HTML Print

How to print URL/HTML/MHTML and copy printed files

This article is about how to use VeryDOC HTMLPrint Command Line to print HTML/MHTML/URL and copy printed files with command line on Windows platforms. To know more details, please read the followings.

First of all, please download package of this software from following icon, and then, you need to open it and extract its content to your computer so that trial version of this application could be used directly later.

Download VeryDOC HTMLPrint Command Line

After trial version of this software is in your computer, please follow steps below to accomplish these issues:

1. Run cmd.exe to open command prompt window

Command prompt window is running environment of commands in Windows systems, it is basic to open it through running cmd.exe in your computer. And then, it could pop onto your screen, where your own commands could be typed directly.

2. Print HTML/URL/MHTML and copy printed files with commands

In opened command prompt window, please refer to following examples to fulfill conversion:

htmlprint.exe D:\bw1.htm -copies 3     -- print local HTML

htmlprint.exe –copies 2     -- print online URL

In examples above, you need to know:

  • htmlprint.exe is to call executive file “htmlprint.exe” for using this application itself
  • D:\bw1.htm is to specify input file -- local web page file
  • -copies 3 is to set copies quantity “3”
  • is to specify input online web page -- URL
  • –copies 2 is to set copies quantity “2”

As you can tell, the parameter here is “-copies <int>”, so after you type commands and parameters like above, in your own command prompt window, you can start to use VeryDOC HTMLPrint Command Line to print URL/HTML/MHTML and get its copies.

Besides coping printed files during printing URL/HTML/MHTML with commands like above, VeryDOC HTMLPrint Command Line can help you with other properties, e.g., HTML footer and header, printer resolution, etc.. To know more about different options, please keep visiting here. 🙂

DWG to Vector Converter

Convert DWG to Flash specifying width and height

  Question: Hello! I tried out your product to convert from dwg to swf file format but the output dimensions of the SWF (width and height) was different from the ones of the DXF.Is there a way to convert from dwg to swf keeping the right dimensions?


Solution: Please use software VeryDOC DXF to SWF Converter, during the conversion please use parameters “-width <int> ,           -height <int> ” to specify the width and height, for example, dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.swf. The following part is pertaining to detail steps for the conversion.

Step 1. Download DXF to SWF Converter.

  • Please go to webpage of this software then read knowledge concerning to it. The more you know about it, the more easier when you use it.
  • Choose the corresponding version to download it by clicking the button Download.  
  • After downloading, you will find it is command line version software. So please unzip it and check the elements in it.
  • If you are familiar with command line software, it is just a piece of cake for you.

Step 2. Run the conversion.

  • Call the executable file in the Ms Dos Windows.
  • Follow examples in the readme.txt file.

                1. Simply convert dwg file to swf
                    dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.swf

               2. Convert all the dwg files in the C disk to swf files using wild character.
                     dwg2vec.exe C:\*.dwg C:\*.pdf

               3. Control line width, width and height  in the output swf file.
                   dwg2vec.exe -linewidth "1=0.1;2=0.1;3=0.1"  -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.swf

  • After inputting command line, simply press the Enter on the keyboard to start the conversion.

Check the conversion effect. Now let us have a glace of the source dwg file from the following snapshot.

example dwf file
Fig. 1. example dwf file

Now let us check the following snapshot which are from two output flash files: one have been specified in the width and height and the other is not.

specified and not specified hegith and width
          Fig. 2. specified and not specified hegith and width

From the above snapshot, we can compare that the characters in the first one is smaller than the ones in the second. So the width and height have been set successfully.

During the using, if you have further question, please contact us by the ways  supported on the contact us website.

HTML to Image Converter

How to convert web page to high-quality image

VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter can not only convert web page to image file, but also allow you to edit image quality flexibly on Windows platforms.

Here are details to use VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter to convert web page to high-quality image files through command line below:

1. Download

To use this software, please click following icon to download package of this software, then extract its content to your computer so that you can use trial version directly for your own conversion.

Download VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter

2. Open running environment

In Windows systems, commands need to be typed in specific environment – command prompt window, so it is essential to open it with this way:

Click start so that start menu could be opened directly, where you need to click Run and then, its dialog box could be opened, where you should type cmd and click ok, automatically, command prompt window could be opened directly on your screen.

