missing pdftoolsdk.dll / need help with new version of emf2vec


I just purchased emf2vec. I tried to convert a emf file to eps or pdf without success. The emf file is attached. The pdf and eps files produced are also attached. The don’t have any pictures.

The command that I used was, on Windows 7:

emf2vec Fig2.emf Fig2.eps
emf2vec Fig2.emf Fig2.pdf

Please help.

I need this conversion to support a deadline for my report.

Thank you.
I sent the email to verydoc.com. Hope this address would get me help quickly. Thanks.
We have created a new version of EMF2Vector to you, please download it from following URL,


please use new version of emf2vec.exe to overwrite old version of emf2vec.exe first, then you can run following command line to convert your EMF file to EPS file properly,

emf2vec.exe -useprinter D:\temp\Fig2.emf D:\temp\Fig2.eps

you need run above command line by administrator privilege in your system.

> you need run above command line by administrator privilege in your system.

I cannot run emf2vec every time with administrator privilege. I can only have the software installed by system people having administrative privilege, once. Can you give me a different set up so that I can run emf2vec without administrator privilege?


There is an error message:

"The program can't start because pdftoolsdk.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

Could you let me download a new zip file from your site so that it has everything, including the new emf2vec.exe?


Sorry for this problem, please download  the entire package from following URL,


this entire package is contain pdftoolsdk.dll library.

You can run following command line to convert your EMF file to EPS file properly,

emf2vec.exe -useprinter D:\temp\Fig2.emf D:\temp\Fig2.eps


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