DWG to Image Converter

How to produce colorful/black and white image during converting DXF to image

This article tells you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DXF to image and produce colorful/black and white image through command line on Windows platforms.

To know how to realize related conversion and setting through commands, please read the followings:

Step1. Download package

Please feel free to download free package of VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter here, and then, open it and extract its content to your computer so that you can use trial version for your own conversion directly later.

Step2. Open command prompt

You need to open command prompt, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems, through running cmd.exe in your computer, and then, your commands and parameters could be typed in your own command prompt.

Step3. Convert DXF file to image file with color or black and white attribute

When you get command prompt on your screen, you can refer to following example to accomplish your conversion:

dwg2img.exe -colormode 1 C:\test1.dwg C:\out1.tif

where you need to know:

  • -colormode <int>: set color mode, 0 is color and 1 is black and white
  • dwg2img.exe: call executive file “dwg2img.exe” for running software itself
  • C:\test1.dwg: specify input DWG file
  • C:\out1.tif: specify output image file of TIFF

And after description about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter  to convert DXF file to image file and produce color/black and white image, here is what DXF format is below:

Data format developed by Autodesk and used for CAD (computer-aided design) vector image files, such as AutoCAD documents; similar to the .DWG format, but is more compatible with other programs since it is ASCII (text) based. The DXF format was developed as a universal format so that AutoCAD documents could be opened more easily with other programs. For example, the Valve Hammer Editor can export 3D models as DXF files, which can be opened and edited with other 3D modeling applications.

At last, thank you for reading article about commands conversion in Windows systems. And to get full version of this software, please go to purchase page of VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter.

DWG to Image Converter

How to set line width when converting DWG to image

In this article, I would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DWG to image and set line width with command line on Windows platforms.

Here are download entrance and short introduction about VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter below:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter

VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter could be used to convert DWG/DXF to multiple image files, e.g., DWG to JPG, DWG to BMP, DWG to TIFF, DWG to GIF, etc., which also allows you convert DXF files to Raster BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF formats directly without need of AutoCAD. Besides, this application could be called from a script (or .bat) file to batch convert your DWG and DXF files to image formats.

Here are steps to use this utility to convert DWG file to image file with line width set below:

1. Open command prompt window 

It is easy to run cmd.exe to open command prompt window, which is operating environment of commands in Windows systems.

2. Convert DWG file to image file and set line

Here is command example for you to refer to below:

dwg2img.exe -linewidth "1=0.1;2=0.1;3=0.1" C:\test9.dwg C:\out9.gif


  • dwg2img.exe is to call executive file “dwg2img.exe”, which helps you run software
  • -linewidth <string>: set line width, unit in mm
  • C:\test9.dwg: is to specify input DWG file
  • C:\out9.gif is to specify output image file of GIF

After all basic work is done, you can convert DWG file to image file with line width set. Then, in your targeting folder, you can find targeting image file located.

Extension Knowledge:

Many graphics cards/drivers have a maximum line width they are capable of drawing.  When you render an image with super sampling N, each "tile" is drawn N times larger than normal and then sampled back down to its final size. This greatly reduces the "stair stepping" on the edges of ribbons and so forth since the pixels in the final image are a blend of NxN original pixels. This also means that lines have to be drawn N times thicker in each tile so that they are the right size in the final image. If that thickness is beyond the capabilities of your graphics card/driver then those lines will look thinner than they should in the final image. For an image of the size you're making (4096x3072) you probably don't need any super sampling unless it's going to be displayed at poster size. In the image-saving dialog at the bottom it will say what the maximum line width you can use in the Chimera window without any reduction in the final image at your current super sampling setting. If that information text is colored red, then the line thickness in the image will be less than the current line thickness in the Chimera window. So you could experiment with what maximum super sampling setting you could use without the lines thinning in the image.

In the end, I wish you enjoy this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DWG file to image file and set line width of image with commands. Thank you for your support!

DWG to Image Converter

How to convert DXF to image and set image size

This article aims to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DXF to image and set image size immediately with command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter could be used to convert AutoCAD file to various image files, e.g., TIFF, JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF, etc.. Moreover, this application allows you to edit image properties, e.g., page size, image DPI, image bit-count, etc.. With this powerful and easy-to-use utility, you can accomplish many processes and properties editing. To know steps to use it to convert DXF file to image file with specific image size, please read the following:

Step1. Run cmd.exe in your computer

After you get trial version of VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter, you can open command prompt window, which is running environment of commands on Windows platforms, through running cmd.exe in your computer, and then, your own commands, which could be typed referring to following description, could be inputted later.

