PowerPoint Converter


The application VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter could help you convert PPT/PPS/PPTX/PPSX to HTML/MHTML/RTF on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter allows you to convert PowerPoint files to a number of different formats, such as TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, etc. raster formats, which also enable you to convert PowerPoint files to Flash (SWF), PDF, PS (postscript), WMF, EMF, MHTML, HTML, RTF, etc. vector formats.

To use this application to convert PPSX/PPS/PPTX/PPT file to HTML/MHTML/RTF, etc., please refer to following steps to realize them on your own:

1. Install this application in your computer

You need to download installer of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter here, and then, double-clicking this installer allows you to follow setup wizard step by step to install trial version in your computer so that you can use it to process your own task later.

2. Run software and add PowerPoint files

Double-click shortcut of your installed software, then, its GUI interface could be opened directly, where you can click Add PPT File(s) > select PowerPoint files and click Open there, and automatically, source directories of PowerPoint files could be added into processing form, which means it is successful to add source files.

Here is related picture for you to refer to below:

GUI interface of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

3. Set targeting format

After adding source files, you need to click one of formats, e.g., HTML, MHTML, RTF, etc., on dropdown list Output Format, so targeting file type could be .html, .mhtml, .rtf, etc..

4. Select destination folder and convert PPSX/PPTX/PPS/PPT files to HTML/MHTML/RTF


If you come to this step, it means all the basic work like above is done well, so you need to click Make PDF on GUI interface, and select destination folder in pop dialog box, then, one click on Save in that dialog box, later on, produced HTML/MHTML/RTF, etc., could be added into destination folder directly, after VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter helps you get conversion started.

Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter to convert PPTX/PPSX/PPS/PPT files to HTML/MHTML/RTF files through GUI interface on Windows platform.

PowerPoint Converter

How to batch convert PowerPoint to SWF/PDF/web page/image

It is easy to use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter to batch convert PowerPoint to SWF/PDF/web page/image on Windows platforms.

To know how to realize batch converting PowerPoint file to SWF/PowerPoint to PDF/PowerPoint to web page/PowerPoint to image through GUI interface of software, please keep reading this article here:

1.  Download and install

Please download installer of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter, then double click it and follow setup wizard step by step to install this software in your computer for later process on your own:

Download installer of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter for later conversion

Then, trial version of this application could help you in following process.

2. Open and add

When trial software is successfully installed in your computer, please double click its shortcut so that its GUI interface could be opened directly on screen. Then, you can add PowerPoint files with one of following ways:

  • Click Add PPT File(s) on GUI interface > select PowerPoint files including PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX in pop dialog box > click Open
  • Drag and drop PowerPoint files into processing form directly

Here is related snapshot below:

GUI interface of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

3. Select format and optionally set

When adding is finished, to set targeting file type, please click one of formats on pop list Output Format, for instance, if you select Flash SWF there, targeting format could be SWF, etc.. (you can notice there are so many supported targeting formats from snapshot above)Then, you can see edit boxes, check-boxes etc. about SWF setting could be activated directly, then, they could be optionally selected due to your requirements, e.g., to adjust frame rate, you can type integer properly in edit box Flash frame rate, etc..

4. Set and convert

After all prepared work as above, please click Convert on GUI interface, then, program can offer you a targeting dialog box, where you can set targeting folder and click OK, finally, VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter can help you start your own conversion in your computer, and then, targeting files could be produced into destination folder.

Is it convenient to use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter to batch convert PowerPoint files to SWF/PDF/web page/image through GUI interface? If so, please do not hesitate to use trial version frequently and visit here when you have free time to know more functions of this software and other helpful articles about other software for Windows systems, Linux, Mac os x, etc..

DWG to PDF Converter

How to convert DXF/DWT/DWF/DWG to PDF and encrypt PDF

This article can tell Windows users how to use VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to convert DXF/DWT/DWF/DWG to PDF and encrypt PDF in Windows systems.

Please download trial version of VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter firstly from following icon:

Download VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter

Then, please read the followings to use this application to convert DXF/DWT/DWF/DWG file to PDF file and encrypt PDF with GUI interface:

1. Run software and add AutoCAD file

Please open GUI interface of this application, then do the followings to add AutoCAD files:

Click File on toolbar > click Add Directories on pop dialog box > select one folder containing AutoCAD files > click ok, and then, all AutoCAD files in that folder could be added into processing form of GUI interface directly as their paths. Here is relevant snapshot below:

Add AutoCAD files for converting DWG to PDF and encrypt PDF through GUI interface

To add source files quickly, you can drag AutoCAD files and drop them into processing form directly, at the end of this action, all directories of AutoCAD files could be added into processing table directly, too.

2. Set encryption mode

After you add AutoCAD files successfully like above, please click Setting on GUI interface, then its panel can pop out, where you need to click tab Encrypt Options, then to encrypt PDF files, please click check box Encrypt PDF File, then, the following edit boxes, radios, check-boxes could be activated, so you can type open password and owner password in User Password and Master Password edit boxes. Then, to select encryption level, please click radio 40-bit RC4 or 128-bit RC4; to edit permission for owner password, please click related check-boxes, e.g., No Printing, No Changing the Document, etc..

