HTML Converter

How to set PDF page size during converting web page to PDF

This article aims to show you how to convert web page to PDF and sat PDF page size with VeryDOC HTML Converter in one time.

What is PDF?

PDF format is a cross-platform document created by Adobe Acrobat or a program with the Acrobat plug-in. PDF files could be commonly used for e-mail attachments or for saving publications in a standard format for viewing on multiple computers. PDF files are usually created from another document instead of from scratch. PDF files can be edited with Adobe Acrobat, a commercial program. PDF files can be opened and viewed using the free Adobe Reader or the Adobe Reader plug-in, which is available for most Web browsers. PDF files could preserve fonts and formatting electronically across multiple platforms and appear the same on the screen as they will when printed on paper.

Details to set PDF page size during converting web page file to PDF file:

1. Install VeryDOC HTML Converter

Please download installer of this software firstly into your computer, then double click this installer and follow setup wizard step by step so that trial version of VeryDOC HTML Converter could be installed successfully in your computer.

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter2. Add PDF web page files for conversion

Please run VeryDOC HTML Converter in your computer firstly, then its GUI interface could be opened directly, where you need to add source web page files:

Click Add File(s) on GUI interface > select web page files in pop dialog box > click Open directly, finally, local web page files could be added into processing table directly as follows:

GUI interface of VeryDOC HTML ConverterOf course, this software also allow you to convert URL to PDF:

Click File on toolbar > select Add URL on pop list, then type web page address in pop edit box and click OK there so that it could be added into processing form, too.

3. Set targeting format and edit PDF page size during conversion

After adding web page files, please click Setting on GUI interface so that its own panel could be opened directly. Then, you need to click tab Base Settings there, then you can set targeting format – PDF and customize PDF page size:

Under Base Settings tab, please click .pdf on pop list of Output Format so that targeting format could be PDF. Then, to edit page size of PDF file, please click Page Size pop list there so that you can select one page size, e.g., A4 (210x297mm).

Set targeting format and edit page size during converting web page to PDF Finally, when your setting is finished, please click OK there, then they could be saved and you can go back to GUI interface of this software again.

4. Set destination folder and convert web page file to PDF file with specific page size

On GUI interface, please click Start, then a dialog box could be opened on screen, where you can set targeting folder and click Ok, then conversion from web page file to PDF file or URL to PDF file with specific page size could be started, and a few seconds later, your PDF file could be produced into your computer.

After you know how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page file to PDF (URL to PDF) and set specific page size, to know more practical articles here, please visit here frequently.

HTML Converter

How to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to image

This article is about how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to image(PS, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF, EMF, PCX, TGA, JP2, PNM, etc.) on Windows platforms.

Details about using VeryDOC HTML Converter to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page files to image files are as follows:

1. Install this software

Please download installer of this software firstly, then double-click it and follow setup wizard to install this software in your computer.

Download installer of VeryDOC HTML Converter

2. Add source files

Open GUI interface of this software, then you can add source files with this way:

Drag and drop source files, e.g., EMF, WMF, RTF, web page files into processing table directly, so they could be added successfully. Or you can click Add File(s) on GUI interface > select source files in pop dialog box > click open so that these selected files could be added successfully, too, which is as shown as following snapshot:

GUI interface of VeryDOC HTML Converter

3. Set targeting format

Please click Setting on GUI interface so that you can set targeting format:

Click Setting on GUI interface > select tab Base Setting there, then its own panel could be opened to you, then, you need to click one of image formats on dropdown list Output Format, then software could know what you want to set in targeting format of image files. Then, please click OK there so that program helps you save this setting and jump back to GUI interface.

Set targeting image format during converting web page to image  4. Select targeting folder and singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page files to image files

After you go back to GUI interface, please click Start on GUI interface, then you can get a dialog box where targeting folder could be selected, then please click OK there so that VeryDOC HTML Converter could help you singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page files to image files quickly, and then, targeting image files could be added into targeting folder directly.

To know more functions about this software, please feel free to try VeryDOC HTML Converter by yourself. And thank you for reading this article which is about singly or batch converting EMF/WMF/RTF/web page files to image files through GUI interface.

HTML Converter

How to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to PDF

VeryDOC HTML Converter enables you to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to PDF flexibly on Windows platforms.

