DOC to Any Converter

Convert RTF directly to PCL or PDF in memory

Question😀 I have a question related to the Window 32-bit SDK version of your software. My team is exploring options for converting RTF directly to PCL or PDF. Does your product allow an RTF to PCL or PDF conversion in memory or does it only work with physical files on disk.We are interested in speed and working in memory is the best option for us.


Solution: According to your question, two important points have been emphasized: one is the function from RTF directly to PCL or PDF and the other is that running the conversion in memory better than on the disk.  If so, software RTF to PCL Converter (DOC to Any Converter Command Line) is worthy trying. It can convert RTF directly to PCL or PDF, meanwhile if you use the SDK version, you can use functions to call the conversion in memory instead of disk.

First, download software VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line to your computer.

  • Attention here, if running the conversion in memory is needed, the SDK version in the only choice. So please choose the version SDK .
  • And if you are confused about the difference between SDK Server License and Developer License, here is the answer for you:

Server License: Licensed by per Production Server, easily to be called from ASP/PHP/C#/.NET/... etc. server side applications.  Developer License: Licensed by per Developer, Royalty Free Runtime Desktop Distribution, can be run on any number of servers/computers. Meanwhile, by the Developer License you can redevelop software by this one. And it is allowed to distribute the redeveloped software retaining the original code 30% of our software.

  • Downloading finishes, please unzip it and check the elements and examples for VB, C# and others  in the package. And here are more examples on this website.

Second, run the conversion.

  • There is no example for calling  this software in memory but your can refer to the examples in the package.

Now let us check the conversion effect by DOC to Any Converter from the following snapshot.

RTF to PDF by Doc to Any Converter

If you have any question, please leave us a message here, we will reply you as soon as possible.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert Office to multipage TIFF

Want to convert files of Office to multipage TIFF with command line? This article would like to describe how to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to accomplish it on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter is a powerful utility which allows you to use commands to produce various popular files, e.g., image files of TIFF, JPG, EMF, BMP, etc., and also this application supports converting Office files to multipage TIFF file, such as Word to multipage TIFF file, Excel to multipage TIFF file, or PowerPoint file to multipage TIFF file, etc.. Besides this, this utility provides users with multiple targeting properties. Thus, if you want to try this software by yourself, please click icon below:

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter

And you may need to know what is TIFF file, then here is description about this format:

TIFF file is high-quality graphics format file that is often used for storing images with many colors, such as digital photos. TIFF format could be also abbreviated to "TIF". TIFF file supports for layers and multiple pages. TIFF files can be saved in an uncompressed (lossless) format or may incorporate .JPEG (lossy) compression. They may also use LZW lossless compression, which reduces the TIFF file size, but does not reduce the quality of the image.

After you get trial version of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter and know TIFF file generally, you can follow steps below to convert Office file to multipage TIFF file by yourself:

1. Open command prompt window

Commands need to be typed in this window, so you need to open it firstly in your computer.

2. Refer to example to convert Office file to multipage TIFF file

Here are examples below:

doc2any.exe –multipagetif C:\in1.doc C:\out1.tif

doc2any.exe –multipagetif C:\in2.xls C:\out2.tif

doc2any.exe –multipagetif C:\in3.ppt C:\out3.tif

In the examples above:

  • doc2any.exe is to call “doc2any.exe” in order to use this application
  • -multipagetif is parameter to make multipage TIFF file during producing TIFF files
  • ….doc/xls/ppt is to specify source file in command prompt window
  • ….tif is to specify targeting filename and file type in command prompt window

After you type commands and parameters like above and converting Office file to multipage TIFF file, your added source Office file could be converted to multipage TIFF file as you expect. To know more practical functions on VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, please keep visiting here when you have spare time.

DOC to Any Converter

How to singly or batch convert Office to PDF with command line

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter helps you singly or batch convert Office to PDF with command line on Windows platforms.

What is VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter generally?

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter can be widely applied to singly or batch convert various files to another kinds of files, e.g., DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, OpenOffice ODT, HTML, MHTML files to PDF, Postscript, PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, PCL, HPGL, HTML, MHTML, RTF, Text, XML, JPG, TIFF, EMF, WMF, BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, etc. formats. To know more about this software, please go to official website of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter.

How to singly or batch convert Office file to PDF file through commands with this application?

First of all, please download package of this application from entrance below, and then,  please unzip this ZIP file into your computer so that trial version of this utility could be used directly in your computer.