Step2. Convert DXF file to image file and edit image size

Please refer to following example to convert your DXF file to image file of specific image size:

dwg2img.exe -width 1024 -height 768 C:\test7.dxf C:\out.gif

dwg2img.exe -width 1200 -height 980 C:\test8.dxf C:\out.jpg

From examples above, you may need to know:

  • dwg2img.exe: run software itself through calling executive file “dwg2img.exe”
  • -width 1024: set image width as 1024 for setting image size
  • -height 768: set image height 768 for setting image size
  • ….dxf: specify source DXF file
  • ….gif/jpg: specify output image file of GIF or JPG

So, then, you can convert DXF file to image file of specific image size through width and height of pages in your own command prompt window, then, later on, you can get targeting files in your destination folder, which has high quality than you imagine!

At last, welcome to visit here frequently, for you can not only know articles about this software, but also other applications in various functions. Thank you for reading this article which is about how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DXF file to image file and set image size with commands!

DWG to Image Converter

How to edit DPI during converting AutoCAD to image

It is simple to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert AutoCAD to image and edit DPI of image in Windows systems. More details could be found in the following paragraphs.

Please download package of this application from following icon:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter

Then, open it in your computer and extract its content to your computer so that you can use trial version of this application directly for your later conversion in your own computer.

Here are steps to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert AutoCAD file to image file and set DPI with command line:

Step1.  Open command prompt

Command prompt window is operating environment of commands in Windows systems. And it could be opened through running cmd.exe in your computer.

Step2. Convert AutoCAD file to image file

This example can show you how to use commands and parameter to convert AutoCAD file to image file and set image DPI:

dwg2img.exe -dpi 300 C:\test6.dwg C:\out1.tif

dwg2img.exe -dpi 500 C:\test7.dxf C:\out2.jpg

In examples above:

  • dwg2img.exe: call executive file “dwg2img.exe” for running software
  • -dpi 300: set image DPI as 300
  • C:\test6.dwg: specify input AutoCAD file of DWG
  • C:\out1.tif: specify output image file of TIFF
  • -dpi 500: specify 500 as image DPI value
  • C:\test7.dxf: specify input AutoCAD file of DXF
  • C:\out2.jpg: specify output image file of JPG

When commands and parameters like above are typed in command prompt, you can start your own process, and then, targeting image file with specific image DPI could be produced into targeting folder directly in your computer.

Once you use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert AutoCAD file to image file and edit image DPI with commands, you will amaze on how perfect your produced image files are! Anyway, there are many products for your daily working life on VeryDOC.com. So to know more articles about other software, please feel free to overview here frequently or just bookmark this page for reading articles in the future! Thank you for your support here! 🙂

DWG to Image Converter

How to convert AutoCAD(DWG/DXF) to image(BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF)

This article aims to tell you how to convert AutoCAD(DWG/DXF) to image(BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF) through command line with VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter.

VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter enables you to convert DWG and DXF files to Raster BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF formats directly without AutoCAD software installed in your computer conveniently. DWG to Image Converter is a command line application, you can run it by manual or call it from a script (or .bat) file to batch convert your DWG and DXF files to image formats. Here is download entrance below:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter

Steps to convert AutoCAD file to image file are as follows:

1. Run cmd.exe

Command prompt window is operating environment of commands in Windows systems, so it is basic to run cmd.exe to open it before commands typing:

Click start > select run on pop menu > type cmd.exe and click ok so that command prompt window can pop out automatically.

2. Convert AutoCAD(DWG/DXF) to image(BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF)

When you finish opening command prompt, please type commands like below:

dwg2img.exe C:\test1.dwg C:\out1.bmp

dwg2img.exe C:\*.dwg C:\*.png


  • dwg2img.exe is to call “dwg2img.exe” to run software
  • ….dwg is to specify input AutoCAD file of DWG, also it could be DXF
  • ….bmp is to specify output image file of BMP, also it could be another supported format
  • …*.dwg is to specify dozens of DWG files for batch process
  • …*.png is to specify dozens of PNG files for batch conversion to image of PNG

Once you get your own commands typed in command prompt, you can start to convert AutoCAD file to image file directly. So later on, produced image files could be in destination folder.

Is it more fun to use commands to process this task singly or in batches? Anyway, please do not hesitate to try VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter. At last, I hope you enjoy this article, which is about how to convert AutoCAD(DWG/DXF) to image(BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF) with commands.