Image to XPS Converter

How to watermark XPS when converting image to XPS?

VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter enables you to convert image to XPS and watermark XPS professionally and flexibly on Windows platforms.

When you need to generate XPS file from image file and watermark XPS file in Windows systems, VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter is your best choice, which is not only a tool to help you produce XPS file from various image file, but also watermark XPS file conveniently and professionally. Here is download entrance of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter:

Download VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image to XPS

To know details to convert image file to XPS file and watermark XPS file, please continue to read this article:

1. Run Command Prompt window

Click start in your computer so that start menu can be opened,  then please click Run there and in pop Run dialog box, type cmd.exe and click ok, then Command Prompt window could be opened directly on screen.

2. Use commands and parameter to convert image file to XPS file and watermark XPS file

First, please refer to following example to input commands and parameter in Command Prompt window:

D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe –wtext “Watermark” -wtype 1 –wf “Arial” -wh 200 -wb -wi -wu -ws -wo 80 -wa 75 –wc “FF0000” -wx 100 -wy 100 C:\input\test1.png D:\output\test1.xps

where you need to know:

  • Commands:

D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe : directory of “img2xps.exe” used to run VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter

C:\input\test1.png : directory of source PNG file, which is typed for adding this PNG file for this conversion

D:\output\test1.xps : directory of objective XPS file, which is inputted for saving XPS file after conversion

  • Parameters:

-wtext “Watermark”: watermark XPS file with “Watermark” watermark content

-wtype 1: watermark XPS file on header, also int value “0” watermarks XPS file normally, and “2” helps you watermark XPS file on footer

-wf “Arial”: watermark XPS file in font style “Arial”, which can be changed to another style

-wh 200: watermark XPS file with font height 200, which could be changed accordingly

-wb: watermark XPS file in bold font

-wi: watermark XPS file in italic style of font

-wu: watermark XPS file in underlined font

-ws: watermark XPS file in strikeout font

-wo 80: watermark XPS file in 80 opacity, which could be changed from 0 to 100, the smaller value here is, the more transparent watermark is

-wa 75: watermark XPS file in angle of 75

-wc “FF0000”: watermark XPS file in red color, also other hexadecimal value, e.g., 0000FF – green color, 0000FF – blue color, could be set etc.

-wx 100: watermark XPS file in specified offset 100 in horizontal direction

-wy 100: watermark XPS file in specific offset 100 in vertical direction

Note: there is another parameter you can use to edit width of watermark font: -ww <int>

To start conversion from image file to XPS file and watermark XPS file with VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, please click enter in Command Prompt window after all prepared work is finished correctly. Finally, objective XPS file with exclusive watermark could be added into destination folder.

As you can see, it is simple to use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image file to XPS file and watermark XPS file with commands, so why not try VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter right now to watermark XPS file by yourself?

Image to XPS Converter

How to convert image to XPS and set XPS offset?

It is best way to use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image to XPS and set image offset on Windows platforms.

When you want to produce XPS file and edit XPS offset flexibly on Windows platforms, VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter can help you with various conversions from image files to XPS files of multiple properties, e.g., XPS offset,  XPS watermark etc.. So here is a free chance to get VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter below:

Download VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image to XPS

Here are steps to use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image file to XPS file and set XPS offset below:

Step1. Run cmd.exe

Click hotkey Windows + R in your computer, then dialog box Run could be opened directly, and you need to type cmd.exe in its edit box and click ok there, finally, Command Prompt window, which is operating environment, can pop out.

Step2. Type commands to convert image file to XPS file and set XPS offset

Here is an relevant example for you to refer to:

D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe -xoffset 880 -yoffset 1000 C:\input.jpg D:\output.xps


  • D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe : path of “img2xps.exe” which is used to run VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter
  • -xoffset 880 : parameter to specify left offset of XPS file – make image content move by 880 from left to right in XPS file
  • -yoffset 1000 : parameter to specify top offset of XPS file -- make image content move by 1000 from top to bottom in XPS file
  • C:\input.jpg : path of source JPG file, which is typed for adding this JPG file for conversion
  • D:\output.xps : path of targeting XPS file, which is inputted for saving XPS file

To make VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image file to XPS file and set XPS offset flexibly as you wish, after you set right commands and parameter value in Command Prompt window as shown in example above, please click enter, then conversion from image file to XPS file with specific XPS offset could be started and processed successfully, along with adding objective XPS file automatically into your computer.

For more relevant articles about using VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to process different properties XPS files, welcome to visit here frequently. And it is a pleasure to us if you try VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter. Finally, thank you for reading this article that is about using VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image file to XPS file and set XPS offset here!

PDF Compressor

Compress TIFF to JBIG2 PDF file

Do you have an SDK or command line that we could use to convert TIFF to JBIG2?


Thanks for your support.

Do you mean you need to convert TIFF to JBIG2 by command line? Please have a free trail of this software:

If you need the SDK version, I guess the developer version will better for you.

During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible. We will solve it for you at once.

Thanks for your cooperation and best wishes for you,

Thank you. Where in the Advanced PDF Tools can I convert TIFF to JBIG2?


Thanks for your support.

I am sorry for wrong recommendation. I ignore your output your image formats.
Advanced PDF Tools only compress PDF file by JBIG2. But as you need to convert TIFF toJBIG2, I guess this software will be better than Advanced PDF Tools for you.

