DWG to Vector Converter

How to convert DWG/DXF to vector file

This article would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG to vector or DXF to vector, and if you are interested in this conversion, please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs.

First of all, in the following paragraphs, the vector file could be with following file extensions:

  • WMF: Windows Metafile
  • EMF: Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
  • PS: Adobe PostScript file
  • EPS: Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
  • SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
  • SWF: Macromedia Flash File Format
  • XPS: Microsoft XML Paper Specification
  • HPGL: HP-GL plotter language
  • PCL: HP Page Control Language, Printer Command Language Format (PCL)
  • PDF: Acrobat PDF file, convert general PDF to Vector PDF

Step1. Download

Please download package of this software: Download VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter , then open this package in your computer, and extract its content to your computer so that you can use it for your own conversion later.

Step2. Open

After you get trial version of this application from above, please open command prompt window for command lines typing later:

Click Windows + R to open dialog box Run, then, please type cmd.exe or cmd in it, so targeting running environment of commands could be opened on screen, where you can input commands directly.

Step3. Convert

When command prompt is opened, you should refer to following example to convert DWG/DXF to vector through commands:

dwg2vec.exe C:\test1.dwg C:\out.pdf

dwg2vec.exe C:\*.dxf C:\*.wmf

The examples above are about converting DWG/DXF to PDF/WMF singly and in batches through commands, where:

  • dwg2vec.exe:  call executive file “dwg2vec.exe” for running software
  • C:\test1.dwg:  specify input DWG file
  • C:\out.pdf: specify output PDF file
  • C:\*.dxf: specify all of input DXF files on disc C for batch conversion
  • C:\*.wmf: specify all of output WMF files on disc C for batch conversion

The targeting formats above also could be changed to other supported vector formats.

When all prepared work is done well in command prompt window, you can use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG/DXF to vector file singly or in batches, and then, you can get targeting vector files in destination folder, which are always high-qualified as you want.

For more articles about other software that is of help, please keep visiting here! Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG/DXF to vector file with commands.

Raster to Text OCR Command Line

How to convert raster to text by command line?

   It is known to all that the characters in the raster image file can not be copied and pasted  let alone edited. However, sometimes we may need to extract fonts from raster image file then use them in our other documents. In order to realize this function, VeryDOC developed software VeryDOC Raster to Text OCR Converter Command Line which can be used to extract text from the raster image file to text. In the following part, I will show you how to make it.

First, download Raster to Text OCR Converter Command Line

  • As its names implies, this software can extract fonts from all the raster image file to text file.
  • This software needs to run in MS Dos Windows. After downloading, you will find it is a zip file. So please unzip it then check the elements in it.

Second, run the conversion following the example in it.

  • PDF to text:   pdf2txtocr.exe C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt
  • Tiff to text:    pdf2txtocr.exe C:\in.tif C:\out.txt
  • Jpg to text:   pdf2txtocr.exe C:\in.jpg C:\out.txt

If you want to choose page rang during convert PDF to text, please use parameter “–firstpage & –lastpage
   example: pdf2txtocr.exe -firstpage 1 -lastpage 1 C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt

If you want to maintain original physical layout in image file to text file, please add parameter “-layout ” 
    example: pdf2txtocr.exe -layout C:\in.pdf C:\out.txt

There are many functions and parameters of this software, I can list all of them here, please check them in the one by one in the readme.text file.

Question here: does this software support batch conversion, like I need to convert the image file in a whole folder to text file, can I do that by this software?

Answer: Yes this software allows you to do batch conversion. And you should following the example like this:
  D:\temp\ folder and subdirectories to text files: for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do pdf2txtocr.exe -ocr "%F" "%~dpnF.txt"

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

conversion effect of  Raster to Text OCR Converter
   Fig. 1. conversion effect of  Raster to Text OCR Converter

During the using, if you have any question, please contact us by the ways supported on our contact us website.

DWG to Vector Converter

How to batch convert AutoCAD (DWG/DXF) to SWF/PDF/image

VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter is able to batch convert AutoCAD to SWF/PDF/image on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter is a command line tool which has been designed to convert AutoCAD files of DWG or DXF to flash, PDF, and various images, etc.. Most important, this utility allows Windows users to use it in all Windows platforms, e.g., 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista of 32 bits and 64 bits.

After short introduction about software we will use later, here is download entrance of trial version of this application below:


When you get trial version of this software in your computer, please keep reading this article to know more about steps to batch convert AutoCAD file to SWF, AutoCAD to PDF, or AutoCAD to image through commands:

1. Run cmd.exe in your computer

You need to open command prompt window for commands typing later, so it is direct to run cmd.exe or cmd in your computer to open it on your screen.