Here are steps to use this software to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page file to PDF flexibly below:

Step1. Installation

Firstly, you need to download installer of this software from following:

Download installer of VeryDOC HTML Converter

Then, after you download it into your computer, you need to double click it so that you can follow setup wizard step by step till it is successful to install this application in your computer.

Step2. Add files

To add source files for conversion, please run this GUI application in your computer, then click Add File(s) > select right files, e.g., EMF, WMF, RTF, local web page files, etc. > click Open, finally, those selected files could be added as paths in processing form of GUI interface. And here is relevant snapshot about added files GUI interface:

GUI interface of VeryDOC HTML Converter with added files

Step3. Set targeting file type and Optionally set PDF properties

After adding source files with GUI interface, please click Setting on GUI interface in order to set targeting format and optionally edit PDF properties:

Click Setting on GUI interface, then, setting panel could pop out, where you need to click tab Base Setting > set output format as .pdf on dropdown list there, so it is finished to edit targeting file type here. Then, if you would like to set options of PDF files here, you can:

  • Under tab Base Settings, PDF margin, rotation, orientation could be set
  • Under tab PDF Save Options, PDF saving mode could be selected, including when you combine multiple files into one PDF file, etc. (for this, please read other articles here)
  • Under tab PDF Info, PDF information, e.g., PDF title, keywords, etc. could be customized as you wish
  • Under tab PDF Security, PDF passwords and encryption level, modes, etc. could be selected as you expect

And here is snapshot about setting targeting format under tab Base Settings:

Set targeting format during converting EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to PDF

When you finish your setting here, please click OK so that all of your operation on this panel could be saved directly and also program will take you back to GUI interface.

Step4. Set targeting folder and convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page files to PDF files

After you go back to GUI interface, you can set targeting folder and process task:

Click Start on GUI interface, then, program could offer you a dialog box for you to set targeting folder of saving PDF files, and after that, please click Save in that dialog box, then, VeryDOC HTML Converter can start to help you singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page files to PDF files directly, and a few seconds later, this software can add targeting PDF files into destination folder automatically.

Here is snapshot about dialog box for saving PDF files:

Set targeting folder during singly or batch converting EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to PDF

Well, by now, my own conversion is finished, and how about yours with trial version of VeryDOC HTML Converter? For more articles about other functions of this software, please visit here frequently for we are always offering you helpful articles here. Thank you for reading this article that is about using VeryDOC HTML Converter to singly or batch convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page file to PDF files.

DOC to Any Converter

How to customize PDF watermark during converting Office to PDF

It is simple to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF and customize PDF watermark with command line on Windows platforms.

For this software – VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter, besides customizing PDF watermark, there are lots of other functions, e.g., editing PDF encryption, PDF information, etc.. For more of these functions, you can read “readme.txt” file after you download trial version of this software in your computer:

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF

Here is relevant measure to use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office file to PDF file and customize PDF watermark flexibly:

1. Open command prompt window

Command prompt window is an elementary environment of commands for Windows systems. And after you open it on screen, commands of yours could be inputted for your own process easily.

2. Convert Office file to PDF file and customize PDF watermark flexibly

To convert Office file to PDF file and customize PDF watermark flexibly, there are not only commands needed, but parameters needed. However, you’d better firstly get familiar with basic steps through following examples:

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” -wtype 1 C:\in.doc C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” -wtype 2 C:\in.docx C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” -wtype 0 -wa 45 C:\in.doc C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” –wf “Arial” C:\in.pptx C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” –wf “Arial” -wh 20 C:\in.ppt C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” –wf “Arial” -wh 20 -wb -wi -wu -ws C:\in.xlsx C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “VeryDOC” –wf “Arial” -walign 3 -wh 20 –wbox “0,770,612,792” C:\in.doc C:\out.pdf

doc2any.exe –wtext “Watermark %PageNumber% of %PageCount%” C:\in.xls C:\out.pdf

where you need to know the commands:

  • doc2any.exe is to call executive file “doc2any.exe” for conversion
  • ….doc/docx/ppt/pptx/xls/xlsx is to specify input Office file
  • ….pdf is to specify output PDF file with filename and file extension

where you also need to know the parameters:

