PowerPoint to Flash Converter

How to singly or batch convert PowerPoint to flash/SWF

In this article, I would like to show you how to singly or batch convert PowerPoint to flash/SWF in Windows systems through GUI.

Here, the main tool is VeryDOC PowerPoint to Flash Converter. This application enables Windows users to convert PowerPoint files to flash files with popular properties flexibly, e.g., frame rate, frame width and height, etc.. Through its GUI interface, various options of flash files could be set professionally. Thus, if you want to try this software right now, welcome to download trial version from below:

Download VeryDOC PowerPoint to Flash Converter

After you get trial version in your computer, to singly or batch convert PowerPoint file to flash/SWF through its GUI interface, please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs:

Step1. Please run this application so that its GUI interface could be opened on your screen. Then, you need to add your PowerPoint files singly or in batches through following way:

Click Add PPT File(s) on GUI interface > select PPT files in pop dialog box > click open directly there, finally, selected PPT files could be added as paths into processing form of GUI interface as shown as what is in the following snapshot:

GUI interface of VeryDOC PowerPoint to Flash Converter Also, to add PowerPoint files more conveniently, you can:

drag your PowerPoint files from one folder into your processing table, and then, their directories could display in processing table automatically, too.

Step2. Optionally set targeting properties

When you finish adding PowerPoint files here, you can optionally edit options of flash files, e.g., flash frame rate, flash width, height, etc.. For instance, to edit flash rate by yourself, you need:

type int value in edit box under Flash frame rate directly, e.g., 12, which means you set frame rate as 12 s.

Of course, if you want to get quicker speed of playing SWF, you can input larger value, e.g., 24, 32, 64 …, etc..

Step3. After you set relevant properties like above, and it is sufficient for you to get those properties of flash files, please singly or batch convert PowerPoint files to flash/SWF files like this:

Click Convert on GUI interface, then, program can provide you with a dialog box, where you need to set targeting folder and click OK so that VeryDOC PowerPoint to Flash Converter can help you singly or batch convert PowerPoint files to flash/SWF files directly. Later, targeting flash files could be produced into destination folder in your computer.


Set targeting folder during converting PowerPoint to flash with GUI

To know more articles about this software, besides how to use it to singly or batch convert PowerPoint files to flash/SWF, please visit here frequently, for we will always update new and helpful articles about this software or other software!

HTML Print

How to set paper size for printer when printing web page with command line

To know how to print web page and set paper size for printer with command line on Windows platforms, please keep reading this article here.

In this article, our main tool is VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter, which allows Windows users to print local or online web page files to various formats files due to set printer in your computer. Besides, it supports editing targeting properties, e.g., HTML margin, paper size in selected printer, etc.. With this application, many side-function could be realized in Windows systems.

The following steps are about details to use this software to set paper size for printer when printing web page with commands and parameters:

Step1. Download

Please click following icon to download package of this application, then open it and extract its content to your computer:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter

Then, trial version of this software can be in your computer and you can use it in later process directly.

Step2. Run

After trial version of this application is yours, please follow steps below to open command prompt window, which is running environment of commands:

Click Start on your screen > select Run on pop menu > input cmd.exe and click ok, then, command prompt window could be opened directly.

Step3. Process


Please input commands and parameters in your own command prompt window referring to following example:

html2any.exe -paper "612x792pt" C:\test1.htm

html2any.exe -paper "215.9x279.4mm" https://www.verydoc.com

where you need to know:

  • -paper <string>: set paper size to printer
    number: standard paper size
    others: user defined paper size
  • html2any.exe is to call executive file “html2any.exe” for using this software
  • C:\test1.htm is to specify input local web page
  • https://www.verydoc.com is to specify source online web page through URL

When you finish inputting commands and relevant parameters, you can use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to set paper size for printer during printing web page file.

Here is the end of this article, and to know other illustration about different functions of VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter, please visit here frequently here.

HTML Print

How to print web page and specify printer resolution

Want to know how to print web page and specify printer resolution in one process? Please do not go away and keep reading this article here.

In this article, our main tool is VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter, which is a professional command line application that allows you to print files of local and online through your printers. Moreover, this utility supports editing targeting properties, e.g., printer resolution, etc..

After short introduction about this software, if you would like to try it, please feel free to download trial version in the following icon:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter

When you get trial version of this application from above, please do not hesitate to read the followings if you want to know how to print file of web page and specify printer resolution:

1. Open command prompt

Command prompt is elementary environment of commands on Windows platforms, so you need to open it for typing commands later:

Click hotkey Windows + R so that Run dialog box could be opened on screen, where you need to type cmd and click ok, then command prompt window could pop on screen.

