PDF Editor

How to create PDF and edit PDF content

To know how to create PDF and edit PDF content, please use VeryDOC PDF Editor.

VeryDOC PDF Editor allows you to create file of PDF with PDF content edited through GUI interface. Through this GUI interface, users can also convert image to PDF and convert PDF to image flexibly. This application offers two installers, PDF Editor OCX Control (ActiveX) and PDF Viewer OCX Control (ActiveX). Developers can build functions of editing or viewing PDF in their developed Windows applications. Here I would like to offer you viewer installer, and for another package, please go to its homepage to search:

Download trial installer of VeryPDF PDF Editor

To know details to create file of PDF and edit PDF content, welcome to continue to read this article: 🙂

Step1. Run software to add source supported image file

Double-click shortcut of this application, so its GUI interface can be opened on screen. And then, please do the followings to add source image file:

Click hotkey Ctrl + O to open dialog box Open on screen, and then, you need to select one file in there and click Open, and finally, selected file can be previewed in GUI interface of this application directly. 🙂

Step2. Create PDF with PDF content edited flexibly

After source file adding, you can edit PDF content flexibly with this way:

Click Edit Content on toolbar in GUI interface, and then, you can process editing setting, e.g., copy content, cut image content, etc.. Also, to add text in added image file, please click T+ in toolbar, and then, in pop window, please type text content, whose font size and color, etc. can be set flexibly, and finally, please click OK, so program allows you to add typed text into added image file directly.

Here is a relevant snapshot you can refer to below:

Edit PDF content during creating PDF with VeryPDF PDF Editor

After editing PDF content, please click hotkey ctrl + shift + s there, and then, a dialog box gives you a hint to set targeting folder. After you set destination folder there, please click save so that PDF file with edited content can be produced in targeting folder directly.

Finally, after description about how to use VeryPDF PDF Editor to create file of PDF with edited PDF content, if you need full version of this application, which offers you PDF file without watermarks, please feel free to click following icon to purchase it online, all you need is just $89.95!

Purchase VeryPDF PDF Editor 

PDF Editor

How to convert PDF to image(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF/)

This article is about how to convert PDF to image(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF) with VeryPDF PDF Editor on Windows platforms.

VeryPDF PDF Editor is a professional tool for Windows users to edit PDF files and convert image to PDF and convert PDF files to image files, e.g., JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF, etc. flexibly on both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows platforms. To know more details about this application, please go to its homepage directly.

Here are steps to use VeryPDF PDF Editor to convert PDF file to image file(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF) below:

Step1. Download and install

Please firstly download installer of its trial version, and then, double-click this installer in your computer, and follow setup wizard step by step to install this trial version software in your computer.

Download trial version VeryPDF PDF Editor

Step2. Open GUI interface to add source PDF file

After installation, please run trial version of this application in your computer, and then, click hotkey Ctrl + O to add source PDF file into GUI interface so that it can be previewed in GUI interface.

Step3. Convert PDF to image(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF)

After adding source PDF file, please set targeting folder for saving produced image file by clicking hotkey Shift + Ctrl + S in your computer, and then, in pop dialog box Save As, you can select right destination folder there, and then, set targeting file type of image as JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF through directly checking one of them on pop list Save as type. Of course, this software supports other image formats, too, and you can check them at its homepage of overview. 🙂

Here is snapshot about setting PDF file to image file that you may need to refer to below:

Convert PDF to image(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF) with VeryPDF PDF Editor

And then, after you click Save in that dialog box, VeryPDF PDF Editor starts to help you process added PDF file to image file directly. And then, targeting image file can be added into destination folder directly. And you will see the quality of produced image file is so good than you ever imagine. 🙂

After you know how to use VeryPDF PDF Editor to convert PDF file to image file(JPG/TIF/GIF/EMF), welcome to use full version from following icon:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF Editor

PDF Editor

How to create PDF from image(EMF/WMF/BMP/JPG/GIF/TIFF/PNG/TGA/PCX)

VeryPDF PDF Editor helps you create PDF from image(EMF/WMF/BMP/JPG/GIF/TIFF/PNG/TGA/PCX) on Windows platforms.

VeryPDF PDF Editoris a helpful application for viewing, editing and annotating PDF. Through this application, PDF files could be created directly from other image files. Moreover, images on system clipboard could be also created to PDF.  Most important, it can edit text, hyperlinks and other elements of PDF, and add comments and annotations to PDF. Besides converting to PDF, this utility also convert PDF to other formats. With its user-friendly interface, any user can quickly learn how to use it. 🙂

After brief introduction about this software, here are steps to use it to create PDF file from image (EMF/WMF/BMP/JPG/GIF/TIFF/PNG/TGA/PCX) below:

Step1. Install trial version software

It is basic to own this software firstly and then, you can use it for your process later, so please feel free to download its installer from following icon:

Download installer of VeryPDF PDF Editor

Then, to install this application in your computer, double-click this installer so that you can follow setup wizard step by step to install it successfully. 🙂

Step2. Add source image file

It is easy for you to drag and drop source image file into GUI interface of this software. Or click hotkey Ctrl + O to open dialog box to select one and click Open there, and finally, selected image file can be previewed in GUI interface directly, and here is snapshot you may need to check:

