Metafile to PDF Converter

How to edit PDF margin in converting WMF to PDF

This article aims to tell you how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert WMF to PDF and edit PDF margin on Windows platforms.

To know more about VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter here, please visit its homepage from above. Then, here is its download entrance for trial version below:

Download VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

To know more details about how to use this application to convert WMF file to PDF file and edit PDF margin through command line, welcome to read the following paragraphs:

Firstly, please open command prompt window, which is operating environment of commands in Windows platforms: run cmd.exe in your computer, and then, command prompt window could be popped on your screen directly.

Then, refer to following example to type your own commands and parameters in your command prompt window:

emf2pdf.exe -margin 100x200x100x300 C:\in.wmf C:\out.pdf

where you need to know:

  • emf2pdf.exe: call executive file “emf2pdf.exe” for running software itself
  • -margin 100x200x100x300: set PDF margin as 100 in left, 200 in top, 100 in right and 300 in bottom
  • C:\in.wmf: specify source WMF file
  • C:\out.pdf: specify output PDF file

And of course, to edit PDF margin in single direction or not all directions, please refer to following parameters:

  • -margin 10: Set margin to 10pt to left
  • -margin 10x10: Set margin to 10pt to left, top
  • -margin 10x10x10: Set margin to 10pt to left, top, right
  • -margin 10x10x10x10: Set margin to 10pt to left, top, right, bottom

Then, please click enter in command prompt window so that VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter could help you convert WMF file to PDF file and edit PDF margin through commands. And after a few while, targeting PDF file with specific PDF margin can be produced into destination folder where you can find it is so perfect as you wish!

At last, thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert WMF file to PDF file and edit PDF margin. To purchase full version of this utility, please click following icon:

Purchase VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to batch convert EMF to PDF and rotate PDF

VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter allows you to batch convert EMF to PDF and rotate PDF file with command line on Windows platforms.

First, please download trial version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter:

Download VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

Then, follow steps below to convert EMF file to PDF file and rotate PDF through commands and parameter:

1. Open command prompt window

It is basic to convert EMF file to PDF file and rotate PDF file in command prompt window, so you need to open it through running cmd.exe in your computer, so command prompt window could be opened on screen.

2. Batch convert EMF files to PDF files and rotate PDF files

In command prompt window, please refer to following example to accomplish your own conversion:

emf2pdf.exe –rotate 180 C:\*.emf C:\*.pdf


  • -rotate <int>: Rotate pages, 90, 180, 270
  • emf2pdf.exe: run software via calling executive file “emf2pdf.exe”
  • C:\*.emf: specify input EMF files in batches with wildcard character “*”
  • C:\*.pdf: specify output PDF files in batches with wildcard character “*”

Then, you can use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to batch convert EMF file to PDF file and rotate PDF file in your own command prompt window. And then, targeting PDF files could be edited with PDF rotation, which could be added into destination folder.

Extension Knowledge:

Windows vector graphics format recognized by many image-editing applications; basically a 32-bit version of the original Windows Metafile Format (.WMF), which only supports 16-bit data; saves image data in an RGB format and does not support CMYK data. EMF can also used as a graphics language for printer drivers.

After you use trial version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to batch convert EMF files to PDF files and rotate PDF files through commands, please do not hesitate to read other articles here, for not only related articles about this software are here, but also articles about other software are here. And of course, for full version of this application, please visit purchase page of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter.

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to convert EMF/WMF to PDF and customize PDF size

The utility VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter could help Windows users convert EMF/WMF to PDF and customize PDF size flexibly through command line and parameters. To know more about this process, please keep reading this article.

First of all, please download package of trial version of this application here:

Download VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

Then, please extract its content from unfolded package to your computer, and then, this trial version software could be located in your own computer, and you can use it for later process by yourself.

Then, here are steps to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert EMF/WMF file to PDF file and customize PDF size below:

1. Open command prompt window

You can run cmd.exe to open running environment of commands in Windows systems: click Windows + R > input cmd.exe and click ok in pop dialog box, and then, command prompt window could be opened automatically on your screen.

