EMF to Vector Converter

How to convert EMF/WMF to vector/raster image/PDF/SWF

To know how to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert EMF/WMF to vector/raster image/PDF/SWF through command line, welcome to read this article here!

VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter allows you to batch convert from EMF and WMF files to other formats, which can be run using the handy interface or in batch mode to convert large volumes of EMF and WMF files in real-time. converts enhanced metafiles (EMF) and Windows metafiles (WMF) to PDF, WMF, EMF, PS (Postscript), EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, HPGL, PCL etc. vector formats while preserving the vector and text information. Moreover, this application allows developers to access the converter via Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. program languages.

First of all, please feel free to download trial version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter.

Then, here are steps to use this trial version to convert EMF/WMF file to vector/raster image/PDF/SWF through commands below:

Step1. Run cmd.exe in your computer

The operating environment of commands for Windows systems, could be opened through running cmd.exe, and then, you can type commands and parameters there.

Step2. Convert EMF/WMF file to vector/raster image/PDF/SWF

Here are relevant examples for you to refer to below:

emf2vec.exe C:\in.emf C:\out.eps

emf2vec.exe C:\in.wmf C:\out.pdf

emf2vec.exe C:\in.emf C:\out.swf

emf2vec.exe C:\in.emf C:\out.tiff


  • emf2vec.exe: call executive file “emf2vec.exe” for running software 
  • C:\in.emf/wmf: specify input EMF or WMF file
  • C:\out.eps/pdf/swf/tiff: specify output EPS, PDF, SWF or TIFF file

When you finish converting them, you can get targeting file in destination folder. And if you want to know how to realize setting properties of targeting files, welcome to continue to concentrate here.

At last, thank you for reading this article, which is about converting EMF/WMF file to vector/raster image/PDF/SWF through commands and parameters. And to know more useful articles about other software, you can visit here frequently and bookmark this web page. To buy this software, please go to order page of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter. Thank you for your support!

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to batch convert Metafile to PDF and merge PDF files

Please keep reading this article if you want to know how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to batch convert Metafile to PDF and merge PDF files through command line in Windows systems.

First of all, you may need to know what is Metafile:

Metafileis a generic term for a file format that can store multiple types of data. This commonly includes graphics file formats. These graphics files can contain raster, vector, and type data. A common use for these files is to provide support for an operating system's computer graphics; e.g., Microsoft Windows uses Windows Metafile, and Mac OS X uses PDF.

Some examples:

  • (PICT) Macintosh PICT resource, superseded by PDF in Mac OS X
  • (WMF) Windows Metafile = (EMF) Enhanced Metafile
  • (EPS) Encapsulated PostScript
  • (CGM) Computer Graphics Metafile
  • (PDF) Portable Document Format
  • (CDR) Corel Draw File
  • (SVG) Scalable Vector Graphics
  • (WPG) Word Perfect Graphics File
  • (RTF) Rich Text Format file

Trial version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

Steps to batch convert Metafile file to PDF file and merge PDF files:

After you run cmd.exe to open command prompt window, you can refer to following example to accomplish your own process:

emf2pdf.exe C:\*.emf C:\*.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -mergepdf "C:\1.pdf|C:\2.pdf|C:\3.pdf" C:\out1.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -mergepdf "C:\*.pdf" C:\out2.pdf

where you need to know examples above show you how to batch convert EMF files to PDF files and 2 ways to merge PDF files:

  • emf2pdf.exe: run software through calling executive file “emf2pdf.exe”
  • C:\*.emf: specify dozens of EMF files in batch converting Metafile files to PDF files
  • C:\*.pdf: specify dozens of PDF files in batch converting Metafile files to PDF files
  • C:\out1.pdf: specify output PDF file in merging PDF
  • C:\out2.pdf: specify output PDF file in merging PDF
  • -mergepdf <string>: Merge two PDF files into one PDF file
    -mergepdf "file1|file2|file3|...": Merge several PDF files into one
    -mergepdf "C:\*.pdf": Merge PDF files into one PDF file

After you finish conversion separately, please check out the targeting PDF files, and then, you can notice that the quality of PDF files is so good than you can imagine!

So by now, if you want to purchase full version of this software, please go to purchase page of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter.

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to encrypt PDF during converting EMF/RTF/WMF to PDF

This article aims to show you how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert EMF/RTF/WMF to PDF and encrypt PDF through command line on Windows platforms.

To know what is VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter, please feel free to log on its homepage above directly. And here are steps to convert EMF/WMF/RTF to PDF and encrypt PDF through commands below:

Step1. Download free software

If you want to trial version of this application to convert your own WMF files, etc., please do not hesitate to download package of this software here.

Then, you need to extract its content to your computer so that trial version could be located in your computer and you can also use it for later process of yours.

Step2. Open command prompt window

After extraction like above, you need to run cmd.exe in your computer so that command prompt window could be opened on screen directly, where you can type commands.

