Raster to Vector Converter

How to convert PDF/raster image to vector and suppress speckles

In this article, the problem about how to convert PDF/raster to vector image and suppress speckles is not a problem any more, for VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line will help you with that. To know more details about this process, welcome to read this article here. 🙂

Here is trial version of VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line below, and after you download ZIP file and extract its content to your computer, then, trial version application is yours, which always watermark produced vector files.

Download VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

Only several paths and one parameter can enable this process, so why not have a try on converting raster file to vector file and suppress speckles by yourself?

Step1. Run command prompt

Command prompt is operating environment of commands on Windows platforms, so you need to click hotkey Windows + R > type cmd.exe and click ok in pop dialog box to pop it on screen directly. And then, process can be carried out there. 🙂

Step2. Input command line

Conversion from raster image to vector file like following example could be permitted to process, so firstly you need to understand these examples:

Raster2Vector.exe -speckle 10 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf

Raster2Vector.exe -speckle 6 C:\in.pdf C:\out.eps


  • Raster2Vector.exe: call software to use it
  • C:\in.png/pdf: specify input raster file of PNG or PDF separately
  • C:\out.pdf/eps: specify output vector file of PDF or EPS separately
  • -speckle <int>: suppress speckles of up to this size (default 2)

After commands and parameters like above are typed and conversion is started, please check destination folder and then, you will find targeting vector file with specific speckle correctness in that folder. And in each setting on correcting speckles, different result on vector files can be found due to int of parameter “-speckle”.

Is it interesting to you? However, there are other properties that VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line could do, besides suppressing speckles from raster file to vector file through commands. So, welcome to visit here frequently and then, you can know more of different operations. And to get this software for good, which can help you remove watermark, please check following entrance:

Purchase VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

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Raster to Vector Converter

How to set line color and fill color when converting raster image to vector image

Only several steps can help you convert raster to vector image and set line color of vector image and fill color through VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line, which supports so many input formats of raster files and output formats of vector files. To know more details, please do not go away and read the followings. 🙂

First of all, it is essential to download trial version software from following entrance:

Download trial version of VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

Then, after you get trial version, here are steps to use this application to convert raster file to vector file and set line color of vector file:

First, run cmd.exe to open command prompt, for it is operating environment of commands for Windows platforms. Second, please refer to the following examples to type commands and parameters in your command prompt:

Raster2Vector.exe -linecolor #FF0000 C:\in.jpg C:\out.svg

Raster2Vector.exe -fillcolor #FF0F00 C:\in.jpg C:\out.svg


  • -linecolor <string>: set line color #rrggbb (default black)
  • -fillcolor <string>  : set fill color #rrggbb (default transparent)
  • Raster2Vector.exe: run application through typing path of executive file “Raster2Vector.exe”
  • C:\in.jpg: specify source raster file of JPG
  • C:\out.svg: specify targeting vector file of SVG, also targeting format could be another supported one, e.g., PS, etc.

Extension Knowledge:

Line color is the choice of any number of pigments that suit the display. Sometimes a sheen or gloss is used as well as color to set the contour lines apart from the base map. Line colour can be varied to show other information. In the case where the data represented by the lines are the primary subject of the map, shading called layer tints, which is the use of hue between different isarithmic lines, is often added to make the map easier to read. However when elevation contours are used, the method is called hypsometric tints. The options for layer tints are lightness (tonal value) with darker shades representing greater amounts; double-ended; and spectral sequences. This uses can be appreaciated on temperature as well as elevation maps.

After you get specific line color and fill color set between paths, please start to convert raster image to vector image through software, and then, this conversion could be processed quickly. And later, vector image with specific line color can display in destination folder.

So, after you got methods to convert raster image to vector image and set line color of vector image and fill color, here is quick entrance for you to purchase VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line:

Purchase VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

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Raster to Vector Converter

How to remove white space from input raster image to vector image

The application VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line is a professional tool for Windows users to convert raster to vector files singly or in batches and set popular options on vector files, and of course, it supports removing white space from raster file to vector file.

VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line is a command line tool and it also can convert curves and splines of bitmap to vector and change Color from raster file to vector file through parameters, etc.. For more details about this software, it is easy to visit its homepage directly.

And here are knowledge about raster image and vector image:

There are two kinds of computer graphics - raster (composed of pixels) and vector (composed of paths). Raster images are more commonly called bitmapimages. A bitmap image uses a grid of individual pixels where each pixel can be a different color or shade. Bitmaps are composed of pixels. Vector graphics use mathematical relationships between points and the paths connecting them to describe an image. Vector graphics are composed of paths. The image to the left below is representative of a bitmap and the image to the right is representative of a vector graphic.

