PDF to HTML Converter

How to batch convert PDF to HTML with enabled hyperlinks

It is easy to use VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter to batch convert PDF to HTML with enables hyperlinks on Windows platforms. The following paragraphs tells you more details. 🙂

First of all, do not hesitate to download trial version VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter for later process, along with being familiar with this tool. And then, just keep reading this article from here so that you will know exact steps to use this tool to batch convert PDF files to HTML files and retain PDF hyperlinks. 🙂

Step1. Run software and set hyperlink mode

Double-click shortcut so that its GUI interface pops on screen, and then, you can click hotkey ctrl + D to open Preferences panel, then, click tab Hyperlinks > select check-box Enable hyperlinks, finally, click OK to save your setting and close this panel.

The following snapshots are about GUI interface and how to enable hyperlink from PDF files to HTML files:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter Enable hyperlinks of PDF during batch converting PDF to HTML

Step2. Add PDF files

When finishing enabling hyperlinks, just click hotkey ctrl + F to open dialog box where you can select PDF files and click Open, and then, selected PDF files can be added successfully for conversion.

Step3. Set targeting folder and batch convert PDF files to HTML files

After adding source PDF files, program offers you another dialog box, where you can set targeting folder, and then, click OK in dialog box, along with process on VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter, in set targeting folder, HTML files with enabled hyperlinks from added PDF files, can be found. 🙂

Mostly, as you can tell, no problems appear during batch conversion from PDF files to HTML files, but in case you encounter some, just feel free to contact us through dropping comments here or contact support@verydoc.com. Finally, thank you for reading this article, and for full version software, please directly buy VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter.

PDF to HTML Converter

How to convert password protected PDF to HTML

Please do not hesitate to read this article to know how to convert password protected PDF to HTML with VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter.

Sometimes, password protected PDF files are not easy to convert to HTML files, mostly, some devices output a little bit mistakes in produced HTML files for PDF passwords and encryptions. However, if you own this tool, things would change – it supports exactly converting passwords protected PDF file to HTML instantly. So, right now, just feel free to download trial version VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter to experience this function with the following steps:

Step1. Run software and type passwords for protected PDF conversion

Double-click shortcut of software to open GUI interface, and then, click hotkey ctrl + D to open Preferences panel on screen, so you can do followings:

Click tab PDF Passwords on Preferences panel > type user password and master password in related edit-boxes, then, you can click OK to close this panel and save your setting here.

type PDF passwords on preferences panel during converting PDF to HTML

Step2. Add source PDF files and convert password protected PDF file to HTML file

After typing passwords, click hotkey ctrl + F to open a dialog box, then, select password protected PDF file and click Open in it, so, finally, selected PDF file could be added for this process.

Here is snapshot about GUI interface:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter

Then, in pop dialog box program provides, set targeting folder and click Save, VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter starts converting password protected PDF file to HTML file directly, and after a few seconds, HTML file could be produced into targeting folder in the form of a folder.

Process from password protected PDF file to HTML is smooth in my converter, what about yours? However, please do not hesitate to tell us through dropping comments here, if you encounter any problems. And to produced no-watermarks HTML files, welcome to purchase VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter.

PDF to HTML Converter

How to convert PDF to HTML with grayscale JPEG

It is simple to use VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter to convert PDF to HTML with grayscale JPEG on Windows platforms.

What is Grayscale

Grayscale is a range of shades of gray without apparent color. The darkest possible shade is black, which is the total absence of transmitted or reflected light. The lightest possible shade is white, the total transmission or reflection of light at all visible wavelength s. Intermediate shades of gray are represented by equal brightness levels of the three primary colors (red, green and blue) for transmitted light, or equal amounts of the three primary pigments (cyan, magenta and yellow) for reflected light.

How to use VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter to realize conversion from PDF file to HTML with grayscale JPEG

Step1. Download and Install

Please download installer of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter, then double-click it to install trial version application in your computer.

Step2. Run software and set grayscale mode for JPEG in PDF

Double-click shortcut to open its GUI interface, and then, you need to set grayscale for JPEG in advance with this way:

Click hotkey ctrl + D to open Preferences panel, and then, click tab JPEG Quality > select check-box Grayscale, so, it signals JPEG images in PDF file needs to be grayscale in HTML file. Here are snapshots about GUI interface and how to set grayscale mode for JPEG below:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter

Set grayscale for jpeg during converting PDF to HTML with GUI interface

Finally, one click on OK helps you save setting here and close this panel. 🙂

Step3. Add source PDF file and convert PDF file to HTML file with grayscale JPEG

After setting grayscale, just click hotkey ctrl + F to open dialog box, where you can select source PDF file to add, and after you click Open, along with successful adding of selected PDF file, you can set destination folder in pop dialog box, and then, click save/OK(if single PDF, it should be save; if batch PDFs, it should be OK), after a few seconds, HTML file with grayscale JPEG could be added into destination folder directly.

If you read here, it means you maybe handle how to use VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter to convert PDF file to HTML file with grayscale JPEG. And for any concerns about this software or this illustration about process, just leave your comments here. And then, welcome to purchase VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter if you want to remove generated watermarks from produced HTML file. 🙂

PDF to HTML Converter

How to convert PDF to HTML and change JPEG quality

It is simple to use VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter to convert PDF to HTML and change JPEG quality on Windows platforms.

About HTML

HTML is a format based on Web page coded in HTML that can be displayed in a Web browser; formats text, tables, images, and other content that is displayed on the page; most pages within static websites have an ".html" extension. The HTML source code is parsed by the Web browser and is typically not seen by the user. If you want to view the HTML of a Web page, select "View Source" from the Web browser's View menu. Since HTML files are saved in a standard text format, they can be opened and edited with a basic text editor.

To know more about this software, welcome to use trial version of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter. And here are steps to use this tool to convert PDF file to HTML file and change JPEG quality:

Step1. Run software

Double-click shortcut to run software so that its GUI interface could be opened on screen. Here is snapshot about GUI interface:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter

Step2. Set targeting JPEG quality in advance

After opening GUI interface, please click hotkey Ctrl + D to open Preferences panel on screen, where you can set JPEG quality:

Click tab JPEG Quality > adjust slide rule under Output JPEG quality from 1% – 100%, and there is rule in it, which is that the bigger the scale is here, the better quality JPEG is, the bigger JPEG size is. And here is related snapshot about how to change JPEG quality on preferences panel:

Set JPEG quality during converting PDF to HTML with GUI interface

Step3. Add source PDF file and set targeting folder

After advanced setting on JPEG quality of PDF file, just add source PDF file with this way:

Click hotkey ctrl + F to open dialog box, and then, select PDF file and click Open there, so selected PDF can be added into process, and here is relative snapshot about how to add PDF for conversion:

Add PDF file during converting PDF to HTML with GUI interface

Step4. Convert PDF file to HTML file with changed JPEG quality

After adding PDF, program offers you another dialog box, then, you can set targeting folder and click OK there, and then, software helps you convert PDF file to HTML file with JPEG quality changed through GUI interface, and finally, you can get specific JPEG-quality HTML file in destination folder.

After process from PDF file to HTML file with specific JPEG quality by yourself, for more questions on VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter or any problems you meet in related process, just feel free to drop your comments here, and to produce no-watermark HTML files, just use full version of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter.

PDF to HTML Converter

How to remove pictures from PDF to HTML

This article aims to show you how to remove pictures from PDF to HTML with VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter on Windows platforms.

VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter is a convenient tool to help you convert PDF to HTML, enabling you to publish your PDF online easily and conveniently. You can use PDF to HTML Converter to convert multiple pages PDF to one continuous HTML page, or convert such a PDF file or files to several HTML pages. So, right now, just feel free to download trial version of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter directly to experience it:

And the following paragraphs tells you how to use this software to remove pictures from PDF file to HTML file:

Step1. Run software and prepare to remove pictures from PDF

Double-click shortcut to open GUI interface, and then, click hotkey ctrl + d to open Preferences panel, and then, you can follow steps below to set removing mode of PDF pictures:

Click tab General on Preferences panel > click check-box Generate as continuous HTML page > click check-box Remove all pictures, so, once you do operation like above, it is finished to set removing mode for pictures. 🙂

Here is snapshot about how to prepare to remove pictures from PDF file to HTML file in advance:

Remove pictures from PDF to HTML with GUI interface

Then, you can click OKto close this panel and save your setting here. 🙂

Step2. Add source PDF file, set targeting folder for HTML file and convert PDF file to HTML file without any pictures

After PDF pictures are prepared to remove, just click hotkey ctrl + f to open dialog box to select PDF file and click Open, and then, after that, program provides another dialog box where destination folder could be set, and after you click save, soon, your targeting HTML file without PDF pictures in targeting folder.

Here is related snapshot about GUI interface during adding PDF files and set targeting folder below:

GUI interface of VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter

And here is snapshot about produced HTML file after conversion:

Produced HTML file after converting PDF to HTML with GUI interface

Finally, as you can notice, VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter enables conversion from PDF file to HTML file without pictures very simply and instantly. However, there are watermarks on produced HTML files, as you can tell. So, right now, if you need full version which provides no-watermark HTML files, please purchase VeryPDF PDF to HTML Converter.