DWG to Vector Converter

How to convert AutoCAD to image/PDF and edit resolution with command line

This article would like to tell you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert AutoCAD to image or AutoCAD to PDF and set image or PDF resolution with command line on Windows platforms.

To know more details about relevant process, please read the following:

1. Download software

Please download related package from following:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter

Then, extract its content to your computer, and then, executive file along with other related files, could be located in your computer so that trial version of this application could be used by you later.

2. Open window

When you finish extracting, before you prepared commands, please run cmd in your computer so that command prompt window can be opened on screen ,where you can input commands directly.

3. Convert AutoCAD

Please refer to examples below to type commands to realize your own conversion like below:

dwg2vec.exe –dpi 400 C:\test1.dwg C:\out1.pdf

dwg2vec.exe –dpi 300 C:\test2.dxf C:\out2.eps


  • -dpi <int>: set DPI to output file
  • dwg2vec.exe: call executive file “dwg2vec.exe” for running application
  • C:\test1.dwg: specify source AutoCAD file of DWG
  • C:\out1.pdf: specify output PDF file
  • C:\test2.dxf: specify original AutoCAD file of DXF
  • C:\out2.eps: specify output EPS file

After commands and parameters like above are inputted in command prompt, along with correctness, please use this utility to convert AutoCAD file to PDF or AutoCAD file to image, and soon, you can find targeting file with specific resolution/DPI in destination folder in your computer, which is always in perfect quality!

Extension Knowledge:

Image resolution describes the amount of detail an image holds. The greater the resolution the greater the detail. The resolution of an image is directly dependent on the dimensions, as we increase the size of the image the resolution decreases and vice versa.

The lower the resolution, the lower the quality of the print. The required resolution for optimum quality photographic print is 250ppi to 300ppi. Image resolution lower than this will reduce the quality of the print. Resolution between 150ppi and 250ppi is acceptable however some loss of image sharpness and small pixel may occur. Where the resolution is lower than 150ppi images will print blurred and pixel and are not recommended to be used.

In the end, thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert AutoCAD file to image file or AutoCAD file to PDF file with specific resolution through commands.

DWG to Vector Converter

How to convert DWG/DXF to SWF/image/PDF

In this article, I would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DXF/DWG  to SWF or DWG to DPF/image in Windows systems.

VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter could be used in converting DWG file to SWF file or DWG file to PDF/image file, DXF to PDF/SWF/image on Windows platforms. With this command application, produced files, e.g., PDF, image, SWF, etc., could be edited in flexible properties, e.g., PDF width and height, etc.. Here are steps to convert DXF/DWG file to SWF/image/PDF with commands below:

First of all, please get trial version of VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter

Then, your own conversion from DWG file to SWF file, or DWG file to PDF file with commands, could be carried out as below:

1. Open command prompt window

Command prompt is elementary running environment of commands in Windows systems, so you’d better run cmd.exe to open it in your computer for typing commands later by yourself.

2. Convert DWG file to SWF file or DWG file to PDF file

After running cmd.exe, please make sure you understand usage of this application:

dwg2vec.exe [options] <dwg-file> [<out-file>]


  • dwg2vec.exe: run software through calling executive file “dwg2vec.exe” 
  • [options]: optionally parameters for you to edit properties of targeting file
  • <dwg-file>: specify input DWG/DXF file
  • [<out-file>]: specify output file

If you understand this usage, here are referred examples below:

dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.swf

(note: this example is about no properties editing)

dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf

(note: this example is about editing PDF width and height as 612, 792)

When all prepared work is done well, you can start to convert DWG file to SWF file, or DWG file to PDF file, for example, then through commands and parameters you typed, targeting file could be produced into destination folder directly within a few seconds only! Then, when you check it, the quality of produced file could shock you in any ways!

Here is the end of using VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG file to SWF file or DWG file to PDF/image file with commands, for more functions of this software, welcome to reading other articles here later.

PowerPoint Converter

How to edit flash properties when converting PowerPoint to flash

This article aims to show you how to edit flash properties when converting PowerPoint to flash with command line through VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter in Windows systems.

Here are details to convert PowerPoint file to flash file and set flash properties flexibly with commands below:

Step1. Install VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

You need to download installer from below:

Download VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

Then, double click this installer and follow setup wizard to install this software so that you can get CMD and GUI versions in your computer one time.

Step2. Run cmd.exe in your computer

You need to open command prompt window, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems, and it could be accomplished through running cmd.exe or cmd in your computer.