3. Convert web page file to high-quality image file

Here is usage of VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter below:

html2image.exe -url=<URL/local web page> -out=<targeting image> [options]


  • html2image.exe is to call executive file “html2image.exe”
  • -url=<URL/local web page> is to specify input web page
  • -out=<targeting image> is to specify output image file
  • [options] is to set options of image files optionally

After you understand usage above, please refer to following examples to accomplish your own conversion from web page file to image files with specified high-quality image files:

html2image.exe -url=C:\test1.htm -out=C:\test1.bmp –highquality

html2image.exe -url=C:\test2.htm -out=C:\test.jpg -quality=100

Here parameters are:

  • -highquality: Create high quality image files
  • -quality=<int>: set JPEG quality (compression) percent (default: 90)

And directories are:

  • html2image.exe is to call executive file “html2image.exe” to run this software
  • -url=….htm is to specify source web page file
  • -out=….bmp/jpg is to specify targeting image files

After you convert web page file to high-quality image files, these image files could be produced into destination folder directly in your computer. So you can check them one by one flexibly, and you can notice their high quality easily.

Above is about how to use VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter to convert web page file to high quality image files with commands and parameters. Thank you for reading it. To know more helpful functions of this software and how to realize them, please read articles about this software here accordingly.

HTML to Image Converter

How to convert HTML/URL to image and customize web browser dimension

This article aims to show you how to convert HTML/URL to image and customize web browser dimension on Windows platforms through VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter.

VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter helps Windows users convert HTML to image, URL to image very smoothly when you need to singly or batch convert web page files on Windows platforms. With this software, image properties, e.g., resolution, page size, etc, could be customized through supported parameters as you wish always.

Here is download entrance for trial version of VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter below:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter

After you download package of this software, please unzip its content to your computer directly. Then, this trial version of application could be used later in your computer.

Here are steps to use VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter to convert HTML/URL file to image  file and customize web browser dimension through command line below:

1. Open command prompt window

You need to run cmd.exe or cmd in your computer so that command prompt window, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems, could be popped on screen directly, then, you can type commands there for fulfilling relevant conversion.

2. Convert HTML/URL file to image file and edit web browser dimension

In opened command prompt window, you can refer to following commands example to accomplish your own conversion:

html2image.exe -url= -out=C:\verydoc.png –bwidth 300 –bheight 200

html2image.exe -url=C:\test1.htm -out=C:\test1.wmf –bwidth 200 –bheight 300

html2image.exe -url=C:\test2.mht -out=C:\test2.bmp –bwidth 400 –bheight 200

In the examples above, you need to know:

  • html2image.exe is to call executive file “html2image.exe” for using this software
  • -url= to specify input URL
  • -url=….htm/mhtis to specify input web page file
  • -out=….bmp/wmf/png is to specify output image file
  • -bwidth=<int>:set browser width (default: 800)
  • -bheight=<int>: set browser height (default: automatically determined)


After commands and parameters like above are typed in command prompt window, you can click enter there so that this software could help you convert HTML/URL file to image files with specific web browser dimension set accordingly. And later on, targeting image files can be automatically added into destination folder in your computer.

In the end, to know more about practical functions of VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter, please keep visiting here for more information. Thank you for reading this article which is about how to convert HTML/URL file to image files and customize web browser dimension.

HTML to Image Converter

How to edit image resolution/DPI when converting HTML/URL to image

Want to edit image resolution/DPI when converting HTML/URL to image on Windows platforms? VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter could help you totally.

VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter could be used to produce HTML/URL to various image files through command line . Moreover, this software allows you to edit image properties, e.g, resolution, page size, etc. very flexibly. So if you would like to experience this application, please download its trial version here:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter

With VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter, you can edit image resolution/DPI during converting HTML/URL to various image through following way:

1. Run cmd

Command prompt window is our running environment of commands, so it is elementary to open it with this way:

Click hotkey Windows + R > input cmd in pop dialog box > click ok, then command prompt window could be opened on screen.

2. Convert HTML/URL to various image

Here is an example you can refer to when you type your own commands and parameter for accomplishing conversion:

html2image.exe -url=C:\test1.htm -out=C:\test1.bmp -dpi=300

  html2image.exe -url=C:\test2.htm -out=C:\test2.jpg -xdpi=200 -ydpi=300

where parameters:

  • -xdpi=<int>: edit X resolution of the output image (default: auto)
  • -ydpi=<int>: edit Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
  • -dpi=<int>: set Both X and Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)

where directories:

  • html2image.exe is to run this software through calling executive file “html2image.exe”
  • -url=C:\test2.htm is to specify input HTML file
  • -out=C:\test2.jpg is to specify output image file of JPEG

When you finish this setting like above, you can start to convert HTML/URL file to image file and set image resolution flexibly. Then, after a few seconds, image files with specific resolution could be produced into targeting folder directly.

After you have been through description about how to use VeryDOC HTML to Image Converter to convert HTML/URL file to image files and set image resolution/DPI with commands, please feel free to ask us questions via dropping here your comments, if you have some confusions about this software or this article. Thank you for your support here.