2. Batch convert AutoCAD file to SWF, AutoCAD file to PDF, or AutoCAD file to image

Here are relevant examples for you to refer to:

dwg2vec.exe C:\*.dwg C:\*.pdf

dwg2vec.exe D:\*.dxf F:\*.swf

dwg2vec.exe F:\*.dwg C:\*.emf


dwg2vec.exe is to run our application through calling executive file “dwg2vec.exe”

…*.dwg/dxf is to specify dozens of input AutoCAD files of DWG or DXF

…*.pdf/emf/swf is to specify dozens of output PDF files, image files or SWF files

After you utilize VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert AutoCAD file to SWF/PDF/image separately, produced file could be added into targeting folder directly.

And of course, once you use this software to process task like mentioned above, the perfect quality and speed this application can provide you with can make you love it soon, which is just only one of applications in VeryDOC.com, so if you want to know more helpful utilities, please read other articles here later!

DWG to Vector Converter

How to produce colorful/monochrome image when converting DXF/DWG to image

To know how to produce colorful/monochrome image when converting DXF to image or DWG to image, please keep reading this article here.

First of all, you need to know main converting tool here – VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter. It is a great application that enables you to convert AutoCAD to image, SWF, PDF, etc. in Windows systems. For more information, you can visit homepage of VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter.

Here is download entrance of this application below:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter

Then, here are details to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DXF/DWG file to image with colorful/monochrome attribute:

Step1. Open command prompt window

You can click Start > select run on pop menu > input cmd.exe or cmd in pop dialog box > click ok there to open command prompt window in your computer.

Step2. Convert DXF file to image file or DWG to image file and set colorful/monochrome attribute

Here is an example for you to refer to:

dwg2vec.exe –colormode 0 C:\test5.dwg C:\out2.wmf

dwg2vec.exe –colormode 1 C:\test6.dxf C:\out3.emf

where you need to know:

  • parameter:

-colormode <int>: set color mode, 0 is color and 1 is black and white

  • directories:

dwg2vec.exe is to call executive file “dwg2vec.exe”, C:\test6/5.dxf/dwg is to specify source AutoCAD file of DXF or DWG, and C:\out3/2.emf/wmf is to specify output image file of EMF or WMF separately.

After your commands and parameters are inputted in your command prompt, conversion from DWG file to image or DXF file to image file could be started, then, along with the end of this conversion, targeting image file with monochrome or colorful attribute could be produced into destination folder directly.

At the end of this article, please feel free to read other articles here to know more helpful and practical software, besides VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter. Thank you for reading this article about converting DXF file to image file and DWG file to image file with attribute of colorful or monochrome on Windows platforms.

DWG to Vector Converter

How to convert AutoCAD to image/PDF and set image/PDF size

The utility VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter allows you to convert AutoCAD to image or AutoCAD to PDF and set image/PDF size flexibly through command line.

What is AutoCAD format?

CAD (Computer-Aided Design) files may contain 2D or 3D designs. They are generated by CAD software programs, which can be used to create models or architecture plans. 2D CAD files are often referred to as drawings, while 3D files are often called models, parts, or assemblies. Common CAD file extensions include .DWG, .DXF, .DGN, and .STL.

Download entrance of VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter

After you get trial version of this utility, please feel free to refer to following steps to accomplish your own process, if you would like.

1.  Run cmd.exe

It is direct to run cmd.exe to get command prompt window opened, for it is operating environment of commands on Windows platforms. And here are steps below:

Click Windows + R hotkey > type cmd.exe or cmd and click ok in pop dialog box.

2. Set image/PDF size and convert AutoCAD file to image or AutoCAD file to PDF

In opened command prompt, you can type commands and parameters to realize your own process through this example:

dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test4.dxf C:\out4.pdf

dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test5.dwg C:\out5.emf

And you may need to know:

  • dwg2vec.exe is to call executive file “dwg2vec.exe” in order to run application
  • -width 612 is to specify output page width of page size
  • -height 792 is to specify output page height of page size
  • C:\test4.dxf is to specify original AutoCAD file of DXF format
  • C:\out4.pdf is to specify output PDF file
  • C:\test5.dwg is to specify original AutoCAD file of DWG format
  • C:\out5.emf is to specify output image file of emf format

Then, you can convert AutoCAD file to image file or AutoCAD file to PDF file with specified image/PDF size, and then, this targeting file can be added into destination folder directly.

More articles about this application could be obtained here later! Thank you for reading this article, which is about converting AutoCAD file to image file and AutoCAD file to PDF file with specific image/PDF size.