Make PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF subject

For the purpose of converting the document of PDF to PDF/A document and set PDF subject for the output file, you’d better choose the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter which is specially designed for converting the standard (normal or scanned) PDF document to archival PDF document which is suite for long-time storage.

There are only three steps in this conversion. You just need to open MS-DOS interface which is the conversion platform for inputting the command line, type command line in MS-DOS interface and run the conversion at last.

You’d better download the command line application to experience it at This is a ZIP file when just been downloading to your computer and please extract it to some disk. Then you will be use the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe as the called program for the conversion.

It is good for you to following the contents below for learning how to convert PDF to PDF/A step by step and you will get more useful information than just reading the contents without any operations.

The first step—Open MS-DOS interface

For opening MS-DOS interface, please click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box. Then please input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button of “Run” dialog box. If you love to use the hot key usually, please press “Window”+ “R” to open “Run” dialog box.

The second step—Input the command line

The command line for converting PDF to PDF/A contains called program, parameter for editing PDF subject, source file and target file. For your better understanding the command line, please see the following example and there are the specific explanation for the command line after that.

pdf2pdfa.exe –subject “Information” C:\INPUT.pdf C:\OUTPUT.pdf

In the command line,

pdf2pdfa.exe stands for the called program. When you input the command line, please use the path of it for calling the file.

–subject “Information” is for editing PDF subject as “Information”.

C:\INPUT.pdf  is the path of source file.

C:\OUTPUT.pdf is for specifying the name of the target file.

If the file paths in the command line are too long to input, you can drag the file you need from the folder they location into MS-DOS interface to get the path directly, which is more convenient for your work.

At last, please click “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to PDF/A. You will get the target file in a couple seconds. If you want to buy PDF to PDF/A Converter, please visit its homepage at

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