PCL to PDF and Image Converter

How to batch encrypt PDF when converting PCL/PXL to PDF

Only several clicks can help you batch encrypt PDF when converting PCL/PXL to PDF through GUI interface of VeryDOC PCL Converter in Windows systems.

Here are steps to accomplish relevant process below:

Step1. Install trial version of software

Firstly, please download installer of this software from following icon:

Download VeryDOC PCL Converter

Then, please double-click this installer and follow setup wizard step by step to install trial version of this software in your computer. And then, it could be used by you directly.

Step2. Add source files

After you run trial version of this software on screen, please add source files through this way:

Drag and drop source files from one folder into processing table directly, or you can click File on toolbar > select Add File(s) on pop list > select right source files and click Open in pop dialog box, then they could be shown as paths in processing form directly, which means it is successful to add them.

Here is snapshot showing more information to you below:

Add source files during converting PXL to PDF through GUI interface

Step3. Set targeting file type and encrypt PDF files

After adding, please click Setting on GUI interface so that you can set targeting file type and get PDF encryption modes:

Click Setting > select tab Base Setting on that pop panel, then, please click .pdf on pop list of Output format so that targeting format will be PDF after conversion. However, it is not the end here, and then, please click tab PDF security > click check-box encrypt PDF files under that tab, and then, all encryption modes can be activated. So for us, you need to type user password, owner password (Master password), and then, optionally, you can set encryption level as 40 or 128 bits RC4, select owner permission, e.g., NO PRINTING, NO CHANGING THE DOCUMENT, etc.

And here is relevant snapshot below:

Encrypt PDF when converting PXL to PDF through GUI interface

At last, please click OK so that you can go back to GUI interface, along with successful saving here.

Step4. Set destination folder and convert PXL file to PDF file

Please click Start on GUI interface, and then, you can set one folder as targeting folder in pop dialog box > click Ok so that later on, you can get specific PDF files with PDF encryption added into targeting folder directly in your computer, after conversion.

Anyway, if you would like to know how perfect of PDF files are, maybe you can use your VeryDOC PCL Converter to convert PXL/PCL to PDF and batch encrypt PDF files later? At last, welcome to use full version of VeryDOC PCL Converter and thank you for reading this article here. ๐Ÿ™‚

PCL to PDF and Image Converter

How to convert PCL/PXL/PX3/PRN to PDF and set PDF information

This article aims to show you how to use VeryDOC PCL Converter to convert PCL/PX3/PXL/PRN to PDF and set PDF information through GUI interface in Windows platforms. To know more, please follow my thread in the next paragraphs.

Have you ever wanted to select a tool that helps you convert professional formats to other professional formats of images, including raster and vector? Have you ever been lost in which software contains not only GUI interface but also CMD? If so, welcome to know more about VeryDOC PCL Converter here.

This application allows Windows users to use GUI or command line to convert PCL/PRN/PXL/PX3 to PDF, raster image, vector image, vector file, e.g., PDF, etc.. Through its easy-to-use GUI interface, all supported operations, e.g., setting image resolution, image bit-count, image size, PDF encryption, etc,, could be accomplished when converting supported formats to image, PDF, etc..

All right, here, after you read description above, please do not go away, and to know more information about how to use this application to convert PRN/PX3/PXL/PCL to PDF and edit PDF information through GUI interface, please do not hesitate to read the followings. ๐Ÿ™‚

Step1. Download and Install

Download installer of VeryDOC PCL Converter here:

Download VeryDOC PCL Converter

Then, double-click this installer and follow setup wizard step by step till trial version of this application could be installed successfully in your computer. And, you also need to know that, when you finish installing GUI version here, trial version of CMD could be downloaded into installation folder automatically. ๐Ÿ™‚ (To know CMD operation, please check out other articles here)

Step2. Run software and add source files

After installation, please run your software and add source files after GUI interface is opened on screen:

Click File on toolbar > select Add Directory > choose one folder containing source files and click Ok, then, all source files in that folder could be added into processing table directly.

