EMF to Vector Converter

How to convert WMF to PDF and encrypt PDF

It is easy to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert WMF to PDF and encrypt PDF through command line on Windows platforms. Here are details below, if you would like to know more about it here.

1. Download trial version of software

Please download package of this trial version firstly from this link:

Download VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter

Then, please extract its content to your computer, and then, trial version of this application could be used by you later in your process in your own computer.

2. Open command prompt window

Running cmd.exe in your computer helps you open command prompt window, where commands and parameters could be typed directly.

3. Convert WMF file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file

Here is an example for you to refer to below:

emf2vec.exe –openpwd 456321 –ownerpwd 123654 -keylen 2 -encryption 3900 C:\in\source1.wmf C:\out\target1.pdf

where directories and parameters:

  • -openpwd <string>: Set 'open password' to PDF file
  • -ownerpwd <string>: Set 'owner password' to PDF file
  • -keylen <int>: Key length (40 or 128 bit) for open password, and int could be:
          -keylen 0:  40 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 3 or higher)
          -keylen 1: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 5 or higher)
          -keylen 2: 128 bit RC4 encryption (Acrobat 6 or higher)
  • -encryption <int>: Restrictions for owner password, and int could be:
          -encryption 0: Encrypt the file only
          -encryption 3900: Deny anything
          -encryption 4: Deny printing
          -encryption 8: Deny modification of contents
          -encryption 16: Deny copying of contents
          -encryption 32: No commenting
          ===128 bit encryption only -> ignored if 40 bit encryption is used
          -encryption 256: Deny FillInFormFields
          -encryption 512: Deny ExtractObj
          -encryption 1024: Deny Assemble
          -encryption 2048: Disable high res. printing
          -encryption 4096: Do not encrypt metadata
  • emf2vec.exe: call executive file “emf2vec.exe” for running software
  • C:\in\source1.wmf: specify input WMF file
  • C:\out\target1.pdf: specify output PDF file

After you input commands and parameters and use software to convert WMF file to PDF file and encrypt PDF file, please feel free to get full version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter if you want to use.

EMF to Vector Converter

How to batch convert WMF/EMF to PDF and burst/merge PDF

This article would like to show you how to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to batch convert WMF/EMF to PDF and burst/merge PDF through command line on Windows platforms.

To know more details about VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter, please go to homepage of this software from hyperlink above. And to know how to realize process, please read the following paragraphs.

Step1. Download

To get conversion processed, you need to download trial version of this application firstly here:

Download trial version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter

Then, after you extract its content to your computer, trial version of this application could be used by yourself.

Step2. Open

After extraction, please run cmd.exe in your computer so that command prompt window, which is operating environment of commands for Windows systems, could be opened on your screen. And then, your own commands and parameters could be typed there.

Step3. Convert

In opened command prompt window, please refer to following examples to accomplish your own process from EMF/WMF to PDF and burst/merge PDF:

emf2vec.exe –burstpdf D:\source.emf F:\target.pdf

emf2vec.exe –burstpdf D:\*.emf F:\*.pdf

emf2vec.exe -mergepdf "C:\*.pdf" C:\out.pdf

emf2vec.exe -mergepdf "C:\1.pdf|C:\2.pdf|C:\3.pdf" C:\out.pdf

where you need to know:

  • the first/second example is about how to burst single PDF file/dozens of PDF files into single page PDF files when converting EMF file to PDF file, where source file also could be WMF
  • the third and the forth examples tells you how to merge PDF files into one PDF file
  • -burstpdf: Burst PDF file into single page PDF files
  • -mergepdf <string>: Merge two PDF files into one PDF file
            -mergepdf "file1|file2|file3|...": Merge several PDF files into one
            -mergepdf "C:\*.pdf": Merge dozens of PDF files into one PDF file

also, if you want to set page range of PDF files, please see the following:

-mergepdf "C:\test.pdf*100-200*250-300": Extract page ranges from PDF file

  • emf2vec.exe: call executive file “emf2vec.exe”
  • D:\source.emf: specify source EMF file
  • ….*.emf is to specify dozens of EMF files one time for batch conversion
  • ….*.pdf is to specify dozens of PDF files one time for batch conversion
  • F:\target.pdf: specify output PDF file

In the end, please use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert EMF/WMF to PDF and burst/merge PDF through typed commands and parameters on Windows platforms, and then, targeting PDF files can be found in destination folder. Moreover, produced PDF files have high quality than you imagine!

After you know steps like above, to get both bursting and merging PDF files processed one time, you can create a BAT file and type commands above into it, then save them and close BAT file. To make process started, please double-click shortcut of this BAT file, so at last, bursting PDF files and merging PDF files could be processed

At last, thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert EMF/WMF to PDF and burst/merge PDF files through commands. To know more articles about this software, please keep visiting here. Thank you for your support! To get full version of this software, please go to order page of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter.

EMF to Vector Converter

How to set PDF bookmark in converting EMF/WMF to PDF

To convert EMF/WMF to PDF and set PDF bookmark through command line, please use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter  in Windows systems.

To know details, please do not go away and read the followings:

Step1. Download trial version of software 

First, please download package of free trial version here:

Download trial version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter

Then, please unzip this downloaded file so that you can use executive file later to run software in next process.

Step2. Run cmd.exe in your computer

Running cmd.exe helps you open command prompt window, which is running environment of commands. And after you launch it on screen, the next step guides you how to realize your own conversion.

