How to convert image (JPG,TIF,GIF and BMP) to XPS?
VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter supports converting image to XPS file, e.g., JPG to XPS, TIF to XPS, GIF to XPS, BMP to XPS etc.. on Windows platforms.
In current software market, VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter is absolutely an amazing software which helps Windows users convert various formats of image file to XPS file with fast speed and high quality than you expect. With ruled commands of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, multiple operations can be fulfilled in producing XPS files and edit XPS files in Windows systems. To let you freely experience VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, here is download entrance below:
After you finish extracting content from downloaded Zip file to your computer, you can use your own VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image(JPG, TIF, GIF and BMP etc.) to XPS with command line.
Step1. In your computer, you need to click hotkey Windows + R in order to open Run dialog box, then, please type cmd.exe and click ok in this dialog box so that running environment of commands in Windows systems – Command Prompt window, can be opened directly.
Step2. Convert image(JPG, TIF, GIF, BMP etc.) to XPS with commands through VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter
In opened Command Prompt window, you need to type commands as shown in following commands example:
D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe C:\input1.tif D:\output1.xps
(note: ….exe is path of “img2xps.exe” used to run VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, ….tif is path of added image TIF, which is typed for adding this image file, ….xps is path of objective XPS file, which is typed to save XPS file after conversion from image file to XPS file later)
In the end, one click on enter helps you launch VeryDOC Image to PDF Converter to convert image file to XPS file with commands directly, then objective XPS file appears in targeting folder automatically.
At last, thank you for reading this article, and it is our pleasure if you freely try VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter here.