2. Print file of web page and specify printer resolution

In opened command prompt window, please refer to following example to accomplish your own process:

html2any.exe -xres -4 -yres -4 C:\test1.htm

html2any.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 https://www.verydoc.com

where directories and parameters:

  • html2any.exe is to run software through calling executive file “html2any.exe” here
  • C:\test1.htm is to specify source local web page file
  • https://www.verydoc.comis to specify source online web page through this URL
  • -xres <int>: specify the printer x-resolution
    -4: high
    -3: medium
    -2: low
    -1: draft
    number: the number of dots per inch (DPI) and device dependent

When you type commands and parameters in your own command prompt window, you can carry out your own process with VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter. Then, after a few seconds, printed web page file, e.g., PDF or image format file with specific printer resolution, could be printed into your destination folder directly.

At the end of this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to print file of local web page and online web page with specified printer resolution, if you want to know more about functions of this software, please keep visiting here in your spare time.

HTML Print

How to print HTML and set printing color of printer

This article aims to show you how to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to print HTML and set printing color of printer through command line in Windows systems.

Here are steps to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to print HTML and set printing color of printer with commands and parameters below:

1. Download package of this application

To use this software to process your own task, firstly, please have it in your computer with steps below:

Click following icon, then package of this application could be yours directly. Then, you need to extract its content to your computer, so, later on, you can use executive file “html2any.exe” to run this software for process in your computer.

Download VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter

2. Open command prompt window

For command prompt window is running environment of commands in Windows systems, so it is essential to open it on your screen with following steps:

Click Start > select Run > type cmd.exe or cmd and click ok in pop dialog box, so, finally, a window named command prompt could be opened on screen directly, where relevant commands and parameters about later process could be inputted as you wish.

3. Print HTML and set printing color of printer


In opened command prompt window, you can start to type commands and parameters like below:

html2any.exe –color 2 https://www.verydoc.com

html2any.exe -color 1 D:\test1.htm

where parameters:

  • -color <int>: specify color or monochrome to printer
    1: monochrome
    2: color

where paths:

  • html2any.exe is to run VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter through calling executive file “html2any.exe”
  • https://www.verydoc.comis to specify input URL
  • D:\test1.htm is to specify source web page file of HTM for printing

Note: The first commands example is to help you print online web page through URL, and the second commands example is to help you print local web page file

After you type commands and parameters like above, please start to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to print file of HTML and edit printing color of printer in command prompt window. A few seconds later, this application can provide you with printed file with monochrome or color in targeting folder.

To know more about functions of VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter, besides printing HTML and edit printing color of printer, please visit here in the future, for we will update not only articles about this software, but also other helpful software. Thank you for reading this article, which is about printing HTML file and set printing color of printer with commands.

HTML Print

How to customize HTML margin during printing HTML

In this article, you can know how to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to customize HTML margin during printing HTML file with command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter is a professional tool which can be used to batch print HTML, HTM and URL to Windows Printer. This application can help you print the whole web page's content to Windows Printer without user interaction. This software also could be used in various program languages, e.g., Delphi, ASP, VB, C/C++, PHP, C#, .NET, etc..

Here is free trial version of VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter for you to download below:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter Here are steps to use this software to customize HTML margin during printing HTML with commands below:

html2any.exe -marginleft 10 -margintop 10 -marginright 10 -marginbottom 10 https://www.verydoc.com

where directories are:

  • html2any.exe is to call executive file “html2any.exe”
  • https://www.verydoc.com is to specify input online web page through URL

where parameters are:

  • -marginleft <int>: set left margin when printing HTML file, unit is point
  • -margintop <int>: set top margin when printing HTML file, unit is point
  • -marginright <int>: set right margin when printing HTML file, unit is point
  • -marginbottom <int>: set bottom margin when printing HTML file, unit is point

After commands and parameters like above are typed in command prompt window, it is time for you to print file of HTML and customize HTML margins, and then, VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter can provide you with accurate margins printed files with selected format.

Extension Knowledge:

HTML format, is web page coded in HTML that can be displayed in a Web browser. Most pages within static websites have an ".html" extension. The HTML source code is parsed by the Web browser and is typically not seen by the user. If you want to view the HTML of a web page, select "View Source" from the Web browser's View menu. Since HTML files are saved in a standard text format, they can be opened and edited with a basic text editor.

Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to customize HTML margins during printing HTML with commands.