HTML to Image Converter

How to set image page size during converting HTML/URL to image

This article aims to show you how to convert HTML/URL to image and set image page size through VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter.

VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter enables you to convert HTML/URL to image and edit image page size within one process through command line. This application is very powerful that it supports so many image formats, e.g., EMF, WMF, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, etc.. I really need to say that this software is really worth your try, thus, if you want to try it here, please feel free to download it here:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter

And then, here are steps to use VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter to convert HTML/URL file to image files with commands:

1. Open command prompt window

Click Windows + R hotkey to open Run dialog box, then type cmd and click ok so that command prompt window could be opened on screen automatically.

2. Convert HTML/URL file to image file and set page size

To let you understand the whole conversion better, here is example for you to refer to below:

html2image.exe -url= -out=C:\verydoc1.jpg –width=200 -height=300


In the example above, you may need to know:


  • -width=<int>: edit width of the output image (default: auto)
  • -height=<int>: edit height of the output image (default: auto)


  • html2image.exe is to run this software itself by calling executive file “html2image.exe”
  • -url= is to specify source online web page through URL
  • -out=C:\verydoc1.jpg is to specify output image file

When you finish inputting commands and relevant parameters here, please convert HTML/URL file to image in command prompt window. Then, targeting image files with specific page size could be generated into targeting folder.

If you have any confusion about this illustration about how to use VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter to convert HTML/URL file to image files through commands, please let us know through dropping comments here. Thank you for sharing it with me here. 🙂

HTML to Image Converter

How to singly or batch convert HTML/URL/web page to image

VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter helps you singly or batch convert HTML/URL/web page to image through command line and supported parameters on Windows platforms.

To know more about this software, welcome to go to homepage of VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter. To know details about singly or batch converting HTML/URL/web page to image, please continue to read this article.

First of all, you need to download trial package of this application:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter

Then, please open this package and extract its content to your computer directly, so trial version of this utility could be used later.

After you get VeryDOC HTML Converter in your computer, please follow steps below to singly or batch convert HTML/URL/web page to image through commands:


html2image.exe -url= -out=C:\verydoc.jpg

html2image.exe -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.bmp


  • html2image.exe: call executive file “html2image.exe” for using this application
  • -url= specify input online web page through URL here
  • -out=C:\verydoc.jpg: specify output image of JPEG format
  • -url=C:\test.htm: specify input local web page file
  • -out=C:\test.bmp: specify output image file of BMP format

After typing commands and parameters like above in COMMAND PROMPT window, you can singly convert HTML/URL/web page file to image file directly. Then, targeting image file could be produced accurately and quickly.


Batch convert HTML/URL/web page to image

As you can see, to batch convert HTML/URL/web page file to image, you need to firstly create BAT file, and then, type commands and parameters as many as you want there. When you finish them, please save them directly in BAT file and close it. Then, you can double click this BAT file so that it is fast to accomplish batch converting HTML/URL/web page file to image file. Later on, dozens of image files could be produced into destination folder directly.

At the end of this article, to know more about VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter function, please keep concentrating here. Thank you for reading this article which is about singly or batch converting HTML/URL/web page file to image file through commands.

HTML Converter

How to convert web page to PDF/image and watermark PDF/image

VeryDOC HTML Converter enables you to convert web page to PDF/image and watermark PDF/image on Windows platforms.

First of all, please download trial version of this application of command line, for CMD version could help you watermark PDF/image file, other than GUI version:

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter command line

However, if you would like to download trial version of GUI of this software, welcome to do it, too:

Download installer of VeryDOC HTML Converter GUI

After that, here are details to use CMD of VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page file to PDF/image and watermark PDF/image below:

1. Open command prompt window

For it is running environment of command on Windows platforms, it is essential to open it on screen:

Click hotkey Windows + R so that Run dialog box could be opened directly, then please type cmd.exe there and click ok so that it could pop out directly, and then, your own conversion could be processed through it later.

2. Convert web page file to PDF/image and watermark PDF/image

After operating environment is opened, you can start to refer to examples below to process your own conversion:

htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryDOC" "C:\in.html" C:\

htmltools.exe -wtext "VeryDOC" -wf "Arial" -wc "0000FF" -wtype 1 -wx 100 -wy 100 -wa 45 -wh 20 C:\source.html C:\target.pdf

Where related parameters and the ones you may need to use mean: 

  • -wtext <string>: watermark on printed document
    -wtype <int>: type of watermark
    0: normal watermark
    1: watermark on header
    2: watermark on footer
  • -wf <string>: font name of watermark
  • -wh <int>: font size of watermark
  • -wb: specify bold font
  • -wi: specify an italic font
  • -wu: specify an underlined font
  • -ws: specify a strikeout font
  • -wa <int>: angle of watermark
  • -wbox <string>: a rectangle to output formatted text, it is only useful for "-walign" option, e.g.,
    -wbox "0,0,595,842"
    -wbox "0,0,612,792"
    -wbox "auto"
  • -walign <int>: set text align
    1 : left
    2 : center
    3 : right
  • -wc <string>: color of watermark,
    FF0000: Red color
    00FF00: Green color
    0000FF: Blue color
    HexNum: Other colors
  • -wx <int>: X offset of watermark
  • -wy <int>: Y offset of watermark
  • -wpagebegin <int>: first page to add the watermark
  • -wpageend <int>: last page to add the watermark


After commands and parameters you need to use are typed in command prompt window, please click enter to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page file to PDF/image and watermark PDF/image with commands directly. And then, PDF files or image files with specific watermark could be added into targeting folder directly.

