DOC to Any Converter

How to remove empty pages\sheets\slides from Office to PDF

Need to remove empty pages/sheets/slides from Office to PDF and do not know how to fulfill them one time? VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter enables you to realize them within only a few steps!

Why do we need to convert Office file to PDF file?

In some conditions, Office files are not easy to view and read, for instance, when you need to show them in front of customers, etc., it is better to show PDF files to them, which is easier and more convenient to read and overview. So here, VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter could be used flexibly, cause this software can not only produce PDF files from various Office files, e.g., XLS, ODT, ODS, etc., but help you edit targeting properties, e.g., PDF information, PDF passwords, PDF watermarks, removing empty page of PDF, etc.. And if you want to know more about removing empty pages/sheets/slides/ from Office file to PDF file, please concentrate on following details:

First of all, please download package of trial version here, then open downloaded package and extract its content to your computer directly, so you can directly use trial version of this software for later conversion with next steps.

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF

Step1. Run cmd in your computer

It is essential to run command prompt window so that you can type commands there for later process with VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter.

Step2. Remove empty pages/sheets/slides from Office file to PDF file

After command prompt window is opened, it will be simple to refer to following examples to input commands of yours for your own conversion:

doc2any.exe –noempty C:\in.xls C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –noempty C:\in.docx C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –noempty C:\in.pptx C:\out.pdf

When you type commands, just refer to one of examples above and type commands and parameter directly, after you know:

  • -noempty: Delete empty pages/sheets/slides from Office file to PDF file
  • doc2any.exe: run software through calling executive file “doc2any.exe” in command prompt window
  • ….xls/docx/pptx: directory for specifying source Office file
  • ….pdf: specify output file with filename and file extension

And you remove empty pages/sheets/slides from Office file to PDF file, you can find targeting PDF files without any blank pages could be produced into targeting folder directly.

So here, after you have been through description of mine above, just feel free to get VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter without any hesitate.

DOC to Any Converter

How to edit PDF information during converting Office to PDF

With VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, Windows users can convert Office to PDF and edit PDF information one time through command line.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter is a professional tool without GUI interface for Windows users to singly or batch convert Office files to PDF files or other formats files and edit targeting properties through supported parameters. With this command application, users could easily and conveniently generate PDF files, popular raster and vector image files from Office files or vector image files professionally than you could expect.

Here is download entrance for freely trial:

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF

And to convert Office file to PDF file and edit PDF information with this software, only these steps below are needed to be taken by yourself:

1. Open command prompt window

Command prompt window is running environment of commands in Windows systems. So it is essential to open it before commands need to be typed for conversions.

2. Type commands in command prompt window

In opened command prompt window, please refer to examples below to type commands step by step and convert Office file to PDF file and set PDF information on your own:

doc2any.exe –producer “” –subject “subject” C:\in\example1.ppt C:\out\example1.pdf
doc2any.exe –title “doc2any” –author “verydoc” C:\in\example2.xls C:\out\example2.pdf
doc2any.exe –keywords “doc2any” –creator “” C:\in\example3.docx C:\out\example3.pdf

Where parameters:

  • -producer <string>: Set 'producer' of PDF file
  • -creator <string>: Set 'creator' of PDF file
  • -subject <string>: Set 'subject' of PDF file
  • -title <string>: Set 'title' of PDF file
  • -author <string>: Set 'author' of PDF file
  • -keywords <string>: Set 'keywords' of PDF file

Where directories:

  • doc2any.exeis to run this software for conversion later
  • ….ppt/xls/docx is to specify input Office file through filename and file extension
  • ….pdf is to specify output file through filename and file extension by program itself

After conversion from Office file to PDF file and setting PDF information, e.g., producer, creator, author, keywords, is finished by yourself, you can get targeting PDF file in your destination folder directly.

To know more operations through commands about converting Office files to PDF files and setting targeting properties with VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, welcome to visit here frequently.

Image to Flash Converter

Convert EMF to Flash and specify width&height

For those website designers, image files have some insurmountable weakness. Instead someone will struggle to convert those image files uniformly to flash file. By this way, they can churn out some kind of excellent website effect. In this article, I will share two ways for converting EMF file( one of the image format) to swf file.

Method 1 EMF to Vector Converter

  • Download software VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to your computer.  When entering the official website, from the first glace you can tell that this is command line type software for many parameters stated at the bottom of the website.  So after downloading, please unzip it and know well the elements included in the package.
  • emf2vec.exe is the big hits of this software and there are some bat files, which were developed for easy testing. Just double clicking the bat file, the conversion effect you will know.
  • Now share some examples here.

                               emf2vec.exe C:\in.emf C:\out.swf  
                               emf2vec.exe -width 500 -height 600 "example.emf" "12131246.swf"

Dos Windows Practice show from the following snapshot. The conversion can be finished in less than two seconds. It is very fast.

The conversion from emf to flash in MS Dos Windows
        Fig.1. The conversion from emf to flash in MS Dos Windows

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

Source EMF file and output flash file
                   Fig.2. Source EMF file and output flash file

Now you may wonder that “Is this a big-ticket item? Could you please quote for me?”
--> Yes, this software is a little big expensive as now we only have server version, which allows you to run this software under the whole sever.  And the price for server version is USD$295 .  If you feel this price is unacceptable, please check Method 2.