Next, you can get exact operations about how to remove white space from input raster image to vector image through commands:

Step1. Please run operating environment of commands

After you get trial version of VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line, you need to know, command operating environment is command prompt in Windows systems, so you can click Start > select Run on start menu > input cmd.exe and click ok in pop dialog box, and then, you can get command prompt on your screen.

Step2. Convert raster image to vector image

Here are some examples that can be understood easily with their explanations:

Raster2Vector.exe -tight C:\in.png C:\out.eps

Raster2Vector.exe -tight C:\in.bmp C:\out.pgm

Raster2Vector.exe -tight C:\in.gif C:\out.dxf

And here are relevant explanations:

  • -tight: remove whitespace around the input image
  • Raster2Vector.exe: run this application through calling executive file “Raster2Vector.exe”
  • C:\in.png/bmp/gif: specify source raster file separately
  • C:\out.eps/pgm/dxf: specify output EPS/PGM/DXF

After you finish converting raster file to image file with white space of raster removed, targeting vector file can be found in destination folder. And here is the end of this conversion through commands on Windows platforms.

So, by now, it is positive that how to remove white space from input raster image to vector image has already been absorbed by yourself. And for more articles about this application, just keep visiting here. Of course, here can have articles about other applications, so why not bookmark this page for later easy visit? And at last, to buy VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line, please click following icon directly:

Purchase VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

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Raster to Vector Converter

How to convert PDF/raster image to vector and set margin

This article can tell you tips of how to convert PDF/raster to vector file and set margin of vector file.

The application we will use later is VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line. This utility supports lots of operations through command line and parameters, such as conversion from PDF to EMF of specific margin, process from JPG to SVG of specific resolution, etc.. All I want to say is that this software is really worth your try. And here are quick entrances for you to download and purchase trial versions below:

Download VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line                         Purchase VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

After getting trial version in your computer, I think you can start to read the following paragraphs and then your process from raster file to vector file with specific margin.

First, it is basic to run cmd.exe to open command prompt window, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems. And you can follow steps below to open it directly:

Click Windows + R hotkey in order to get dialog box, then, in this dialog box, please input cmd.exe and click ok, at last, it pops on screen quickly. 🙂

Then, after command prompt, to make your process smoothly later, maybe it is a good idea to understand the following examples:

Raster2Vector.exe -margin 30pt C:\in.tif C:\out.pdf

Raster2Vector.exe -lmargin 10pt -tmargin 10pt -rmargin 10pt -bmargin 10pt C:\in.png C:\out.ps


  • -margin <string>: set margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  • -lmargin <string>: set left margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  • -rmargin <string>: set right margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  • -tmargin <string>: set top margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt
  • -bmargin <string>: set bottom margin to output file, unit: in/cm/pt

Did you finish typing commands and parameters like me? Then, just click Enter in command prompt so that VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line can start to process your conversion instantly, and as you can tell, just a few seconds later, your vector file with flexible margin could be produced, and then, you can check properties so that you can see it is exact for this application to give specific margin.

Well, if you read here, it means you get tips to use VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line to convert PDF/raster file to vector file with specific margin. And so, if you have any questions about this article, please feel free to leave your comments here. 🙂

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Raster to Vector Converter

How to set output vector resolution when converting raster files to vector

This article would like to tell you how to use VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line to convert raster to vector through command line in Windows systems.

Please read the followings if you want to know how to realize it with trial version of this application, and you also need to know that there will be watermarks in vector image:

Step1. Download trial version software

You can get trial version of this application from following entrance:

Download VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

Then, you can use it for later conversion.

Step2. Run cmd.exe in your computer

You may ask why we need to run cmd.exe, however, it is elementary to open running environment of commands in Windows systems, which is named command prompt. After it pops on screen, commands and parameters could be typed in right place later.

Step3. Convert raster file to vector files and set output vector resolution

After prepared work is done, here are several examples for you to refer to below:

Raster2Vector.exe -res 300 C:\in.png C:\out.pdf

Raster2Vector.exe -res 435 C:\in.tif C:\out.ps

Raster2Vector.exe -res 268 C:\in.pdf C:\out.svg

where you may need to know:

  • Raster2Vector.exe: call executive file “Raster2Vector.exe” for running software
  • C:\in.png/tif/pdf: specify source raster image file of PNG/TIF or source PDF file
  • C:\out.pdf/ps/svg: specify targeting vector file of PDF/PS/SVG
  • -res <string>: resolution (in dpi)

After basic work like above is done, please do not hesitate to use VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line to convert raster file to vector file with edited output vector resolution separately. Then, vector file can be produced, and your conversion is complete!

Well, it is very simple to convert raster file to vector file with specific output vector resolution, right? So, now, to know more articles about this software, please keep visiting here frequently. And here is full version of VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line:

Purchase VeryDOC Raster to Vector Converter Command Line

Thank you for reading this article and thank you for your support here. 🙂

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