How to convert DWG/DXF to vector file
This article would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG to vector or DXF to vector, and if you are interested in this conversion, please do not hesitate to read the following paragraphs.
First of all, in the following paragraphs, the vector file could be with following file extensions:
- WMF: Windows Metafile
- EMF: Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
- PS: Adobe PostScript file
- EPS: Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
- SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
- SWF: Macromedia Flash File Format
- XPS: Microsoft XML Paper Specification
- HPGL: HP-GL plotter language
- PCL: HP Page Control Language, Printer Command Language Format (PCL)
- PDF: Acrobat PDF file, convert general PDF to Vector PDF
Step1. Download
Please download package of this software: , then open this package in your computer, and extract its content to your computer so that you can use it for your own conversion later.
Step2. Open
After you get trial version of this application from above, please open command prompt window for command lines typing later:
Click Windows + R to open dialog box Run, then, please type cmd.exe or cmd in it, so targeting running environment of commands could be opened on screen, where you can input commands directly.
Step3. Convert
When command prompt is opened, you should refer to following example to convert DWG/DXF to vector through commands:
dwg2vec.exe C:\test1.dwg C:\out.pdf
dwg2vec.exe C:\*.dxf C:\*.wmf
The examples above are about converting DWG/DXF to PDF/WMF singly and in batches through commands, where:
- dwg2vec.exe: call executive file “dwg2vec.exe” for running software
- C:\test1.dwg: specify input DWG file
- C:\out.pdf: specify output PDF file
- C:\*.dxf: specify all of input DXF files on disc C for batch conversion
- C:\*.wmf: specify all of output WMF files on disc C for batch conversion
The targeting formats above also could be changed to other supported vector formats.
When all prepared work is done well in command prompt window, you can use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG/DXF to vector file singly or in batches, and then, you can get targeting vector files in destination folder, which are always high-qualified as you want.
For more articles about other software that is of help, please keep visiting here! Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG/DXF to vector file with commands.