2. Convert EMF/WMF file to PDF file with customized PDF size

After you opened command prompt window, you can convert EMF/WMF file to PDF file through directories and customize PDF size through setting PDF width and height, and here are examples for you to refer to below:

emf2pdf.exe -width 1024 -height 800 C:\in3.emf C:\out3.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -width 1200 -height 792 C:\in2.wmf C:\out2.pdf


  • emf2pdf.exe: call executive file “emf2pdf.exe” to run software  
  • -width 1024/1200: set width of PDF file as 1024/1200
  • -height 800/792: set height of PDF file as 800/792
  • C:\in3.emf: specify input EMF file
  • C:\out3.pdf: specify output PDF file
  • C:\in2.wmf: specify input WMF file
  • C:\out2.pdf: specify output PDF file

After commands and parameters like above typed in command prompt window, please use this software to fulfill conversion and setting, and then, produced PDF file could be specified in PDF size.

For more articles about properties of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter, besides customizing PDF size during converting EMF/WMF file to PDF file, welcome to visit here frequently. And for full version of this software, please go to purchase page of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter.

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to convert EMF/RTF/WMF to PDF

This article aims to tell you how to convert EMF/RTF/WMF to PDF with command line in Windows systems.

And our main tool is VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter, which helps you convert EMF, RTF, WMF file to PDF file singly or in batches and edit properties of PDF files with commands. This application converts EMF, WMF and Rich Text Format (RTF) file to PDF file doesn't depend on any Virtual PDF Printer, so it is faster than other solutions.

Here is its trial version below:

Download VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

After you get trial version from above, you can refer to following steps to accomplish your own conversion from EMF/RTF/WMF file to PDF file:

  • Open command prompt window

Command prompt window allows Windows users to type commands, so you’d better to open it through running cmd.exe in your computer, then, command prompt window could be opened on your screen directly.

  • Convert EMF/RTF/WMF file to PDF file

Type your own commands when you open command prompt window referring to following example:

emf2pdf.exe C:\in1.wmf C:\out1.pdf

emf2pdf.exe C:\in2.emf C:\out2.pdf


emf2pdf.exe: call executive file “emf2pdf.exe” for running software

C:\in1.wmf: specify source WMF file

C:\out1.pdf: specify targeting PDF file

C:\in2.emf: specify source EMF file

C:\out2.pdf: specify output PDF file

Once you use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert EMF/RTF/WMF file to PDF file in your own command prompt, after commands are typed there, later on, targeting PDF file could be added into destination folder directly, which has high quality than you imagine!

At last, thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert EMF/RTF/WMF file to PDF file with commands. And if you want to purchase full version of this software, please visit purchase page of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter. To know more functions through practical articles here, please keep visiting here!

DWG to Image Converter

How to convert DWG/DXF to image and customize image background color

In this article, I would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DWG/DXF to image and customize image background color with command line. And here are details below:

1. Download trial version or purchase full version

To just try this software, please download trial version of VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter; to get full version of this software, please purchase this software on purchase page. Then, you can use trial version or full version of this application to convert DWG/DXF file to image file and customize image background color flexibly as you wish.

2. Run cmd.exe in your computer

Command prompt is operating environment of commands in Windows systems, so it is convenient for you to run cmd.exe to open it on screen, where your commands could be typed directly later. And the steps are as below:

Click start > select run on pop menu > type cmd.exe and click ok in pop dialog box

3. Convert DWG/DXF file to image file and customize image background color

Then, please refer to following example to type your own commands in command prompt to fulfill your own conversion and setting:

dwg2img.exe -bgcolor 255 C:\test.dxf C:\out.jpg

-bgcolor <int>: set background color, same as AutoCAD color index, and dwg2img.exe is to run software itself by calling executive file “dwg2img.exe”, C:\test.dxf is to specify source AutoCAD file of DXF, and C:\out.jpg is to specify output JPG image file. And after basic typing in your command prompt as above, you can use VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DWG/DXF file to image file with specific image background color directly. Then, you can get what you want of targeting image file.

To know more articles about using VeryDOC DWG to Image Converter to convert DWG/DXF file to image file and set other properties of image file, please keep concentrating articles here.