How to convert AutoCAD to image/PDF and edit resolution with command line
This article would like to tell you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert AutoCAD to image or AutoCAD to PDF and set image or PDF resolution with command line on Windows platforms.
To know more details about relevant process, please read the following:
1. Download software
Please download related package from following:
Then, extract its content to your computer, and then, executive file along with other related files, could be located in your computer so that trial version of this application could be used by you later.
2. Open window
When you finish extracting, before you prepared commands, please run cmd in your computer so that command prompt window can be opened on screen ,where you can input commands directly.
3. Convert AutoCAD
Please refer to examples below to type commands to realize your own conversion like below:
dwg2vec.exe –dpi 400 C:\test1.dwg C:\out1.pdf
dwg2vec.exe –dpi 300 C:\test2.dxf C:\out2.eps
- -dpi <int>: set DPI to output file
- dwg2vec.exe: call executive file “dwg2vec.exe” for running application
- C:\test1.dwg: specify source AutoCAD file of DWG
- C:\out1.pdf: specify output PDF file
- C:\test2.dxf: specify original AutoCAD file of DXF
- C:\out2.eps: specify output EPS file
After commands and parameters like above are inputted in command prompt, along with correctness, please use this utility to convert AutoCAD file to PDF or AutoCAD file to image, and soon, you can find targeting file with specific resolution/DPI in destination folder in your computer, which is always in perfect quality!
Extension Knowledge:
Image resolution describes the amount of detail an image holds. The greater the resolution the greater the detail. The resolution of an image is directly dependent on the dimensions, as we increase the size of the image the resolution decreases and vice versa.
The lower the resolution, the lower the quality of the print. The required resolution for optimum quality photographic print is 250ppi to 300ppi. Image resolution lower than this will reduce the quality of the print. Resolution between 150ppi and 250ppi is acceptable however some loss of image sharpness and small pixel may occur. Where the resolution is lower than 150ppi images will print blurred and pixel and are not recommended to be used.
In the end, thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert AutoCAD file to image file or AutoCAD file to PDF file with specific resolution through commands.