Step3. Set destination format and PDF information

After source files adding, please click Setting on GUI interface to:

Get pop panel > click tab Base Setting > select .pdfย  on pop list of Output format, then, change to click another tab PDF Info, then, please type targeting information about TITLE, KEYWORDS, AUTHOR, SUBJECT, which is as shown as following snapshot:

Set targeting format and edit PDF information during converting PRN to PDF

Then, please click OK there so that along with successful saving here, program can take you back to GUI interface of your opened software.

Step4. Select targeting folder and start conversion

After all basic work has been done like above, please click Start on GUI interface, then, select right folder in pop dialog box > click OK so that VeryDOC PCL Converter starts to help you convert PX3/PCL/PRN/PXL to PDF and set PDF information directly, and later on, your targeting PDF files with specific PDF information could be added into targeting folder directly.

By now, thank you for reading this article here to know how to use VeryDOC PCL Converter to convert PX3/PRN/PXL/PCL to PDF and set PDF information. For CMD articles about this software, welcome to visit here frequently for we will update new CMD articles later. And also, if you think this application captures you totally, please do not hesitate to use full version of VeryDOC PCL Converter from today!

PCL to PDF and Image Converter

How to customize image resolution when converting PCL/PXL to image

This article would like to show you how to use VeryDOC PCL Converter to convert PCL/PXL to image and set image resolution through GUI interface on Windows platforms.

If you do not know what is VeryDOC PCL Converter, please firstly read this paragraph:

VeryDOC PCL Converter allows Windows users and developers, command line users to convert PCL/PXL/PX3/PRN to image, PDF, etc. singly or in batches. Through this application, users can accomplish setting image resolution, image bit-count, image size, PDF information, image page size, PDF encryption, etc.. In general, once you own VeryDOC PCL Converter, lots of operations based on supported conversions could be fulfilled professionally.

To know how to use this application to convert PXL/PCL to image and customize image resolution through GUI, please keep reading this article.

Step1. Run software and add source files

Please open GUI interface of this software after you install it in your computer from hyperlink above, then, you need to add source files through one of ways:

  • Drag and drop source files into processing form on GUI interface
  • Click Add File(s) > select source files and click Open in pop dialog box
  • Click File on toolbar > select Add Directories on pop list > select source folder containing source files > click Ok

Finally, selected source files could be added into processing form directly, which is as shown as snapshot below:

Add source files during converting PXL to image with GUI interface

Step2. Set targeting format and customize image resolution

After adding, you need to click Setting on GUI interface, then you can set targeting format and image resolution:

Click Setting on GUI interface, then setting panel can be opened on screen, where you need to click tab Base Setting > select right image format, e.g., .jpg on pop list of Output format, here is relevant snapshot below:

Set targeting format during converting PXL to image with GUI interface

Then, after that, please click tab Save Image Mode > select right resolution on pop list of Image Resolution or just type proper image resolution in edit box there. Here is relevant snapshot below:

Set image resolution during converting PXL to image with GUI interface

At last, to make software save these settings here, please click OK so that you can go back to GUI interface along with quick saving.

Step3. Select targeting folder and start conversion

After setting like above, please do not hesitate to click Start on GUI interface, for it can bring you a dialog box, where you can set targeting folder, and then, please click OK there, so software can start to convert PXL/PCL to image and customize image resolution. And finally, you can find new targeting image files with specific image resolution are added into destination folder in your own computer, after you use your own software like above.

Here is the end of this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC PCL Converter to convert PXL/PCL to image and customize resolution through GUI interface. So if you want to know more articles about this application based on GUI and CMD, please go on visiting here frequently. Anyway, to get full version of this software, please do not hesitate to click following icon:

Purchase full version of VeryDOC PCL Converter

PCL to PDF and Image Converter

How to edit image size during converting PX3/PRN/PXL/PCL to image

It is not a problem to convert PX3/PRN/PXL/PCL to image and set image size through command line on Windows platforms.

Here are details below:

First of all, please allow me to introduce you a software โ€“ VeryDOC PCL Converter. This application is a combination of CMD and GUI, which helps you quickly convert PCL and PXL print files to Adobe Acrobat PDF files as well as PS, Postscript, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, PCX, PXL files. This utility is the fastest and most accurate converter of PCL, PXL, PX3 to PDF, PS, TIFF and other distribution formats. With VeryDOC PCL Converter, integrated high-volume batch conversion into your server-based application or workflow could be realized professionally through GUI and CMD.

