How to change image resolution in converting PDF to image
To change image resolution in converting PDF to image, VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter can help you with that immediately.
VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter allows Windows users to convert PDF files to various image files, e.g., TIF, JPG, BMP, PNG, TGA, TIFF, etc.. In addition, this application lets you set image option, e.g., image size, image color depth, image resolution, etc.. For more information about this application, please do not hesitate to log on homepage of this software from hyperlink above. 🙂
Here is quick entrance for you to download trial version of VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter below:
Then, if you want to convert PDF to specific resolution image through commands by yourself, maybe you can follow me in the next paragraphs. 🙂
Step1. Open command prompt window
You need to click Start > select Run on start menu > type cmd.exe in pop dialog box > click ok, and then, targeting command prompt could be opened, which is running environment of commands for Windows systems.
Step2. Convert PDF file to image files and set image resolution flexibly
To make your own process smoothly, maybe the following examples can help you with that more:
pdf2img.exe –xres 300 –yres 300 C:\in.pdf C:\out.gif
pdf2img.exe –xres 400 –yres 200 C:\in.pdf C:\out.jpg
pdf2img.exe –xres 330 –yres 200 C:\in.pdf C:\out.bmp
pdf2img.exe –xres 250 –yres 100 C:\in.pdf C:\out.png
where you may need to know:
- -xres <int>: xresolution, in DPI (default is 150)
- -yres <int>: yresolution, in DPI (default is 150)
- pdf2img.exe: call executive file “pdf2img.exe” for running software
- C:\in.pdf: specify input PDF file
- C:\out.gif/jpg/bmp/png: specify output image file
After you use VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to image files with specific image resolution like above, you will get targeting image files in destination folder. And so they could be previewed. 🙂
Did you use VeryDOC PDF to Image Converter to convert PDF file to image files with specified image resolution by yourself? Is it simple for you to operate? However, anyway, just thank you for reading this article here. And of course, this application can help you with more aspect than only this function, and to know more articles here, please keep visiting here. At last, for full version of this utility, please do not hesitate to click following icon: