HTML Converter

How to merge PDF during converting EMF/RTF/WMF/web page to PDF

Want to convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to PDF and merge PDF in one conversion? VeryDOC HTML Converter could help you accomplish this.

Here are steps to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert EMF/RTF/WMF/web page file to PDF file and merge PDF file with command line:

1. Download

If there is no this software in your computer, please click following icon to download trial package, and then, you need to open it and extract folder “htmltools” into your computer, so trial version of this application could be applied later.

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page to PDF

2. Open

Command prompt window is operating environment of commands on Windows platform, so it is primary to open it on your screen, and then, commands and parameter could be typed for your conversion.

3. Convert

After command prompt window is opened, you can refer to followings to convert your own web page file to PDF file:


htmltools.exe D:\input\htm.html F:\output\htm.pdf

Example2, 3:

htmltools.exe –mergepdf “C:\1.pdf|F\output\htm.pdf” C:\out.pdf

(note: merge PRODUCED PDF files “1.pdf”, “htm.pdf” into one PDF file “out.pdf”)

htmltools.exe –mergepdf “C:\*.pdf” C:\out.pdf

(note: merge PDF files on disc C into one PDF file “out.pdf”)

Please allow me to explain:

  • Example 1 is to show you how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page file to PDF file
  • Example 2, 3 are to show you how to merge PDF files with different ways
  • -mergepdf <string>: Merge two PDF files into one PDF file
  • -mergepdf <file1|file2|file3|...>: Merge several PDF files into one

At last, after you type commands and parameters according to examples above, you can convert web page file to PDF file, and then merge PDF files into one PDF file due to produced PDF files from web page files.

To know other popular functions, please visit here frequently. And thank you for reading this article which is about how to merge PDF during converting EMF/RTF/WMF/web page file to PDF file with commands through VeryDOC HTML Converter.

HTML Converter

How to convert web page to PDF and burst PDF into single pages with command line

VeryDOC HTML Converter is a professional tool for Windows users to convert web page file to PDF file and burst PDF into single pages with command line on Windows platforms.

To know more about this software, please go to homepage of VeryDOC HTML Converter. And here are details to use it to convert web page file to PDF file and burst PDF into single pages with commands:

Step1. Download

Please firstly download package of trial version to your computer, then unzip its content to your computer directly.

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter

Then, trial version of this software could be used directly.

Step2. Convert web page file to PDF file and burst PDF into single pages

After operation above, please run cmd.exe in your computer so that command prompt window could be opened on screen directly. Then, the following commands examples could tell you how to use this application to convert web page file to PDF file and burst PDF into single pages:

  • Convert web page file to PDF file and URL to PDF:

htmltools.exe D:\in\verydoc.htm C:\out\verydoc.pdf

(note: this example is to convert local web page file to PDF file)

htmltools.exe “” C:\out\verydoc.pdf

(note: this example is to convert online web page file -- URL file to PDF file)

  • Burst PDF file into single page PDF files:

htmltools.exe -burstpdf D:\777.htm D:\output100.pdf


-burstpdf <string>: Burst PDF file into single page PDF files

After you understand what I described here, you can refer to them separately to convert your own web page file to PDF file and burst PDF into single pages with commands and parameters.

For more of different functions about VeryDOC HTML Converter, please keep visiting here. Thank you for reading this article which is about using VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert local web page file to PDF file, URL file to PDF file and burst PDF file into single pages PDF files.

HTML Converter

How to encrypt PDF during converting web page to PDF

This article is about how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to encrypt PDF during converting web page to PDF in Windows systems.

VeryDOC HTML Converter allows Windows users to convert web page files to PDF files, including local web page files and online web page files – URL. There are 2 versions in this software – GUI and command line versions. And for in the last articles here, part of functions about GUI version has been described, in this article, I will show you how to use commands version of this software to convert web page files to PDF file and encrypt PDF files one time in Windows systems.

1. Download

Please download package of commands version from following icon, then open it in your computer and extract its content to your computer directly, so it could be used later.

