How to merge PDF during converting EMF/RTF/WMF/web page to PDF
Want to convert EMF/WMF/RTF/web page to PDF and merge PDF in one conversion? VeryDOC HTML Converter could help you accomplish this.
Here are steps to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert EMF/RTF/WMF/web page file to PDF file and merge PDF file with command line:
1. Download
If there is no this software in your computer, please click following icon to download trial package, and then, you need to open it and extract folder “htmltools” into your computer, so trial version of this application could be applied later.
2. Open
Command prompt window is operating environment of commands on Windows platform, so it is primary to open it on your screen, and then, commands and parameter could be typed for your conversion.
3. Convert
After command prompt window is opened, you can refer to followings to convert your own web page file to PDF file:
htmltools.exe D:\input\htm.html F:\output\htm.pdf
Example2, 3:
htmltools.exe –mergepdf “C:\1.pdf|F\output\htm.pdf” C:\out.pdf
(note: merge PRODUCED PDF files “1.pdf”, “htm.pdf” into one PDF file “out.pdf”)
htmltools.exe –mergepdf “C:\*.pdf” C:\out.pdf
(note: merge PDF files on disc C into one PDF file “out.pdf”)
Please allow me to explain:
- Example 1 is to show you how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page file to PDF file
- Example 2, 3 are to show you how to merge PDF files with different ways
- -mergepdf <string>: Merge two PDF files into one PDF file
- -mergepdf <file1|file2|file3|...>: Merge several PDF files into one
At last, after you type commands and parameters according to examples above, you can convert web page file to PDF file, and then merge PDF files into one PDF file due to produced PDF files from web page files.
To know other popular functions, please visit here frequently. And thank you for reading this article which is about how to merge PDF during converting EMF/RTF/WMF/web page file to PDF file with commands through VeryDOC HTML Converter.