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter

Then, steps to singly or batch convert Office file to PDF file with this software are as follows:

Single process

After you open Command Prompt window, you could refer to following examples to type commands there so that you can accomplish conversion conveniently and quickly:

   doc2any.exe C:\in\a.doc D:\out\a.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\b.ppt F:\out\b.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\c.xls E:\out\c.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\d.docx C:\out\d.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\e.pptx D:\out\e.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\f.xlsx F:\out\f.pdf

Batch process

Likely, after you open Command Prompt, please refer to examples below to fulfill your process:

doc2any.exe C:\in\*.doc D:\out\*.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\*.ppt F:\out\*.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\*.xls E:\out\*.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\*.docx C:\out\*.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\*.pptx D:\out\*.pdf

doc2any.exe C:\in\*.xlsx F:\out\*.pdf

As we can see, in both single process and batch process, we all need to call executive file “doc2any.exe” through its path in order to run VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, and then specify input Office file and output file name so that our application can figure out which types of input and output files you want to deal with. However, to process batch files, it is essential to use wildcard “*” to represent all files of which type you want to convert, likely, after you specify output file type “.pdf”, you can use the same way to specify dozens of PDF files with “*”. After typing commands like above separately, office files can be converted to PDF files successfully.

Is it easy and convenient to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to singly or batch convert Office file to PDF file with commands? To know how to edit PDF properties with parameters, welcome to read “readme.txt” file so that you can know more, or just keep visiting here.

DOC to Any Converter

How to singly or batch convert Office to image with command line

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter singly or batch convert Office to image with command line in Windows systems.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter allows commands users to convert Office files to image files or PDF files singly or in batches on Windows platforms, which also enables developers to use commands to process tasks in various program languages, e.g., VB, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc.. After short introduction about this software, in the next paragraphs, I would like to show you how to use this application to singly or batch convert Office file to image file variously with commands.

Only several steps needs to be taken in your computer:

1. Download main tool

If there is no VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter in your computer, you need to download its package firstly with one click on following icon, and then, please extract downloaded content to your computer, and later, you can directly use trial version of this software to accomplish this process.

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to image

2. Singly or batch convert Office file to image file with commands

To convert Office file to image file singly or in batches with commands, you need to open command prompt window firstly. Then, the following examples can helps you know how to use this utility to fulfill this kind of conversion in command prompt window:

doc2any.exe C:\input.doc C:\output.jpg

doc2any.exe C:\original.ppt C:\

doc2any.exe C:\*.xls C:\*.emf

   doc2any.exe C:\*.pptx C:\*.tif

where the first half examples are about single process and the second half examples are about batch process, and commands are about:

  • doc2any.exe: call executive “doc2any.exe” to use this application
  • ….doc/ppt: specify input office file doc or ppt singly
  • …*.xls/*.pptx: specify input office file in batches, and “*” stands for all related files in one folder
  • ….jpg/ps: specify output file of jpg or ps singly
  • …*.emf/*.tif: specify output file of emf or tif in batches

Also you can set following output formats as image files formats:


After you singly or batch convert Office files to image files with commands, all of your input files can be processed to targeting files of image separately.

Have you got description about using VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to singly or batch convert Office files to image files with commands? To know how to use parameters to set image properties, welcome to continue to visit here frequently, and then, you can follow relevant steps to use trial version of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to fulfill your own process.

Image to XPS Converter

How to batch convert image to XPS and read page count from input image file?

VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter allows you to batch convert image to XPS and read page count from input image file in Windows platforms.

XPS file is a page layout file which contains information written in the XPS page description language developed by Microsoft. XPS file is similar to a .PDF file, but is based on XML instead of the PostScript language. XPS file is formatted like an .XML file and can help you define the layout, appearance, and printing information for a document.  XPS files can be created in Windows by selecting the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" as the printer when printing a document.

To batch convert image file to XPS file and read page count from input image file by yourself, please read the following paragraphs.

First of all, please download VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter by one click on following icon > extract downloaded content to your computer, then you can use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter for conversions in limited times.

Download VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to convert image to xps

Second of all, please follow steps below to open running environment of commands of Windows platforms – Command Prompt window:

Click start > select run > input cmd.exe in pop dialog box > click ok.

Then, to start to use VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to batch convert image file to XPS file and read page count from input image file, please type commands like below:

1. If you want to batch convert image file to XPS file:

img2xps.exe D:\img2xps\*.tif D:\img2xps\*.xps


  • img2xps.exe: call “img2xps.exe” to run VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter
  • D:\img2xps\*.tif: specify input TIFF image files in folder “img2xps”
  • D:\img2xps\*.xps: specify output XPS files which can be produced after converting TIF files

Then, XPS file could be produced from source image file.

2. If you want to check image page count:

img2xps.exe –getpagecount D:\img2xps\multipage.tif

(note: only page count of one multiple page image file could be counted one time)


  • -getpagecount: read page count from input multiple page image file, then page count can be shown in Command Prompt window directly

Here is end of description about using VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter to batch convert image file to XPS file and read page count from input image file separately above. If this VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter suits your requirement, please seize the day to download trial version of VeryDOC Image to XPS Converter here.