The answer is “yes”.PDF to Word Converter does support Arabic and Cyrillic characters. You asked this question, may you are not familiar with this software PDF to Word Converter. I will say one word or two about it. PDF to Word Converter is a solid converter to convert PDF file to doc (rtf) file readable by Microsoft office. During conversion, all files (including text, image, table and etc) are export to a newly produced word document. Moreover, the output files keep the same quality with the original files, you can edit the created Word document easily. And it dose support English, French, German, Italian and other languages; Let alone Arabic and Cyrillic characters.
Then i will show you by examples. I downloaded a pdf file in Arabic character and name it “arabic.fdf”. Arabic is a name applied to the descendants of the classic Arabic language. Meanwhile it is not widely used in the world. If PDF to Word Converter can support Arabic language, maybe we can know that other rare language is a piece of cake for it.
Then we need to put this file into the software. I will show you by pictures. Put the pdf file on the table and drag it into the blanks or you can add it by clicking the “Add PDF File”. If you like, you can follow the steps I have marked in the screenshot to choose the menu options. “1” is about the output content: whether you want to keep its original layout or discard the pictures in it. “2” is about the output formats: whether you want to save it in “doc” or “rtf”. “3” is about the page range: it means you can choose the exact page you want to be converted. “4” is a particular function: If the source document has password, when you convert, you need to put it in the forth step. Then if all the prepared job has been done, we can click “convert”.
At last a word document in Arabic bounced to my face. “Bouncing” means that all the coverting process is made automatically. Now please see my success. As i can not read Arabic character, we marked part of English word by pink circle in it. After converting, I still can find the English word in it. So PDF to Word Converter is a trouble shooter for you to tackle this problem.
Now i will give you the link to get this useful software.
i try it and it is not working with me ?!
maybe is working with some of “Arabic Fonts” not All!!
thank you any way.