Method 2  Image to Flash Converter USD $29.95

Compared with method 1, the most merits of this software is the price. It only sells at $29.95. Now let us check how to use this software.

  • Download VeryDOC Image to Flash Converter to you computer. This is a suit of GUI software, which can be used from easily software interface. After downloading, please install it and allow it to run in your computer.
  • After installation, there will be an icon on the desktop. Double click it then you can enter software interface. Know a little bit more from the following snapshot of the software interface.

software interface of Image to Flah Converter
Fig. 3. software interface of Image to Flah Converter

  • Add files by dragging or click the button Add Images then please the button Option to set limitations for the output flash file.
  • In the Basic Setting of the menu tab, please specify the frame rate, width&height. Click the button OK to back to the main interface.

menu option
         Fig.4 . Menu Option

  • Click the button Convert, the conversion from EMF to Flash will be run at once. A few seconds later, the swf file with the content of EMF will show up in the destination folder.
  • This software can be considered as the heavyweight contender of EMF to Vector Converter, as it is cheap in price and feature-rich in the function. But for those who need to fulfill the conversion together with other application, like C#, VB, .net, the command line version is necessary.

All in all, please choose the better one for you according to your requests. During the using, if encounter any question, you are welcome to us at any time by any means.


DOC to Any Converter

How to set PDF page layout during converting Office to PDF

There are only a few steps to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF and set PDF page layout with command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter allows Windows users to use commands to produce PDF files and other popular files, e.g., JPG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG, EMF, PCX, PS, etc. singly or in batches. Besides basic single or batch conversions, this application enables you to edit targeting options, e.g., PDF margin, PDF rotation, PDF page layout, PDF encryption, PDF watermarks, etc. as you expect always. So after you get what I describe here, and want to try this application freely, welcome to click following icon:

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF

Here is instruction about using this software to convert Office file to PDF file and set PDF page layout:

1. Run command prompt window

In Windows systems, to use commands to produce PDF file, it is essential to open command prompt window to type commands firstly. After command prompt is opened on screen, you can start to type commands there to gradually fulfill conversion here.

2. Convert Office file to PDF file and set PDF page layout

Here is example for you to refer to:

doc2any.exe –pagelayout 3 C:\in\source1.docx C:\out\target1.pdf

In examples above, you need to know:

  • doc2any.exe: call executive file “doc2any.exe” to use software
  • C:\in\source1.docx: specify original Office file
  • C:\out\target1.pdf: specify output PDF name and destination folder, for this program needs those information to confirm final PDF file
  • -pagelayout 3: set two Column Left when PDF file is opened in Adobe Reader, also the following values could be used, too:

-pagelayout 0: Use viewer's default settings

-pagelayout 1: Single Page

-pagelayout 2: One Column

-pagelayout 4: Two Column Right

-pagelayout 5: Two Page Left

-pagelayout 6: Two Page Right

After commands and parameters like above are typed in your own command prompt window, you can use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office file to PDF file and set PDF page layout directly. Then, later on, PDF file could be added into targeting folder along with successful page layout setting.

Above is mainly about illustration on using VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office file to PDF file and set PDF page layout with commands. To know more operations on editing targeting properties through this software, please keep visiting here frequently. Thank you for your support.

DOC to Any Converter

How to edit PDF margin during converting Office to PDF

In this article, you can know how to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF and edit PDF margin one time in Windows systems.

And only several steps you need to take can help you accomplish conversion from Office file to PDF file and editing PDF margin, and below are details:

Step1. Open command prompt window 

Command Prompt is a window that command line needs to be typed in, so it is elementary to run it in your computer. And after this, you can continue to input commands in it for your own conversion.

Step2. Input commands and convert Office file to PDF file and edit PDF margin

To fulfill conversion by yourself, it is simple and convenient for you to refer to following examples:

doc2any.exe –margin 20 C:\in\a.ppt C:\out1.pdf

doc2any.exe –margin 20x30 C:\in\b.xls C:\out2.pdf

doc2any.exe –margin 20x30x10x20 C:\in\c.docx C:\out3.pdf

where you need to know:

  • doc2any.exe is to call executive file “doc2any.exe” in order to run this software
  • ….ppt/xls/docx is to specify input Office file, also it could be TXT, RTF, DOC, PPTX, XLSX, etc. Office file types
  • ….pdf is to specify output filename and file extension due to requirements of production of PDF files from this application
  • -margin 20: Set margin to 20 pt to left
  • -margin 20x30: Set margin to 20 pt, 30 pt to left, top
  • -margin 20x30x10x20: Set margin to 20 pt, 30 pt, 10 pt, 20 pt to left, top, right, bottom

When you finish typing commands and setting PDF margins with parameter as shown above, you can convert Office file to PDF file and edit PDF margin directly. And finally, targeting PDF file with specific PDF margin could be added into destination folder.

Look, it is so convenient and easy to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office file to PDF file and edit PDF margin as you can see from mentioned above, so if you are still trapped in which software you should select on this kind of conversion, please feel free to try VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, then you love this software cause of its multiple functions!