DOC to Any Converter

How to rotate page of PDF during converting Office to PDF

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter helps you not only convert Office to PDF, but rotate PDF page on Windows platforms.

To know more details about this conversion, please read following paragraphs.

1. Download this software

Please download related package:

Download package of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter

Then, after package is downloaded successfully, please open it in your computer and extract its content to your computer so that trial version of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter could be used in following operation by yourself.

2. Convert Office file to PDF file and rotate page of PDF file

The software we use here is a command line application, so it is essential to open command prompt window in your computer. Then, after you open it on screen, please type commands and related parameters like below:

doc2any.exe –rotate 90 C:\in\sourceslide1.pptx C:\out\targetslide1.pdf

doc2any.exe –rotate 180 C:\in\source2.xlsx C:\out\target2.pdf

doc2any.exe –rotate 270 C:\in\source3.docx C:\out\target3.pdf


  • doc2any.exe : specify calling “doc2any.exe” executive file to use this software in command prompt
  • –rotate 90 : rotate PDF page by 90 degree, also 180 and 270 are suitable, too
  • C:\in\sourceslide1.pptx : specify source pptx file as source file
  • C:\out\targetslide1.pdf : specify targeting PDF filename and location, for this program needs filename and location to produce targeting PDF file and add it to destination folder later

So after you type commands like one of examples above and convert Office file to PDF file and rotate PDF page, source Office file could be converted to PDF file with specific rotation directly and was added into targeting folder.

Extension Knowledge about PDF:

PDF format is a cross-platform document created by Adobe Acrobat or a program with the Acrobat plug-in. PDF files are commonly used for e-mail attachments or for saving publications in a standard format for viewing on multiple computers, which are also usually created from another document instead of from scratch. PDF files can be edited with Adobe Acrobat, a commercial program. PDF files can be opened and viewed using the free Adobe Reader or the Adobe Reader plug-in, which is available for most Web browsers. Google, Bing, and other search engines now index PDF documents, so the Adobe Reader plug-in is commonly used when viewing search engine results.

DOC to Any Converter

How to compress TIFF multiply during converting Office to TIFF

Once you own VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter in your computer, it is simple to convert Office to TIFF and compress TIFF file variously.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter allows Windows command line users to convert Office files to image files variously, including different image formats and different image properties, e.g., image resolution, image bit-count, image compression, etc.. For more information about this application, welcome to visit online homepage of this software.

TIFF file, is a raster image format file that is often used for storing images with many colors. TIFF file is usually short for "TIF". Moreover, TIFF files can contain layers and multiple pages flexibly in one file. TIFF files can be saved in an uncompressed (lossless) format or may incorporate .JPEG (lossy) compression. TIFF files may also use LZW lossless compression reducing TIFF file size, but does not reduce image quality.

After you briefly know VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter and TIFF format, please feel free to read following paragraphs to convert Office file to TIFF file and compress TIFF file on your own.

1. Download software

Please download its package firstly, then open this package and extract its content to your computer. So you can use executive file “doc2any.exe” to use this software directly in following conversion, which is located in folder “doc2any_cmd”.

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converte to convert Office to TIFF

2. Input commands to convert Office file to TIFF files and compress TIFF

Please refer to example below to fulfill your conversion:

doc2any.exe -compression 5 C:\in\source1.doc C:\out\target1.tif

Here commands and parameter used in example above are:

  • doc2any.exe is to call executive file “doc2any.exe” for using this application
  • -compression 5 is to compress TIFF file with LZW compression mode, also you can use other compression modes, and they can be found at “readme.txt” in downloaded extracted folder “doc2any.exe”
  • C:\in\source1.doc is to specify source DOC file as source file of conversion
  • C:\out\target1.tif is to specify targeting TIFF filename and destination folder so that VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter could know where you need to add this targeting TIFF file and what its name is

After you type commands as above and convert Office file to TIFF file and compress TIFF file, your own compressed TIFF files could be added into destination folder directly. Then, you can find its compression mode is what you set it here.

Please concentrate on here if you want to know more updated articles about VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter functions. And thank you for reading this article that is about converting Office file to TIFF files and compress TIFF files with commands.

DOC to Any Converter

How to set image bitcount during converting Office to image

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter helps you convert Office to image and set image bitcount in Windows systems.

What is image bitcount?

Color depth or bitcount is the number of bits used to indicate the color of a single pixel in a bitmapped image or video frame buffer. This concept is also known as bits per pixel (bpp), particularly when specified along with the number of bits used. Higher image bitcount gives a broader range of distinct colors. Color depth is only one aspect of color representation, expressing how finely levels of color can be expressed; the other aspect is how broada range of colors can be expressed.

How to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office file to image files and edit image bitcount?

1. Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter

You need to download trial package of this software, then open it and extract its folder “doc2any_cmd” to your computer. Then, trial software could be applied in your own conversion later.