Step3. Convert RTF/WMF/EMF to PDF and encrypt PDF

Please refer to example below to input your own commands and parameters to fulfill your process:

emf2pdf.exe –openpwd 654321 -keylen 2 -ownerpwd 123456 -encryption 3900 C:\in9.wmf C:\out9.pdf

where you need to know directories:

  • emf2pdf.exe: call executive file “emf2pdf.exe” for running software 
  • C:\in9.wmf: specify input WMF file, also it could be RTF or EMF file
  • C:\out9.pdf: specify output PDF file

where you also need to know parameters:

  • -openpwd <string>: Set 'open password' to PDF file
  • -ownerpwd <string>: Set 'owner password' to PDF file
  • -keylen <int>: Key length (40 or 128 bit)
    -keylen 0:  40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
    -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
    -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
  • -encryption <int>: Restrictions
    -encryption 0: Encrypt the file only
    -encryption 3900: Deny anything
    -encryption 4: Deny printing
    -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
    -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents
    -encryption 32: No commenting
    ===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
    -encryption 256: Deny FillInFormFields
    -encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj
    -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
    -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
    -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata

After you use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert EMF/WMF/RTF to PDF and encrypt PDF file through commands, targeting PDF file could be produced into destination folder and you will see it is very qualified when you view PDF file in your computer! So then, if you want to buy it, please go to purchase page of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter.

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to set PDF bookmark in converting EMF/RTF to PDF

In this article, I would like to show you how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert EMF/RTF to PDF and set PDF bookmark through command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter could be used for Windows users to convert RTF/EMF/WMF to PDF singly or in batches through commands and edit options of PDF files through parameters flexibly and professionally. Like PDF information, PDF open password, PDF owner password, PDF encryption level, etc., could be set during related supported conversion in Windows systems. So if you want to know more about this application, welcome to log on homepage of this software through hyperlink above.

Here is trial version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter below:

Download VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

Then, if you want to know how to realize process mentioned above, please keep reading this article here!

Step1. Run cmd.exe in your computer

Running cmd.exe in your computer enables you to open command prompt window, which is operating environment of commands, so you need to click Windows + R hotkey > type cmd.exe and click ok in your pop dialog box, and then, you can continue to type commands like below to run your conversion directly on your own.

Step2. Convert RTF/EMF to PDF and set PDF bookmark

When command prompt is opened on screen, for your better understanding, please refer to following example to realize your own process there:

emf2pdf.exe -bookmark 1 C:\in9.emf C:\out9.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -bookmark 2 C:\in8.emf C:\out8.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -bookmark 3 C:\in7.emf C:\out7.pdf

where parameters:

  • -bookmark 1: Use short filename as PDF bookmarks
  • -bookmark 2: Use full filename as PDF bookmarks
  • -bookmark 3: Use short filename without suffix as PDF bookmarks

Once you type one of parameters like shown as above, and after process from EMF/WMF/RTF file to PDF file, your PDF file could contain specific bookmarks as you wish.

Is it very convenient for you to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert RTF/EMF to PDF and set PDF bookmark through commands? Anyway, if you think this software suits you, welcome to purchase full version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter.

Metafile to PDF Converter

How to convert RTF/EMF/WMF to PDF and edit PDF information

If you would like to know how to use VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter to convert RTF/EMF/WMF to PDF and edit PDF information through command line, the following paragraphs can tell you more here.

VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter helps Windows users convert RTF/EMF/WMF files to PDF files singly or in batches and set targeting properties of PDF files, e.g., PDF information, PDF encryption, PDF margin, PDF size, etc.. To know more advantages of this software, please feel free to visit its homepage from above.

Then, please download trial version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter here:

Download VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter

After you get trial version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter, here are steps to use this trial version software to convert RTF/EMF/WMF file to PDF file and set PDF information below:

1. Run command prompt

Command prompt window needs to be run on your screen through running cmd.exe in your computer directly, so later on, your commands and parameters could be inputted there for direct process.

2. Convert RTF/WMF/EMF to PDF and edit PDF information

In your own command prompt window, you need to type your commands and parameters like below:

emf2pdf.exe -subject "subject" –author “author” C:\in1.wmf C:\out1.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -creator "creator" C:\in2.emf C:\out2.pdf

emf2pdf.exe -producer "producer" –title “title”C:\in3.rmf C:\out3.pdf

where you need to know:

  • parameters:

-producer <string>: Set 'producer' to PDF file

-creator <string>: Set 'creator' to PDF file

-subject <string>: Set 'subject' to PDF file

-title <string>: Set 'title' to PDF file

-author <string>: Set 'author' to PDF file

  • directories:

emf2pdf.exe: call executive file “emf2pdf.exe” for running software

C:\in1/2/3.wmf: specify source WMF file

C:\out1/2/3.pdf: specify output PDF file

When all basic typing is done like what example shows us, you can use software to convert RTF/WMF/EMF to PDF with specific PDF information. And when conversion is finished, you can get your own PDF file with specific PDF information in destination folder.

Finally, after you know the method to convert RTF/WMF/EMF to PDF with specific PDF information, please do not hesitate to read other articles, which are about other software, if you want to know more software. And to buy full version of VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter, please do not hesitate to click:

Buy VeryDOC Metafile to PDF Converter