  • -wtext <string>: Watermark text on printed document with static text or dynamic text
    -wtext does support following dynamic values:
    %PageCount%, %PageNumber%, %PageCountRoman%, %PageCountRoman2%,
    %PageNumberRoman%, %PageNumberRoman2%, %Author%, %Keywords%,
    %Subject%, %Title%, %Filename%, %Date%, %Time%
  • -wtype <int>: type of watermark
    0: normal watermark
    1: watermark on header
    2: watermark on footer
  • -wa <int>: set angle of watermark
  • -wf <string>: font name of watermark
  • -wh <int>: font size of watermark
  • -wb: specify bold font
  • -wi: specify an italic font
  • -wu: specify an underlined font
  • -ws: specify a strikeout font
  • -wbox <string>: a rectangle to output formatted text, it is only useful for "-walign" option, eg:
    -wbox "0,0,595,842"
    -wbox "0,0,612,792"
    -wbox "auto"
  • -walign <int>: set text align
    1: left
    2: center
    3: right

And besides parameters mentioned in examples above, watermark color also could be edited through hexadecimal:

-wc <string>: color of watermark, e.g., FF0000: Red color, 00FF00: Green color, 0000FF: Blue color, HexNum: Other colors, etc.

Watermark offset and start, ending page could be set, too:

  • -wx <int>: X offset of watermark
  • -wy <int>: Y offset of watermark
  • -wpagebegin <int>: first page to add the watermark
  • -wpageend <int>: last page to add the watermark
  • -wpageoffset <int>: a value to be added to page number

(Note: relevant examples could be found in “readme.txt” file contained in downloaded folder)

If you understand what i describe above about commands typing and parameter usage, please type commands and parameters to convert Office file to PDF file and customize PDF watermark directly in command prompt window. Then, at last, PDF file with specific watermarks could be generated into targeting folder automatically.

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert Office to PDF and encrypt PDF

Do not know how to convert Office to PDF and encrypt PDF? Do not worry, guys, VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter will help you with both of them completely one time.

To know details of this application, please go to homepage of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter. After you know more information about this software, please feel free to try it through:

Download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter to convert Office to PDF

After you get trial version of this utility, if you would like to use your trial one to convert Office file to PDF file and encrypt PDF files, just do not hesitate to read the next paragraphs.

1. Run cmd.exe in your computer

Running cmd.exe helps us open command prompt window, which is elementary environment of commands on Windows platforms: just directly click quick launch program in quick launch bar, then command prompt window could be opened automatically.

2. Convert Office file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file

There are several formats of Office files you can use to be as source format, e.g., doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, odt, ods, etc., and here are examples for you to refer to below:

doc2any.exe –openpwd 987654 -keylen 0 C:\out\test1.pdf

doc2any.exe –ownerpwd 654321 –encryption 3900 C:\in\example2.pptx C:\out\example2.pdf

doc2any.exe –openpwd 543210 –keylen 1 –ownerpwd 098765 –encryption 3900 C:\in\original3.xlsx C:\out\original3.pdf

And in examples above, there are several parts contained, which are:

  • doc2any.exe is to call executive file “doc2any.exe” for running this application
  • C:\in\test1.docx/xlsx/pptx is to specify source Office file through filename and file extension
  • C:\out\test1.pdfis to specify output PDF file with filename and file extension
  • -openpwd <string>: Set 'open password' for PDF file
  • -ownerpwd <string>: Set 'owner password' for PDF file
  • -keylen <int>: Key length (40 or 128 bit)

-keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
-keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
-keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)

  • -encryption <int>: owner Restrictions

-encryption 0: Encrypt the file only
-encryption 3900: Deny anything
-encryption 4: Deny printing
-encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
-encryption 16: Deny copying of contents
-encryption 32: No commenting
===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
-encryption 256: Deny FillInFormFields
-encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj
-encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
-encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
-encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata

After commands and parameters like above are all correctly inputted, conversion from Office file to PDF file and encrypting PDF file could be started in command prompt window. Then, after a few seconds, destination PDF files with encryption could be added into targeting folder automatically.

It is so convenient for you to convert Office file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file with commands here through trial version of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter. So, please do not hesitate to use this software from today!