2. Run command prompt window

For command prompt window is elementary to process commands conversion, you need to open it in your computer. And then, parameters and commands could be inputted there for converting Office file to image files later.

3. Convert Office file to image files and edit image bitcount

After you enter command prompt window successfully, you should understand following example:

doc2any.exe –bitcount 1 d:\input\source.xls f:\output\target.jpg

In the example above, you need to:

  • doc2any.exe : run doc2any.exe executive file for using this software
  • –bitcount 1 : set image bitcount as 1 so that image could be monochrome – black and white
  • d:\input\source.xls : specify input file XLS
  • f:\output\target.jpg : specify output file target.jpg

Once you do operation like above and convert Office file to image files and set image bitcount with commands, please check your destination folder, then you will notice your image files with specific image bitcount could be produced into targeting folder.

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to image

DOC to Any Converter

How to set image resolution during converting Office to image

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter is able to convert Office to image and set image resolution on Windows platforms. To know more information about this application, please go to its homepage through clicking software title above.

Usually, it is not easy to produce image files from Office files, e.g., DOC, XLS, PPT files, etc.. And even if conversion from Office files to image files could be run, there is no garantee in image quality, etc.. And to edit image resolution during this kind of conversions is another issue. However, since VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter has been invented, these problems could be conquered with no doubt. It can not only help you set resolution of image files, but also allow you to edit other image properties, e.g., TIFF compression, JPEG quality, rotation, margin, etc., which are all you want to own in one software. So why not try VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter right now?

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to image

Want to use your downloaded trial version of this software to convert Office file to image files and set image resolution with command line? Please read the following, so you can know more details.

Step1. Run command prompt window

Please firstly open command prompt window in your computer, for it is running environment of commands in Windows systems. Then, you can use this window to type commands for your purpose later.

Step2. Convert Office file to image files and set image resolution in command prompt window

To process this task in command prompt window, you need to type commands and parameters like following examples:

doc2any.exe -xres 300 -yres 200 C:\in\original1.doc C:\out\targeting1.jpg

doc2any.exe -xres 200 -yres 100 C:\in\original2.xls C:\out\targeting2.bmp

doc2any.exe -xres 350 -yres 190 C:\in\original3.ppt C:\out\targeting3.tif

Where commands are:

  • doc2any.exe is to run software itself
  • ….doc/xls/ppt is to specify original Office file
  • ….jpg/bmp/tif is to specify output image file name and file extension

Where parameters are:

  • -xres <int>:Set X resolution of image file as “int” DPI
  • -yres <int>: Set Y resolution of image file as “int” DPI

After you type commands and parameters to convert Office file to image files, your source office file could be processed to targeting image files added into destination folder. And through your setting on X and Y DPI of image files, you will notice that different DPI leads to different image quality and distinct image size and dimension (the bigger DPI, the sharper image is, along with bigger dimension and size for raster image). If you would like to know more functions on VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, please download its trial version so that you can try it by yourself or just overview “readme.txt” file to know more.

DOC to Any Converter

How to customize PDF page size during converting Office to PDF

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter enables Windows users to convert Office to PDF and customize PDF page size one time conveniently.

Usually, Office files we are familiar with, e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint files, etc., can not be easily processed to PDF files flawlessly. But since VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter has been designed, it is simple to convert Office files to PDF files singly or in batches and customize PDF page size professionally. Advantages of this application is more than you expect here, which means it is not a problem to use it to edit other properties of PDF files, such as PDF information, PDF encryption, etc.. Anyway, to freely experience this application, please go to download entrance below:

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF

To use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office file to PDF file and customize PDF page size, you need to:

First of all, you need to open command prompt window in your computer

Command prompt window is running environment of commands in Windows systems. After it is opened on screen, you can refer to following steps to fulfill your own conversion.

Call doc2any.exe in command prompt window

Please start to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter through calling doc2any.exe. And to realize it, please type path of doc2any.exe executive file directly so that system can know you want to utilize this software to process tasks later.

Type commands one by one

After calling executive file, you need to type useful parameter to customize PDF page size, add source Office file, specify output filename and file type. More information could be found in the following example:

doc2any.exe -width 1024 -height 792 C:\in\input1.doc C:\out\output1.pdf

doc2any.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\in\original.xls C:\out\target.pdf

doc2any.exe -width 990 -height 1024 C:\in\source.ppt C:\out\end.pdf

In the commands examples above, parameters to specify PDF page size are:

  • -width <int>: Set page width of PDF file
  • -height <int>: Set page height of PDF file

And after parameters are source path of Office file and targeting path of PDF file, which are all typed for specifying input Office file and output filename and file type PDF. In another word, ….doc/xls/ppt is to specify input file, and ….pdf is to specify output file type and file name.

Finally, after you convert Office file to PDF file and customize PDF page size, you will find that produced PDF file is so flawless and page size is very strict.

To know more advantages of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, please visit here regularly, for we will keep updating new articles about this software here.