How to rotate page of PDF during converting Office to PDF
VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter helps you not only convert Office to PDF, but rotate PDF page on Windows platforms.
To know more details about this conversion, please read following paragraphs.
1. Download this software
Please download related package:
Then, after package is downloaded successfully, please open it in your computer and extract its content to your computer so that trial version of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter could be used in following operation by yourself.
2. Convert Office file to PDF file and rotate page of PDF file
The software we use here is a command line application, so it is essential to open command prompt window in your computer. Then, after you open it on screen, please type commands and related parameters like below:
doc2any.exe –rotate 90 C:\in\sourceslide1.pptx C:\out\targetslide1.pdf
doc2any.exe –rotate 180 C:\in\source2.xlsx C:\out\target2.pdf
doc2any.exe –rotate 270 C:\in\source3.docx C:\out\target3.pdf
doc2any.exe : specify calling “doc2any.exe” executive file to use this software in command prompt
–rotate 90 : rotate PDF page by 90 degree, also 180 and 270 are suitable, too
C:\in\sourceslide1.pptx : specify source pptx file as source file
C:\out\targetslide1.pdf : specify targeting PDF filename and location, for this program needs filename and location to produce targeting PDF file and add it to destination folder later
So after you type commands like one of examples above and convert Office file to PDF file and rotate PDF page, source Office file could be converted to PDF file with specific rotation directly and was added into targeting folder.
Extension Knowledge about PDF:
PDF format is a cross-platform document created by Adobe Acrobat or a program with the Acrobat plug-in. PDF files are commonly used for e-mail attachments or for saving publications in a standard format for viewing on multiple computers, which are also usually created from another document instead of from scratch. PDF files can be edited with Adobe Acrobat, a commercial program. PDF files can be opened and viewed using the free Adobe Reader or the Adobe Reader plug-in, which is available for most Web browsers. Google, Bing, and other search engines now index PDF documents, so the Adobe Reader plug-in is commonly used when viewing search engine results.