PDF to PDF/A Converter

How to convert from Scanned Searchable PDF to PDF/A-1a files?

I need to convert Scanned Searchable PDFs (produced with Tesseract or Abbyy) to PDF-A-1a.

I'd like to use your pdf2pdfa command line tool to do so.

I downloaded the trial from here:


On below web page, it says that I can create PDF-A-1a with the tool but whatever I do, I always get PDF-A-1b output.


Thanks for your message, VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line does create the PDF/A-1b without any problem, please look at attached screenshot, I tested a PDF file in my system just now, the resultant PDF file is 100% comply with PDF/A-1b format.



Yes that is the point. I am looking for PDF-A-1a and not PDF-A-1b

I know it's only one letter but it's important.

Your web page:



Supports both PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b.

I need the A-1a variant. Not the A-1b.


Thanks for your message, we have created a new version of PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line software to you, please download the new version from this URL, you can use new version to convert from PDF files to PDF/A-1a files easily,

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Please feel free to contact us to get the download URL for this PDF to PDF/A-1a Converter software)

after you download it, you can run following command line to convert your PDF file to PDF/A-1a file,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 3 -pdfcompliance PDFA1a C:\in.pdf C:\pdfa-out.pdf


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DWG to Image Converter

How to convert DWG file to PNG Image file and trim the margins from PNG image file?

You can use following steps to convert from DWG files to PNG Image files and trim the margins from PNG image files also.


1. Use DWG to Vector Converter Command Line to convert your DWG file to PDF file first,


You could run following command line to convert your DWG file to PDF file,

dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf

2. Use PDF to Image Converter Command Line to convert the PDF file to PNG file with 600 DPI option,


You could run following command line to convert your PDF file to PNG image file with 600DPI,

pdf2img.exe -r 600 D:\test.pdf D:\out.png

3. Use "trimimage.exe" in docPrint Pro to trim the margins from PNG image file,


after you download and install it, you could run following command line to trim the margins from your PNG image file,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\docPrint Pro v8.0\psdriver\trimimage.exe" D:\dwg2png.png D:\dwg2png_trim.png

The final D:\dwg2png_trim.png file will no margins, we hope above steps will useful to you.


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DOC to Any Converter

How to batch convert from XLSX files to CSV files without MS Excel application installed?

I noticed that you offer a solution to convert XLSX to CSV. Here is what i am looking for and wanted to know if your product can do this via BATCH:

1. Assign a a target folder.
2. Search that target folder for all *.XLSX files.
3. Convert all *.XLSX files in that folder saving as *.XLSX.CSV
4. Delete converted *.XLSX files from that folder


Thanks for your message, we suggest you may download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this web page to try, you can use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line to batch convert from XLSX to CSV files easily,


After you download it, you could run following command line to convert a XLSX file to CSV file from command line,

doc2any.exe -nooffice D:\test.xlsx D:\out.csv

You could run following command line to batch convert all XLSX files to CSV files in D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.xlsx) do doc2any.exe -nooffice "%F" "%~dpnF.csv"

If you wish convert all XLSX files in D:\temp and its all sub-folders, you could run following command line,

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.xlsx) do doc2any.exe -nooffice "%F" "%~dpnF.csv"

The Command Line application works great for batch conversion, you may download it from our website to try, if you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

btw, VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line doesn't require MS Excel application installed in your system, it's a standalone application.


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PDF Margin Crop

PDF Margin Crop Issue, crop PDF pages automatically from C# and command line options, remove PDF margins from PDF files

We have been using the PDF Margin Crop utility for some time to crop documents. We are using C#.NET to call the utility. We currently just pass 20x20x20x20 margin, line width 1 and speckle size 1.

Issue that we are seeing is that with certain PDF documents, some of the page numbers are removed or cutoff in the cropped document, and in some cases certain pages are trimmed down too far causing them to auto-print in landscape versus portrait. What is unusual is that when comparing files that have these issues to files that don't, there is not an obvious cause. Is this something that you have experienced and may have an idea what the root cause may be?