Here is related snapshot below:

Set encryption mode when converting DWG to PDF and ecnrypt PDF

When you finish setting encryption mode, please click OK on that panel so that program can take you back to GUI interface, and also, your setting on this panel could be saved automatically for later process.

3. Convert DXF/DWF/DWT/DWG file to PDF file

After setting encryption mode, please select targeting folder and start your own process with one click on Make PDF on GUI interface:

Click Make PDF > select targeting folder and click save in pop dialog box, then, VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter will help you convert DWF/DXF/DWT/DWG to encrypted PDF file, which also could be produced into destination folder.

To know more articles about VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter, besides this one, which is about how to convert DWG file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file through GUI interface, please do not hesitate to read other articles about this articles here.

DWG to PDF Converter

How to edit PDF information during converting AutoCAD to PDF

In this article, you can know how to edit PDF information during converting AutoCAD to PDF through command line with VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter.

Here is trial version of VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter for you to download below:

Download VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter

After you get trial version from above, if you would like, you can refer to followings to use VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to convert AutoCAD file to PDF file and edit PDF information with commands and parameters:

1. Please run cmd in your computer

Running cmd.exe could help you open command prompt window in your computer, so you need to click Windows + R > type cmd.exe or cmd and click ok in pop dialog box, then command prompt window could be popped on screen automatically.

2. Convert AutoCAD file to PDF file and edit PDF information flexibly

Please refer to following example to type commands and parameters to fulfill your own process in command prompt window:

Use VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to convert AutoCAD to PDF and edit PDF information

where parameter:

-j <Subject>: edit subject
-t <Title>: edit title
-a <Author>: edit author
-k <Keywords>: edit keywords

-i: specify input file

-o: specify output file

where directories:

“C:\Program Files\AutoCAD DWG and DXF To PDF Converter v2.2\dwg2pdf.exe": path of executive file “dwg2pdf.exe” for running software

D:\pdf2dwg\test4.dxf : path of source AutoCAD file

D:\test1.pdf : path of targeting PDF file

After you get all directories and parameters like above typed in your own command prompt window, you can make VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to convert AutoCAD file to PDF file and edit PDF information. Then, you can find targeting PDF file with customized PDF information could be added into destination folder automatically.

Finally, as you can see, here is the end of this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to convert AutoCAD file to PDF file and edit PDF information with commands and parameters. Thank you for reading this article here. Welcome to visit here frequently.

DWG to PDF Converter

How to customize PDF DPI/resolution when converting AutoCAD to PDF

This article would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to customize PDF DPI/resolution when converting AutoCAD to PDF with command line and GUI on Windows platforms.

First of all, maybe you need to know about main software:

VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter allows Windows users to convert AutoCAD files to PDF files singly or in batches, e.g., DWG file to PDF file, DXF to PDF file, DWT to PDF, etc.. In addition, it supports setting properties of PDF files, e.g., PDF information, PDF passwords, PDF encryption modes, etc.. This application is worth your try always!

Then, after you get trial version of VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter, here are steps to use this software to convert AutoCAD file to PDF file and customize PDF DPI/resolution flexibly with commands and GUI separately:


Please follow steps below to accomplish GUI process of AutoCAD file to PDF file with customized PDF DPI/resolution:

1. Open GUI interface of this application, then click Add File(s) to get pop dialog box, where you need to select AutoCAD files and click Open, also to get quick adding, you can drag and drop AutoCAD files into targeting processing table directly. To get batch adding, you can click File > select Add Directories on pop list > click one folder containing AutoCAD files > click Ok, then, all AutoCAD files in this folder could be added into processing form one time.

Here is relevant snapshot below:

Add AutoCAD files for converting AutoCAD to PDF through GUI interface

2. After adding, you need to set targeting PDF DPI/resolution:

Click Setting on GUI interface so that targeting panel could be opened on screen. Then, please click tab Base Setting > type integer DPI/resolution in edit box DPI Setting, e.g., 600, then please click Ok there so that this setting could be saved and program takes you back to GUI interface. Here is related picture below:

Customize PDF DPI/resolution during converting AutoCAD to PDF

3. When you are back on GUI interface, please click Make PDF there so that you can set targeting folder in pop dialog box, and then, please click Save so that VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter helps you convert AutoCAD file to PDF file and customize PDF DPI/resolution quickly.


After you open command prompt window by running cmd.exe in your computer, please refer to following example to accomplish CMD conversion:

dwg2pdf.exe –r 600 -i C:\input.dwg -o C:\output.pdf

-r <resolution>: set PDF DPI/resolution

Then, you can use CMD of this application to convert AutoCAD file C:\input.dwg specified by –i to PDF file C:\output.pdf specified by –o.

Above is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to PDF Converter to customize PDF DPI/resolution when converting AutoCAD file to PDF file with GUI and commands. To know other functions described in articles, please feel free to read other articles here, where you can also know functions of other applications. Thank you for your support here! 🙂