PostScript to PDF Converter

Queries for Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License


I am evaluating the Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License v2.0 SDK for one of our project which requires conversion of Postscript data to Pdf format.

Queries for Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License

I have following queries related to the product/SDK,

1. Do we have to register the license on one of our developer machine to use the SDK or is it a perpetual license?
2. Can we redistribute the SDK along with our product? If yes, do we need any deployment licenses?
3. What are the supported Operating Systems (OS) such as Windows 7/10/11, Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 etc...?
4. Do you carry out any Cybersecurity analysis of your product? If yes, can we get the vulnerability report for the same? as this is going to be used in one of our medical application.
5. What is policy of providing security updates for the product?
6. What is policy of providing software updates for newer operating systems?


>>1. Do we have to register the license on one of our developer machine to use the SDK or is it a perpetual license?

Yes, you need to register the license on one of your developer machine to use the SDK.

It's a perpetual license, after you buy it, you can use it forever.

>>2. Can we redistribute the SDK along with our product? If yes, do we need any deployment licenses?

Yes, you can redistribute "Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License" along with your product, the developer license is royalty free.

>>3. What are the supported Operating Systems (OS) such as Windows 7/10/11, Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 etc...?

Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License supports all of Windows systems.

>>4. Do you carry out any Cybersecurity analysis of your product? If yes, can we get the vulnerability report for the same? as this is going to be used in one of our medical application.

We haven't a vulnerability report for our product yet, however, we are provide gold support service to our products, if you encounter any problem with our product, please feel free to let us know, we will provide a fix to you asap.

>>5. What is policy of providing security updates for the product?
>>6. What is policy of providing software updates for newer operating systems?

We are provide gold support to our products, please look at following web page for more information about our gold support service,

If you select Gold Support for One Year, you will receive:

1. Priority Product Support, 7 Days per Week, by Email (
2. Product Updates at no additional charge.
3. Product Version Upgrades at no additional charge.
4. Access to pre-release product.
5. The Gold Support Plan has a term of one year.
6. VeryPDF will use reasonable best efforts to correct failure and provide this fix to client in a timely manner.
7. Gold Support does include analysis of problematic files or other troubleshooting activities.
8. Provide technical support by Skype, TeamViewer, LogMeIn, WebEx, etc. tools.
9. Provide Remote Debugging Service.


DOC to Any Converter

How to convert from Outlook MSG Email files to PDF files from command line?


We want to convert msg files to pdf on the command line.

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line,


doc2any.exe test.msg generate_msg2pdf.pdf

So it seems Verydoc To any is suitable for our needs!

Are the prices per license one time or annually?

Does the doc to any convertor word 100% on the local PC of does doc to any send data to an external server?

Thanks in advance for the answers


How to convert from Outlook MSG Email files to PDF files from command line?
>>Are the prices per license one time or annually?

The price is one time fee, it's a perpetual license, after you buy it, you can use it forever.

>>Does the doc to any convertor word 100% on the local PC of does doc to any send data to an external server?

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter works in your local PC only, it doesn't send any data to an external server.


DOC to Any Converter

Converting RTF to PDF encounter msvcp120.dll Not Found problem


We are searching for a command line tool which converts RTF to PDF. We're trying out your Doc2Any Tool.

On the target machine, there is no office installed. When I try to convert a test RTF-file with "-nooffice" option, I got this message. Can you help me? With other parameters it creates a PDF-output, but the content is very "scambled" (see attachment).

Converting RTF to PDF encounter msvcp120.dll Not Found problem

VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line,

Thanks for your message, you may download and install "Visual C++ 2013 and Visual C++ Redistributable Package" from following web page,

after you install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package", this problem will be solved properly.


DOC to Any Converter

doc2any -noofice for excel -> pdf doesnt work on a server


Convert Excel to PDF without MS Office and MS Excel installed on the server.

I'm trying to convert Excel to PDF in one of our server using a server license and it doesn't work. Can you please help?

d:\doc2any\doc2any_cmd>doc2any -nooffice d:\test.xlsx d:\testxlsx.pdf
Thank you for choosing "VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line" product.
[Message] Download ExcelSDK from site...
--2022-08-02 08:34:16--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
--2022-08-02 08:34:16--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
OpenSSL: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version
Unable to establish SSL connection.
[Message] Download ExcelSDK from site...
--2022-08-02 08:34:16--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
--2022-08-02 08:34:17--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by `/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3':
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
ERROR: certificate common name `' doesn't match requested host name `'.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
[Message] Conversion time = 1625ms
[Message] "d:\test.xlsx" ==> "d:\testxlsx.pdf", result=ERROR
[Warning] If the conversion is fail, it may caused by permission problem, please run a CMD window by administrator privilege, and run same command line to try again. doc2any.exe is only require administrator privilege at first time when you run it.
TickCount = 1625ms(1.63s), Result = 0

Convert Excel Spreadsheets to PDF documents without MS Excel application and OpenOffice application installed in your server,

doc2any -noofice for excel -> pdf doesnt work on a server
We have already fixed this problem in the latest version of doc2any.exe application, you may download the latest version of doc2any.exe from following URL to try again,

If you still have same problem with the latest version of doc2any.exe application, please feel free to let us know, we will assist you asap.


PostScript to PDF Converter

Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License is royalty free for Windows Developers


I am evaluating the Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License v2.0 SDK for one of our project which requires conversion of Postscript data to Pdf format.

I have following queries related to the product/SDK –
1.Do we have to register the license on one of our developer machine to use the SDK or is it a perpetual license?
2.Can we redistribute the SDK along with our product? If yes, do we need any deployment licenses?
3.What are the supported Operating Systems (OS) such as Windows 7/10/11, Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 etc…?
4.Do you carry out any Cybersecurity analysis of your product? If yes, can we get the vulnerability report for the same? as this is going to be used in one of our medical application.
5.What is policy of providing security updates for the product?
6.What is policy of providing software updates for newer operating systems?

Thanks & regards,

Postscript to PDF Converter SDK Developer License is royalty free for Windows Developers

>>1. Do we have to register the license on one of our developer machine to use the SDK or is it a perpetual license?

Yes, you need to register the license on all of your developer machines in order to use the Postscript to PDF Converter SDK.

The Developer License is perpetual license, after you buy it, you can use it forever, you needn't pay any other fees.

>>2. Can we redistribute the SDK along with our product? If yes, do we need any deployment licenses?

Yes, you can redistribute the SDK along with your product to your customers, you needn't buy any deployment licenses, the Developer License is royalty free.

>>3. What are the supported Operating Systems (OS) such as Windows 7/10/11, Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 etc…?

Postscript to PDF Converter SDK supports all Windows systems, include Windows XP/2000/Vista/7/10/11, Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 and later systems.

>>4. Do you carry out any Cybersecurity analysis of your product? If yes, can we get the vulnerability report for the same? as this is going to be used in one of our medical application.

Sorry, we haven't a vulnerability report yet, but we have passed the test for various vulnerabilities, everything is good, please don't worry about this matter.

>>5. What is policy of providing security updates for the product?

Once we have found any security or vulnerability issues in our product, we will provide the updates to you free if you own the gold support service.

>>6. What is policy of providing software updates for newer operating systems?

If a new operating system comes out, we will update our software as soon as possible so that it can support the new operating system, we will provide the updates to you free if you own the gold support service.

If you need more information about gold support service, please look at following web page,