After you read description above, if you want to know GUI version of this application function, please keep visiting here, thank you for your support here.

HTML Converter

How to convert web page to image and compress image

This article aims to show you how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page to image and compress image on Windows platforms.

To know more of this software, please feel free to go to its homepage to get more information from hyperlink above. And then, to know details about using VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert web page to image and compress image, e.g., TIFF through command line, please read the followings:

Firstly, please download package of its trial version, then open it and extract its content to your computer directly, so executive file “htmltools.exe” could be called for running this application later.

Download VeryDOC HTML Converter command line

Second, you need to run operating environment of commands

Command prompt window is operating environment of commands in Windows systems, so you need to open it on screen:

Click Start > select Run on pop menu > type cmd and click ok there, and then, it could be opened on screen automatically.

At last, you can type commands and parameter to realize conversion from web page file to image file and compress image, e.g., TIFF

Here are examples for you to refer to below:

htmltools.exe –imgfilter 1 C:\in1.html C:\out1.tif

htmltools.exe –imgfilter 7 C:\in2.html C:\out2.tif

htmltools.exe –imgfilter 3 C:\in3.html C:\out3.tif


  • htmltools.exe is to call executive file “htmltools.exe”
  • –imgfilter 1 is to compress image with JPEG compression mode
  • ….html is to specify input web page file
  • ….tif is to specify output TIF file
  • -imgfilter 7 is to use JPEG 2000 compression to compress image
  • -imgfilter 3 is to use B&W CCITT Fax G3 compression to compress image

Besides parameter values mentioned above, you can also use the followings:

-imgfilter <int>: Set compression filter which is used to compress images
-1 : Set compression filter automatically, default
0 : Flate compression
2 : B&W CCITT Fax G3 compression

After you type commands and parameters like above, conversion from web page file to image file and compressing image file could be started, then later on, you can get image files with specific compression mode.

To know more articles about VeryDOC HTML Converter GUI version, please visit here frequently. To experience this GUI software, please feel free to download trial version of VeryDOC HTML Converter GUI.

HTML Converter

How to split EMF/HTML to PDF

This article would like to describe how to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert EMF/HTML to PDF and split EMF/HTML on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC HTML Converter allows you to convert EMF, WMF, RTF, HTM, HTML, etc. to PDF file and other image files singly or in batches through GUI interface or command line, thus, both GUI users and commands users could find proper ways to produce PDF files or image files from supported source files in Windows systems. Here is freely trial entrance of this software below:

Download GUI of VeryDOC HTML Converter                     Download command line version of VeryDOC HTML Converter

If you would like to get each of trial versions of GUI and CMD, please feel free to download it from above. Then, if you would like to know how to use CMD version to convert EMF/HTML file to PDF file and split EMF/HTML, please see the followings:

1. Open command prompt window

Command prompt window is running environment of commands, so, you need to open it through:

Click hotkey Windows + R, then dialog box Run could be opened directly, and then, please input cmd.exe and click ok there so that it could be popped on screen automatically, and you can continue to type commands and parameter for your own conversion due to your requirement.

2. Understand usage of VeryDOC HTML Converter

htmltools.exe [options] <EMF-WMF-HTML-URL-RTF-file> [<PDF-PS-Image-file>]


  • htmltools.exe: call executive file “htmltools.exe” in order to use this application
  • [options]: optionally help you set properties of targeting files due to your requirement
  • <EMF-WMF-HTML-URL-RTF-file>: specify input file
  • [<PDF-PS-Image-file>]: specify output file

3. Convert EMF/HTML file to PDF file and split EMF/HTML

After you know usage of this software, please refer to following examples to type your own commands and accomplish conversion:

htmltools.exe –forcesplitemf C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf

htmltools.exe –emfheight 200 C:\in.emf C:\out.pdf

htmltools.exe –pageheight 500 C:\in.html C:\out.pdf

htmltools.exe –pageh 458 C:\in.html C:\out.pdf

htmltools.exe –breakpagebytext “break page at here” C:\in.html C:\out.pdf

Where parameters:

  • -forcesplitemf: Force split EMF file by emfheight
  • -emfheight <int>: Split a long EMF file by this height
  • -pageheight <int>: Split a long HTML page by page height, same as -emfheight
  • -pageh <int>: same as –pageheight
  • -breakpagebytext <string>: Split a long HTML page by string

Where directories:

  • htmltools.exe is to call executive file “htmltools.exe”
  • ….emf/html is to specify input file
  • ….pdf is to specify export file

After you finish typing commands and parameters like above, you can use VeryDOC HTML Converter to convert EMF/HTML file to PDF file and split EMF/HTML directly. Then, you can find your targeting PDF files could be added into targeting folder directly in your computer, which are split very exactly.

To know more GUI method to use VeryDOC HTML Converter to process relevant tasks, please visit here frequently. Thank you for reading this article which is about how to split EMF/HTML file to PDF file through commands and parameters!