Open image file in GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF Editor

Step3. Create PDF file from added image file

After adding source image, you can click File on toolbar > select Save As on pop list so that program can distribute you a dialog box again, where you need to set targeting folder for saving PDF file, after you select Save As Type as PDF File (*.pdf), and then, click Save so that VeryPDF PDF Editor starts to help you create file of PDF from added image file directly. By the way, if you want to quickly accomplish this action, just click hotkey ctrl + shift + s to open Save As dialog box, and then, continue steps to fulfill final goal. 🙂

Here is snapshot about this action for you to refer to below:

Create PDF from added image through VeryPDF PDF Editor

Here is the end of how to use VeryPDF PDF Editor to create file of PDF from image(EMF/WMF/BMP/JPG/GIF/TIFF/PNG/TGA/PCX) on Windows platforms. For full version of this application, welcome to click following icon to purchase it:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF Editor

DOC to Any Converter

How to convert html file to rtf in batch without Office installed?

   In this article, I will show you how to convert html file to rtf file in batch without Office installed.  If you have Office installed, you can save the html file as rtf file directly.  But you can not do the conversion in batch even if you have Office software installed.  So  in this article, I will show you how to do the conversion from html to rtf in batch

First, download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter.

  • This software is command line version and do not have software interface. If you are not familiar with command line software, this software is not good for you.  If you need to more about this software, please visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter.
  • Downloading finishes, please unzip the file then check the elements in it.
  • Here I will make a brief introduction for this software: it can be used to batch convert DOC, DOCX, DOCM, RTF, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, OpenOffice ODT, HTML, MHTML files to PDF, Postscript, PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, PCL, HPGL, HTML, MHTML, RTF, Text, XML, JPG, TIFF, EMF, WMF, BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, etc.

Second, run the conversion from html to rtf.

Usage:DOC2Any [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]
Example: doc2any.exe C:\in.html C:\out.rtf
Batch conversion: for %F in (D:\test\*.html) do "doc2any.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.rtf"

By this way, you conversion the html to rtf in batch without Office software installed. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot.

input html file and output rtf file
   Fig. 1. input html file and output rtf file

Converting between printable file is not this software strong point, it behaves extremely good when converting all the printable file to PDF file or image file. Most of the parameters are designed for when the output file format is PDF.  I can not list all of them here, please check them in the readme.txt. 

All the VeryDOC software allows you to try tens of times.  So please free experience it then let your feeling gives you the best answer.  During the using, if you have any question, please contact us by the ways supported on our support website.

PDF Printer

How to create PDF and email PDF without logging in email account

To create PDF and email PDF without logging in email account, please use VeryDOC PDF Printer in Windows systems.

VeryDOC PDF Printer supports running in both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows systems to help you print any printable files to PDF files instantly in many PDF properties, including PDF encryption, PDF information, PDF font embedding, etc.. Here are trial versions of 32 bits and 64 bits for you to download:

Download 32 bits VeryDOC PDF Printer                       Download 64 bits VeryDOC PDF Printer

Then, you can use it to realize creating PDF file and email PDF file without logging in email account directly through example to create file of PDF from Excel:

Step1. Open Excel file and set virtual printer

After you open printable file, e.g., Excel file, please click hotkey Ctrl + P to open Print panel on screen, and then, click PDFcamp Printer on dropdown list Name so that virtual printer for later process can be set as VeryDOC PDF Printer.

Here is snapshot for you to refer to below:

Set VeryDOC PDF Printer as virtual printer

Step2. Set email issues on VeryDOC PDF Printer

After preparing source printable file and set virtual printer, please click Properties on Print panel, and then, click tab Email on pop Properties panel on screen, so you can edit email issues like this:

  • Click check-box Sent mail directly through SMTP server in order to activate functions below this checkbox
  • Then, you can type email editor, email receiver, email content, email CC address, email Boc address, email subject in related edit-boxes
  • Set Outgoing SMTP Server by typing server in edit box, e.g., Yahoo SMTP server

Here is related snapshot you may need to check:

Set email issues during creating PDF with virtual printer

But it is not over in email issue setting, also you need to click Setting to edit authentication account – input email account name and password, and then, please click Ok to let program remember them and go back to Properties panel again.

Set authentication email account during creating PDF and email PDF via virtual printer

Step3. Create file of PDF and email PDF without logging in email account

After you go back to Properties panel, please click OK there, so these setting can be saved and you can go back to Print panel.

On Print panel, click OK there, and then, after you set targeting folder in pop dialog box, please click Save there, and later on, created PDF file can be produced into that folder, and meanwhile, it can be done to email this created PDF file, too.

Here is snapshot of dialog box for selecting destination folder for PDF file:

Set targeting folder for creating PDF file and email PDF file

And of course, you can set two email address under that email tab, so you can know how smart VeryDOC PDF Printer is after you get email in one email box from another email. 🙂

After you get created PDF and email it, you can get full versions of 32 bits and 64 bits VeryDOC PDF Printer here, if you want to get created PDF file without watermarks via virtual printer:

Purchase 32 bits VeryDOC PDF Printer                        Purchase 64 bits VeryDOC PDF Printer