Here is download entrance of trial version of this application below:

Download VeryDOC PCL Converter

Then, if you wish to know how to use this application to convert PCL/PX3/PRN/PXL to image and set image size through GUI interface, please read the followings:

Step1. Run software and add source files

Double-click shortcut of this application so that GUI interface could be opened on screen, where you need to click Add File(s) > select source supported files in pop dialog box > click Open, finally, selected files could be added as directories in processing form directly. Here is relevant snapshot below:

Add source files during converting PCL to image through GUI interface

Or, to get quick adding, please drag and drop your source files into processing form directly. And to add dozens of source files quickly and directly, please click File on toolbar > select Add Directory on dropdown list > select one folder containing many source files > click ok, then they could be added one time onto processing form.

Step2. After adding, please click Setting on GUI interface in order to open setting panel for targeting format and properties, e.g.:

Click Setting, then on setting panel โ€“ VeryPDF PCL Converter v2.6, please click tab Base Setting > select one of image formats on dropdown list of Output format, which could be referred to as below:

Set targeting image format during converting PCL to image

Then, you need to click one of page size modes on dropdown list of Page Size, then, click OK so that program helps you save these settings and takes you back to GUI interface.

Step3. When you go back to GUI interface, itโ€™s time to click Start so that program can offer you a dialog box for you to choose right destination folder, and then after that, please click OK so that VeryDOC PCL Converter starts to convert PCL files to image files of TIFF, for example. And then, targeting image files with specific page size could be produced into destination folder directly, which you can preview in your own computer, in case you follow our steps like above to accomplish your process.

Finally, as you can tell, here is the end of this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC PCL Converter to convert PX3/PXL/PCL/PRN to image and set image size through GUI interface. And if you think this software can satisfy you, please do not hesitate to get full version of VeryDOC PCL Converter. And to know more CMD conversion about this application, please keep concentrating here. Thank you for your support here. ๐Ÿ™‚

PCL to PDF and Image Converter


This article would like to show you how to use VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter to convert PCL/PRN/PXL/PX3 to PDF/PS/TIFF/JPG/PCX/BMP/PXL through command line on Windows platforms.

First of all, please download package of trial version software here:

Download VeryDOC PCL Converter

Then, extract content from downloaded package to your computer, and then, your trial version could be used later in next process.

After download and extraction, please open command prompt window through running cmd.exe, for it is operating environment of commands on Windows platforms.

Then, in opened command prompt window, please refer to following example to convert PX3/PRN/PXL/PCL to PDF/PS/JPG/TIFF/PCX/BMP/PXL accordingly:

pcltool.exe C:\in1.pcl C:\out1.pdf

pcltool.exe C:\in2.pxl C:\out2.ps

pcltool.exe C:\in3.prn C:\out3.jpg

pcltool.exe C:\in4.px3 C:\out4.tif

where you need to know:

  • pcltool.exe is to call executive file โ€œpcltool.exeโ€ for running software itself
  • C:\in1.pcl is to specify source file of PCL, other source paths contain same meaning
  • C:\out1.pdf is to specify targeting PDF file, other targeting paths contain same meaning

When you finish typing commands and parameters like above, you can convert PCL/PRN/PX3/PXL to PS/PDF/JPG/TIFF/PCX/BMP/PXL in command prompt window. Then, targeting files could be added into destination folder directly.

To buy full version of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter, please go to purchase page of VeryDOC EMF to Vector Converter.

Extension Knowledge:

PCL, digital printed document created in the Printer Command Language (PCL) page description language; describes the layout of text and graphics for the document; originally used by Hewlett-Packard printers in the 1980s and now used by HP LaserJet printers and others; widely used but offers fewer features than the PostScript (.PS) format. PCL files can be created from the Windows print dialog by redirecting the print output to a file using a compatible PCL driver. They can also be created in Unix systems by redirecting the printer queue to a file. PCL files can be printed to any HP LaserJet printer by opening the Windows command prompt and typing print file.pcl. In Unix, you can type lpr file.pcl.

Finally, thank you for reading this article here and thank you for your support here!