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter command line

2. Input

After download and extraction like above, please open command prompt window in your computer for typing commands later, and then, refer to following commands example to input commands step by step:

htmltools.exe –openpwd open -keylen 2 -ownerpwd owner -encryption 3900 C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf


  • -openpwd <string>: Set 'open password' of PDF file
  • -ownerpwd <string>: Set 'owner password' of PDF file
  • -keylen 2: set key length as 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
  • -encryption 3900 : Deny anything in owner permission
  • htmltools.exe is to run this software
  • …emf and …pdf are to specify input EMF file and output PDF file

Note: for key length and owner permission, you can also use one of followings separately to encrypt PDF

-keylen 0: 40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)

-keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)

-encryption 0: Encrypt the file only

-encryption 4: Deny printing

-encryption 8: Deny modification of contents

-encryption 16: Deny copying of contents

-encryption 32: No commenting===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used

-encryption 256: Deny FillInFormField

-encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj

-encryption 1024: Deny Assemble

-encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing

-encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata

After you type right parameters and commands like shown in example above, you can use VeryDOC HTML Converter commands to convert web page file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file, and after this software processes it, you will find targeting PDF file with encryptions is so perfect.

By now, I hope you can get what I illustrate above, which is about encrypting PDF during converting web page file to PDF file and once you find out VeryDOC HTML Converter is so suitable for you, please do not hesitate to try VeryDOC HTML Converter.

HTML Converter

How to convert web page to image and edit image resolution and color depth

VeryDOC HTML Converter allows you to convert web page to image and edit image resolution and color depth on Windows platforms.

Here are details below:

Step1. Download

Please download installer of VeryDOC HTML Converter from following:

Download installer of VeryDOC HTML Converter

Step2. Install

After download above, please double click that installer and follow setup wizard to install VeryDOC HTML Converter in your computer successfully.

Step3. Add web page file

After installation is successful, please open its GUI interface on your screen, then add web page file with one of following ways:

  • If you want to convert local web page file, please click Add File(s) > select web page files in pop dialog box > click Open
  • If you want to convert online web page file, please click File > select Add URL on pop list > type your URL in edit box > click Ok there

Then, web page files could be added into processing form of GUI interface, which is as shown as below:

GUI interface of VeryDOC HTML Converter

Step4. Set image resolution and color depth

After adding web page files, please do followings:

Click Setting on GUI interface > click tab Base Settings tab there, then its own panel could be opened directly:

You need to click one of formats of image on pop list Output Format in order to set targeting format of image files there. Then, to edit image resolution and color depth, please move your mouse onto Image Output, then select one of bit count on pop list of Image Color Depth so that image color depth could be set. Then, please click one of DPI on pop list Image Resolution there or just type your customized resolution , e.g, 600x600 DPI, etc..

Here is snapshot about Base Settings panel with set image resolution and color depth below:

Set targeting format and image resolution, color depth When you finish them, please click Ok, then program could take you back to GUI interface of VeryDOC HTML Converter.

Step5. Set destination folder and convert web page file to image file with specific resolution and color depth

To set targeting folder, please click Start on GUI interface so that you could get dialog box where you can set targeting folder and click Ok, and later on, targeting image files with specific resolution and color depth could be generated into targeting folder directly.

To know more about articles besides this one, which is about using VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page file to image files and edit image resolution and color depth, please keep visiting here. Thank you for your support here.

HTML Converter

How to convert web page to multipage TIFF

It is simple to convert web page to TIFF file of multiple pages through VeryDOC HTML Converter.

VeryDOC HTML Converter is a professional tool for Windows users to convert web page file to image files or web page files to PDF files, RTF, EMF, WMF files to PDF, image files professionally and flexibly. Also this software could provides you with GUI and command line ways to produce image or PDF files. If you would like to know more merits about this software, welcome to try it through following entrance:

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter To use this software to convert web page file to multipage TIFF file through commands, please do the followings:

1. Open command prompt window

Click Windows + R hotkey to open Run edit box, then type cmd.exe or cmd there and click ok, then it could be opened directly.

2. Convert web page file to multipage TIFF

Please refer to following example to type commands and parameter:

htmltools.exe –multipagetif C:\in.html C:\out.ti

htmltools.exe –multipagetif C:\*.html C:\*.tif


  • -multipagetif: Create multipage TIFF
  • ….exe is to run VeryDOC HTML Converter command line
  • ….html is to specify input web page file
  • ….pdf is to specify output TIFF file
  • …*.html is to specify dozens of web page files for adding them for conversion
  • …*.pdf is to specify dozens of TIFF files

Note: first commands example is to show you how to singly convert web page file to multipage TIFF file, and last commands example is to show you how to batch convert web page to multipage TIFF file.

After you type commands like one of above, VeryDOC HTML Converter could help you convert web page file to multipage TIFF file directly.

For more article about various operations on VeryDOC HTML Converter, please visit here frequently. Thank you for reading this article which is about how to convert web page files to multipage TIFF file.