Image to PDF Compressor

please use parameter -bwimg 2

-bwimg <int> : set compression method for black and white image
-bwimg 0: no change compression for black and white image file
-bwimg 1: compress black and white image file with CCITT G4 arithmetic
-bwimg 2: compress black and white image file with JBIG2 arithmetic

Thanks for your cooperation and best wishes for you,

Thank you.

It looks like the command line of PDF Compressor does not work with
-bwimg 2. It will not do any conversion with the -bwimg
argument. Can you verify that there?

Also, it looks like this will convert TIFF to PDF and then do the
compression. Do you have any software that will do TIFF to JBIG2
compression and not convert to PDF?

>>It looks like the command line of PDF Compressor does not work with
>>-bwimg 2. It will not do any conversion with the -bwimg
>>argument. Can you verify that there?

Thanks for your message,

You can download PDF Compressor from following URL first,

after you unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to convert your TIFF file to JBIG2 compressed PDF file,

img2pdfjb2.exe -bwimg 2 bw.tif bw-jbig2.pdf

"-bwimg 2" parameter will convert a Black and white TIFF file to JBIG2 compressed PDF file.

You can also download VeryDOC PDF Compressor from following page,

You can run following command line to convert a normal PDF file to JBIG2 compressed PDF file,

pdfcompressor.exe -jbig2 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

If you wish compress color images in PDF file by JPEG2000, just run following command line,

pdfcompressor.exe -jpx -jpxquality 10 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

>>Also, it looks like this will convert TIFF to PDF and then do the
>>compression. Do you have any software that will do TIFF to JBIG2
>>compression and not convert to PDF?

We haven't such software yet, however, we can develop this SDK to you at additional cost, if you are interest in this technologies, please feel free to let us know, we will provide a quotation to you shortly.



A: Do you know how to check if an image in PDF file was compressed by JBIG2 or not?
Q: You can open the PDF file in UltraEdit-32 or Notepad application, search “JBIG2Decode” keyword, if you can found “JBIG2Decode” keyword, it is indicate this image in your PDF file was compressed by JBIG2 arithmetic,

Compress TIFF to JBIG2 PDF file

Image to XPS Converter

How to edit XPS paper size and page size during converting image to XPS?

This article is mainly about a method to convert image to XPS and edit XPS paper size and page size with command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter is a professional tool for you to produce XPS files from image files and set XPS options, e.g., page size and paper size etc.. To know more about VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, welcome to visit homepage of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter.

In the next paragraphs, you can clearly understand how to use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image file to XPS file and edit XPS paper size and page size separately.

Step1. Download software

Please click following icon, then package of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter could be downloaded.

Download VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image to XPS

To get VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter located in your computer, you need to extract content of this download to your computer, then you can use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter later.

Step2. Open environment

Click start > select run on pop menu > input cmd.exe > click ok, then operating environment of commands pops on screen directly, which is named Command Prompt.

Step3. Type commands

In Command Prompt, please understand following commands examples firstly, then input your own commands according there:

  • commands to convert image file to XPS file and edit XPS paper size:

D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe –paper “12x18in” C:\input1.bmp D:\output1.xps

   D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe –paper “225.9x289.4mm” C:\input2.png D:\output2.xps

   D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe –paper “622x782pt” C:\input3.emf D:\output3.xps

(note: -paper <string> sets paper size of XPS file, where “string” could be “auto” – retrieving paper size from source image files, “number” – generating standard paper size, and this parameter supports defining paper size by yourself, e.g., "12x18in", "225.9x289.4mm", "622x782pt")

  • commands to convert image file to XPS file and edit XPS page size:

D:\img2xps\img2xps.exe -width 2000 -height 2000 C:\input4.pcx D:\output4.xps

(note: width 2000 is parameter to edit XPS width as 2000, –height 2000is parameter to set XPS height as 2000, and of course, the values could be changed, e.g., 2888, etc. )

After basic work like above is finished correctly, please click enter in Command Prompt window, then added image file can be processed into XPS file with specific paper size or page size separately.

Besides editing XPS paper size and page size during converting image file to XPS file with commands, VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter could help Windows users with lots of properties and formats conversions, e.g., PCX to XPS, WMF to XPS etc.. To know more details, it is easy for you to visit here frequently. Thank you for your support here!

Image to XPS Converter

How to batch convert image to XPS via command line?

With VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter, Windows users could batch convert image to XPS via command line conveniently and easily.

To use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to batch convert image file to XPS file via commands, please firstly download package of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter. Then unzip its content to your computer directly so that you can use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter here.

Here are steps to use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image file to XPS file with commands:

1. Open Command Prompt window

Click start > select Run on start menu > input cmd.exe and click ok

2. Refer to following examples to type your own commands in Command Prompt

There are 2 situations here:

  • To batch convert image file to XPS file separately, please refer to following snapshot:

batch convert image to XPS files with command line


….exe is path of “img2xps.exe” used for running VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter;

…*.jpg is path of all of source JPG files typed for adding JPG file for this conversion;

…*.xps is path of all targeting XPS files which will be produced later, it is to save XPS files.

  • To batch convert image files to one XPS file only, please refer to following snapshot:

batch convert all files of image to XPS file with command line


….xps is path of one XPS file which will be combined from all source JPG files here.

If you refer to first snapshot to type commands, targeting files can be dozens of XPS files accordingly; if you refer to second snapshot to input commands, objective file can be only one XPS file containing relevant pages of all image files.

At last, I hope you enjoy batch converting image file to XPS file with commands by yourself, and if you think VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter suits your need, please do not hesitate to download it here:

Download trial version of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to batch convert image to XPS