PDF to Word Converter

How to remove graphics and pictures from PDF to Word

To remove graphics and pictures from PDF to Word, please do not hesitate to use VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter.

VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter helps you singly or batch convert PDF file to Word file on both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows platforms. Besides, it supports converting specified pages of PDF files to Word files, set reconstruction mode from PDF file to Word file, and remove pictures and graphics from PDF file to Word file directly. And in the next paragraphs, you will know how to realize removing graphics and pictures from PDF file to Word file through GUI interface below:

Step1. Download and Install

First, click following icon to get installer of trial version software, and then, double-click this installer > follow setup wizard step by step to install this software in your computer:

Download VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

And then, you can refer to following steps to get your own process complete. 🙂

Step2. Open GUI interface and add source PDF file

After installation, please double-click shortcut to open its GUI interface, and then, drag and drop source PDF file into GUI interface to add it for process later, and then, program provides you with a panel automatically.

Here is snapshot of GUI interface of this application below:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Step3. Set removing mode for PDF pictures and graphics

Then, please click tab Graphics on this pop panel Preferences, and then, to remove graphics from PDF file to Word file later, please click check-box Delete All Graphics (Line, Arc, etc.), likely, to remove pictures from PDF file to Word file, please click check-box Delete All Pictures.

Here is snapshot about Properties panel where you can remove graphics and pictures from PDF file to Word file:

Properties panel where you can remove graphics and pictures from PDF to Word

And finally, please click OK on this panel so that all setting here could be saved directly.

Step4. Convert PDF file to Word file

After setting preparation to remove graphics and pictures from PDF file to Word file, in dialog box program offers you, choose targeting folder for saving produced Word file and click Save, and then, with the help of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter, produced Word file can be added into targeting folder in your computer, which contains no pictures and graphics anymore. 🙂

However, you will find that there are watermarks on printed Word files after conversion from PDF file to Word file, which is effect of trial version software. So to get full version, please click following icon to get it:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

PDF to Word Converter

How to convert specified pages of PDF to Word

The utility VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter allows you to convert specified pages from PDF to Word on both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows platforms. The following paragraphs will tell you more if you are interested in them.

VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter is able to help you convert PDF file to Word file and set character space from PDF file to Word file, merge pictures from PDF file to Word file, etc., and even for specified pages of PDF conversion, this application still can assist you very conveniently. For more information about this process, please do not hesitate to read the followings.

However, first of all, please feel free to download trial version of this application below:

Download VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

And then, after you double-click this installer downloaded from above, trial version of this application could be used later. There is something you need know, which is trial version of this utility automatically watermark Word files, so to get full version, please go to order page:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

And here are steps to use this software to fulfill our process from PDF file to Word file:

Step1. Run software and add source PDF file

Please double-click shortcut of this software, and then, click File on toolbar > select Open on dropdown list > select right PDF file in pop dialog box > click Open, then, this PDF file is added for this process.:P

Here is snapshot about GUI interface of this software below:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Step2. Set specified pages flexibly

Then, after adding successfully, on pop panel named Properties program provides you with, please click tab General there, so you can refer to followings to set specified pages of PDF to convert later:

  • Click Selected Pages on dropdown list Page Range
  • After edit-boxes From and To have been activated, type page numbers in edit-boxes From and To, e.g., 2 and 6 in them separately, so, targeting pages from 2 to 6 of PDF file can be prepared to convert later
  • Click OK on this panel so that program helps you save setting here

Here is snapshot about Properties panel used to edit specified pages of PDF file below:

Set specified pages of PDF file during converting PDF to Word through GUI interface

Step3. Convert specified pages of PDF file to Word file

On GUI interface again, please set targeting folder in pop dialog box which is automatically popped on screen, and then, please click Save in that dialog box directly, so, after a while, added specified pages of PDF can be converted to Word file directly. 🙂

Here, as you know, we have finished process from specified pages of PDF file to Word file, but did you do this process by yourself? If so, and you need to avoid watermarks on produced Word file, please click following icon to purchase full version of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter from above.

PDF to Word Converter

How to edit character space manually or automatically from PDF to Word

This article is about how to use VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter to edit character space manually or automatically from PDF to Word on both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows platforms.

Here are details to use trial version of this application to edit character space manually or automatically from PDF file to Word file through GUI interface below:

Step1. Download and Install

Please download installer from following icon:

Download VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Then, double-click this installer in your computer to install this software in your computer step by step till the end. Then, trial version software can be yours.