Step3. Convert WMF/EMF to PDF and set PDF bookmark

In opened command prompt window, you can refer to following example to accomplish your own process:

emf2vec.exe -bookmark 1 C:\in.wmf C:\out.pdf

emf2vec.exe -bookmark 2 C:\in.wmf C:\out.pdf

emf2vec.exe -bookmark 3 C:\in.wmf C:\out.pdf

where parameter:

  • -bookmark <int>: Create bookmark to PDF file
    -bookmark 1: Use short filename as bookmarks
    -bookmark 2: Use full filename as bookmarks
    -bookmark 3: Use short filename without suffix as bookmarks

where directories:

  • emf2vec.exe: call executive file “emf2vec.exe”  
  • C:\in.wmf: specify input WMF file
  • C:\out.pdf: specify output PDF file

Then, after you convert WMF/EMF to PDF and set PDF bookmark through commands and parameters, then targeting PDF file could be added into destination folder directly. And then, you will find that it is so clear and qualified of PDF file!

So after you read the above, which is about how to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to cnvert WMF/EMF to PDF and set PDF information, welcome to get full version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter here. To know more articles about this application, please keep visiting here frequently, or you can bookmark this page for later visit conveniently, for we will update more articles about this software and other software. Thank you for your support here.

EMF to Vector Converter

How to edit PDF information when converting WMF to PDF

If you want to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert WMF to PDF and edit PDF information, maybe this article would be your best solution.

Here are details to use trial version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert WMF file to PDF file and set PDF information through command line as an example below:

1. Download trial version of software

Here is download entrance below:

Download VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter

After download, please extract its content to your computer, and then, trial version of this software could be in your computer, which can be used in later process of yours.

2. Open command prompt window

Command prompt window is operating environment of commands in Windows systems. You need to run cmd.exe to open it directly, so later on, you can type commands for your process.

3. Convert WMF file to PDF file and set PDF information

In opened command prompt window, your commands and parameters could be inputted there through referring to following example:

emf2vec.exe –producer “smith” –creator “verydoc” –title “PDF information” –author “verydoc.com” –keywords “WMF” –subject “subject” C:\in1.wmf C:\out1.pdf

where you may need to know:

  • emf2vec.exe: call executive file “emf2vec.exe”  
  • C:\in1.wmf: specify input WMF file
  • C:\out1.pdf: specify output PDF file
  • -producer <string>: Set 'producer' to PDF file
  • -creator <string>: Set 'creator' to PDF file
  • -subject <string>: Set 'subject' to PDF file
  • -title <string>: Set 'title' to PDF file
  • -author <string>: Set 'author' to PDF file
  • -keywords <string>: Set 'keywords' to PDF file

After your own commands and parameters are typed in command prompt, and you use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert WMF file to PDF file and set PDF information, do you think it is very convenient and simple to use this software to accomplish your process? And is it accurate to set PDF information and in PDF quality?

If you think this software suits your needs, please do not hesitate to buy full version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter right now.

At last, thank you for reading this article which is about using commands to convert WMF file to PDF file and set PDF information through VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter.

EMF to Vector Converter

How to set PDF margin during converting EMF to PDF

It is not complicated to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert EMF to PDF and set PDF margin in Windows systems through command line. To know more details, please keep reading this article here.

VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter enables Windows users to convert EMF/WMF to PDF, SWF, vector image files and raster image files, e.g., JPG, TIFF, EPS, WMF, EMF, PS, SVG, etc.. Furthermore, this utility enables developers to access the converter via any programming or scripting languages, e.g., Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc.. Generally, through this application, it is so simple and quick to accomplish any kinds of supports operations.

After you get short introduction of that software, why not have a try on it in the next conversion of yourself? However, you need to own trial version here directly:


Then, please follow steps below to edit PDF margin during converting EMF file to PDF file:

1. Run cmd.exe in your computer

Please run cmd in your computer so that targeting operating environment of commands could be opened on your screen, where you can type commands and parameters later.

2. Convert EMF file to PDF file and set PDF margin

After command prompt window pops out, please feel free to refer to following example to type your own commands and parameters for realizing process by yourself:

emf2vec.exe -margin 100x100x100x100 C:\in.emf D:\out.pdf

emf2vec.exe –margin 100x200x300x400 D:\source.wmf F:\target\pdf

And based on examples above, you need to know:

  • parameter to edit PDF margin:

-margin <string>: Set page margin to PDF file, e.g.,

-margin 10x10 : Set margin to 10pt to left,top
-margin 10x10x10: Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right
-margin 10x10x10x10: Set margin to 10pt to left,top,right,bottom

  • directories:

emf2vec.exe: path of executive file for running software

….emf/wmf: path of source EMF or WMF for specifying input file

….pdf: path of targeting PDF file for specifying output PDF file

After you type commands and parameters like above, you can use trial version of this software to convert EMF file to PDF file and edit PDF margin through commands, and then, your targeting PDF file with specified PDF margin could be produced into targeting folder so that you can review it on your screen, and you can find it is so perfect based on source EMF file.

Besides converting EMF file to PDF file and set PDF margin through commands, VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter also support converting WMF, RTF to supported formats mentioned above. So if you want to know more articles about this software, welcome to continue to read relevant articles here. Of course, to buy full version of this application, just click here:

Purchase VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter