and the executive file "xps2pdf.exe", which is located in extracted folder "xps2pdf_cmd", needs to be run in Command Prompt, it is essential to open Command Prompt window here.

2. Convert XPS file to PDF file and optimize created PDF

Here is relevant example for you to refer to:

xps2pdf.exe -linearize C:\in.xps C:\out.pdf


  • xps2pdf.exe : call program “xps2pdf.exe” in order to run this application
  • -linearize : optimize PDF file for fast web view, etc.
  • C:\in.xps : specify input XPS file
  • C:\out.pdf : specify file name of output PDF file

This program needs to specify file extension to recognize file type, so it is elementary to type .pdf in order to make this application know we need to produce PDF file later. However, besides the rule I mentioned above, there are other information you may need to know still:

Fast web view

Fast Web View restructures a PDF document for page-at-a-time downloading (byte-serving) from web servers. With Fast Web View, the web server sends only the requested page, rather than the entire PDF. This option is especially important with large documents that can take a long time to download from a server. Check with your webmaster to make sure that the web server software you use supports page-at-a-time downloading. To ensure that the PDF documents on your website appear in older browsers, you can also create HTML links (versus ASP scripts or the POST method) to the PDF documents and use relatively short path names (256 characters or fewer).

After entering the commands, the input XPS file in.xps, will converted to output PDF file out.pdf, and created PDF file also can be optimized well, after conversion from XPS to optimized PDF file with VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter.

Download VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS to PDF and optimize PDF

Download VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter here.

XPS to PDF and Image Converter

How to convert XPS to PDF and encrypt PDF?

VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter enables Windows users to convert XPS to PDF and encrypt PDF file flexibly and variously.

What is VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter?

VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter is able to produce normal PDF files and encrypted PDF files singly or in batches on Windows platforms from XPS files. Besides encrypting PDF file, VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter allows you to set other properties of PDF files during conversion from XPS file to PDF file, e.g., PDF author, keywords, etc.. To freely experience VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter here, please click on icon below:

Download VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter

About XPS:

XPS format, is a page layout file format whose file could contain information written in the XPS page description language developed by Microsoft. XPS file is formatted like an .XML file and can define the layout, appearance, and printing information for a document. XPS file is similar to a .PDF file, but is based on XML instead of the PostScript language. XPS files can be created in Windows by selecting the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" as the printer when printing a document.

How to use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file with commands?

1.  Run cmd

To run cmd is to open Command Prompt window indeed, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems:

Click start > select run > input cmd > click ok in pop dialog box.

2. Input commands to convert XPS file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file

Please refer to following example to use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file:

D:\xps2pdf\xps2pdf.exe –openpwd 654321 -keylen 2 -ownerpwd 123456 -permission 128 C:\in\source1.xps C:\out\source1.pdf

(note: ….exe is path of “xps2pdf.exe” which is used to run VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter, ….xps is path of source XPS file used to add XPS file for conversion, ….pdf is path of targeting PDF file used for saving PDF file, –openpwd 654321 is to set open password of PDF file as 654321, –owerpwd 123456 is to set owner password of PDF file as 123456, –keylen 2 is to edit key length of user password as 128 bit AES encryption (Acrobat 7 or higher), –permission 128 is to set permission of owner password as print the document with high resolution allowed)

Also, the following parameter can be used to edit PDF encryption of user passwords and owner passwords separately:

-keylen 0:  40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)

-keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)

-permission <int>   : Restrictions

-permission 0  : Deny anything

-permission 1  : Allowed print the document

-permission 2  : Allowed modify the content of the document

-permission 4  : Allowed copy text and graphics from the document

-permission 8  : Allowed add or modify annotations

-permission 16 : Allowed fill in interactive form fields

-permission 32 : Allowed extract text and graphics from the document

-permission 64 : Allowed assemble the document

Here is the end of converting XPS file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file with commands through VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter. And welcome to experience VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter freely.

XPS to PDF and Image Converter

How to batch convert XPS to PDF through command line?

This article would like to tell you to use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to batch convert XPS to PDF with command line, which maybe helpful to you right now or in the future.

First, here is short introduction about VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter: VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter is a popular utility that helps you convert XPS file to PDF file and could run with commands and various program languages, e.g., Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc.. Thus, if you want to experience powerful ability of VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter here, please feel free to click download icon below, then VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter is yours:

Download VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS to PDF

Then, if my illustration above arouses your interest and want to have a glance on how to use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to batch convert XPS file to PDF file through commands, please do not hesitate to read following paragraphs here.

1. Run cmd.exe

To run cmd.exe is to open Command Prompt window indeed, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems, so here are steps:

Click Start > select Run > input cmd.exe and click ok.

2. Refer to following example to batch convert XPS file to PDF file with commands

Here is snapshot about example commands for you to refer to, where D:\xps2pdf\xps2pdf.exe is path of “xps2pdf.exe” used for running VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter, D:\xps2pdf\*.xps is path of all XPS files under folder xps2pdf used to add XPS files for conversion together and D:\xps2pdf\*.pdf is path for saving objective PDF file after conversion from XPS file to PDF file:

Use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS to PDF with command line As you see, example commands above is used to generate PDF files from dozens of XPS files one time, so to make VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter start this mission, please click enter there, so later on, objective PDF files can be produced into your computer.

There is also another way to batch convert XPS file to PDF file from different paths of source XPS files, other than the method mentioned above which is a way to gather all XPS files in one folder. To know more details, please see the followings:

1. Create BAT file

Create notepad file > save it as .bat file directly

2. Input commands in created BAT file

Here is a snapshot containing commands you can refer to:

Convert XPS to PDF with command line through BAT file

3. Start to convert XPS file to PDF file

After you save commands in created BAT file and close this BAT file in your computer, please double click shortcut of this BAT file, then VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter directly help you produce multiple PDF files from XPS files in different folder one time.

To know more practical articles about VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter, please remain focused on here. Thank you for reading this article about using VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to batch convert XPS file to PDF file with commands.

XPS to PDF and Image Converter

How to convert XPS to PDF with command line?

VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter is best solution to convert XPS to PDF with command line here on Windows platforms than you can ever expect!

VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter can be used to singly or batch convert XPS file to PDF file with proper options. Through VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter, produced PDF files could be high-qualified, optimized, vector based PDF files. Besides, VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter is a standalone application that can run normally and smoothly for related conversions without third-party software. Here, I can provide you with free trial version VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter for your try conveniently:

Download VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS to PDF

Want to follow me to convert XPS file to PDF file through commands on your own? Then, just do not go away and keep reading this article here:

1. Open running environment of commands

Click Start in your computer > type cmd.exe > click ok, then Command Prompt window could pop out automatically.

2. Type commands directly in Command Prompt window

To make VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter be effective later, you need to follow steps below to input commands in Command Prompt window:

  • Type path of “xps2pdf.exe” in order to run VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter
  • Input parameters in order to edit properties of PDF file optionally, of course, to only convert XPS file to PDF file without properties edited, please skip to next step directly
  • Input source path of XPS file for adding it for this conversion
  • Type targeting path of PDF file for saving PDF file later after conversion from XPS file to PDF file

Here is commands example to use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS file to PDF file:

D:\xps2pdf\xps2pdf.exe C:\in\source1.xps C:\out\target1.pdf

Here is commands example to use VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to produce PDF file from XPS file and edit PDF producer:

D:\xps2pdf\xps2pdf.exe –producer “” C:\in\source1.xps C:\out\target1.pdf

(note: –producer “” helps you edit PDF producer as “” directly during conversion form XPS file to PDF file with commands)

If this description, which is about using VeryDOC XPS to PDF Converter to convert XPS file to PDF file with commands, arouses your interest to know more practical functions and more converter, please visit here frequently. Thank you for your support here!