Attached are examples. I included both a good example (B) compared to the example with issues (A). We have seen others with similar issues. If you need more of these examples let me know.

DocA = Original Chinese Version PDF

DocB = Original English Version PDF

DocACrop = Cropped Chinese Version PDF, pages 2-7 (missing or cut-off page numbers), Observed Issues: pages 41 & 43 auto-rotate to landscape when printed (only heading height in attached example)

DocBCrop = Cropped English Version PDF, no issues (respective pages to Chinese version with issues are pages 2-11, 53 & 55)


Thanks for your message, you can run following command line to crop your PDF file properly,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VeryDOC PDF Margin Crop v2.0\pdfmc.exe" -linewidth 0 -specklesize 0 -margin 3x3x3x3pt D:\downloads\DocA.pdf D:\downloads\DocACrop2.pdf

"-linewidth 0 -specklesize 0 -margin 3x3x3x3pt" options will work fine to you, please give it a try.


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DOC to Any Converter

How to call doc2any.exe from web application to convert Office documents include DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, ODT etc. documents to PDF files?


We purchase a verydoc cmd line package for using on a Windows Server. Our license is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
We moved to another VM and now VeryDoc CmdLine is not working anymore. ExitCode = 4.

Pls help with this issue as our cistomers are awaiting for solution.

I attached the order.

Our code to convert a odt file (could also be an .xls, .xlsx, etc file):
string appPath = @"c:\VeryDoc\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe ";
string strCmd1 = @" -useopenoffice -$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'E:\sources\GMS\VMH2.WebApp\DownloadedFile\Email\example_01_30_2020_01_14_59.odt' 'E:\sources\GMS\VMH2.WebApp\UploadTempFile\TempPdf\EmailViewPDF_6f48c036-09f5-4968-bdb4-f6c8dc2ca46c.pdf' ";

Process proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = appPath;
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = strCmd;
proc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
//Converting Input file format to .pdf
catch (Exception ex)

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AttachmentPath))
message = "Error.Unable to Generate PDF";

In above case the input file is just the example.odt which is included in the zip package.

When I am on a command line windows and executed the command manually, it convert the .odt to .pdf. But when executed within our web application it does not convert.

Pls help asap.

Thanks for your message, we understand your meaning, this problem is caused by the restrictions in Local System user account, when you call doc2any.exe from a web application, you need run doc2any.exe inside an interactive user account instead of default Local System user account, because Local System account has lots of restrictions.

You can use VeryPDFComRunCmd COM Component to run doc2any.exe from interactive user account, VeryPDFComRunCmd COM Component can be downloaded from this web page,


VeryPDFComRunCmd is an EXE COM Component which can be used to launch any EXE or Office application from ASP, PHP, C#, .NET etc. program languages. VeryPDFComRunCmd COM is a freeware.

You can use following ASP code to call any EXE or MS Office without any permission problem,


set VeryPDFCom = Server.CreateObject("VeryPDFCom.RunCmd")
dim nRetVal, bRet
bRet = VeryPDFCom.RunCmd("C:\windows\notepad.exe", 5, 0)
strRet = VeryPDFCom.RunCmd2("cmd /c dir C:\", 5)
Response.Write strRet & vbCrlf

Here is a PHP example to call an EXE application by VeryPDFComRunCmd COM,

$comobj = new COM("VeryPDFCom.RunCmd") or die("Couldn't create the COM Component");
$strCmd = $comobj->RunCmd2("cmd /c dir C:\", 5);
echo("Output is:\r\n" . $strCmd);

ASP.NET example to call an EXE application by VeryPDFComRunCmd COM,

dim VeryPDFCom = Server.CreateObject("VeryPDFCom.RunCmd")
dim strCmd = """C:\VeryPDF\htmltopdf.exe"" C:\Test\in.html C:\Test\out.pdf"
Response.Write(strCmd & vbCrlf)
dim strRet = VeryPDFCom.RunCmd2(strCmd, 5)
Response.Write(strRet & vbCrlf)

For more information, please look at this web page,



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