Step2. Add PDF file and edit character space manually or automatically

Then, open GUI interface of this application, and drag and drop PDF file into GUI interface in order to add this PDF file for this conversion. And, program provides you with a panel named Properties on screen, so you can do the followings to edit character space manually or automatically:

  • Click tab Reconstruction Mode on Properties panel, and then, click radio PDF2Word v1.x compatible options > type integer in edit-box Space between characters, for instance, edit 92 in it - How to edit character space manually or automatically from PDF to Word , or you can use How to edit character space manually or automatically from PDF to Word to adjust integer in edit-box directly, and this is the way of editing character space manually
  • Click radio Auto process the space on this panel in order to make program auto-process character spaces -

Here are snapshot about GUI interface and settings on Properties panel below:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Edit character space from PDF to Word through GUI interface

Finally, please click OK on this panel directly so that program saves setting here and provides you with another dialog box.

Step3. Convert PDF file to Word file with specific character space

In this dialog box program provides, please set targeting folder and click Save, and then, later on, you can get targeting Word file with specific character space in your computer.

Did you follow my steps above to fulfill your process in your computer? Is it easy? Right? Good, then, for full version of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter, please go to purchase page from below:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Here is the end of this article which is about how to use VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter to convert PDF file to Word file with edited character spaces on both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows platforms.

PDF to Word Converter

How to merge images of PDF to Word background

It is simple to use VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter to merge images of PDF to Word background on Windows platforms.

Here are some information about this software, if you are interested in it:

VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter is a combination software that helps you edit and reuse PDF contents by exporting the text, images and other contents from PDF files into Microsoft Word (DOC / DOCX) and Rich Text Format (RTF). The text, images, fonts and layouts of the original PDF files will be exactly preserved in the converted Word documents. After short introduction about this application, please feel free to read this following for more details of this process:

Step1. Please install trial version software

You need to firstly download installer from following icon:

Download trial version of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Then, please do not hesitate to double-click this installer and follow setup wizard step by step to install this software in your computer.

Step2. Open software and add source PDF file

Please double-click shortcut of this application, and then, drag and drop a PDF file you want to convert into its GUI interface directly, so, finally, this PDF file could be added for this process automatically.

This is snapshot you may be interested in:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Step3. Set merging image mode

After adding, program gives you a panel named Preferences, and then, please click tab Reconstruction Mode > click check-box Merge pictures into background, and then, click OK in this panel, so program helps you save your setting here of merging pictures into background and offers you another dialog box.

Here is snapshot about Preferences where you can set merging mode below:

Set merging image mode during converting PDF to Word through GUI interface

Step4. Convert PDF file to Word file with merged images

After setting merging images mode, please select right folder as destination folder in pop dialog box, and then, please click Save there, and finally, you can get Word file from added PDF file whose background contains PDF images directly in destination folder.

As you can tell, it is easy to merge images of PDF file to Word background through GUI interface, so if you want to use full version of this application, please do not hesitate to click following icon:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

PDF to Word Converter

How to set reconstruction mode from PDF to Word through GUI

This article aims to show you how to use VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter to convert PDF to Word and set reconstruction mode through GUI interface on both 32 bits and 64 bits Windows platforms.

Please read the followings to know more details to set reconstruction mode from PDF file to Word file via GUI interface.

First of all, please download installer of this software from following icon:

Download VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Then, please install this software following setup wizard step by step after you double-click this downloaded installer in your computer, in the end, trial version software could be installed successfully.

And here are steps to use trial version software to set reconstruction mode from PDF file to Word file through GUI interface below:

Step1. Open GUI interface and add source PDF file

Double-click shortcut of this software, and then, add source PDF file with this way:

Click hotkey Ctrl + F > select right PDF file and click Open in pop dialog box, and then, program will give you a panel to set reconstruction mode, after successful adding of source PDF file. Here is snapshot about GUI interface below:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter

Step2. Edit reconstruction mode

On pop panel named Properties, please click tab Reconstruction Mode tab, and then, you can optionally select right mode properly with this way:

  • Click one of radios Layout page contents automatically (Good), Combine text blocks automatically (Good), Flow text with text boxes, Exact mode for reconstruction, Flow text without text boxes, Continuous text without text boxes, PDF2Word v1.x compatible options to set reconstruction mode on your own
  • When selecting radio PDF2Word v2.x compatible options, you can set character space in Word files, also, text box could be used to fix position of text, text boxes could be merged nearby, etc.
  • Optionally, PDF pictures can be merged into Word background, if you click check-box Merge pictures into background

Here is example snapshot for you to refer to about this panel Preferences:

Set reconstruction mode from PDF to Word through GUI interface

When you finish setting on this panel, please click OK so that setting could be saved directly.

Step3. Convert PDF file to Word file

After setting reconstruction mode from PDF file to Word file, automatically, program provides you with another dialog box, where you need to set targeting folder and click Save, and later on, your proper Word file can be produced into destination folder directly.

And here is snapshot about setting destination folder during converting PDF file to Word file below:

Set targeting folder during converting PDF to Word of recontruction mode set

As you can tell, here is the end of how to use VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter to convert PDF file to Word file with reconstruction mode properly through GUI interface in Windows systems. For full version of this application, welcome to click following icon to go to purchase page:

Purchase VeryPDF PDF to Word Converter