Step3. Convert PowerPoint file to flash file and set flash properties flexibly

VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter allows you to edit various options of flash – SWF files, and here are examples below:

  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -width 640 -height 480 -swfrate 24
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfanmi 0 -swfdelay 1 -swfmouse 1
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfsymbol 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfloop 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfloadbar 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfctrolbar 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfmaster 0

where parameters:

    1. -width <int>: Set page width to SWF/PDF/PS file
    2. -height <int>: Set page height to SWF/PDF/PS file
    3. -swfrate <int>: Set frame rate to SWF file
    4. -swfanmi <int>: Enable/disable Slide Transition Animation
    5. -swftrans <int>: Enable/disable Transition Effects
    6. -swfmaster <int>: Whether integrate the image on master slide into each slide
    7. -swfdelay <int>: Enable/disable delay between slides in SWF file
    8. -swfmouse <int>: Enable/disable trigger by mouse in SWF file
    9. -swfsymbol <int>: Enable/disable special characters in SWF file
    10. -swfloop <int>: Enable/disable loop SWF file
    11. -swfloadbar <int>: Enable/disable loading bar SWF file
    12. -swfctrolbar <int>: Enable/disable control bar SWF file

where directories:

    1. pptconv.exe : run software through calling executive file “pptconv.exe” in command prompt window
    2. C:\in.ppt : specify source PowerPoint file
    3. C:\out.swf : specify targeting flash file of SWF format

After you type commands like above separately in your own command prompt window, if you use this application to process it, later on, your PowerPoint file could be processed into flash files with great option as you wish! And then, you can find out that the targeting SWF file is of great quality than you can imagine!

Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter to convert PowerPoint file to flash file and edit flash properties with commands. To know other software through reading articles like this, please keep visiting here, then you can find more helpful tools via their short articles here!

PowerPoint Converter

How to convert PPT to flash and edit SWF frame rate with command line

This article is about how to convert PPT to flash and set SWF frame rate through command line with VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter.

However, you need to know something about VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter here: it not only support GUI conversion, but enable you to use commands to convert PowerPoint files to other popular files, e.g., PDF, SWF, raster images and vector images. For other information about this application, you can go to its homepage above to get more. And then, here is method to use it to convert PPT file to flash file and set SWF frames rate with commands and parameters below:

Step1. Download and install trial version

To use this application, you need to firstly download installer of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter in your computer, for this utility is a GUI tool containing CMD version, so you need to install this application through double-clicking installer and follow setup wizard step by step, and finally, trial version of GUI and CMD could exist in your own computer one time.

Step2. Open command prompt window

To open command prompt, please run cmd.exe or cmd in your computer, so it could be opened directly, due to suitable environment of commands that command prompt is in Windows systems.

Step3. Convert PPT file to flash file with specified SWF frames rate

Here is an example for you to refer to below for your better process in your computer later:

pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfrate 36

In the example above, you need to know:

  • pptconv.exe: call executive file “pptconv.exe” to run software itself
  • C:\in.ppt: specify source PowerPoint file
  • C:\out.swf : specify targeting flash file
  • -swfrate 36: set SWF frames rate as 36 frames/second

If you finish typing commands and parameters like above and use this utility to convert PowerPoint file, your own PowerPoint files could be processed to targeting SWF file with specific SWF frames rate immediately. And of course, this SWF file could be added into destination folder you set as above.

After you know how to use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter to convert PPT file to flash file and edit SWF frames rate with commands, please feel free to visit here when you have free time to know more about this software function and other application that helps you more in your working life!

PowerPoint Converter

How to convert PPT/PPTX to SWF and set SWF size

The utility VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter is good at converting PPT/PPTX to SWF and set SWF size on Windows platforms. To know more details about this software and this process, please keep reading this article.

VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter allows Windows users to produce flash, PDF, web page, raster and vector image files variously from PowerPoint files. As other prominent converter, this application enables you to edit properties of targeting files, e.g., SWF size, PDF size, PDF information, SWF frame rate, etc.. However, the advantage of this application is if you own it for good, you can get both GUI and CMD version of this utility one time, so no matter you prefer which version, this utility always satisfy you.

Here is trial version of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter below:

Download VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

After you obtain trial version of this software, to know exact command line method to fulfill your own process about this topic, please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs:

Step1. Run cmd

Running cmd in your computer leads to opened command prompt window, where you can type commands and parameters to accomplish your own conversion later. So firstly, it is requisite to open command prompt.

Step2. Convert PPT/PPTX file to SWF file with specified SWF size

After you open command prompt window, you can refer to following command example to fulfill your process here:

pptconv.exe C:\in1.pptx C:\out1.swf -width 640 -height 480

where directories:

  • pptconv.exe: call executive file “pptconv.exe” for running software
  • C:\in1.pptx: specify input PowerPoint file
  • C:\out1.swf: specify output SWF file

where parameters:

  • -width 640: set SWF width 640
  • -height 480: set SWF height 480

When all prepared work like above is done well, you can use pptconv.exe to convert C:\in1.pptx to C:\out1.swf with specified width 640 and height 480, for example.

Besides SWF size, command version of VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter also allow you to edit PDF size, PDF encryption, PDF information, SWF frame rate, etc., for more articles about more functions of this application, welcome to visit here frequently. Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to convert PPT/PPTX file to SWF file and set SWF size with commands.